[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Exec=basket %f MimeType=application/x-basket-archive;application/x-basket-template Icon=basket Name=BasKet Note Pads Name[de]=BasKet Notizblätter Name[es]=Blocs de notas BasKet Name[fr]=Blocs notes BasKet Name[it]=Blocco appunti BasKet Name[ja]=BasKet メモパッド Name[nb]=Kurvnotat Name[nn]=Korgnotat Name[pt]=Bloco de Notas BasKet Name[ru]=Альбом заметок BasKet Name[xx]=xxBasKet Note Padsxx Name[tr]=BasKet Comment=Taking care of your ideas. Comment[de]=Bewahren Sie Ihre Ideen. Comment[es]=Cuidando de sus ideas. Comment[fr]=Prendre soin de vos idées. Comment[it]=Ci prendiamo cura delle tue idee Comment[nb]=Ta vare på tankene dine. Comment[nn]=Ta vare på tankane dine. Comment[ja]=あなたのアイデアのお世話をします。 Comment[pt]=Cuidando das suas ideias. Comment[ru]=Заботимся о ваших идеях. Comment[xx]=xxTaking care of your ideas.xx Comment[tr]=Not Tutma Aracı Categories=KDE;Application;Utility;TextEditor;