path: root/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqsplitter.cpp
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diff --git a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqsplitter.cpp b/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqsplitter.cpp
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index 18cf11c..0000000
--- a/tqtinterface/qt4/src/widgets/tqsplitter.cpp
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-** Implementation of TQSplitter class
-** Created : 980105
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
-** This file is part of the widgets module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "tqsplitter.h"
-#include "tqlayout.h"
-#include "../kernel/tqlayoutengine_p.h"
-#include "tqapplication.h"
-#include "tqbitmap.h"
-#include "tqdrawutil.h"
-#include "tqmemarray.h"
-#include "tqobjectlist.h"
-#include "tqpainter.h"
-#include "tqptrlist.h"
-#include "tqstyle.h"
-const uint Default = TQT_TQSPLITTER_DEFAULT;
-static int mouseOffset;
-static int opaqueOldPos = -1; // this assumes that there's only one mouse
-static TQPoint toggle( TQWidget *w, TQPoint pos )
- TQSize minS = tqSmartMinSize( w );
- return -pos - TQPoint( minS.width(), minS.height() );
-static bool isCollapsed( TQWidget *w )
- return w->x() < 0 || w->y() < 0;
-static TQPoint topLeft( TQWidget *w )
- if ( isCollapsed(w) ) {
- return toggle( w, w->pos() );
- } else {
- return w->pos();
- }
-static TQPoint bottomRight( TQWidget *w )
- if ( isCollapsed(w) ) {
- return toggle( w, w->pos() ) - TQPoint( 1, 1 );
- } else {
- return w->tqgeometry().bottomRight();
- }
-TQSplitterHandle::TQSplitterHandle( Qt::Orientation o, TQSplitter *parent,
- const char * name )
- : TQWidget( parent, name )
- s = parent;
- setOrientation( o );
-TQSize TQSplitterHandle::tqsizeHint() const
- int hw = s->handleWidth();
- return parentWidget()->tqstyle().tqsizeFromContents( TQStyle::CT_Splitter, s,
- TQSize(hw, hw) )
- .expandedTo( TQApplication::globalStrut() );
-void TQSplitterHandle::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation o )
- orient = o;
-#ifndef TQT_NO_CURSOR
- setCursor( o == Qt::Horizontal ? Qt::SplitHCursor : Qt::SplitVCursor );
-void TQSplitterHandle::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
- if ( !(e->state()&Qt::LeftButton) )
- return;
- TQCOORD pos = s->pick( parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()) )
- - mouseOffset;
- if ( opaque() ) {
- s->moveSplitter( pos, id() );
- } else {
- s->setRubberband( s->adjustPos(pos, id()) );
- }
-void TQSplitterHandle::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
- if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
- mouseOffset = s->pick( e->pos() );
-void TQSplitterHandle::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
- if ( !opaque() && e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
- TQCOORD pos = s->pick( parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()) )
- - mouseOffset;
- s->setRubberband( -1 );
- s->moveSplitter( pos, id() );
- }
-void TQSplitterHandle::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * )
- TQPainter p( this );
- parentWidget()->tqstyle().tqdrawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_Splitter, &p, rect(),
- tqcolorGroup(),
- (TQStyle::SFlags)(orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ?
- TQStyle::Style_Horizontal : 0) );
-TQCOORD TQSplitterLayoutStruct::getSizer( Qt::Orientation orient )
- if ( sizer == -1 ) {
- TQSize s = wid->tqsizeHint();
- if ( !s.isValid() || wid->testWState(WState_Resized) )
- s = wid->size();
- sizer = ( orient == Qt::Horizontal ) ? s.width() : s.height();
- }
- return sizer;
- \class TQSplitter
- \brief The TQSplitter class implements a splitter widget.
- \ingroup organizers
- \mainclass
- A splitter lets the user control the size of child widgets by
- dragging the boundary between the tqchildren. Any number of widgets
- may be controlled by a single splitter.
- To show a TQListBox, a TQListView and a TQTextEdit side by side:
- \code
- TQSplitter *split = new TQSplitter( parent );
- TQListBox *lb = new TQListBox( split );
- TQListView *lv = new TQListView( split );
- TQTextEdit *ed = new TQTextEdit( split );
- \endcode
- TQSplitter lays out its tqchildren horizontally (side by side); you
- can use setOrientation(TQSplitter::Vertical) to lay out the
- tqchildren vertically.
- By default, all widgets can be as large or as small as the user
- wishes, between the \l tqminimumSizeHint() (or \l tqminimumSize())
- and \l tqmaximumSize() of the widgets. Use setResizeMode() to
- specify that a widget should keep its size when the splitter is
- resized, or set the stretch component of the \l sizePolicy.
- Although TQSplitter normally resizes the tqchildren only at the end
- of a resize operation, if you call setOpaqueResize(TRUE) the
- widgets are resized as often as possible.
- The initial distribution of size between the widgets is determined
- by the initial size of each widget. You can also use setSizes() to
- set the sizes of all the widgets. The function sizes() returns the
- sizes set by the user.
- If you hide() a child its space will be distributed among the
- other tqchildren. It will be reinstated when you show() it again. It
- is also possible to reorder the widgets within the splitter using
- moveToFirst() and moveToLast().
- <img src=qsplitter-m.png> <img src=qsplitter-w.png>
- \sa TQTabBar
- Constructs a horizontal splitter with the \a parent and \a name
- arguments being passed on to the TQFrame constructor.
-TQSplitter::TQSplitter( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
- : TQFrame( parent, name, TQt::WPaintUnclipped )
- orient = Qt::Horizontal;
- init();
- Constructs a splitter with orientation \a o with the \a parent and
- \a name arguments being passed on to the TQFrame constructor.
-TQSplitter::TQSplitter( Qt::Orientation o, TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
- : TQFrame( parent, name, TQt::WPaintUnclipped )
- orient = o;
- init();
- Destroys the splitter and any tqchildren.
- delete d;
-void TQSplitter::init()
- d = new TQSplitterPrivate;
- d->list.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
- TQSizePolicy sp( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Preferred );
- if ( orient == Qt::Vertical )
- sp.transpose();
- tqsetSizePolicy( sp );
- clearWState( TQt::WState_OwnSizePolicy );
- \fn void TQSplitter::refresh()
- Updates the splitter's state. You should not need to call this
- function.
- \property TQSplitter::orientation
- \brief the orientation of the splitter
- By default the orientation is horizontal (the widgets are side by
- side). The possible orientations are \c Qt::Horizontal and
- \c Qt::Vertical.
-void TQSplitter::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation o )
- if ( orient == o )
- return;
- if ( !testWState( TQt::WState_OwnSizePolicy ) ) {
- TQSizePolicy sp = tqsizePolicy();
- sp.transpose();
- tqsetSizePolicy( sp );
- clearWState( TQt::WState_OwnSizePolicy );
- }
- orient = o;
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- while ( s ) {
- if ( s->isHandle )
- ((TQSplitterHandle*)s->wid)->setOrientation( o );
- s = d->;
- }
- recalc( isVisible() );
- \property TQSplitter::tqchildrenCollapsible
- \brief whether child widgets can be resized down to size 0 by the user
- By default, tqchildren are collapsible. It is possible to enable
- and disable the collapsing of individual tqchildren; see
- setCollapsible().
-void TQSplitter::setChildrenCollapsible( bool collapse )
- d->tqchildrenCollapsible = collapse;
-bool TQSplitter::tqchildrenCollapsible() const
- return d->tqchildrenCollapsible;
- Sets whether the child widget \a w is collapsible to \a collapse.
- By default, tqchildren are collapsible, meaning that the user can
- resize them down to size 0, even if they have a non-zero
- tqminimumSize() or tqminimumSizeHint(). This behavior can be changed
- on a per-widget basis by calling this function, or globally for
- all the widgets in the splitter by setting the \l
- tqchildrenCollapsible property.
- \sa tqchildrenCollapsible
-void TQSplitter::setCollapsible( TQWidget *w, bool collapse )
- findWidget( w )->collapsible = collapse ? 1 : 0;
- \reimp
-void TQSplitter::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * )
- doResize();
-TQSplitterLayoutStruct *TQSplitter::findWidget( TQWidget *w )
- processChildEvents();
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- while ( s ) {
- if ( s->wid == w )
- return s;
- s = d->;
- }
- return addWidget( w );
- Inserts the widget \a w at the end (or at the beginning if \a
- prepend is TRUE) of the splitter's list of widgets.
- It is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that \a w is
- not already in the splitter and to call recalcId() if needed. (If
- \a prepend is TRUE, then recalcId() is very probably needed.)
-TQSplitterLayoutStruct *TQSplitter::addWidget( TQWidget *w, bool prepend )
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s;
- TQSplitterHandle *newHandle = 0;
- if ( d->list.count() > 0 ) {
- s = new TQSplitterLayoutStruct;
- s->resizeMode = KeepSize;
- TQString tmp = "qt_splithandle_";
- tmp += w->name();
- newHandle = new TQSplitterHandle( orientation(), this, tmp );
- s->wid = newHandle;
- newHandle->setId( d->list.count() );
- s->isHandle = TRUE;
- s->sizer = pick( newHandle->tqsizeHint() );
- if ( prepend )
- d->list.prepend( s );
- else
- d->list.append( s );
- }
- s = new TQSplitterLayoutStruct;
- s->resizeMode = DefaultResizeMode;
- s->wid = w;
- s->isHandle = FALSE;
- if ( prepend )
- d->list.prepend( s );
- else
- d->list.append( s );
- if ( newHandle && isVisible() )
- newHandle->show(); // will trigger sending of post events
- return s;
- Tells the splitter that the child widget described by \a c has
- been inserted or removed.
-void TQSplitter::childEvent( TQChildEvent *c )
- if ( c->type() == TQEvent::ChildInserted ) {
- if ( !c->child()->isWidgetType() )
- return;
- if ( ((TQWidget*)c->child())->testWFlags( TQt::WType_TopLevel ) )
- return;
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- while ( s ) {
- if ( s->wid == c->child() )
- return;
- s = d->;
- }
- addWidget( (TQWidget*)c->child() );
- recalc( isVisible() );
- } else if ( c->type() == TQEvent::ChildRemoved ) {
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *prev = 0;
- if ( d->list.count() > 1 )
- prev = d-> 1 ); // yes, this is correct
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *curr = d->list.first();
- while ( curr ) {
- if ( curr->wid == c->child() ) {
- d->list.removeRef( curr );
- if ( prev && prev->isHandle ) {
- TQWidget *w = prev->wid;
- d->list.removeRef( prev );
- delete w; // will call childEvent()
- }
- recalcId();
- doResize();
- return;
- }
- prev = curr;
- curr = d->;
- }
- }
- Displays a rubber band at position \a p. If \a p is negative, the
- rubber band is removed.
-void TQSplitter::setRubberband( int p )
- TQPainter paint( this );
- paint.setPen( Qt::gray );
- paint.setBrush( Qt::gray );
- paint.setRasterOp( TQt::XorROP );
- TQRect r = contentsRect();
- const int rBord = 3; // customizable?
- int hw = handleWidth();
- if ( orient == Qt::Horizontal ) {
- if ( opaqueOldPos >= 0 )
- paint.drawRect( opaqueOldPos + hw / 2 - rBord, r.y(),
- 2 * rBord, r.height() );
- if ( p >= 0 )
- paint.drawRect( p + hw / 2 - rBord, r.y(), 2 * rBord, r.height() );
- } else {
- if ( opaqueOldPos >= 0 )
- paint.drawRect( r.x(), opaqueOldPos + hw / 2 - rBord,
- r.width(), 2 * rBord );
- if ( p >= 0 )
- paint.drawRect( r.x(), p + hw / 2 - rBord, r.width(), 2 * rBord );
- }
- opaqueOldPos = p;
- \reimp
-bool TQSplitter::event( TQEvent *e )
- switch ( e->type() ) {
- case TQEvent::Show:
- if ( !d->firstShow )
- break;
- d->firstShow = FALSE;
- // fall through
- case TQEvent::LayoutHint:
- recalc( isVisible() );
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- return TQWidget::event( e );
- \obsolete
- Draws the splitter handle in the rectangle described by \a x, \a y,
- \a w, \a h using painter \a p.
- \sa TQStyle::tqdrawPrimitive()
-// ### Remove this in 4.0
-void TQSplitter::drawSplitter( TQPainter *p,
- tqstyle().tqdrawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_Splitter, p, TQRect(x, y, w, h), tqcolorGroup(),
- (TQStyle::SFlags)(orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ?
- TQStyle::Style_Horizontal : 0));
- Returns the ID of the widget to the right of or below the widget
- \a w, or 0 if there is no such widget (i.e. it is either not in
- this TQSplitter or \a w is at the end).
-int TQSplitter::idAfter( TQWidget* w ) const
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- bool seen_w = FALSE;
- while ( s ) {
- if ( s->isHandle && seen_w )
- return d->;
- if ( !s->isHandle && s->wid == w )
- seen_w = TRUE;
- s = d->;
- }
- return 0;
- Moves the left/top edge of the splitter handle with ID \a id as
- close as possible to position \a p, which is the distance from the
- left (or top) edge of the widget.
- For Arabic, Hebrew and other right-to-left languages the tqlayout is
- reversed. \a p is then the distance from the right (or top) edge
- of the widget.
- \sa idAfter()
-void TQSplitter::moveSplitter( TQCOORD p, int id )
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d-> id );
- int farMin;
- int min;
- int max;
- int farMax;
- p = adjustPos( p, id, &farMin, &min, &max, &farMax );
- int oldP = pick( s->wid->pos() );
- if ( TQApplication::reverseLayout() && orient == Qt::Horizontal ) {
- int q = p + s->wid->width();
- doMove( FALSE, q, id - 1, -1, (q > oldP), (p > max) );
- doMove( TRUE, q, id, -1, (q > oldP), (p < min) );
- } else {
- doMove( FALSE, p, id, +1, (p < oldP), (p > max) );
- doMove( TRUE, p, id - 1, +1, (p < oldP), (p < min) );
- }
- storeSizes();
-void TQSplitter::setGeo( TQWidget *w, int p, int s, bool splitterMoved )
- TQRect r;
- if ( orient == Qt::Horizontal ) {
- if ( TQApplication::reverseLayout() && orient == Qt::Horizontal
- && !splitterMoved )
- p = contentsRect().width() - p - s;
- r.setRect( p, contentsRect().y(), s, contentsRect().height() );
- } else {
- r.setRect( contentsRect().x(), p, contentsRect().width(), s );
- }
- /*
- Hide the child widget, but without calling hide() so that the
- splitter handle is still shown.
- */
- if ( !w->isHidden() && s <= 0 && pick(tqSmartMinSize(w)) > 0 )
- r.moveTopLeft( toggle(w, r.topLeft()) );
- w->setGeometry( r );
-void TQSplitter::doMove( bool backwards, int pos, int id, int delta, bool upLeft,
- bool mayCollapse )
- if ( id < 0 || id >= (int) d->list.count() )
- return;
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d-> id );
- TQWidget *w = s->wid;
- int nextId = backwards ? id - delta : id + delta;
- if ( w->isHidden() ) {
- doMove( backwards, pos, nextId, delta, upLeft, TRUE );
- } else {
- if ( s->isHandle ) {
- int dd = s->getSizer( orient );
- int nextPos = backwards ? pos - dd : pos + dd;
- int left = backwards ? pos - dd : pos;
- setGeo( w, left, dd, TRUE );
- doMove( backwards, nextPos, nextId, delta, upLeft, mayCollapse );
- } else {
- int dd = backwards ? pos - pick( topLeft(w) )
- : pick( bottomRight(w) ) - pos + 1;
- if ( dd > 0 || (!isCollapsed(w) && !mayCollapse) ) {
- dd = TQMAX( pick(tqSmartMinSize(w)),
- TQMIN(dd, pick(w->tqmaximumSize())) );
- } else {
- dd = 0;
- }
- setGeo( w, backwards ? pos - dd : pos, dd, TRUE );
- doMove( backwards, backwards ? pos - dd : pos + dd, nextId, delta,
- upLeft, TRUE );
- }
- }
-int TQSplitter::findWidgetJustBeforeOrJustAfter( int id, int delta, int &collapsibleSize )
- id += delta;
- do {
- TQWidget *w = d-> id )->wid;
- if ( !w->isHidden() ) {
- if ( collapsible(d-> )
- collapsibleSize = pick( tqSmartMinSize(w) );
- return id;
- }
- id += 2 * delta; // go to previous (or next) widget, skip the handle
- } while ( id >= 0 && id < (int)d->list.count() );
- return -1;
-void TQSplitter::getRange( int id, int *farMin, int *min, int *max, int *farMax )
- int n = d->list.count();
- if ( id <= 0 || id >= n - 1 )
- return;
- int collapsibleSizeBefore = 0;
- int idJustBefore = findWidgetJustBeforeOrJustAfter( id, -1, collapsibleSizeBefore );
- int collapsibleSizeAfter = 0;
- int idJustAfter = findWidgetJustBeforeOrJustAfter( id, +1, collapsibleSizeAfter );
- int minBefore = 0;
- int minAfter = 0;
- int maxBefore = 0;
- int maxAfter = 0;
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < id; i++ )
- addContribution( i, &minBefore, &maxBefore, i == idJustBefore );
- for ( i = id; i < n; i++ )
- addContribution( i, &minAfter, &maxAfter, i == idJustAfter );
- TQRect r = contentsRect();
- int farMinVal;
- int minVal;
- int maxVal;
- int farMaxVal;
- int smartMinBefore = TQMAX( minBefore, pick(r.size()) - maxAfter );
- int smartMaxBefore = TQMIN( maxBefore, pick(r.size()) - minAfter );
- if ( orient == Qt::Vertical || !TQApplication::reverseLayout() ) {
- minVal = pick( r.topLeft() ) + smartMinBefore;
- maxVal = pick( r.topLeft() ) + smartMaxBefore;
- farMinVal = minVal;
- if ( minBefore - collapsibleSizeBefore >= pick(r.size()) - maxAfter )
- farMinVal -= collapsibleSizeBefore;
- farMaxVal = maxVal;
- if ( pick(r.size()) - (minAfter - collapsibleSizeAfter) <= maxBefore )
- farMaxVal += collapsibleSizeAfter;
- } else {
- int hw = handleWidth();
- minVal = r.width() - smartMaxBefore - hw;
- maxVal = r.width() - smartMinBefore - hw;
- farMinVal = minVal;
- if ( pick(r.size()) - (minAfter - collapsibleSizeAfter) <= maxBefore )
- farMinVal -= collapsibleSizeAfter;
- farMaxVal = maxVal;
- if ( minBefore - collapsibleSizeBefore >= pick(r.size()) - maxAfter )
- farMaxVal += collapsibleSizeBefore;
- }
- if ( farMin )
- *farMin = farMinVal;
- if ( min )
- *min = minVal;
- if ( max )
- *max = maxVal;
- if ( farMax )
- *farMax = farMaxVal;
- Returns the valid range of the splitter with ID \a id in \a *min
- and \a *max if \a min and \a max are not 0.
- \sa idAfter()
-void TQSplitter::getRange( int id, int *min, int *max )
- getRange( id, min, 0, 0, max );
- Returns the closest legal position to \a pos of the widget with ID
- \a id.
- \sa idAfter()
-int TQSplitter::adjustPos( int pos, int id )
- int x, i, n, u;
- return adjustPos( pos, id, &u, &n, &i, &x );
-int TQSplitter::adjustPos( int pos, int id, int *farMin, int *min, int *max,
- int *farMax )
- const int Threshold = 40;
- getRange( id, farMin, min, max, farMax );
- if ( pos >= *min ) {
- if ( pos <= *max ) {
- return pos;
- } else {
- int delta = pos - *max;
- int width = *farMax - *max;
- if ( delta > width / 2 && delta >= TQMIN(Threshold, width) ) {
- return *farMax;
- } else {
- return *max;
- }
- }
- } else {
- int delta = *min - pos;
- int width = *min - *farMin;
- if ( delta > width / 2 && delta >= TQMIN(Threshold, width) ) {
- return *farMin;
- } else {
- return *min;
- }
- }
-bool TQSplitter::collapsible( TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s )
- if (pick(tqSmartMinSize(s->wid)) == 1)
- return FALSE;
- if ( s->collapsible != Default ) {
- return (bool) s->collapsible;
- } else {
- return d->tqchildrenCollapsible;
- }
-void TQSplitter::doResize()
- TQRect r = contentsRect();
- int n = d->list.count();
- TQMemArray<TQLayoutStruct> a( n );
- for ( int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++ ) {
- int numAutoWithStretch = 0;
- int numAutoWithoutStretch = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- a[i].init();
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d-> i );
- if ( s->wid->isHidden() || isCollapsed(s->wid) ) {
- a[i].tqmaximumSize = 0;
- } else if ( s->isHandle ) {
- a[i].tqsizeHint = a[i].tqminimumSize = a[i].tqmaximumSize = s->sizer;
- a[i].empty = FALSE;
- } else {
- int mode = s->resizeMode;
- int stretch = 1;
- if ( mode == DefaultResizeMode ) {
- TQSizePolicy p = s->wid->tqsizePolicy();
- int sizePolicyStretch =
- pick( TQSize(p.horStretch(), p.verStretch()) );
- if ( sizePolicyStretch > 0 ) {
- mode = Stretch;
- stretch = sizePolicyStretch;
- numAutoWithStretch++;
- } else {
- /*
- Do things differently on the second pass,
- if there's one. A second pass is necessary
- if it was found out during the first pass
- that all DefaultResizeMode items are
- KeepSize items. In that case, we make them
- all Stretch items instead, for a more TQt
- 3.0-compatible behavior.
- */
- mode = ( pass == 0 ) ? KeepSize : Stretch;
- numAutoWithoutStretch++;
- }
- }
- a[i].tqminimumSize = pick( tqSmartMinSize(s->wid) );
- a[i].tqmaximumSize = pick( s->wid->tqmaximumSize() );
- a[i].empty = FALSE;
- if ( mode == Stretch ) {
- if ( s->getSizer(orient) > 1 )
- stretch *= s->getSizer( orient );
- // TQMIN(): ad hoc work-around for tqlayout engine limitation
- a[i].stretch = TQMIN( stretch, 8192 );
- a[i].tqsizeHint = a[i].tqminimumSize;
- } else if ( mode == KeepSize ) {
- a[i].tqsizeHint = s->getSizer( orient );
- } else { // mode == FollowSizeHint
- a[i].tqsizeHint = pick( s->wid->tqsizeHint() );
- }
- }
- }
- // a second pass would yield the same results
- if ( numAutoWithStretch > 0 || numAutoWithoutStretch == 0 )
- break;
- }
- qGeomCalc( a, 0, n, pick( r.topLeft() ), pick( r.size() ), 0 );
- for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->;
- setGeo( s->wid, a[i].pos, a[i].size, FALSE );
- }
-void TQSplitter::recalc( bool update )
- int fi = 2 * frameWidth();
- int maxl = fi;
- int minl = fi;
- int maxt = TQWIDGETSIZE_MAX;
- int mint = fi;
- int n = d->list.count();
- bool first = TRUE;
- /*
- Splitter handles before the first visible widget or right
- before a hidden widget must be hidden.
- */
- for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d-> i );
- if ( !s->isHandle ) {
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *p = 0;
- if ( i > 0 )
- p = d-> i - 1 );
- // may trigger new recalc
- if ( p && p->isHandle )
- p->wid->setHidden( first || s->wid->isHidden() );
- if ( !s->wid->isHidden() )
- first = FALSE;
- }
- }
- bool empty = TRUE;
- for ( int j = 0; j < n; j++ ) {
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d-> j );
- if ( !s->wid->isHidden() ) {
- empty = FALSE;
- if ( s->isHandle ) {
- minl += s->getSizer( orient );
- maxl += s->getSizer( orient );
- } else {
- TQSize minS = tqSmartMinSize( s->wid );
- minl += pick( minS );
- maxl += pick( s->wid->tqmaximumSize() );
- mint = TQMAX( mint, trans(minS) );
- int tm = trans( s->wid->tqmaximumSize() );
- if ( tm > 0 )
- maxt = TQMIN( maxt, tm );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( empty ) {
- if ( ::tqqt_cast<TQSplitter*>(parentWidget()) ) {
- // nested splitters; be nice
- maxl = maxt = 0;
- } else {
- // TQSplitter with no tqchildren yet
- }
- } else {
- maxl = TQMIN( maxl, TQWIDGETSIZE_MAX );
- }
- if ( maxt < mint )
- maxt = mint;
- if ( orient == Qt::Horizontal ) {
- setMaximumSize( maxl, maxt );
- setMinimumSize( minl, mint );
- } else {
- setMaximumSize( maxt, maxl );
- setMinimumSize( mint, minl );
- }
- if ( update )
- doResize();
- else
- d->firstShow = TRUE;
- \enum TQSplitter::ResizeMode
- This enum type describes how TQSplitter will resize each of its
- child widgets.
- \value Auto The widget will be resized according to the stretch
- factors set in its sizePolicy().
- \value Stretch The widget will be resized when the splitter
- itself is resized.
- \value KeepSize TQSplitter will try to keep the widget's size
- unchanged.
- \value FollowSizeHint TQSplitter will resize the widget when the
- widget's size hint changes.
- Sets resize mode of widget \a w to \a mode. (The default is \c
- Auto.)
-void TQSplitter::setResizeMode( TQWidget *w, ResizeMode mode )
- findWidget( w )->resizeMode = mode;
- \property TQSplitter::opaqueResize
- \brief whether resizing is opaque
- Opaque resizing is off by default.
-bool TQSplitter::opaqueResize() const
- return d->opaque;
-void TQSplitter::setOpaqueResize( bool on )
- d->opaque = on;
- Moves widget \a w to the leftmost/top position.
-void TQSplitter::moveToFirst( TQWidget *w )
- processChildEvents();
- bool found = FALSE;
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- while ( s ) {
- if ( s->wid == w ) {
- found = TRUE;
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *p = d->list.prev();
- if ( p ) { // not already at first place
- d->list.take(); // take p
- d->list.take(); // take s
- d->list.prepend( p );
- d->list.prepend( s );
- }
- break;
- }
- s = d->;
- }
- if ( !found )
- addWidget( w, TRUE );
- recalcId();
- Moves widget \a w to the rightmost/bottom position.
-void TQSplitter::moveToLast( TQWidget *w )
- processChildEvents();
- bool found = FALSE;
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- while ( s ) {
- if ( s->wid == w ) {
- found = TRUE;
- d->list.take(); // take s
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *p = d->list.current();
- if ( p ) { // the splitter handle after s
- d->list.take(); // take p
- d->list.append( p );
- }
- d->list.append( s );
- break;
- }
- s = d->;
- }
- if ( !found )
- addWidget( w );
- recalcId();
-void TQSplitter::recalcId()
- int n = d->list.count();
- for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d-> i );
- if ( s->isHandle )
- ((TQSplitterHandle*)s->wid)->setId( i );
- }
- \reimp
-TQSize TQSplitter::tqsizeHint() const
- constPolish();
- int l = 0;
- int t = 0;
- if ( !childrenListObject().isEmpty() ) {
- TQObjectListIt it( childrenListObject() );
- TQObject * o;
- while( (o = it.current()) != 0 ) {
- ++it;
- if ( o->isWidgetType() && !((TQWidget*)o)->isHidden() ) {
- TQSize s = ((TQWidget*)o)->tqsizeHint();
- if ( s.isValid() ) {
- l += pick( s );
- t = TQMAX( t, trans( s ) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? TQSize( l, t ) : TQSize( t, l );
- \reimp
-TQSize TQSplitter::tqminimumSizeHint() const
- constPolish();
- int l = 0;
- int t = 0;
- if ( !childrenListObject().isEmpty() ) {
- TQObjectListIt it( childrenListObject() );
- TQObject * o;
- while ( (o = it.current()) != 0 ) {
- ++it;
- if ( o->isWidgetType() && !((TQWidget*)o)->isHidden() ) {
- TQSize s = tqSmartMinSize( (TQWidget*)o );
- if ( s.isValid() ) {
- l += pick( s );
- t = TQMAX( t, trans( s ) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? TQSize( l, t ) : TQSize( t, l );
-void TQSplitter::storeSizes()
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- while ( s ) {
- if ( !s->isHandle )
- s->sizer = pick( s->wid->size() );
- s = d->;
- }
-void TQSplitter::addContribution( int id, int *min, int *max,
- bool mayCollapse )
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d-> id );
- if ( !s->wid->isHidden() ) {
- if ( s->isHandle ) {
- *min += s->getSizer( orient );
- *max += s->getSizer( orient );
- } else {
- if ( mayCollapse || !isCollapsed(s->wid) )
- *min += pick( tqSmartMinSize(s->wid) );
- *max += pick( s->wid->tqmaximumSize() );
- }
- }
- Returns a list of the size parameters of all the widgets in this
- splitter.
- If the splitter's orientation is horizontal, the list is a list of
- widget widths; if the orientation is vertical, the list is a list
- of widget heights.
- Giving the values to another splitter's setSizes() function will
- produce a splitter with the same tqlayout as this one.
- Note that if you want to iterate over the list, you should iterate
- over a copy, e.g.
- \code
- TQValueList<int> list = mySplitter.sizes();
- TQValueList<int>::Iterator it = list.begin();
- while( it != list.end() ) {
- myProcessing( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- \endcode
- \sa setSizes()
-TQValueList<int> TQSplitter::sizes() const
- if ( !testWState(TQt::WState_Polished) )
- constPolish();
- TQValueList<int> list;
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- while ( s ) {
- if ( !s->isHandle )
- list.append( isCollapsed(s->wid) ? 0 : pick(s->wid->size()));
- s = d->;
- }
- return list;
- Sets the size parameters to the values given in the \a list. If
- the splitter is horizontal, the values set the widths of each
- widget going from left to right. If the splitter is vertical, the
- values set the heights of each widget going from top to bottom.
- Extra values in the \a list are ignored.
- If \a list contains too few values, the result is undefined but
- the program will still be well-behaved.
- Note that the values in \a list should be the height/width that
- the widgets should be resized to.
- \sa sizes()
-void TQSplitter::setSizes( TQValueList<int> list )
- processChildEvents();
- TQValueList<int>::Iterator it = list.begin();
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- while ( s && it != list.end() ) {
- if ( !s->isHandle ) {
- s->sizer = TQMAX( *it, 0 );
- int smartMinSize = pick( tqSmartMinSize(s->wid) );
- // Make sure that we reset the collapsed state.
- if ( s->sizer == 0 ) {
- if ( collapsible(s) && smartMinSize > 0 ) {
- s->wid->move( -1, -1 );
- } else {
- s->sizer = smartMinSize;
- s->wid->move( 0, 0 );
- }
- } else {
- if ( s->sizer < smartMinSize )
- s->sizer = smartMinSize;
- s->wid->move( 0, 0 );
- }
- ++it;
- }
- s = d->;
- }
- doResize();
- \property TQSplitter::handleWidth
- \brief the width of the splitter handle
-int TQSplitter::handleWidth() const
- if ( d->handleWidth > 0 ) {
- return d->handleWidth;
- } else {
- return tqstyle().tqpixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_SplitterWidth, this );
- }
-void TQSplitter::setHandleWidth( int width )
- d->handleWidth = width;
- updateHandles();
- Processes all posted child events, ensuring that the internal state of
- the splitter is kept consistent.
-void TQSplitter::processChildEvents()
- TQApplication::sendPostedEvents( this, TQEvent::ChildInserted );
- \reimp
-void TQSplitter::styleChange( TQStyle& old )
- updateHandles();
- TQFrame::styleChange( old );
-void TQSplitter::updateHandles()
- int hw = handleWidth();
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = d->list.first();
- while ( s ) {
- if ( s->isHandle )
- s->sizer = hw;
- s = d->;
- }
- recalc( isVisible() );
- \relates TQSplitter
- Writes the sizes and the hidden state of the widgets in the
- splitter \a splitter to the text stream \a ts.
- \sa operator>>(), sizes(), TQWidget::isHidden()
-TQTextStream& operator<<( TQTextStream& ts, const TQSplitter& splitter )
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = splitter.d->list.first();
- bool first = TRUE;
- ts << "[";
- while ( s != 0 ) {
- if ( !s->isHandle ) {
- if ( !first )
- ts << ",";
- if ( s->wid->isHidden() ) {
- ts << "H";
- } else if ( isCollapsed(s->wid) ) {
- ts << 0;
- } else {
- ts << s->getSizer( splitter.orientation() );
- }
- first = FALSE;
- }
- s = splitter.d->;
- }
- ts << "]" << endl;
- return ts;
- \relates TQSplitter
- Reads the sizes and the hidden state of the widgets in the
- splitter \a splitter from the text stream \a ts. The sizes must
- have been previously written by the operator<<() function.
- \sa operator<<(), setSizes(), TQWidget::hide()
-TQTextStream& operator>>( TQTextStream& ts, TQSplitter& splitter )
-#define SKIP_SPACES() \
- while ( line[i].isSpace() ) \
- i++
- splitter.processChildEvents();
- TQSplitterLayoutStruct *s = splitter.d->list.first();
- TQString line = ts.readLine();
- int i = 0;
- if ( line[i] == '[' ) {
- i++;
- while ( line[i] != ']' ) {
- while ( s != 0 && s->isHandle )
- s = splitter.d->;
- if ( s == 0 )
- break;
- if ( line[i].upper() == 'H' ) {
- s->wid->hide();
- i++;
- } else {
- s->wid->show();
- int dim = 0;
- while ( line[i].digitValue() >= 0 ) {
- dim *= 10;
- dim += line[i].digitValue();
- i++;
- }
- s->sizer = dim;
- if ( dim == 0 )
- splitter.setGeo( s->wid, 0, 0, FALSE );
- }
- if ( line[i] == ',' ) {
- i++;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- s = splitter.d->;
- }
- }
- splitter.doResize();
- return ts;