path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqstylesheet.h
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diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqstylesheet.h b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqstylesheet.h
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index c207357..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/tqstylesheet.h
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-** Definition of the TQStyleSheet class
-** Created : 990101
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#ifndef TQT_H
-#include "tqstring.h"
-#include "tqvaluelist.h"
-#include "tqptrvector.h"
-#include "tqdict.h"
-#include "tqobject.h"
-#endif // TQT_H
-class TQStyleSheet;
-class TQTextDocument;
-template<class Key, class T> class TQMap;
-class TQStyleSheetItemData;
-class TQ_EXPORT TQStyleSheetItem : public TQt
- TQStyleSheetItem( TQStyleSheet* parent, const TQString& name );
- TQStyleSheetItem( const TQStyleSheetItem & );
- ~TQStyleSheetItem();
- TQStyleSheetItem& operator=( const TQStyleSheetItem& other );
- TQString name() const;
- TQStyleSheet* styleSheet();
- const TQStyleSheet* styleSheet() const;
- enum AdditionalStyleValues { Undefined = - 1};
- enum DisplayMode {
- DisplayBlock,
- DisplayInline,
- DisplayListItem,
- DisplayNone
-#ifndef TQ_TQDOC
- , DisplayModeUndefined = -1
- };
- DisplayMode displayMode() const;
- void setDisplayMode(DisplayMode m);
- int tqalignment() const;
- void tqsetAlignment( int f);
- inline int alignment() const { return tqalignment(); }
- inline void setAlignment( int f) { tqsetAlignment( f ); }
- enum VerticalAlignment {
- VAlignBaseline,
- VAlignSub,
- VAlignSuper
- };
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment() const;
- void setVerticalAlignment( VerticalAlignment valign );
- int fontWeight() const;
- void setFontWeight(int w);
- int logicalFontSize() const;
- void setLogicalFontSize(int s);
- int logicalFontSizeStep() const;
- void setLogicalFontSizeStep( int s );
- int fontSize() const;
- void setFontSize(int s);
- TQString fontFamily() const;
- void setFontFamily( const TQString& );
- int numberOfColumns() const;
- void setNumberOfColumns(int ncols);
- TQColor color() const;
- void setColor( const TQColor &);
- bool fontItalic() const;
- void setFontItalic( bool );
- bool definesFontItalic() const;
- bool fontUnderline() const;
- void setFontUnderline( bool );
- bool definesFontUnderline() const;
- bool fontStrikeOut() const;
- void setFontStrikeOut( bool );
- bool definesFontStrikeOut() const;
- bool isAnchor() const;
- void setAnchor(bool anc);
- enum WhiteSpaceMode {
- WhiteSpaceNormal,
- WhiteSpacePre,
- WhiteSpaceNoWrap
-#ifndef TQ_TQDOC
- , WhiteSpaceModeUndefined = -1
- };
- WhiteSpaceMode whiteSpaceMode() const;
- void setWhiteSpaceMode(WhiteSpaceMode m);
- enum Margin {
- MarginLeft,
- MarginRight,
- MarginTop,
- MarginBottom,
- MarginFirstLine,
- MarginAll,
- MarginVertical,
- MarginHorizontal
-#ifndef TQ_TQDOC
- , MarginUndefined = -1
- };
- int margin( Margin m) const;
- void setMargin( Margin, int);
- enum ListStyle {
- ListDisc,
- ListCircle,
- ListSquare,
- ListDecimal,
- ListLowerAlpha,
- ListUpperAlpha
-#ifndef TQ_TQDOC
- , ListStyleUndefined = -1
- };
- ListStyle listStyle() const;
- void setListStyle( ListStyle );
- TQString contexts() const;
- void setContexts( const TQString& );
- bool allowedInContext( const TQStyleSheetItem* ) const;
- bool selfNesting() const;
- void setSelfNesting( bool );
- void setLineSpacing( int ls );
- int lineSpacing() const;
- void init();
- TQStyleSheetItemData* d;
-#if defined(TQ_TEMPLATEDLL)
-TQ_TEMPLATE_EXTERN template class TQ_EXPORT TQDict<TQStyleSheetItem>;
-TQ_TEMPLATE_EXTERN template class TQ_EXPORT TQValueList< TQPtrVector<TQStyleSheetItem> >;
-TQ_TEMPLATE_EXTERN template class TQ_EXPORT TQPtrVector<TQStyleSheetItem>;
-TQ_TEMPLATE_EXTERN template class TQ_EXPORT TQValueList<TQStyleSheetItem::ListStyle>;
-class TQTextCustomItem;
-class TQ_EXPORT TQStyleSheet : public TQObject
- TQStyleSheet( TQObject *parent=0, const char *name=0 );
- virtual ~TQStyleSheet();
- static TQStyleSheet* defaultSheet();
- static void setDefaultSheet( TQStyleSheet* );
- TQStyleSheetItem* item( const TQString& name);
- const TQStyleSheetItem* item( const TQString& name) const;
- void insert( TQStyleSheetItem* item);
- virtual TQTextCustomItem* tag( const TQString& name,
- const TQMap<TQString, TQString> &attr,
- const TQString& context,
- const TQMimeSourceFactory& factory,
- bool emptyTag, TQTextDocument *doc ) const;
- static TQString escape( const TQString& );
- static TQString convertFromPlainText( const TQString&,
- TQStyleSheetItem::WhiteSpaceMode mode = TQStyleSheetItem::WhiteSpacePre );
- static bool mightBeRichText( const TQString& );
- virtual void scaleFont( QFont& font, int logicalSize ) const;
- virtual void error( const TQString& ) const;
- void init();
- TQDict<TQStyleSheetItem> styles;
- TQStyleSheetItem* nullstyle;
-private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
-#if defined(TQ_DISABLE_COPY)
- TQStyleSheet( const TQStyleSheet & );
- TQStyleSheet &operator=( const TQStyleSheet & );
-#endif // TQT_NO_RICHTEXT