path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqrect.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQRect class
-** Created : 931028
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include <tqtglobaldefines.h>
-// Nasty, nasty horrid HACK to get access to QRect's private members
-// This is TERRIBLE and I wish there was a way around it
-// This is a good example of the new, broken & irritating Qt4 API,
-// and the corresponding loss in functionality versus Qt3.
-#define private protected
-#include <Qt/qrect.h>
-#undef private
-#define TQRECT_C
-#include "tqrect.h"
-#include "tqdatastream.h"
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-int &TQRect::rLeft() { return x1; }
-int &TQRect::rTop() { return y1; }
-int &TQRect::rRight() { return x2; }
-int &TQRect::rBottom() { return y2; }
- Extracts the rectangle parameters as the position \a *x, \a *y and
- width \a *w and height \a *h.
- \sa setRect(), coords()
-void TQRect::rect( int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h ) const
- *x = x1;
- *y = y1;
- *w = x2-x1+1;
- *h = y2-y1+1;
- Extracts the rectangle parameters as the top-left point \a *xp1,
- \a *yp1 and the bottom-right point \a *xp2, \a *yp2.
- \sa setCoords(), rect()
-void TQRect::coords( int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2 ) const
- *xp1 = x1;
- *yp1 = y1;
- *xp2 = x2;
- *yp2 = y2;
-#else // USE_QT4
- \class TQRect
- \brief The TQRect class defines a rectangle in the plane.
- \ingroup images
- \ingroup graphics
- \mainclass
- A rectangle is internally represented as an upper-left corner and
- a bottom-right corner, but it is normally expressed as an
- upper-left corner and a size.
- The coordinate type is TQCOORD (defined in \c tqwindowdefs.h as \c
- int). The minimum value of TQCOORD is TQCOORD_MIN (-2147483648) and
- the maximum value is TQCOORD_MAX (2147483647).
- Note that the size (width and height) of a rectangle might be
- different from what you are used to. If the top-left corner and
- the bottom-right corner are the same, the height and the width of
- the rectangle will both be 1.
- Generally, \e{width = right - left + 1} and \e{height = bottom -
- top + 1}. We designed it this way to make it correspond to
- rectangular spaces used by drawing functions in which the width
- and height denote a number of pixels. For example, drawing a
- rectangle with width and height 1 draws a single pixel.
- The default coordinate system has origin (0, 0) in the top-left
- corner. The positive direction of the y axis is down, and the
- positive x axis is from left to right.
- A TQRect can be constructed with a set of left, top, width and
- height integers, from two TQPoints or from a TQPoint and a TQSize.
- After creation the dimensions can be changed, e.g. with setLeft(),
- setRight(), setTop() and setBottom(), or by setting sizes, e.g.
- setWidth(), setHeight() and setSize(). The dimensions can also be
- changed with the move functions, e.g. moveBy(), moveCenter(),
- moveBottomRight(), etc. You can also add coordinates to a
- rectangle with addCoords().
- You can test to see if a TQRect contains a specific point with
- contains(). You can also test to see if two TQRects intersect with
- intersects() (see also intersect()). To get the bounding rectangle
- of two TQRects use unite().
- \sa TQPoint, TQSize
- TQRect member functions
- *****************************************************************************/
- \fn TQRect::TQRect()
- Constructs an invalid rectangle.
- Constructs a rectangle with \a topLeft as the top-left corner and
- \a bottomRight as the bottom-right corner.
-TQRect::TQRect( const TQPoint &topLeft, const TQPoint &bottomRight )
- x1 = (TQCOORD)topLeft.x();
- y1 = (TQCOORD)topLeft.y();
- x2 = (TQCOORD)bottomRight.x();
- y2 = (TQCOORD)bottomRight.y();
- Constructs a rectangle with \a topLeft as the top-left corner and
- \a size as the rectangle size.
-TQRect::TQRect( const TQPoint &topLeft, const TQSize &size )
- x1 = (TQCOORD)topLeft.x();
- y1 = (TQCOORD)topLeft.y();
- x2 = (TQCOORD)(x1+size.width()-1);
- y2 = (TQCOORD)(y1+size.height()-1);
- \fn TQRect::TQRect( int left, int top, int width, int height )
- Constructs a rectangle with the \a top, \a left corner and \a
- width and \a height.
- Example (creates three identical rectangles):
- \code
- TQRect r1( TQPoint(100,200), TQPoint(110,215) );
- TQRect r2( TQPoint(100,200), TQSize(11,16) );
- TQRect r3( 100, 200, 11, 16 );
- \endcode
- \fn bool TQRect::isNull() const
- Returns TRUE if the rectangle is a null rectangle; otherwise
- returns FALSE.
- A null rectangle has both the width and the height set to 0, that
- is right() == left() - 1 and bottom() == top() - 1.
- Note that if right() == left() and bottom() == top(), then the
- rectangle has width 1 and height 1.
- A null rectangle is also empty.
- A null rectangle is not valid.
- \sa isEmpty(), isValid()
- \fn bool TQRect::isEmpty() const
- Returns TRUE if the rectangle is empty; otherwise returns FALSE.
- An empty rectangle has a left() \> right() or top() \> bottom().
- An empty rectangle is not valid. \c{isEmpty() == !isValid()}
- \sa isNull(), isValid(), normalize()
- \fn bool TQRect::isValid() const
- Returns TRUE if the rectangle is valid; otherwise returns FALSE.
- A valid rectangle has a left() \<= right() and top() \<= bottom().
- Note that non-trivial operations like intersections are not defined
- for invalid rectangles.
- \c{isValid() == !isEmpty()}
- \sa isNull(), isEmpty(), normalize()
- Returns a normalized rectangle, i.e. a rectangle that has a
- non-negative width and height.
- It swaps left and right if left() \> right(), and swaps top and
- bottom if top() \> bottom().
- \sa isValid()
-TQRect TQRect::normalize() const
- TQRect r;
- if ( x2 < x1 ) { // swap bad x values
- r.x1 = x2;
- r.x2 = x1;
- } else {
- r.x1 = x1;
- r.x2 = x2;
- }
- if ( y2 < y1 ) { // swap bad y values
- r.y1 = y2;
- r.y2 = y1;
- } else {
- r.y1 = y1;
- r.y2 = y2;
- }
- return r;
- \fn int TQRect::left() const
- Returns the left coordinate of the rectangle. Identical to x().
- \sa setLeft(), right(), topLeft(), bottomLeft()
- \fn int TQRect::top() const
- Returns the top coordinate of the rectangle. Identical to y().
- \sa setTop(), bottom(), topLeft(), topRight()
- \fn int TQRect::right() const
- Returns the right coordinate of the rectangle.
- \sa setRight(), left(), topRight(), bottomRight()
- \fn int TQRect::bottom() const
- Returns the bottom coordinate of the rectangle.
- \sa setBottom(), top(), bottomLeft(), bottomRight()
- \fn TQCOORD &TQRect::rLeft()
- Returns a reference to the left coordinate of the rectangle.
- \sa rTop(), rRight(), rBottom()
- \fn TQCOORD &TQRect::rTop()
- Returns a reference to the top coordinate of the rectangle.
- \sa rLeft(), rRight(), rBottom()
- \fn TQCOORD &TQRect::rRight()
- Returns a reference to the right coordinate of the rectangle.
- \sa rLeft(), rTop(), rBottom()
- \fn TQCOORD &TQRect::rBottom()
- Returns a reference to the bottom coordinate of the rectangle.
- \sa rLeft(), rTop(), rRight()
- \fn int TQRect::x() const
- Returns the left coordinate of the rectangle. Identical to left().
- \sa left(), y(), setX()
- \fn int TQRect::y() const
- Returns the top coordinate of the rectangle. Identical to top().
- \sa top(), x(), setY()
- \fn void TQRect::setLeft( int pos )
- Sets the left edge of the rectangle to \a pos. May change the
- width, but will never change the right edge of the rectangle.
- Identical to setX().
- \sa left(), setTop(), setWidth()
- \fn void TQRect::setTop( int pos )
- Sets the top edge of the rectangle to \a pos. May change the
- height, but will never change the bottom edge of the rectangle.
- Identical to setY().
- \sa top(), setBottom(), setHeight()
- \fn void TQRect::setRight( int pos )
- Sets the right edge of the rectangle to \a pos. May change the
- width, but will never change the left edge of the rectangle.
- \sa right(), setLeft(), setWidth()
- \fn void TQRect::setBottom( int pos )
- Sets the bottom edge of the rectangle to \a pos. May change the
- height, but will never change the top edge of the rectangle.
- \sa bottom(), setTop(), setHeight()
- \fn void TQRect::setX( int x )
- Sets the x position of the rectangle (its left end) to \a x. May
- change the width, but will never change the right edge of the
- rectangle.
- Identical to setLeft().
- \sa x(), setY()
- \fn void TQRect::setY( int y )
- Sets the y position of the rectangle (its top) to \a y. May change
- the height, but will never change the bottom edge of the
- rectangle.
- Identical to setTop().
- \sa y(), setX()
- Set the top-left corner of the rectangle to \a p. May change
- the size, but will the never change the bottom-right corner of
- the rectangle.
- \sa topLeft(), moveTopLeft(), setBottomRight(), setTopRight(), setBottomLeft()
-void TQRect::setTopLeft( const TQPoint &p )
- setLeft( p.x() );
- setTop( p.y() );
- Set the bottom-right corner of the rectangle to \a p. May change
- the size, but will the never change the top-left corner of
- the rectangle.
- \sa bottomRight(), moveBottomRight(), setTopLeft(), setTopRight(), setBottomLeft()
-void TQRect::setBottomRight( const TQPoint &p )
- setRight( p.x() );
- setBottom( p.y() );
- Set the top-right corner of the rectangle to \a p. May change
- the size, but will the never change the bottom-left corner of
- the rectangle.
- \sa topRight(), moveTopRight(), setTopLeft(), setBottomRight(), setBottomLeft()
-void TQRect::setTopRight( const TQPoint &p )
- setRight( p.x() );
- setTop( p.y() );
- Set the bottom-left corner of the rectangle to \a p. May change
- the size, but will the never change the top-right corner of
- the rectangle.
- \sa bottomLeft(), moveBottomLeft(), setTopLeft(), setBottomRight(), setTopRight()
-void TQRect::setBottomLeft( const TQPoint &p )
- setLeft( p.x() );
- setBottom( p.y() );
- \fn TQPoint TQRect::topLeft() const
- Returns the top-left position of the rectangle.
- \sa setTopLeft(), moveTopLeft(), bottomRight(), left(), top()
- \fn TQPoint TQRect::bottomRight() const
- Returns the bottom-right position of the rectangle.
- \sa setBottomRight(), moveBottomRight(), topLeft(), right(), bottom()
- \fn TQPoint TQRect::topRight() const
- Returns the top-right position of the rectangle.
- \sa setTopRight(), moveTopRight(), bottomLeft(), top(), right()
- \fn TQPoint TQRect::bottomLeft() const
- Returns the bottom-left position of the rectangle.
- \sa setBottomLeft(), moveBottomLeft(), topRight(), bottom(), left()
- \fn TQPoint TQRect::center() const
- Returns the center point of the rectangle.
- \sa moveCenter(), topLeft(), bottomRight(), topRight(), bottomLeft()
- Extracts the rectangle parameters as the position \a *x, \a *y and
- width \a *w and height \a *h.
- \sa setRect(), coords()
-void TQRect::rect( int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h ) const
- *x = x1;
- *y = y1;
- *w = x2-x1+1;
- *h = y2-y1+1;
- Extracts the rectangle parameters as the top-left point \a *xp1,
- \a *yp1 and the bottom-right point \a *xp2, \a *yp2.
- \sa setCoords(), rect()
-void TQRect::coords( int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2 ) const
- *xp1 = x1;
- *yp1 = y1;
- *xp2 = x2;
- *yp2 = y2;
- Sets the left position of the rectangle to \a pos, leaving the
- size unchanged.
- \sa left(), setLeft(), moveTop(), moveRight(), moveBottom()
-void TQRect::moveLeft( int pos )
- x2 += (TQCOORD)(pos - x1);
- x1 = (TQCOORD)pos;
- Sets the top position of the rectangle to \a pos, leaving the
- size unchanged.
- \sa top(), setTop(), moveLeft(), moveRight(), moveBottom()
-void TQRect::moveTop( int pos )
- y2 += (TQCOORD)(pos - y1);
- y1 = (TQCOORD)pos;
- Sets the right position of the rectangle to \a pos, leaving the
- size unchanged.
- \sa right(), setRight(), moveLeft(), moveTop(), moveBottom()
-void TQRect::moveRight( int pos )
- x1 += (TQCOORD)(pos - x2);
- x2 = (TQCOORD)pos;
- Sets the bottom position of the rectangle to \a pos, leaving the
- size unchanged.
- \sa bottom(), setBottom(), moveLeft(), moveTop(), moveRight()
-void TQRect::moveBottom( int pos )
- y1 += (TQCOORD)(pos - y2);
- y2 = (TQCOORD)pos;
- Sets the top-left position of the rectangle to \a p, leaving the
- size unchanged.
- \sa topLeft(), setTopLeft(), moveBottomRight(), moveTopRight(), moveBottomLeft()
-void TQRect::moveTopLeft( const TQPoint &p )
- moveLeft( p.x() );
- moveTop( p.y() );
- Sets the bottom-right position of the rectangle to \a p, leaving
- the size unchanged.
- \sa bottomRight(), setBottomRight(), moveTopLeft(), moveTopRight(), moveBottomLeft()
-void TQRect::moveBottomRight( const TQPoint &p )
- moveRight( p.x() );
- moveBottom( p.y() );
- Sets the top-right position of the rectangle to \a p, leaving the
- size unchanged.
- \sa topRight(), setTopRight(), moveTopLeft(), moveBottomRight(), moveBottomLeft()
-void TQRect::moveTopRight( const TQPoint &p )
- moveRight( p.x() );
- moveTop( p.y() );
- Sets the bottom-left position of the rectangle to \a p, leaving
- the size unchanged.
- \sa bottomLeft(), setBottomLeft(), moveTopLeft(), moveBottomRight(), moveTopRight()
-void TQRect::moveBottomLeft( const TQPoint &p )
- moveLeft( p.x() );
- moveBottom( p.y() );
- Sets the center point of the rectangle to \a p, leaving the size
- unchanged.
- \sa center(), moveTopLeft(), moveBottomRight(), moveTopRight(), moveBottomLeft()
-void TQRect::moveCenter( const TQPoint &p )
- TQCOORD w = x2 - x1;
- TQCOORD h = y2 - y1;
- x1 = (TQCOORD)(p.x() - w/2);
- y1 = (TQCOORD)(p.y() - h/2);
- x2 = x1 + w;
- y2 = y1 + h;
- Moves the rectangle \a dx along the x axis and \a dy along the y
- axis, relative to the current position. Positive values move the
- rectangle to the right and down.
- \sa moveTopLeft()
-void TQRect::moveBy( int dx, int dy )
- x1 += (TQCOORD)dx;
- y1 += (TQCOORD)dy;
- x2 += (TQCOORD)dx;
- y2 += (TQCOORD)dy;
- Sets the coordinates of the rectangle's top-left corner to \a (x,
- y), and its size to \a (w, h).
- \sa rect(), setCoords()
-void TQRect::setRect( int x, int y, int w, int h )
- x1 = (TQCOORD)x;
- y1 = (TQCOORD)y;
- x2 = (TQCOORD)(x+w-1);
- y2 = (TQCOORD)(y+h-1);
- Sets the coordinates of the rectangle's top-left corner to \a
- (xp1, yp1), and the coordinates of its bottom-right corner to \a
- (xp2, yp2).
- \sa coords(), setRect()
-void TQRect::setCoords( int xp1, int yp1, int xp2, int yp2 )
- x1 = (TQCOORD)xp1;
- y1 = (TQCOORD)yp1;
- x2 = (TQCOORD)xp2;
- y2 = (TQCOORD)yp2;
- Adds \a xp1, \a yp1, \a xp2 and \a yp2 respectively to the
- existing coordinates of the rectangle.
-void TQRect::addCoords( int xp1, int yp1, int xp2, int yp2 )
- x1 += (TQCOORD)xp1;
- y1 += (TQCOORD)yp1;
- x2 += (TQCOORD)xp2;
- y2 += (TQCOORD)yp2;
- \fn TQSize TQRect::size() const
- Returns the size of the rectangle.
- \sa width(), height()
- \fn int TQRect::width() const
- Returns the width of the rectangle. The width includes both the
- left and right edges, i.e. width = right - left + 1.
- \sa height(), size(), setHeight()
- \fn int TQRect::height() const
- Returns the height of the rectangle. The height includes both the
- top and bottom edges, i.e. height = bottom - top + 1.
- \sa width(), size(), setHeight()
- Sets the width of the rectangle to \a w. The right edge is
- changed, but not the left edge.
- \sa width(), setLeft(), setRight(), setSize()
-void TQRect::setWidth( int w )
- x2 = (TQCOORD)(x1 + w - 1);
- Sets the height of the rectangle to \a h. The top edge is not
- moved, but the bottom edge may be moved.
- \sa height(), setTop(), setBottom(), setSize()
-void TQRect::setHeight( int h )
- y2 = (TQCOORD)(y1 + h - 1);
- Sets the size of the rectangle to \a s. The top-left corner is not
- moved.
- \sa size(), setWidth(), setHeight()
-void TQRect::setSize( const TQSize &s )
- x2 = (TQCOORD)(s.width() +x1-1);
- y2 = (TQCOORD)(s.height()+y1-1);
- Returns TRUE if the point \a p is inside or on the edge of the
- rectangle; otherwise returns FALSE.
- If \a proper is TRUE, this function returns TRUE only if \a p is
- inside (not on the edge).
-bool TQRect::contains( const TQPoint &p, bool proper ) const
- if ( proper )
- return p.x() > x1 && p.x() < x2 &&
- p.y() > y1 && p.y() < y2;
- else
- return p.x() >= x1 && p.x() <= x2 &&
- p.y() >= y1 && p.y() <= y2;
- \overload bool TQRect::contains( int x, int y, bool proper ) const
- Returns TRUE if the point \a x, \a y is inside this rectangle;
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- If \a proper is TRUE, this function returns TRUE only if the point
- is entirely inside (not on the edge).
- \overload bool TQRect::contains( int x, int y ) const
- Returns TRUE if the point \a x, \a y is inside this rectangle;
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- \overload
- Returns TRUE if the rectangle \a r is inside this rectangle;
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- If \a proper is TRUE, this function returns TRUE only if \a r is
- entirely inside (not on the edge).
- \sa unite(), intersect(), intersects()
-bool TQRect::contains( const TQRect &r, bool proper ) const
- if ( proper )
- return r.x1 > x1 && r.x2 < x2 && r.y1 > y1 && r.y2 < y2;
- else
- return r.x1 >= x1 && r.x2 <= x2 && r.y1 >= y1 && r.y2 <= y2;
- Unites this rectangle with rectangle \a r.
-TQRect& TQRect::operator|=(const TQRect &r)
- *this = *this | r;
- return *this;
- Intersects this rectangle with rectangle \a r.
-TQRect& TQRect::operator&=(const TQRect &r)
- *this = *this & r;
- return *this;
- Returns the bounding rectangle of this rectangle and rectangle \a
- r.
- The bounding rectangle of a nonempty rectangle and an empty or
- invalid rectangle is defined to be the nonempty rectangle.
- \sa operator|=(), operator&(), intersects(), contains()
-TQRect TQRect::operator|(const TQRect &r) const
- if ( isValid() ) {
- if ( r.isValid() ) {
- TQRect tmp;
- tmp.setLeft( TQMIN( x1, r.x1 ) );
- tmp.setRight( TQMAX( x2, r.x2 ) );
- tmp.setTop( TQMIN( y1, r.y1 ) );
- tmp.setBottom( TQMAX( y2, r.y2 ) );
- return tmp;
- } else {
- return *this;
- }
- } else {
- return r;
- }
- Returns the bounding rectangle of this rectangle and rectangle \a
- r. \c{r.unite(s)} is equivalent to \c{r|s}.
-TQRect TQRect::unite( const TQRect &r ) const
- return *this | r;
- Returns the intersection of this rectangle and rectangle \a r.
- Returns an empty rectangle if there is no intersection.
- \sa operator&=(), operator|(), isEmpty(), intersects(), contains()
-TQRect TQRect::operator&( const TQRect &r ) const
- TQRect tmp;
- tmp.x1 = TQMAX( x1, r.x1 );
- tmp.x2 = TQMIN( x2, r.x2 );
- tmp.y1 = TQMAX( y1, r.y1 );
- tmp.y2 = TQMIN( y2, r.y2 );
- return tmp;
- Returns the intersection of this rectangle and rectangle \a r.
- \c{r.intersect(s)} is equivalent to \c{r&s}.
-TQRect TQRect::intersect( const TQRect &r ) const
- return *this & r;
- Returns TRUE if this rectangle intersects with rectangle \a r
- (there is at least one pixel that is within both rectangles);
- otherwise returns FALSE.
- \sa intersect(), contains()
-bool TQRect::intersects( const TQRect &r ) const
- return ( TQMAX( x1, r.x1 ) <= TQMIN( x2, r.x2 ) &&
- TQMAX( y1, r.y1 ) <= TQMIN( y2, r.y2 ) );
- \relates TQRect
- Returns TRUE if \a r1 and \a r2 are equal; otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool operator==( const TQRect &r1, const TQRect &r2 )
- return r1.x1==r2.x1 && r1.x2==r2.x2 && r1.y1==r2.y1 && r1.y2==r2.y2;
- \relates TQRect
- Returns TRUE if \a r1 and \a r2 are different; otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool operator!=( const TQRect &r1, const TQRect &r2 )
- return r1.x1!=r2.x1 || r1.x2!=r2.x2 || r1.y1!=r2.y1 || r1.y2!=r2.y2;
- TQRect stream functions
- *****************************************************************************/
- \relates TQRect
- Writes the TQRect, \a r, to the stream \a s, and returns a
- reference to the stream.
- \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the TQDataStream operators \endlink
-TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream &s, const TQRect &r )
- if ( s.version() == 1 )
- s << (TQ_INT16)r.left() << (TQ_INT16)
- << (TQ_INT16)r.right() << (TQ_INT16)r.bottom();
- else
- s << (TQ_INT32)r.left() << (TQ_INT32)
- << (TQ_INT32)r.right() << (TQ_INT32)r.bottom();
- return s;
- \relates TQRect
- Reads a TQRect from the stream \a s into rect \a r and returns a
- reference to the stream.
- \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the TQDataStream operators \endlink
-TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream &s, TQRect &r )
- if ( s.version() == 1 ) {
- TQ_INT16 x1, y1, x2, y2;
- s >> x1; s >> y1; s >> x2; s >> y2;
- r.setCoords( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
- }
- else {
- TQ_INT32 x1, y1, x2, y2;
- s >> x1; s >> y1; s >> x2; s >> y2;
- r.setCoords( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
- }
- return s;
-#endif // USE_QT4 \ No newline at end of file