path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4858 deletions
diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/ b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/
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index b518a7e..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/kernel/
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-** Implementation of TQVariant class
-** Created : 990414
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include <float.h>
-#include "tqvariant.h"
-#include "tqstring.h"
-#include "tqcstring.h"
-#include "tqfont.h"
-#include "tqpixmap.h"
-#include "tqimage.h"
-#include "tqbrush.h"
-#include "tqpoint.h"
-#include "tqrect.h"
-#include "tqsize.h"
-#include "tqcolor.h"
-#include "tqpalette.h"
-#include "tqiconset.h"
-#include "tqdatastream.h"
-#include "tqregion.h"
-#include "tqpointarray.h"
-#include "tqbitmap.h"
-#include "tqcursor.h"
-#include "tqdatetime.h"
-#include "tqsizepolicy.h"
-#include "tqshared.h"
-#include "tqbitarray.h"
-#include "tqkeysequence.h"
-#include "tqpen.h"
-#ifdef USE_QT4
-#define IconSet Icon
-#define CString ByteArray
-#define PointArray Polygon
-#define ColorGroup 63
- Constructs a copy of the variant, \a p, passed as the argument to
- this constructor. Usually this is a deep copy, but a shallow copy
- is made if the stored data type is explicitly shared, as e.g.
- TQImage is.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQVariant& p )
- : QVariant(p)
-// p.d.ref();
- d = p.d;
- Reads the variant from the data stream, \a s.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( TQDataStream& s )
- s >> *this;
- Constructs a new variant with a string value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQString& val )
- d.type = String;
- = new TQString( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a C-string value, \a val.
- If you want to modify the TQCString after you've passed it to this
- constructor, we recommend passing a deep copy (see
- TQCString::copy()).
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQCString& val )
- d.type = CString;
- = new TQCString( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a C-string value of \a val if \a val
- is non-null. The variant creates a deep copy of \a val.
- If \a val is null, the resulting variant has type Invalid.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const char* val )
- if ( val == 0 )
- return;
- d.type = CString;
- = new TQCString( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a string list value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQStringList& val )
- d.type = StringList;
- = new TQStringList( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a map of TQVariants, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>& val )
- d.type = Map;
- = new TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a font value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQFont& val )
- d.type = Font;
- = new TQFont( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a pixmap value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPixmap& val )
- d.type = Pixmap;
- = new TQPixmap( val );
- Constructs a new variant with an image value, \a val.
- Because TQImage is explicitly shared, you may need to pass a deep
- copy to the variant using TQImage::copy(), e.g. if you intend
- changing the image you've passed later on.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQImage& val )
- d.type = Image;
- = new TQImage( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a brush value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQBrush& val )
- d.type = Brush;
- = new TQBrush( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a point value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPoint& val )
- d.type = Point;
- = new TQPoint( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a rect value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQRect& val )
- d.type = Rect;
- = new TQRect( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a size value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQSize& val )
- d.type = Size;
- = new TQSize( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a color value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQColor& val )
- d.type = Color;
- = new TQColor( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a color palette value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPalette& val )
- d.type = Palette;
- = new TQPalette( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a color group value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQColorGroup& val )
- d.type = ColorGroup;
- = new TQColorGroup( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
-#endif //TQT_NO_PALETTE
- Constructs a new variant with an icon set value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQIconSet& val )
- d.type = IconSet;
- = new TQIconSet( val );
-#endif //TQT_NO_ICONSET
- Constructs a new variant with a region value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQRegion& val )
- d.type = Region;
- // ## Force a detach
- = new TQRegion( val );
- ((TQRegion*)>translate( 0, 0 );
- Constructs a new variant with a bitmap value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQBitmap& val )
- d.type = Bitmap;
- = new TQBitmap( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a cursor value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQCursor& val )
- d.type = Cursor;
- = new TQCursor( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a point array value, \a val.
- Because TQPointArray is explicitly shared, you may need to pass a
- deep copy to the variant using TQPointArray::copy(), e.g. if you
- intend changing the point array you've passed later on.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPointArray& val )
- d.type = PointArray;
- = new TQPointArray( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a date value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQDate& val )
- d.type = Date;
- = new TQDate( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a time value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQTime& val )
- d.type = Time;
- = new TQTime( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a date/time value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQDateTime& val )
- d.type = DateTime;
- = new TQDateTime( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a bytearray value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQByteArray& val )
- d.type = ByteArray;
- = new TQByteArray( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a bitarray value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQBitArray& val )
- d.type = BitArray;
- = new TQBitArray( val );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- Constructs a new variant with a key sequence value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQKeySequence& val )
- d.type = KeySequence;
- = new TQKeySequence( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a pen value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPen& val )
- d.type = Pen;
- = new TQPen( val );
-#if 0
- Constructs a new variant with an integer value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( int val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Int;
- d->value.i = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with an unsigned integer value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( uint val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = UInt;
- d->value.u = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a long long integer value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( TQ_LLONG val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = LongLong;
- d->value.ll = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with an unsigned long long integer value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( TQ_ULLONG val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = ULongLong;
- d->value.ull = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a boolean value, \a val. The integer
- argument is a dummy, necessary for compatibility with some
- compilers.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( bool val, int )
-{ // this is the comment that does NOT name said compiler.
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Bool;
- d->value.b = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a floating point value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( double val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Double;
- d->value.d = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a list value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQValueList<TQVariant>& val )
- d.type = List;
- = new TQValueList<TQVariant>( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a size policy value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( TQSizePolicy val )
-// d = new Private;
- d.type = SizePolicy;
-// d.value.ptr = new TQSizePolicy( val );
- = new TQSizePolicy( val );
- d.is_null = FALSE;
- Assigns the value of the variant \a variant to this variant.
- This is a deep copy of the variant, but note that if the variant
- holds an explicitly shared type such as TQImage, a shallow copy is
- performed.
-// TQVariant& TQVariant::operator= ( const TQVariant& variant )
-// {
-// TQVariant& other = (TQVariant&)variant;
-// other.d->ref();
-// if ( d->deref() )
-// delete d;
-// d = other.d;
-// return *this;
-// }
- Returns the variant as a TQFont if the variant can be cast to Font;
- otherwise returns the application's default font.
- \sa asFont(), canCast()
-const TQFont TQVariant::toFont() const
- switch ( type() ) {
-// case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- case String:
- {
- TQFont fnt;
- fnt.fromString( toString() );
- return fnt;
- }
- case Font:
- return *((TQFont*);
- default:
- return TQFont();
- }
-#define TQ_VARIANT_AS( f ) TQ##f& TQVariant::as##f() \
-{ \
- bool b = isNull(); \
- if ( d.type != f ) \
- *this = TQVariant( to##f() ); \
- else \
- detach(); \
- d.is_null = b; \
- return *((TQ##f*); \
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
-// #if 0
- Returns the variant's value as int reference.
-int& TQVariant::asInt()
- detach();
- if ( d.type != Int ) {
- int i = toInt();
- bool b = isNull();
-// d.clear();
- = i;
- d.type = Int;
- d.is_null = b;
- }
- return;
- Returns the variant's value as unsigned int reference.
-uint& TQVariant::asUInt()
- detach();
- if ( d.type != UInt ) {
- uint u = toUInt();
- bool b = isNull();
-// d.clear();
- = u;
- d.type = UInt;
- d.is_null = b;
- }
- return;
- Returns the variant's value as long long reference.
-TQ_LLONG& TQVariant::asLongLong()
- detach();
- if ( d.type != LongLong ) {
- TQ_LLONG ll = toLongLong();
- bool b = isNull();
-// d.clear();
- = ll;
- d.type = LongLong;
- d.is_null = b;
- }
- return;
- Returns the variant's value as unsigned long long reference.
-TQ_ULLONG& TQVariant::asULongLong()
- detach();
- if ( d.type != ULongLong ) {
- TQ_ULLONG ull = toULongLong();
- bool b = isNull();
-// d.clear();
- = ull;
- d.type = ULongLong;
- d.is_null = b;
- }
- return;
- Returns the variant's value as bool reference.
-bool& TQVariant::asBool()
- detach();
- if ( d.type != Bool ) {
- bool b = toBool();
- bool nb = isNull();
-// d.clear();
- = b;
- d.type = Bool;
- d.is_null = nb;
- }
- return;
- Returns the variant's value as double reference.
-double& TQVariant::asDouble()
- detach();
- if ( d.type != Double ) {
- double dbl = toDouble();
- bool b = isNull();
-// d.clear();
- = dbl;
- d.type = Double;
- d.is_null = b;
- }
- return;
-// #endif
- Returns the variant's value as variant list reference.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQValueList<TQVariant> list = myVariant.asList();
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while( it != list.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
-TQValueList<TQVariant>& TQVariant::asList()
- bool b = isNull();
- if ( d.type != List )
- *this = TQVariant( toList() );
- else
- detach();
- d.is_null = b;
- return *((TQValueList<TQVariant>*);
- Returns the variant's value as variant map reference.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the map, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> map = myVariant.asMap();
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>::Iterator it = map.begin();
- while( it != map.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
-TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>& TQVariant::asMap()
- bool b = isNull();
- if ( d.type != Map )
- *this = TQVariant( toMap() );
- else
- detach();
- d.is_null = b;
- return *((TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>*);
- Returns the variant as a TQString if the variant can be cast to
- String, otherwise returns TQString::null.
- \sa asString(), canCast()
-const TQString TQVariant::toString() const
- return TQT_TQSTRING_OBJECT(QVariant::toString());
- Returns the variant as a TQCString if the variant can be cast to a
- CString; otherwise returns 0.
- \sa asCString(), canCast()
-const TQCString TQVariant::toCString() const
- switch( d.type ) {
- case CString: return *((TQCString*);
- case String: return ((TQString*)>latin1();
- default: {
- if (!canCast(String))
- return 0;
- TQString c = toString();
- return TQCString(c.latin1());
- }
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQStringList if the variant has type()
- StringList or List of a type that can be converted to TQString;
- otherwise returns an empty list.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQStringList list = myVariant.toStringList();
- TQStringList::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while( it != list.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa asStringList()
-const TQStringList TQVariant::toStringList() const
- switch ( d.type ) {
- case StringList:
- return *((TQStringList*);
- case List:
- {
- TQStringList lst;
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = listBegin();
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator end = listEnd();
- while( it != end ) {
- TQString tmp = (*it).toString();
- ++it;
- lst.append( tmp );
- }
- return lst;
- }
- default:
- return TQStringList();
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQMap<TQString,TQVariant> if the variant has
- type() Map; otherwise returns an empty map.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the map, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> map = myVariant.toMap();
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>::Iterator it = map.begin();
- while( it != map.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa asMap()
-const TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> TQVariant::toMap() const
- if ( d.type != Map )
- return TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>();
- return *((TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>*);
- Returns the variant as a TQPixmap if the variant has type() Pixmap;
- otherwise returns a null pixmap.
- \sa asPixmap()
-const TQPixmap TQVariant::toPixmap() const
- if ( d.type != Pixmap )
- return TQPixmap();
- return *((TQPixmap*);
- Returns the variant as a TQImage if the variant has type() Image;
- otherwise returns a null image.
- \sa asImage()
-const TQImage TQVariant::toImage() const
- if ( d.type != Image )
- return TQImage();
- return *((TQImage*);
- Returns the variant as a TQBrush if the variant has type() Brush;
- otherwise returns a default brush (with all black colors).
- \sa asBrush()
-const TQBrush TQVariant::toBrush() const
- if( d.type != Brush )
- return TQBrush();
- return *((TQBrush*);
- Returns the variant as a TQPoint if the variant has type() Point;
- otherwise returns a point (0, 0).
- \sa asPoint()
-const TQPoint TQVariant::toPoint() const
- return QVariant::toPoint();
- Returns the variant as a TQRect if the variant has type() Rect;
- otherwise returns an empty rectangle.
- \sa asRect()
-const TQRect TQVariant::toRect() const
- if ( d.type != Rect )
- return TQRect();
- return *((TQRect*);
- Returns the variant as a TQSize if the variant has type() Size;
- otherwise returns an invalid size.
- \sa asSize()
-const TQSize TQVariant::toSize() const
- return QVariant::toSize();
- Returns the variant as a TQColor if the variant can be cast to Color;
- otherwise returns an invalid color.
- \sa asColor(), canCast()
-const TQColor TQVariant::toColor() const
- switch ( d.type ) {
- case ByteArray:
-// case CString:
- case String:
- {
- TQColor col;
- col.setNamedColor( toString() );
- return col;
- }
- case Color:
- return *((TQColor*);
- default:
- return TQColor();
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQPalette if the variant has type()
- Palette; otherwise returns a completely black palette.
- \sa asPalette()
-const TQPalette TQVariant::toPalette() const
- if ( d.type != Palette )
- return TQPalette();
- return *((TQPalette*);
- Returns the variant as a TQColorGroup if the variant has type()
- ColorGroup; otherwise returns a completely black color group.
- \sa asColorGroup()
-const TQColorGroup TQVariant::toColorGroup() const
- if ( d.type != ColorGroup )
- return TQColorGroup();
- return *((TQColorGroup*);
-#endif //TQT_NO_PALETTE
- Returns the variant as a TQIconSet if the variant has type()
- IconSet; otherwise returns an icon set of null pixmaps.
- \sa asIconSet()
-const TQIconSet TQVariant::toIconSet() const
- if ( d.type != IconSet )
- return TQIconSet();
- return *((TQIconSet*);
-#endif //TQT_NO_ICONSET
- Returns the variant as a TQPointArray if the variant has type()
- PointArray; otherwise returns an empty TQPointArray.
- \sa asPointArray()
-const TQPointArray TQVariant::toPointArray() const
- if ( d.type != PointArray )
- return TQPointArray();
- return *((TQPointArray*);
- Returns the variant as a TQBitmap if the variant has type() Bitmap;
- otherwise returns a null TQBitmap.
- \sa asBitmap()
-const TQBitmap TQVariant::toBitmap() const
- if ( d.type != Bitmap )
- return TQBitmap();
- return *((TQBitmap*);
- Returns the variant as a TQRegion if the variant has type() Region;
- otherwise returns an empty TQRegion.
- \sa asRegion()
-const TQRegion TQVariant::toRegion() const
- if ( d.type != Region )
- return TQRegion();
- return *((TQRegion*);
- Returns the variant as a TQCursor if the variant has type() Cursor;
- otherwise returns the default arrow cursor.
- \sa asCursor()
-const TQCursor TQVariant::toCursor() const
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- if ( d.type != Cursor )
- return TQCursor();
- return *((TQCursor*);
- Returns the variant as a TQDate if the variant can be cast to Date;
- otherwise returns an invalid date.
- Note that if the type() is String, CString or ByteArray an invalid
- date will be returned if the string cannot be parsed as a
- Qt::ISODate format date.
- \sa asDate(), canCast()
-const TQDate TQVariant::toDate() const
- return TQT_TQDATE_OBJECT(QVariant::toDate());
- Returns the variant as a TQTime if the variant can be cast to Time;
- otherwise returns an invalid date.
- Note that if the type() is String, CString or ByteArray an invalid
- time will be returned if the string cannot be parsed as a
- Qt::ISODate format time.
- \sa asTime()
-const TQTime TQVariant::toTime() const
- return TQT_TQTIME_OBJECT(QVariant::toTime());
- Returns the variant as a TQDateTime if the variant can be cast to
- DateTime; otherwise returns an invalid TQDateTime.
- Note that if the type() is String, CString or ByteArray an invalid
- TQDateTime will be returned if the string cannot be parsed as a
- Qt::ISODate format date/time.
- \sa asDateTime()
-const TQDateTime TQVariant::toDateTime() const
- return TQT_TQDATETIME_OBJECT(QVariant::toDateTime());
- Returns the variant as a TQByteArray if the variant can be cast to
- a ByteArray; otherwise returns an empty bytearray.
- \sa asByteArray(), canCast()
-const TQByteArray TQVariant::toByteArray() const
- return TQT_TQBYTEARRAY_OBJECT(QVariant::toByteArray());
- Returns the variant as a TQBitArray if the variant has type()
- BitArray; otherwise returns an empty bitarray.
- \sa asBitArray()
-const TQBitArray TQVariant::toBitArray() const
- return QVariant::toBitArray();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- Returns the variant as a TQKeySequence if the variant can be cast
- to a KeySequence; otherwise returns an empty key sequence.
- \sa asKeySequence(), canCast()
-const TQKeySequence TQVariant::toKeySequence() const
- switch ( d.type ) {
- case KeySequence:
- return *((TQKeySequence*);
- case String:
- case ByteArray:
-// case CString:
- return TQKeySequence( toString() );
- case Int:
- case UInt:
- case Double:
- case ULongLong:
- case LongLong:
- return TQKeySequence( toInt() );
- default:
- return TQKeySequence();
- }
-#endif // TQT_NO_ACCEL
- Returns the variant as a TQPen if the variant has type()
- Pen; otherwise returns an empty TQPen.
- \sa asPen()
-const TQPen TQVariant::toPen() const
- if ( d.type != Pen )
- return TQPen();
- return *((TQPen*);
-#if 0
- Returns the variant as an int if the variant can be cast to Int;
- otherwise returns 0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to an int; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asInt(), canCast()
-int TQVariant::toInt( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( Int );
- switch ( d.type ) {
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)>toInt( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return ((TQCString*)>toInt( ok );
- case Int:
- return;
- case UInt:
- return (int);
- case LongLong:
- return (int);
- case ULongLong:
- return (int);
- case Double:
- return (int);
- case Bool:
- return (int);
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case KeySequence:
- return (int) *( (TQKeySequence*) );
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- Returns the variant as an unsigned int if the variant can be cast
- to UInt; otherwise returns 0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to an unsigned int; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asUInt(), canCast()
-uint TQVariant::toUInt( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( UInt );
- switch( d.type ) {
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)>toUInt( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return ((TQCString*)>toUInt( ok );
- case Int:
- return (uint);
- case UInt:
- return;
- case LongLong:
- return (uint);
- case ULongLong:
- return (uint);
- case Double:
- return (uint);
- case Bool:
- return (uint);
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- Returns the variant as a long long int if the variant can be cast
- to LongLong; otherwise returns 0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to an int; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asLongLong(), canCast()
-TQ_LLONG TQVariant::toLongLong( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( LongLong );
- switch ( d.type ) {
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)>toLongLong( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return TQString(*(TQCString*);
- case Int:
- return (TQ_LLONG);
- case UInt:
- return (TQ_LLONG);
- case LongLong:
- return;
- case ULongLong:
- return (TQ_LLONG);
- case Double:
- return (TQ_LLONG);
- case Bool:
- return (TQ_LLONG);
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- Returns the variant as as an unsigned long long int if the variant
- can be cast to ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to an int; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asULongLong(), canCast()
-TQ_ULLONG TQVariant::toULongLong( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( ULongLong );
- switch ( d.type ) {
- case Int:
- return (TQ_ULLONG);
- case UInt:
- return (TQ_ULLONG);
- case LongLong:
- return (TQ_ULLONG);
- case ULongLong:
- return;
- case Double:
- return (TQ_ULLONG);
- case Bool:
- return (TQ_ULLONG);
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)>toULongLong( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return TQString(*(TQCString*);
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- Returns the variant as a bool if the variant can be cast to Bool;
- otherWise returns FALSE.
- Returns TRUE if the variant has a numeric type and its value is
- non-zero, or if the variant has type String, ByteArray or CString
- and its lower-case content is not empty, "0" or "false"; otherwise
- returns FALSE.
- \sa asBool(), canCast()
-bool TQVariant::toBool() const
- switch( d.type ) {
- case Bool:
- return;
- case Double:
- return != 0.0;
- case Int:
- return != 0;
- case UInt:
- return != 0;
- case LongLong:
- return != 0;
- case ULongLong:
- return != 0;
- case String:
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- {
- TQString str = toString().lower();
- return !(str == "0" || str == "false" || str.isEmpty() );
- }
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
- Returns the variant as a double if the variant can be cast to
- Double; otherwise returns 0.0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to a double; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asDouble(), canCast()
-double TQVariant::toDouble( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( Double );
- switch ( d.type ) {
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)>toDouble( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return ((TQCString*)>toDouble( ok );
- case Double:
- return;
- case Int:
- return (double);
- case Bool:
- return (double);
- case UInt:
- return (double);
- case LongLong:
- return (double);
- case ULongLong:
-#if defined(TQ_CC_MSVC) && !defined(TQ_CC_MSVC_NET)
- return (double)(TQ_LLONG);
- return (double);
- default:
- return 0.0;
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQValueList<TQVariant> if the variant has
- type() List or StringList; otherwise returns an empty list.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQValueList<TQVariant> list = myVariant.toList();
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while( it != list.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa asList()
-const TQValueList<TQVariant> TQVariant::toList() const
- if ( d.type == List )
- return *((TQValueList<TQVariant>*);
- if ( d.type == StringList ) {
- TQValueList<TQVariant> lst;
- TQStringList::ConstIterator it = stringListBegin();
- TQStringList::ConstIterator end = stringListEnd();
- for( ; it != end; ++it )
- lst.append( TQVariant( *it ) );
- return lst;
- }
- return TQValueList<TQVariant>();
- Returns the variant as a TQSizePolicy if the variant has type()
- SizePolicy; otherwise returns an undefined (but legal) size
- policy.
-TQSizePolicy TQVariant::toSizePolicy() const
- if ( d.type == SizePolicy )
- return *((TQSizePolicy*);
- return TQSizePolicy();
-#else // USE_QT4
-#ifndef DBL_DIG
-#define DBL_DIG 10
-#endif //DBL_DIG
-// Uncomment to test for memory leaks or to run qt/test/qvariant/main.cpp
-static bool isNumeric(TQVariant::Type type)
- return (type == TQVariant::Int || type == TQVariant::UInt
- || type == TQVariant::Double || type == TQVariant::LongLong
- || type == TQVariant::ULongLong || type == TQVariant::Bool);
-int qv_count = 0;
-int get_qv_count() { return qv_count; }
- qv_count++;
- typ = TQVariant::Invalid;
- is_null = TRUE;
-TQVariant::Private::Private( Private* d )
- qv_count++;
- switch( d->typ )
- {
- case TQVariant::Invalid:
- break;
- case TQVariant::Bitmap:
- value.ptr = new TQBitmap( *((TQBitmap*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Region:
- value.ptr = new TQRegion( *((TQRegion*)d->value.ptr) );
- // ## Force a detach
- // ((TQRegion*)value.ptr)->translate( 0, 0 );
- break;
- case TQVariant::PointArray:
- // TQPointArray is explicit shared
- value.ptr = new TQPointArray( *((TQPointArray*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::String:
- value.ptr = new TQString( *((TQString*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::CString:
- // TQCString is explicit shared
- value.ptr = new TQCString( *((TQCString*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::StringList:
- value.ptr = new TQStringList( *((TQStringList*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Font:
- value.ptr = new TQFont( *((TQFont*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Pixmap:
- value.ptr = new TQPixmap( *((TQPixmap*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Image:
- // TQImage is explicit shared
- value.ptr = new TQImage( *((TQImage*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Brush:
- value.ptr = new TQBrush( *((TQBrush*)d->value.ptr) );
- // ## Force a detach
- // ((TQBrush*)value.ptr)->setColor( ((TQBrush*)value.ptr)->color() );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Point:
- value.ptr = new TQPoint( *((TQPoint*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Rect:
- value.ptr = new TQRect( *((TQRect*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Size:
- value.ptr = new TQSize( *((TQSize*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Color:
- value.ptr = new TQColor( *((TQColor*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Palette:
- value.ptr = new TQPalette( *((TQPalette*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::ColorGroup:
- value.ptr = new TQColorGroup( *((TQColorGroup*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::IconSet:
- value.ptr = new TQIconSet( *((TQIconSet*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Map:
- value.ptr = new TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>( *((TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::List:
- value.ptr = new TQValueList<TQVariant>( *((TQValueList<TQVariant>*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Date:
- value.ptr = new TQDate( *((TQDate*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Time:
- value.ptr = new TQTime( *((TQTime*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::DateTime:
- value.ptr = new TQDateTime( *((TQDateTime*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::ByteArray:
- value.ptr = new TQByteArray( *((TQByteArray*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::BitArray:
- value.ptr = new TQBitArray( *((TQBitArray*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case TQVariant::KeySequence:
- value.ptr = new TQKeySequence( *((TQKeySequence*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Pen:
- value.ptr = new TQPen( *((TQPen*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Int:
- value.i = d->value.i;
- break;
- case TQVariant::UInt:
- value.u = d->value.u;
- break;
- case TQVariant::LongLong:
- value.ll = d->value.ll;
- break;
- case TQVariant::ULongLong:
- value.ull = d->value.ull;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Bool:
- value.b = d->value.b;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Double:
- value.d = d->value.d;
- break;
- case TQVariant::SizePolicy:
- value.ptr = new TQSizePolicy( *((TQSizePolicy*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- case TQVariant::Cursor:
- value.ptr = new TQCursor( *((TQCursor*)d->value.ptr) );
- break;
- default:
- TQ_ASSERT( 0 );
- }
- typ = d->typ;
- is_null = d->is_null;
- qv_count--;
- clear();
-void TQVariant::Private::clear()
- switch( typ )
- {
- case TQVariant::Bitmap:
- delete (TQBitmap*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Cursor:
- delete (TQCursor*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Region:
- delete (TQRegion*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::PointArray:
- delete (TQPointArray*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::String:
- delete (TQString*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::CString:
- delete (TQCString*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::StringList:
- delete (TQStringList*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Font:
- delete (TQFont*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Pixmap:
- delete (TQPixmap*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Image:
- delete (TQImage*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Brush:
- delete (TQBrush*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Point:
- delete (TQPoint*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Rect:
- delete (TQRect*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Size:
- delete (TQSize*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Color:
- delete (TQColor*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Palette:
- delete (TQPalette*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::ColorGroup:
- delete (TQColorGroup*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::IconSet:
- delete (TQIconSet*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Map:
- delete (TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::List:
- delete (TQValueList<TQVariant>*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::SizePolicy:
- delete (TQSizePolicy*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Date:
- delete (TQDate*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Time:
- delete (TQTime*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::DateTime:
- delete (TQDateTime*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::ByteArray:
- delete (TQByteArray*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::BitArray:
- delete (TQBitArray*)value.ptr;
- break;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case TQVariant::KeySequence:
- delete (TQKeySequence*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Pen:
- delete (TQPen*)value.ptr;
- break;
- case TQVariant::Invalid:
- case TQVariant::Int:
- case TQVariant::UInt:
- case TQVariant::LongLong:
- case TQVariant::ULongLong:
- case TQVariant::Bool:
- case TQVariant::Double:
- break;
- }
- typ = TQVariant::Invalid;
- is_null = TRUE;
- \class TQVariant tqvariant.h
- \brief The TQVariant class acts like a union for the most common TQt data types.
- \ingroup objectmodel
- \ingroup misc
- \mainclass
- Because C++ forbids unions from including types that have
- non-default constructors or destructors, most interesting TQt
- classes cannot be used in unions. Without TQVariant, this would be
- a problem for TQObject::property() and for database work, etc.
- A TQVariant object holds a single value of a single type() at a
- time. (Some type()s are multi-valued, for example a string list.)
- You can find out what type, T, the variant holds, convert it to a
- different type using one of the asT() functions, e.g. asSize(),
- get its value using one of the toT() functions, e.g. toSize(), and
- check whether the type can be converted to a particular type using
- canCast().
- The methods named toT() (for any supported T, see the \c Type
- documentation for a list) are const. If you ask for the stored
- type, they return a copy of the stored object. If you ask for a
- type that can be generated from the stored type, toT() copies and
- converts and leaves the object itself unchanged. If you ask for a
- type that cannot be generated from the stored type, the result
- depends on the type (see the function documentation for details).
- Note that three data types supported by TQVariant are explicitly
- shared, namely TQImage, TQPointArray, and TQCString, and in these
- cases the toT() methods return a shallow copy. In almost all cases
- you must make a deep copy of the returned values before modifying
- them.
- The asT() functions are not const. They do conversion like the
- toT() methods, set the variant to hold the converted value, and
- return a reference to the new contents of the variant.
- Here is some example code to demonstrate the use of TQVariant:
- \code
- TQDataStream out(...);
- TQVariant v(123); // The variant now contains an int
- int x = v.toInt(); // x = 123
- out << v; // Writes a type tag and an int to out
- v = TQVariant("hello"); // The variant now contains a TQCString
- v = TQVariant(tr("hello"));// The variant now contains a TQString
- int y = v.toInt(); // y = 0 since v cannot be converted to an int
- TQString s = v.toString(); // s = tr("hello") (see TQObject::tr())
- out << v; // Writes a type tag and a TQString to out
- ...
- TQDataStream in(...); // (opening the previously written stream)
- in >> v; // Reads an Int variant
- int z = v.toInt(); // z = 123
- qDebug("Type is %s", // prints "Type is int"
- v.typeName());
- v.asInt() += 100; // The variant now hold the value 223.
- v = TQVariant( TQStringList() );
- v.asStringList().append( "Hello" );
- \endcode
- You can even store TQValueList<TQVariant>s and
- TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>s in a variant, so you can easily construct
- arbitrarily complex data structures of arbitrary types. This is
- very powerful and versatile, but may prove less memory and speed
- efficient than storing specific types in standard data structures.
- TQVariant also supports the notion of NULL values, where you have a
- defined type with no value set.
- \code
- TQVariant x, y( TQString() ), z( TQString("") );
- x.asInt();
- // x.isNull() == TRUE, y.isNull() == TRUE, z.isNull() == FALSE
- \endcode
- See the \link collection.html Collection Classes\endlink.
- \enum TQVariant::Type
- This enum type defines the types of variable that a TQVariant can
- contain.
- \value Invalid no type
- \value BitArray a TQBitArray
- \value ByteArray a TQByteArray
- \value Bitmap a TQBitmap
- \value Bool a bool
- \value Brush a TQBrush
- \value Color a TQColor
- \value ColorGroup a TQColorGroup
- \value Cursor a TQCursor
- \value Date a TQDate
- \value DateTime a TQDateTime
- \value Double a double
- \value Font a TQFont
- \value IconSet a TQIconSet
- \value Image a TQImage
- \value Int an int
- \value KeySequence a TQKeySequence
- \value List a TQValueList<TQVariant>
- \value LongLong a long long
- \value ULongLong an unsigned long long
- \value Map a TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>
- \value Palette a TQPalette
- \value Pen a TQPen
- \value Pixmap a TQPixmap
- \value Point a TQPoint
- \value PointArray a TQPointArray
- \value Rect a TQRect
- \value Region a TQRegion
- \value Size a TQSize
- \value SizePolicy a TQSizePolicy
- \value String a TQString
- \value CString a TQCString
- \value StringList a TQStringList
- \value Time a TQTime
- \value UInt an unsigned int
- Note that TQt's definition of bool depends on the compiler.
- \c tqglobal.h has the system-dependent definition of bool.
- Constructs an invalid variant.
- d = new Private;
- Destroys the TQVariant and the contained object.
- Note that subclasses that reimplement clear() should reimplement
- the destructor to call clear(). This destructor calls clear(), but
- because it is the destructor, TQVariant::clear() is called rather
- than a subclass's clear().
- if ( d->deref() )
- delete d;
- Constructs a copy of the variant, \a p, passed as the argument to
- this constructor. Usually this is a deep copy, but a shallow copy
- is made if the stored data type is explicitly shared, as e.g.
- TQImage is.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQVariant& p )
- p.d->ref();
- d = p.d;
- Reads the variant from the data stream, \a s.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( TQDataStream& s )
- d = new Private;
- s >> *this;
- Constructs a new variant with a string value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQString& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = String;
- d->value.ptr = new TQString( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a C-string value, \a val.
- If you want to modify the TQCString after you've passed it to this
- constructor, we recommend passing a deep copy (see
- TQCString::copy()).
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQCString& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = CString;
- d->value.ptr = new TQCString( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a C-string value of \a val if \a val
- is non-null. The variant creates a deep copy of \a val.
- If \a val is null, the resulting variant has type Invalid.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const char* val )
- d = new Private;
- if ( val == 0 )
- return;
- d->typ = CString;
- d->value.ptr = new TQCString( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a string list value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQStringList& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = StringList;
- d->value.ptr = new TQStringList( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a map of TQVariants, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Map;
- d->value.ptr = new TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a font value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQFont& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Font;
- d->value.ptr = new TQFont( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a pixmap value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPixmap& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Pixmap;
- d->value.ptr = new TQPixmap( val );
- Constructs a new variant with an image value, \a val.
- Because TQImage is explicitly shared, you may need to pass a deep
- copy to the variant using TQImage::copy(), e.g. if you intend
- changing the image you've passed later on.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQImage& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Image;
- d->value.ptr = new TQImage( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a brush value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQBrush& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Brush;
- d->value.ptr = new TQBrush( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a point value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPoint& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Point;
- d->value.ptr = new TQPoint( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a rect value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQRect& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Rect;
- d->value.ptr = new TQRect( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a size value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQSize& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Size;
- d->value.ptr = new TQSize( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a color value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQColor& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Color;
- d->value.ptr = new TQColor( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a color palette value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPalette& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Palette;
- d->value.ptr = new TQPalette( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a color group value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQColorGroup& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = ColorGroup;
- d->value.ptr = new TQColorGroup( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
-#endif //TQT_NO_PALETTE
- Constructs a new variant with an icon set value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQIconSet& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = IconSet;
- d->value.ptr = new TQIconSet( val );
-#endif //TQT_NO_ICONSET
- Constructs a new variant with a region value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQRegion& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Region;
- // ## Force a detach
- d->value.ptr = new TQRegion( val );
- ((TQRegion*)d->value.ptr)->translate( 0, 0 );
- Constructs a new variant with a bitmap value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQBitmap& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Bitmap;
- d->value.ptr = new TQBitmap( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a cursor value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQCursor& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Cursor;
- d->value.ptr = new TQCursor( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a point array value, \a val.
- Because TQPointArray is explicitly shared, you may need to pass a
- deep copy to the variant using TQPointArray::copy(), e.g. if you
- intend changing the point array you've passed later on.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPointArray& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = PointArray;
- d->value.ptr = new TQPointArray( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a date value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQDate& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Date;
- d->value.ptr = new TQDate( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a time value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQTime& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Time;
- d->value.ptr = new TQTime( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a date/time value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQDateTime& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = DateTime;
- d->value.ptr = new TQDateTime( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a bytearray value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQByteArray& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = ByteArray;
- d->value.ptr = new TQByteArray( val );
- Constructs a new variant with a bitarray value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQBitArray& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = BitArray;
- d->value.ptr = new TQBitArray( val );
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- Constructs a new variant with a key sequence value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQKeySequence& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = KeySequence;
- d->value.ptr = new TQKeySequence( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a pen value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQPen& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Pen;
- d->value.ptr = new TQPen( val );
- Constructs a new variant with an integer value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( int val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Int;
- d->value.i = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with an unsigned integer value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( uint val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = UInt;
- d->value.u = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a long long integer value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( TQ_LLONG val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = LongLong;
- d->value.ll = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with an unsigned long long integer value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( TQ_ULLONG val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = ULongLong;
- d->value.ull = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a boolean value, \a val. The integer
- argument is a dummy, necessary for compatibility with some
- compilers.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( bool val, int )
-{ // this is the comment that does NOT name said compiler.
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Bool;
- d->value.b = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a floating point value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( double val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = Double;
- d->value.d = val;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a list value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( const TQValueList<TQVariant>& val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = List;
- d->value.ptr = new TQValueList<TQVariant>( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Constructs a new variant with a size policy value, \a val.
-TQVariant::TQVariant( TQSizePolicy val )
- d = new Private;
- d->typ = SizePolicy;
- d->value.ptr = new TQSizePolicy( val );
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- Assigns the value of the variant \a variant to this variant.
- This is a deep copy of the variant, but note that if the variant
- holds an explicitly shared type such as TQImage, a shallow copy is
- performed.
-TQVariant& TQVariant::operator= ( const TQVariant& variant )
- TQVariant& other = (TQVariant&)variant;
- other.d->ref();
- if ( d->deref() )
- delete d;
- d = other.d;
- return *this;
- \internal
-void TQVariant::detach()
- if ( d->count == 1 )
- return;
- d->deref();
- d = new Private( d );
- Returns the name of the type stored in the variant. The returned
- strings describe the C++ datatype used to store the data: for
- example, "TQFont", "TQString", or "TQValueList<TQVariant>". An Invalid
- variant returns 0.
-const char* TQVariant::typeName() const
- return typeToName( (Type) d->typ );
- Convert this variant to type Invalid and free up any resources
- used.
-void TQVariant::clear()
- if ( d->count > 1 )
- {
- d->deref();
- d = new Private;
- return;
- }
- d->clear();
-/* Attention!
- For dependency reasons, this table is duplicated in tqmoc.y. If you
- change one, change both.
- (Search for the word 'Attention' in tqmoc.y.)
-static const int ntypes = 35;
-static const char* const type_map[ntypes] =
- 0,
- "TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>",
- "TQValueList<TQVariant>",
- "TQString",
- "TQStringList",
- "TQFont",
- "TQPixmap",
- "TQBrush",
- "TQRect",
- "TQSize",
- "TQColor",
- "TQPalette",
- "TQColorGroup",
- "TQIconSet",
- "TQPoint",
- "TQImage",
- "int",
- "uint",
- "bool",
- "double",
- "TQCString",
- "TQPointArray",
- "TQRegion",
- "TQBitmap",
- "TQCursor",
- "TQSizePolicy",
- "TQDate",
- "TQTime",
- "TQDateTime",
- "TQByteArray",
- "TQBitArray",
- "TQKeySequence",
- "TQPen",
- Converts the enum representation of the storage type, \a typ, to
- its string representation.
-const char* TQVariant::typeToName( Type typ )
- if ( typ >= ntypes )
- return 0;
- return type_map[typ];
- Converts the string representation of the storage type given in \a
- name, to its enum representation.
- If the string representation cannot be converted to any enum
- representation, the variant is set to \c Invalid.
-TQVariant::Type TQVariant::nameToType( const char* name )
- for ( int i = 0; i < ntypes; i++ ) {
- if ( !qstrcmp( type_map[i], name ) )
- return (Type) i;
- }
- return Invalid;
- Internal function for loading a variant from stream \a s. Use the
- stream operators instead.
- \internal
-void TQVariant::load( TQDataStream& s )
- clear();
- TQ_UINT32 u;
- s >> u;
- Type t = (Type)u;
- switch( t ) {
- case Invalid:
- {
- // Since we wrote something, we should read something
- TQString x;
- s >> x;
- d->typ = t;
- d->is_null = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case Map:
- {
- TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>* x = new TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case List:
- {
- TQValueList<TQVariant>* x = new TQValueList<TQVariant>;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case Cursor:
- {
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- TQCursor* x = new TQCursor;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case Bitmap:
- {
- TQBitmap* x = new TQBitmap;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case Region:
- {
- TQRegion* x = new TQRegion;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case PointArray:
- {
- TQPointArray* x = new TQPointArray;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case String:
- {
- TQString* x = new TQString;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case CString:
- {
- TQCString* x = new TQCString;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case StringList:
- {
- TQStringList* x = new TQStringList;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case Font:
- {
- TQFont* x = new TQFont;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case Pixmap:
- {
- TQPixmap* x = new TQPixmap;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case Image:
- {
- TQImage* x = new TQImage;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case Brush:
- {
- TQBrush* x = new TQBrush;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case Rect:
- {
- TQRect* x = new TQRect;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case Point:
- {
- TQPoint* x = new TQPoint;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case Size:
- {
- TQSize* x = new TQSize;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case Color:
- {
- TQColor* x = new TQColor;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case Palette:
- {
- TQPalette* x = new TQPalette;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case ColorGroup:
- {
- TQColorGroup* x = new TQColorGroup;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case IconSet:
- {
- TQPixmap x;
- s >> x;
- d->value.ptr = new TQIconSet( x );
- }
- break;
- case Int:
- {
- int x;
- s >> x;
- d->value.i = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case UInt:
- {
- uint x;
- s >> x;
- d->value.u = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case LongLong:
- {
- s >> x;
- d->value.ll = x;
- }
- break;
- case ULongLong:
- {
- s >> x;
- d->value.ull = x;
- }
- break;
- case Bool:
- {
- TQ_INT8 x;
- s >> x;
- d->value.b = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case Double:
- {
- double x;
- s >> x;
- d->value.d = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case SizePolicy:
- {
- int h,v;
- TQ_INT8 hfw;
- s >> h >> v >> hfw;
- d->value.ptr = new TQSizePolicy( (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)h,
- (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)v,
- (bool) hfw);
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case Date:
- {
- TQDate* x = new TQDate;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case Time:
- {
- TQTime* x = new TQTime;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case DateTime:
- {
- TQDateTime* x = new TQDateTime;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case ByteArray:
- {
- TQByteArray* x = new TQByteArray;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
- case BitArray:
- {
- TQBitArray* x = new TQBitArray;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- }
- break;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case KeySequence:
- {
- TQKeySequence* x = new TQKeySequence;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
-#endif // TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case Pen:
- {
- TQPen* x = new TQPen;
- s >> *x;
- d->value.ptr = x;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- d->typ = t;
- Internal function for saving a variant to the stream \a s. Use the
- stream operators instead.
- \internal
-void TQVariant::save( TQDataStream& s ) const
- s << (TQ_UINT32)type();
- switch( d->typ ) {
- case Cursor:
- s << *((TQCursor*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Bitmap:
- s << *((TQBitmap*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case PointArray:
- s << *((TQPointArray*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Region:
- s << *((TQRegion*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case List:
- s << *((TQValueList<TQVariant>*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Map:
- s << *((TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case String:
- s << *((TQString*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case CString:
- s << *((TQCString*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case StringList:
- s << *((TQStringList*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Font:
- s << *((TQFont*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Pixmap:
- s << *((TQPixmap*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Image:
- s << *((TQImage*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Brush:
- s << *((TQBrush*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Point:
- s << *((TQPoint*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Rect:
- s << *((TQRect*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Size:
- s << *((TQSize*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Color:
- s << *((TQColor*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Palette:
- s << *((TQPalette*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case ColorGroup:
- s << *((TQColorGroup*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case IconSet:
- //### add stream operator to iconset
- s << ((TQIconSet*)d->value.ptr)->pixmap();
- break;
- case Int:
- s << d->value.i;
- break;
- case UInt:
- s << d->value.u;
- break;
- case LongLong:
- s << d->value.ll;
- break;
- case ULongLong:
- s << d->value.ull;
- break;
- case Bool:
- s << (TQ_INT8)d->value.b;
- break;
- case Double:
- s << d->value.d;
- break;
- case SizePolicy:
- {
- TQSizePolicy p = toSizePolicy();
- s << (int) p.horData() << (int) p.verData()
- << (TQ_INT8) p.hasHeightForWidth();
- }
- break;
- case Date:
- s << *((TQDate*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Time:
- s << *((TQTime*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case DateTime:
- s << *((TQDateTime*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case ByteArray:
- s << *((TQByteArray*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case BitArray:
- s << *((TQBitArray*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case KeySequence:
- s << *((TQKeySequence*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Pen:
- s << *((TQPen*)d->value.ptr);
- break;
- case Invalid:
- s << TQString(); // ### looks wrong.
- break;
- }
- Reads a variant \a p from the stream \a s.
- \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the TQDataStream
- operators \endlink
-TQDataStream& operator>> ( TQDataStream& s, TQVariant& p )
- p.load( s );
- return s;
- Writes a variant \a p to the stream \a s.
- \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the TQDataStream
- operators \endlink
-TQDataStream& operator<< ( TQDataStream& s, const TQVariant& p )
- s );
- return s;
- Reads a variant type \a p in enum representation from the stream \a s.
-TQDataStream& operator>> ( TQDataStream& s, TQVariant::Type& p )
- TQ_UINT32 u;
- s >> u;
- p = (TQVariant::Type) u;
- return s;
- Writes a variant type \a p to the stream \a s.
-TQDataStream& operator<< ( TQDataStream& s, const TQVariant::Type p )
- s << (TQ_UINT32)p;
- return s;
- \fn Type TQVariant::type() const
- Returns the storage type of the value stored in the variant.
- Usually it's best to test with canCast() whether the variant can
- deliver the data type you are interested in.
- \fn bool TQVariant::isValid() const
- Returns TRUE if the storage type of this variant is not
- TQVariant::Invalid; otherwise returns FALSE.
- \fn TQValueListConstIterator<TQString> TQVariant::stringListBegin() const
- \obsolete
- Returns an iterator to the first string in the list if the
- variant's type is StringList; otherwise returns a null iterator.
- \fn TQValueListConstIterator<TQString> TQVariant::stringListEnd() const
- \obsolete
- Returns the end iterator for the list if the variant's type is
- StringList; otherwise returns a null iterator.
- \fn TQValueListConstIterator<TQVariant> TQVariant::listBegin() const
- \obsolete
- Returns an iterator to the first item in the list if the variant's
- type is appropriate; otherwise returns a null iterator.
- \fn TQValueListConstIterator<TQVariant> TQVariant::listEnd() const
- \obsolete
- Returns the end iterator for the list if the variant's type is
- appropriate; otherwise returns a null iterator.
- \fn TQMapConstIterator<TQString, TQVariant> TQVariant::mapBegin() const
- \obsolete
- Returns an iterator to the first item in the map, if the variant's
- type is appropriate; otherwise returns a null iterator.
- \fn TQMapConstIterator<TQString, TQVariant> TQVariant::mapEnd() const
- \obsolete
- Returns the end iterator for the map, if the variant's type is
- appropriate; otherwise returns a null iterator.
- \fn TQMapConstIterator<TQString, TQVariant> TQVariant::mapFind( const TQString& key ) const
- \obsolete
- Returns an iterator to the item in the map with \a key as key, if
- the variant's type is appropriate and \a key is a valid key;
- otherwise returns a null iterator.
- Returns the variant as a TQString if the variant can be cast to
- String, otherwise returns TQString::null.
- \sa asString(), canCast()
-const TQString TQVariant::toString() const
- switch( d->typ ) {
- case CString:
- return TQString::tqfromLatin1( toCString() );
- case Int:
- return TQString::number( toInt() );
- case UInt:
- return TQString::number( toUInt() );
- case LongLong:
- return TQString::number( toLongLong() );
- case ULongLong:
- return TQString::number( toULongLong() );
- case Double:
- return TQString::number( toDouble(), 'g', DBL_DIG );
-#if !defined(TQT_NO_SPRINTF) && !defined(TQT_NO_DATESTRING)
- case Date:
- return toDate().toString( TQt::ISODate );
- case Time:
- return toTime().toString( TQt::ISODate );
- case DateTime:
- return toDateTime().toString( TQt::ISODate );
- case Bool:
- return toInt() ? "true" : "false";
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case KeySequence:
- return (TQString) *( (TQKeySequence*)d->value.ptr );
- case ByteArray:
- return TQString( *((TQByteArray*)d->value.ptr) );
- case Font:
- return toFont().toString();
- case Color:
- return toColor().name();
- case String:
- return *((TQString*)d->value.ptr);
- default:
- return TQString::null;
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQCString if the variant can be cast to a
- CString; otherwise returns 0.
- \sa asCString(), canCast()
-const TQCString TQVariant::toCString() const
- switch( d->typ ) {
- case CString: return *((TQCString*)d->value.ptr);
- case String: return ((TQString*)d->value.ptr)->latin1();
- default: {
- if (!canCast(String))
- return 0;
- TQString c = toString();
- return TQCString(c.latin1());
- }
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQStringList if the variant has type()
- StringList or List of a type that can be converted to TQString;
- otherwise returns an empty list.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQStringList list = myVariant.toStringList();
- TQStringList::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while( it != list.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa asStringList()
-const TQStringList TQVariant::toStringList() const
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case StringList:
- return *((TQStringList*)d->value.ptr);
- case List:
- {
- TQStringList lst;
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = listBegin();
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator end = listEnd();
- while( it != end ) {
- TQString tmp = (*it).toString();
- ++it;
- lst.append( tmp );
- }
- return lst;
- }
- default:
- return TQStringList();
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQMap<TQString,TQVariant> if the variant has
- type() Map; otherwise returns an empty map.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the map, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> map = myVariant.toMap();
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>::Iterator it = map.begin();
- while( it != map.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa asMap()
-const TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> TQVariant::toMap() const
- if ( d->typ != Map )
- return TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>();
- return *((TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQFont if the variant can be cast to Font;
- otherwise returns the application's default font.
- \sa asFont(), canCast()
-const TQFont TQVariant::toFont() const
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- case String:
- {
- TQFont fnt;
- fnt.fromString( toString() );
- return fnt;
- }
- case Font:
- return *((TQFont*)d->value.ptr);
- default:
- return TQFont();
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQPixmap if the variant has type() Pixmap;
- otherwise returns a null pixmap.
- \sa asPixmap()
-const TQPixmap TQVariant::toPixmap() const
- if ( d->typ != Pixmap )
- return TQPixmap();
- return *((TQPixmap*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQImage if the variant has type() Image;
- otherwise returns a null image.
- \sa asImage()
-const TQImage TQVariant::toImage() const
- if ( d->typ != Image )
- return TQImage();
- return *((TQImage*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQBrush if the variant has type() Brush;
- otherwise returns a default brush (with all black colors).
- \sa asBrush()
-const TQBrush TQVariant::toBrush() const
- if( d->typ != Brush )
- return TQBrush();
- return *((TQBrush*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQPoint if the variant has type() Point;
- otherwise returns a point (0, 0).
- \sa asPoint()
-const TQPoint TQVariant::toPoint() const
- if ( d->typ != Point )
- return TQPoint();
- return *((TQPoint*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQRect if the variant has type() Rect;
- otherwise returns an empty rectangle.
- \sa asRect()
-const TQRect TQVariant::toRect() const
- if ( d->typ != Rect )
- return TQRect();
- return *((TQRect*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQSize if the variant has type() Size;
- otherwise returns an invalid size.
- \sa asSize()
-const TQSize TQVariant::toSize() const
- if ( d->typ != Size )
- return TQSize();
- return *((TQSize*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQColor if the variant can be cast to Color;
- otherwise returns an invalid color.
- \sa asColor(), canCast()
-const TQColor TQVariant::toColor() const
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case ByteArray:
- case CString:
- case String:
- {
- TQColor col;
- col.setNamedColor( toString() );
- return col;
- }
- case Color:
- return *((TQColor*)d->value.ptr);
- default:
- return TQColor();
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQPalette if the variant has type()
- Palette; otherwise returns a completely black palette.
- \sa asPalette()
-const TQPalette TQVariant::toPalette() const
- if ( d->typ != Palette )
- return TQPalette();
- return *((TQPalette*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQColorGroup if the variant has type()
- ColorGroup; otherwise returns a completely black color group.
- \sa asColorGroup()
-const TQColorGroup TQVariant::toColorGroup() const
- if ( d->typ != ColorGroup )
- return TQColorGroup();
- return *((TQColorGroup*)d->value.ptr);
-#endif //TQT_NO_PALETTE
- Returns the variant as a TQIconSet if the variant has type()
- IconSet; otherwise returns an icon set of null pixmaps.
- \sa asIconSet()
-const TQIconSet TQVariant::toIconSet() const
- if ( d->typ != IconSet )
- return TQIconSet();
- return *((TQIconSet*)d->value.ptr);
-#endif //TQT_NO_ICONSET
- Returns the variant as a TQPointArray if the variant has type()
- PointArray; otherwise returns an empty TQPointArray.
- \sa asPointArray()
-const TQPointArray TQVariant::toPointArray() const
- if ( d->typ != PointArray )
- return TQPointArray();
- return *((TQPointArray*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQBitmap if the variant has type() Bitmap;
- otherwise returns a null TQBitmap.
- \sa asBitmap()
-const TQBitmap TQVariant::toBitmap() const
- if ( d->typ != Bitmap )
- return TQBitmap();
- return *((TQBitmap*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQRegion if the variant has type() Region;
- otherwise returns an empty TQRegion.
- \sa asRegion()
-const TQRegion TQVariant::toRegion() const
- if ( d->typ != Region )
- return TQRegion();
- return *((TQRegion*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQCursor if the variant has type() Cursor;
- otherwise returns the default arrow cursor.
- \sa asCursor()
-const TQCursor TQVariant::toCursor() const
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- if ( d->typ != Cursor )
- return TQCursor();
- return *((TQCursor*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as a TQDate if the variant can be cast to Date;
- otherwise returns an invalid date.
- Note that if the type() is String, CString or ByteArray an invalid
- date will be returned if the string cannot be parsed as a
- TQt::ISODate format date.
- \sa asDate(), canCast()
-const TQDate TQVariant::toDate() const
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case Date:
- return *((TQDate*)d->value.ptr);
- case DateTime:
- return ((TQDateTime*)d->value.ptr)->date();
- case String:
- return TQDate::fromString( *((TQString*)d->value.ptr), TQt::ISODate );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return TQDate::fromString(toString(), TQt::ISODate);
- default:
- return TQDate();
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQTime if the variant can be cast to Time;
- otherwise returns an invalid date.
- Note that if the type() is String, CString or ByteArray an invalid
- time will be returned if the string cannot be parsed as a
- TQt::ISODate format time.
- \sa asTime()
-const TQTime TQVariant::toTime() const
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case Time:
- return *((TQTime*)d->value.ptr);
- case DateTime:
- return ((TQDateTime*)d->value.ptr)->time();
- case String:
- return TQTime::fromString( *((TQString*)d->value.ptr), TQt::ISODate );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return TQTime::fromString(toString(), TQt::ISODate);
- default:
- return TQTime();
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQDateTime if the variant can be cast to
- DateTime; otherwise returns an invalid TQDateTime.
- Note that if the type() is String, CString or ByteArray an invalid
- TQDateTime will be returned if the string cannot be parsed as a
- TQt::ISODate format date/time.
- \sa asDateTime()
-const TQDateTime TQVariant::toDateTime() const
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case DateTime:
- return *((TQDateTime*)d->value.ptr);
- case String:
- return TQDateTime::fromString( *((TQString*)d->value.ptr), TQt::ISODate );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return TQDateTime::fromString(toString(), TQt::ISODate);
- case Date:
- return TQDateTime( *((TQDate*)d->value.ptr) );
- default:
- return TQDateTime();
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQByteArray if the variant can be cast to
- a ByteArray; otherwise returns an empty bytearray.
- \sa asByteArray(), canCast()
-const TQByteArray TQVariant::toByteArray() const
- switch(d->typ) {
- case ByteArray: return *((TQByteArray*)d->value.ptr);
- case CString: return *((TQByteArray*)d->value.ptr);
- default: {
- TQByteArray ret;
- if (canCast(String)) {
- TQString c = toString();
- ret.duplicate(c.latin1(), c.length());
- }
- return ret;
- }
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQBitArray if the variant has type()
- BitArray; otherwise returns an empty bitarray.
- \sa asBitArray()
-const TQBitArray TQVariant::toBitArray() const
- if ( d->typ == BitArray )
- return *((TQBitArray*)d->value.ptr);
- return TQBitArray();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- Returns the variant as a TQKeySequence if the variant can be cast
- to a KeySequence; otherwise returns an empty key sequence.
- \sa asKeySequence(), canCast()
-const TQKeySequence TQVariant::toKeySequence() const
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case KeySequence:
- return *((TQKeySequence*)d->value.ptr);
- case String:
- case ByteArray:
- case CString:
- return TQKeySequence( toString() );
- case Int:
- case UInt:
- case Double:
- case ULongLong:
- case LongLong:
- return TQKeySequence( toInt() );
- default:
- return TQKeySequence();
- }
-#endif // TQT_NO_ACCEL
- Returns the variant as a TQPen if the variant has type()
- Pen; otherwise returns an empty TQPen.
- \sa asPen()
-const TQPen TQVariant::toPen() const
- if ( d->typ != Pen )
- return TQPen();
- return *((TQPen*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant as an int if the variant can be cast to Int;
- otherwise returns 0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to an int; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asInt(), canCast()
-int TQVariant::toInt( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( Int );
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)d->value.ptr)->toInt( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return ((TQCString*)d->value.ptr)->toInt( ok );
- case Int:
- return d->value.i;
- case UInt:
- return (int)d->value.u;
- case LongLong:
- return (int)d->value.ll;
- case ULongLong:
- return (int)d->value.ull;
- case Double:
- return (int)d->value.d;
- case Bool:
- return (int)d->value.b;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case KeySequence:
- return (int) *( (TQKeySequence*)d->value.ptr );
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- Returns the variant as an unsigned int if the variant can be cast
- to UInt; otherwise returns 0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to an unsigned int; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asUInt(), canCast()
-uint TQVariant::toUInt( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( UInt );
- switch( d->typ ) {
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)d->value.ptr)->toUInt( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return ((TQCString*)d->value.ptr)->toUInt( ok );
- case Int:
- return (uint)d->value.i;
- case UInt:
- return d->value.u;
- case LongLong:
- return (uint)d->value.ll;
- case ULongLong:
- return (uint)d->value.ull;
- case Double:
- return (uint)d->value.d;
- case Bool:
- return (uint)d->value.b;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- Returns the variant as a long long int if the variant can be cast
- to LongLong; otherwise returns 0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to an int; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asLongLong(), canCast()
-TQ_LLONG TQVariant::toLongLong( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( LongLong );
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)d->value.ptr)->toLongLong( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return TQString(*(TQCString*)d->value.ptr).toLongLong(ok);
- case Int:
- return (TQ_LLONG)d->value.i;
- case UInt:
- return (TQ_LLONG)d->value.u;
- case LongLong:
- return d->value.ll;
- case ULongLong:
- return (TQ_LLONG)d->value.ull;
- case Double:
- return (TQ_LLONG)d->value.d;
- case Bool:
- return (TQ_LLONG)d->value.b;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- Returns the variant as as an unsigned long long int if the variant
- can be cast to ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to an int; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asULongLong(), canCast()
-TQ_ULLONG TQVariant::toULongLong( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( ULongLong );
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case Int:
- return (TQ_ULLONG)d->value.i;
- case UInt:
- return (TQ_ULLONG)d->value.u;
- case LongLong:
- return (TQ_ULLONG)d->value.ll;
- case ULongLong:
- return d->value.ull;
- case Double:
- return (TQ_ULLONG)d->value.d;
- case Bool:
- return (TQ_ULLONG)d->value.b;
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)d->value.ptr)->toULongLong( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return TQString(*(TQCString*)d->value.ptr).toULongLong(ok);
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- Returns the variant as a bool if the variant can be cast to Bool;
- otherWise returns FALSE.
- Returns TRUE if the variant has a numeric type and its value is
- non-zero, or if the variant has type String, ByteArray or CString
- and its lower-case content is not empty, "0" or "false"; otherwise
- returns FALSE.
- \sa asBool(), canCast()
-bool TQVariant::toBool() const
- switch( d->typ ) {
- case Bool:
- return d->value.b;
- case Double:
- return d->value.d != 0.0;
- case Int:
- return d->value.i != 0;
- case UInt:
- return d->value.u != 0;
- case LongLong:
- return d->value.ll != 0;
- case ULongLong:
- return d->value.ull != 0;
- case String:
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- {
- TQString str = toString().lower();
- return !(str == "0" || str == "false" || str.isEmpty() );
- }
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
- Returns the variant as a double if the variant can be cast to
- Double; otherwise returns 0.0.
- If \a ok is non-null: \a *ok is set to TRUE if the value could be
- converted to a double; otherwise \a *ok is set to FALSE.
- \sa asDouble(), canCast()
-double TQVariant::toDouble( bool * ok ) const
- if ( ok )
- *ok = canCast( Double );
- switch ( d->typ ) {
- case String:
- return ((TQString*)d->value.ptr)->toDouble( ok );
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- return ((TQCString*)d->value.ptr)->toDouble( ok );
- case Double:
- return d->value.d;
- case Int:
- return (double)d->value.i;
- case Bool:
- return (double)d->value.b;
- case UInt:
- return (double)d->value.u;
- case LongLong:
- return (double)d->value.ll;
- case ULongLong:
-#if defined(TQ_CC_MSVC) && !defined(TQ_CC_MSVC_NET)
- return (double)(TQ_LLONG)d->value.ull;
- return (double)d->value.ull;
- default:
- return 0.0;
- }
- Returns the variant as a TQValueList<TQVariant> if the variant has
- type() List or StringList; otherwise returns an empty list.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQValueList<TQVariant> list = myVariant.toList();
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while( it != list.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa asList()
-const TQValueList<TQVariant> TQVariant::toList() const
- if ( d->typ == List )
- return *((TQValueList<TQVariant>*)d->value.ptr);
- if ( d->typ == StringList ) {
- TQValueList<TQVariant> lst;
- TQStringList::ConstIterator it = stringListBegin();
- TQStringList::ConstIterator end = stringListEnd();
- for( ; it != end; ++it )
- lst.append( TQVariant( *it ) );
- return lst;
- }
- return TQValueList<TQVariant>();
- Returns the variant as a TQSizePolicy if the variant has type()
- SizePolicy; otherwise returns an undefined (but legal) size
- policy.
-TQSizePolicy TQVariant::toSizePolicy() const
- if ( d->typ == SizePolicy )
- return *((TQSizePolicy*)d->value.ptr);
- return TQSizePolicy();
-#define TQ_VARIANT_AS( f ) TQ##f& TQVariant::as##f() \
-{ \
- bool b = isNull(); \
- if ( d->typ != f ) \
- *this = TQVariant( to##f() ); \
- else \
- detach(); \
- d->is_null = b; \
- return *((TQ##f*)d->value.ptr); \
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- \fn TQString& TQVariant::asString()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a string value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to an empty string.
- Returns a reference to the stored string.
- \sa toString()
- \fn TQCString& TQVariant::asCString()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a string value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to an empty string.
- Returns a reference to the stored string.
- \sa toCString()
- \fn TQStringList& TQVariant::asStringList()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQStringList value. If that
- is not possible the variant is set to an empty string list.
- Returns a reference to the stored string list.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should
- iterate over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQStringList list = myVariant.asStringList();
- TQStringList::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while( it != list.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa toStringList()
- \fn TQFont& TQVariant::asFont()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQFont. If that is not
- possible the variant is set to the application's default font.
- Returns a reference to the stored font.
- \sa toFont()
- \fn TQPixmap& TQVariant::asPixmap()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a pixmap value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to a null pixmap.
- Returns a reference to the stored pixmap.
- \sa toPixmap()
- \fn TQImage& TQVariant::asImage()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold an image value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to a null image.
- Returns a reference to the stored image.
- \sa toImage()
- \fn TQBrush& TQVariant::asBrush()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a brush value. If that is not
- possible the variant is set to a default black brush.
- Returns a reference to the stored brush.
- \sa toBrush()
- \fn TQPoint& TQVariant::asPoint()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a point value. If that is not
- possible the variant is set to a (0, 0) point.
- Returns a reference to the stored point.
- \sa toPoint()
- \fn TQRect& TQVariant::asRect()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a rectangle value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to an empty rectangle.
- Returns a reference to the stored rectangle.
- \sa toRect()
- \fn TQSize& TQVariant::asSize()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQSize value. If that is not
- possible the variant is set to an invalid size.
- Returns a reference to the stored size.
- \sa toSize() TQSize::isValid()
- \fn TQSizePolicy& TQVariant::asSizePolicy()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQSizePolicy value. If that
- fails, the variant is set to an arbitrary (valid) size policy.
- \fn TQColor& TQVariant::asColor()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQColor value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to an invalid color.
- Returns a reference to the stored color.
- \sa toColor() TQColor::isValid()
- \fn TQPalette& TQVariant::asPalette()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQPalette value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to a palette of black colors.
- Returns a reference to the stored palette.
- \sa toString()
- \fn TQColorGroup& TQVariant::asColorGroup()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQColorGroup value. If that
- is not possible the variant is set to a color group of all black
- colors.
- Returns a reference to the stored color group.
- \sa toColorGroup()
- \fn TQIconSet& TQVariant::asIconSet()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQIconSet value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to an empty iconset.
- Returns a reference to the stored iconset.
- \sa toIconSet()
- \fn TQPointArray& TQVariant::asPointArray()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQPointArray value. If that
- is not possible the variant is set to an empty point array.
- Returns a reference to the stored point array.
- \sa toPointArray()
- \fn TQBitmap& TQVariant::asBitmap()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a bitmap value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to a null bitmap.
- Returns a reference to the stored bitmap.
- \sa toBitmap()
- \fn TQRegion& TQVariant::asRegion()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQRegion value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to a null region.
- Returns a reference to the stored region.
- \sa toRegion()
- \fn TQCursor& TQVariant::asCursor()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQCursor value. If that is
- not possible the variant is set to a default arrow cursor.
- Returns a reference to the stored cursor.
- \sa toCursor()
- \fn TQDate& TQVariant::asDate()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQDate value. If that is not
- possible then the variant is set to an invalid date.
- Returns a reference to the stored date.
- \sa toDate()
- \fn TQTime& TQVariant::asTime()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQTime value. If that is not
- possible then the variant is set to an invalid time.
- Returns a reference to the stored time.
- \sa toTime()
- \fn TQDateTime& TQVariant::asDateTime()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQDateTime value. If that is
- not possible then the variant is set to an invalid date/time.
- Returns a reference to the stored date/time.
- \sa toDateTime()
- \fn TQByteArray& TQVariant::asByteArray()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQByteArray value. If that
- is not possible then the variant is set to an empty bytearray.
- Returns a reference to the stored bytearray.
- \sa toByteArray()
- \fn TQBitArray& TQVariant::asBitArray()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQBitArray value. If that is
- not possible then the variant is set to an empty bitarray.
- Returns a reference to the stored bitarray.
- \sa toBitArray()
- \fn TQKeySequence& TQVariant::asKeySequence()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQKeySequence value. If that
- is not possible then the variant is set to an empty key sequence.
- Returns a reference to the stored key sequence.
- \sa toKeySequence()
-/*! \fn TQPen& TQVariant::asPen()
- Tries to convert the variant to hold a TQPen value. If that
- is not possible then the variant is set to an empty pen.
- Returns a reference to the stored pen.
- \sa toPen()
- Returns the variant's value as int reference.
-int& TQVariant::asInt()
- detach();
- if ( d->typ != Int ) {
- int i = toInt();
- bool b = isNull();
- d->clear();
- d->value.i = i;
- d->typ = Int;
- d->is_null = b;
- }
- return d->value.i;
- Returns the variant's value as unsigned int reference.
-uint& TQVariant::asUInt()
- detach();
- if ( d->typ != UInt ) {
- uint u = toUInt();
- bool b = isNull();
- d->clear();
- d->value.u = u;
- d->typ = UInt;
- d->is_null = b;
- }
- return d->value.u;
- Returns the variant's value as long long reference.
-TQ_LLONG& TQVariant::asLongLong()
- detach();
- if ( d->typ != LongLong ) {
- TQ_LLONG ll = toLongLong();
- bool b = isNull();
- d->clear();
- d->value.ll = ll;
- d->typ = LongLong;
- d->is_null = b;
- }
- return d->value.ll;
- Returns the variant's value as unsigned long long reference.
-TQ_ULLONG& TQVariant::asULongLong()
- detach();
- if ( d->typ != ULongLong ) {
- TQ_ULLONG ull = toULongLong();
- bool b = isNull();
- d->clear();
- d->value.ull = ull;
- d->typ = ULongLong;
- d->is_null = b;
- }
- return d->value.ull;
- Returns the variant's value as bool reference.
-bool& TQVariant::asBool()
- detach();
- if ( d->typ != Bool ) {
- bool b = toBool();
- bool nb = isNull();
- d->clear();
- d->value.b = b;
- d->typ = Bool;
- d->is_null = nb;
- }
- return d->value.b;
- Returns the variant's value as double reference.
-double& TQVariant::asDouble()
- detach();
- if ( d->typ != Double ) {
- double dbl = toDouble();
- bool b = isNull();
- d->clear();
- d->value.d = dbl;
- d->typ = Double;
- d->is_null = b;
- }
- return d->value.d;
- Returns the variant's value as variant list reference.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQValueList<TQVariant> list = myVariant.asList();
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while( it != list.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
-TQValueList<TQVariant>& TQVariant::asList()
- bool b = isNull();
- if ( d->typ != List )
- *this = TQVariant( toList() );
- else
- detach();
- d->is_null = b;
- return *((TQValueList<TQVariant>*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns the variant's value as variant map reference.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the map, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> map = myVariant.asMap();
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>::Iterator it = map.begin();
- while( it != map.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
-TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>& TQVariant::asMap()
- bool b = isNull();
- if ( d->typ != Map )
- *this = TQVariant( toMap() );
- else
- detach();
- d->is_null = b;
- return *((TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>*)d->value.ptr);
- Returns TRUE if the variant's type can be cast to the requested
- type, \a t. Such casting is done automatically when calling the
- toInt(), toBool(), ... or asInt(), asBool(), ... methods.
- The following casts are done automatically:
- \table
- \header \i Type \i Automatically Cast To
- \row \i Bool \i Double, Int, UInt, LongLong, ULongLong, String, CString, ByteArray
- \row \i Color \i String. CString. ByteArray
- \row \i Date \i String, CString, ByteArray, DateTime
- \row \i DateTime \i String, CString, ByteArray, Date, Time
- \row \i Double \i String, CString, ByteArray, Int, Bool, UInt, LongLong, ULongLong
- \row \i Font \i String, CString, ByteArray
- \row \i Int \i String, CString, ByteArray, Double, Bool, UInt, LongLong, ULongLong, KeySequence
- \row \i LongLong \i String, CString, ByteArray, Double, Bool, UInt, LongLong, ULongLong, KeySequence
- \row \i ULongLong \i String, CString, ByteArray, Double, Bool, UInt, LongLong, ULongLong, KeySequence
- \row \i List \i StringList (if the list contains only strings or
- something that can be cast to a string)
- \row \i String \i CString, ByteArray, CString, Int, UInt, Bool, Double, Date,
- Time, DateTime, KeySequence, Font, Color
- \row \i CString \i String, ByteArray, Int, UInt, Bool, Double, Date, ULongLong, LongLong
- \row \i ByteArray \i String, CString, Int, UInt, Bool, Double, Date, ULongLong, LongLong
- \row \i StringList \i List
- \row \i Time \i String
- \row \i Int \i String, CString, ByteArray, Double, Bool, UInt, LongLong, ULongLong, KeySequence
- \row \i KeySequence \i String, CString, ByteArray, Int, UInt, LongLong, ULongLong
- \endtable
-bool TQVariant::canCast( Type t ) const
- if ( Type( d->typ ) == t )
- return TRUE;
- switch ( t ) {
- case Bool:
- case Double:
- if (d->typ == KeySequence)
- break;
- case Int:
- case UInt:
- case LongLong:
- case ULongLong:
- switch(d->typ) {
- case Bool:
- case ByteArray:
- case CString:
- case Double:
- case Int:
- case KeySequence:
- case LongLong:
- case String:
- case UInt:
- case ULongLong:
- return TRUE;
- default: break;
- }
- break;
- case CString:
- case ByteArray:
- case String:
- switch(d->typ) {
- case Bool:
- case ByteArray:
- case CString:
- case Color:
- case Date:
- case DateTime:
- case Double:
- case Font:
- case Int:
- case KeySequence:
- case LongLong:
- case String:
- case Time:
- case UInt:
- case ULongLong:
- return TRUE;
- default: break;
- }
- break;
- case Time:
- if (d->typ == Date)
- break;
- case Date:
- case DateTime:
- switch(d->typ) {
- case ByteArray:
- case CString:
- case Date:
- case DateTime:
- case String:
- return TRUE;
- default: break;
- }
- break;
- case KeySequence:
- switch(d->typ) {
- case ByteArray:
- case CString:
- case Int:
- case UInt:
- case LongLong:
- case ULongLong:
- case Double:
- case String:
- return TRUE;
- default: break;
- }
- break;
- case Font:
- case Color:
- switch(d->typ) {
- case ByteArray:
- case CString:
- case String:
- return TRUE;
- default: break;
- }
- break;
- case List:
- return d->typ == StringList;
- case StringList:
- if ( d->typ == List ) {
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = listBegin();
- TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator end = listEnd();
- for( ; it != end; ++it ) {
- if ( !(*it).canCast( String ) )
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- case Invalid:
- case Map:
- case Pixmap:
- case Brush:
- case Rect:
- case Size:
- case Palette:
- case ColorGroup:
- case IconSet:
- case Point:
- case Image:
- case PointArray:
- case Region:
- case Bitmap:
- case Cursor:
- case SizePolicy:
- case BitArray:
- case Pen:
- break;
- }
- return FALSE;
- Casts the variant to the requested type. If the cast cannot be
- done, the variant is set to the default value of the requested
- type (e.g. an empty string if the requested type \a t is
- TQVariant::String, an empty point array if the requested type \a t
- is TQVariant::PointArray, etc). Returns TRUE if the current type of
- the variant was successfully cast; otherwise returns FALSE.
- \sa canCast()
-bool TQVariant::cast( Type t )
- switch ( t ) {
- case TQVariant::Map:
- asMap();
- break;
- case TQVariant::List:
- asList();
- break;
- case TQVariant::String:
- asString();
- break;
- case TQVariant::StringList:
- asStringList();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Font:
- asFont();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Pixmap:
- asPixmap();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Brush:
- asBrush();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Rect:
- asRect();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Size:
- asSize();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Color:
- asColor();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Palette:
- asPalette();
- break;
- case TQVariant::ColorGroup:
- asColorGroup();
- break;
- case TQVariant::IconSet:
- asIconSet();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Point:
- asPoint();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Image:
- asImage();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Int:
- asInt();
- break;
- case TQVariant::UInt:
- asUInt();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Bool:
- asBool();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Double:
- asDouble();
- break;
- case TQVariant::CString:
- asCString();
- break;
- case TQVariant::PointArray:
- asPointArray();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Region:
- asRegion();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Bitmap:
- asBitmap();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Cursor:
- asCursor();
- break;
- case TQVariant::SizePolicy:
- asSizePolicy();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Date:
- asDate();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Time:
- asTime();
- break;
- case TQVariant::DateTime:
- asDateTime();
- break;
- case TQVariant::ByteArray:
- asByteArray();
- break;
- case TQVariant::BitArray:
- asBitArray();
- break;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case TQVariant::KeySequence:
- asKeySequence();
- break;
- case TQVariant::Pen:
- asPen();
- break;
- case TQVariant::LongLong:
- asLongLong();
- break;
- case TQVariant::ULongLong:
- asULongLong();
- break;
- default:
- case TQVariant::Invalid:
- (*this) = TQVariant();
- }
- return canCast( t );
- Compares this TQVariant with \a v and returns TRUE if they are
- equal; otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool TQVariant::operator==( const TQVariant &v ) const
- if (isNumeric(v.type()) && canCast(v.type())) {
- bool ok;
- switch(v.type()) {
- case Bool:
- return toBool() == v.toBool();
- case Int:
- {
- int val = toInt(&ok);
- return (ok && val == v.toInt());
- }
- case UInt:
- {
- uint val = toUInt(&ok);
- return (ok && val == v.toUInt());
- }
- case Double:
- {
- double val = toDouble(&ok);
- return (ok && val == v.toDouble());
- }
- case LongLong:
- {
- TQ_LLONG val = toLongLong(&ok);
- return (ok && val == v.toLongLong());
- }
- case ULongLong:
- {
- TQ_ULLONG val = toULongLong(&ok);
- return (ok && val == v.toULongLong());
- }
- default:
- }
- }
- if (!v.canCast(d->typ)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- switch( d->typ ) {
- case Cursor:
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- return v.toCursor().tqshape() == toCursor().tqshape();
- case Bitmap:
- return v.toBitmap().serialNumber() == toBitmap().serialNumber();
- case PointArray:
- return v.toPointArray() == toPointArray();
- case Region:
- return v.toRegion() == toRegion();
- case List:
- return v.toList() == toList();
- case Map: {
- if ( v.toMap().count() != toMap().count() )
- return FALSE;
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = v.toMap().begin();
- TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>::ConstIterator it2 = toMap().begin();
- while ( it != v.toMap().end() ) {
- if ( *it != *it2 )
- return FALSE;
- ++it;
- ++it2;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- case String:
- return v.toString() == toString();
- case CString:
- return v.toCString() == toCString();
- case StringList:
- return v.toStringList() == toStringList();
- case Font:
- return v.toFont() == toFont();
- case Pixmap:
- return v.toPixmap().serialNumber() == toPixmap().serialNumber();
- case Image:
- return v.toImage() == toImage();
- case Brush:
- return v.toBrush() == toBrush();
- case Point:
- return v.toPoint() == toPoint();
- case Rect:
- return v.toRect() == toRect();
- case Size:
- return v.toSize() == toSize();
- case Color:
- return v.toColor() == toColor();
- case Palette:
- return v.toPalette() == toPalette();
- case ColorGroup:
- return v.toColorGroup() == toColorGroup();
- case IconSet:
- return v.toIconSet().pixmap().serialNumber()
- == toIconSet().pixmap().serialNumber();
- case Int:
- return v.toInt() == toInt();
- case UInt:
- return v.toUInt() == toUInt();
- case LongLong:
- return v.toLongLong() == toLongLong();
- case ULongLong:
- return v.toULongLong() == toULongLong();
- case Bool:
- return v.toBool() == toBool();
- case Double:
- return v.toDouble() == toDouble();
- case SizePolicy:
- return v.toSizePolicy() == toSizePolicy();
- case Date:
- return v.toDate() == toDate();
- case Time:
- return v.toTime() == toTime();
- case DateTime:
- return v.toDateTime() == toDateTime();
- case ByteArray:
- return v.toByteArray() == toByteArray();
- case BitArray:
- return v.toBitArray() == toBitArray();
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case KeySequence:
- return v.toKeySequence() == toKeySequence();
- case Pen:
- return v.toPen() == toPen();
- case Invalid:
- break;
- }
- return FALSE;
- Compares this TQVariant with \a v and returns TRUE if they are not
- equal; otherwise returns FALSE.
-bool TQVariant::operator!=( const TQVariant &v ) const
- return !( v == *this );
-/*! \internal
- Reads or sets the variant type and ptr
- */
-void* TQVariant::rawAccess( void* ptr, Type typ, bool deepCopy )
- if ( ptr ) {
- clear();
- d->typ = typ;
- d->value.ptr = ptr;
- d->is_null = FALSE;
- if ( deepCopy ) {
- TQVariant::Private* p = new Private( d );
- d->typ = Invalid;
- delete d;
- d = p;
- }
- }
- if ( !deepCopy )
- return d->value.ptr;
- TQVariant::Private* p = new Private( d );
- void *ret = (void*)p->value.ptr;
- p->typ = Invalid;
- delete p;
- return ret;
- Returns TRUE if this is a NULL variant, FALSE otherwise.
-bool TQVariant::isNull() const
- switch( d->typ )
- {
- case TQVariant::Bitmap:
- return ((TQBitmap*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::Region:
- return ((TQRegion*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::PointArray:
- return ((TQPointArray*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::String:
- return ((TQString*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::CString:
- return ((TQCString*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::Pixmap:
- return ((TQPixmap*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::Image:
- return ((TQImage*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::Point:
- return ((TQPoint*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::Rect:
- return ((TQRect*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::Size:
- return ((TQSize*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::IconSet:
- return ((TQIconSet*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::Date:
- return ((TQDate*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::Time:
- return ((TQTime*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::DateTime:
- return ((TQDateTime*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::ByteArray:
- return ((TQByteArray*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::BitArray:
- return ((TQBitArray*) d->value.ptr)->isNull();
- case TQVariant::Cursor:
- case TQVariant::StringList:
- case TQVariant::Font:
- case TQVariant::Brush:
- case TQVariant::Color:
- case TQVariant::Palette:
- case TQVariant::ColorGroup:
- case TQVariant::Map:
- case TQVariant::List:
- case TQVariant::SizePolicy:
-#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
- case TQVariant::KeySequence:
- case TQVariant::Pen:
- case TQVariant::Invalid:
- case TQVariant::Int:
- case TQVariant::UInt:
- case TQVariant::LongLong:
- case TQVariant::ULongLong:
- case TQVariant::Bool:
- case TQVariant::Double:
- break;
- }
- return d->is_null;
-#endif //TQT_NO_VARIANT
-#endif // USE_QT4 \ No newline at end of file