/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 David Turner and Werner Lemberg * Copyright (C) 2006 Behdad Esfahbod * * This is part of HarfBuzz, an OpenType Layout engine library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ #ifndef HARFBUZZ_GSUB_PRIVATE_H #define HARFBUZZ_GSUB_PRIVATE_H #include "harfbuzz-impl.h" #include "harfbuzz-stream-private.h" #include "harfbuzz-gsub.h" HB_BEGIN_HEADER #ifdef HB_USE_PACKED_STRUCTS #pragma pack(push, 1) #endif typedef union HB_GSUB_SubTable_ HB_GSUB_SubTable; /* LookupType 1 */ struct HB_SingleSubstFormat1_ { HB_Short DeltaGlyphID; /* constant added to get substitution glyph index */ }; typedef struct HB_SingleSubstFormat1_ HB_SingleSubstFormat1; struct HB_SingleSubstFormat2_ { HB_UShort* Substitute; /* array of substitute glyph IDs */ HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of glyph IDs in Substitute array */ }; typedef struct HB_SingleSubstFormat2_ HB_SingleSubstFormat2; struct HB_SingleSubst_ { union { HB_SingleSubstFormat1 ssf1; HB_SingleSubstFormat2 ssf2; } ssf; HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */ HB_Byte SubstFormat; /* 1 or 2 */ }; typedef struct HB_SingleSubst_ HB_SingleSubst; /* LookupType 2 */ struct HB_Sequence_ { HB_UShort* Substitute; /* string of glyph IDs to substitute */ HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of glyph IDs in the Substitute array */ }; typedef struct HB_Sequence_ HB_Sequence; struct HB_MultipleSubst_ { HB_Sequence* Sequence; /* array of Sequence tables */ HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */ HB_UShort SubstFormat; /* always 1 */ HB_UShort SequenceCount; /* number of Sequence tables */ }; typedef struct HB_MultipleSubst_ HB_MultipleSubst; /* LookupType 3 */ struct HB_AlternateSet_ { HB_UShort* Alternate; /* array of alternate glyph IDs */ HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of glyph IDs in the Alternate array */ }; typedef struct HB_AlternateSet_ HB_AlternateSet; struct HB_AlternateSubst_ { HB_AlternateSet* AlternateSet; /* array of AlternateSet tables */ HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */ HB_UShort SubstFormat; /* always 1 */ HB_UShort AlternateSetCount; /* number of AlternateSet tables */ }; typedef struct HB_AlternateSubst_ HB_AlternateSubst; /* LookupType 4 */ struct HB_Ligature_ { HB_UShort* Component; /* array of component glyph IDs */ HB_UShort LigGlyph; /* glyphID of ligature to substitute */ HB_UShort ComponentCount; /* number of components in ligature */ }; typedef struct HB_Ligature_ HB_Ligature; struct HB_LigatureSet_ { HB_Ligature* Ligature; /* array of Ligature tables */ HB_UShort LigatureCount; /* number of Ligature tables */ }; typedef struct HB_LigatureSet_ HB_LigatureSet; struct HB_LigatureSubst_ { HB_LigatureSet* LigatureSet; /* array of LigatureSet tables */ HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */ HB_UShort SubstFormat; /* always 1 */ HB_UShort LigatureSetCount; /* number of LigatureSet tables */ }; typedef struct HB_LigatureSubst_ HB_LigatureSubst; /* needed by both lookup type 5 and 6 */ struct HB_SubstLookupRecord_ { HB_UShort SequenceIndex; /* index into current glyph sequence */ HB_UShort LookupListIndex; /* Lookup to apply to that pos. */ }; typedef struct HB_SubstLookupRecord_ HB_SubstLookupRecord; /* LookupType 5 */ struct HB_SubRule_ { HB_UShort* Input; /* array of input glyph IDs */ HB_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord; /* array of SubstLookupRecord tables */ HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* total number of input glyphs */ HB_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecord tables */ }; typedef struct HB_SubRule_ HB_SubRule; struct HB_SubRuleSet_ { HB_SubRule* SubRule; /* array of SubRule tables */ HB_UShort SubRuleCount; /* number of SubRule tables */ }; typedef struct HB_SubRuleSet_ HB_SubRuleSet; struct HB_ContextSubstFormat1_ { HB_SubRuleSet* SubRuleSet; /* array of SubRuleSet tables */ HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */ HB_UShort SubRuleSetCount; /* number of SubRuleSet tables */ }; typedef struct HB_ContextSubstFormat1_ HB_ContextSubstFormat1; struct HB_SubClassRule_ { HB_UShort* Class; /* array of classes */ HB_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord; /* array of SubstLookupRecord tables */ HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* total number of context classes */ HB_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecord tables */ }; typedef struct HB_SubClassRule_ HB_SubClassRule; struct HB_SubClassSet_ { HB_SubClassRule* SubClassRule; /* array of SubClassRule tables */ HB_UShort SubClassRuleCount; /* number of SubClassRule tables */ }; typedef struct HB_SubClassSet_ HB_SubClassSet; /* The `MaxContextLength' field is not defined in the TTO specification but simplifies the implementation of this format. It holds the maximal context length used in the context rules. */ struct HB_ContextSubstFormat2_ { HB_SubClassSet* SubClassSet; /* array of SubClassSet tables */ HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */ HB_ClassDefinition ClassDef; /* ClassDef table */ HB_UShort SubClassSetCount; /* number of SubClassSet tables */ HB_UShort MaxContextLength; /* maximal context length */ }; typedef struct HB_ContextSubstFormat2_ HB_ContextSubstFormat2; struct HB_ContextSubstFormat3_ { HB_Coverage* Coverage; /* array of Coverage tables */ HB_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord; /* array of substitution lookups */ HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of input glyphs */ HB_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecords */ }; typedef struct HB_ContextSubstFormat3_ HB_ContextSubstFormat3; struct HB_ContextSubst_ { union { HB_ContextSubstFormat1 csf1; HB_ContextSubstFormat2 csf2; HB_ContextSubstFormat3 csf3; } csf; HB_Byte SubstFormat; /* 1, 2, or 3 */ }; typedef struct HB_ContextSubst_ HB_ContextSubst; /* LookupType 6 */ struct HB_ChainSubRule_ { HB_UShort* Backtrack; /* array of backtrack glyph IDs */ HB_UShort* Input; /* array of input glyph IDs */ HB_UShort* Lookahead; /* array of lookahead glyph IDs */ HB_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord; /* array of SubstLookupRecords */ HB_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount; /* total number of backtrack glyphs */ HB_UShort InputGlyphCount; /* total number of input glyphs */ HB_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount; /* total number of lookahead glyphs */ HB_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecords */ }; typedef struct HB_ChainSubRule_ HB_ChainSubRule; struct HB_ChainSubRuleSet_ { HB_ChainSubRule* ChainSubRule; /* array of ChainSubRule tables */ HB_UShort ChainSubRuleCount; /* number of ChainSubRule tables */ }; typedef struct HB_ChainSubRuleSet_ HB_ChainSubRuleSet; struct HB_ChainContextSubstFormat1_ { HB_ChainSubRuleSet* ChainSubRuleSet; /* array of ChainSubRuleSet tables */ HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */ HB_UShort ChainSubRuleSetCount; /* number of ChainSubRuleSet tables */ }; typedef struct HB_ChainContextSubstFormat1_ HB_ChainContextSubstFormat1; struct HB_ChainSubClassRule_ { HB_UShort* Backtrack; /* array of backtrack classes */ HB_UShort* Input; /* array of context classes */ HB_UShort* Lookahead; /* array of lookahead classes */ HB_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord; /* array of substitution lookups */ HB_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount; /* total number of backtrack classes */ HB_UShort InputGlyphCount; /* total number of context classes */ HB_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount; /* total number of lookahead classes */ HB_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecords */ }; typedef struct HB_ChainSubClassRule_ HB_ChainSubClassRule; struct HB_ChainSubClassSet_ { HB_ChainSubClassRule* ChainSubClassRule; /* array of ChainSubClassRule tables */ HB_UShort ChainSubClassRuleCount; /* number of ChainSubClassRule tables */ }; typedef struct HB_ChainSubClassSet_ HB_ChainSubClassSet; /* The `MaxXXXLength' fields are not defined in the TTO specification but simplifies the implementation of this format. It holds the maximal context length used in the specific context rules. */ struct HB_ChainContextSubstFormat2_ { HB_ChainSubClassSet* ChainSubClassSet; /* array of ChainSubClassSet tables */ HB_Coverage Coverage; /* Coverage table */ HB_ClassDefinition BacktrackClassDef; /* BacktrackClassDef table */ HB_ClassDefinition InputClassDef; /* InputClassDef table */ HB_ClassDefinition LookaheadClassDef; /* LookaheadClassDef table */ HB_UShort ChainSubClassSetCount; /* number of ChainSubClassSet tables */ HB_UShort MaxBacktrackLength; /* maximal backtrack length */ HB_UShort MaxLookaheadLength; /* maximal lookahead length */ HB_UShort MaxInputLength; /* maximal input length */ }; typedef struct HB_ChainContextSubstFormat2_ HB_ChainContextSubstFormat2; struct HB_ChainContextSubstFormat3_ { HB_Coverage* BacktrackCoverage; /* array of backtrack Coverage tables */ HB_Coverage* InputCoverage; /* array of input coverage tables */ HB_Coverage* LookaheadCoverage; /* array of lookahead coverage tables */ HB_SubstLookupRecord* SubstLookupRecord; /* array of substitution lookups */ HB_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount; /* number of backtrack glyphs */ HB_UShort InputGlyphCount; /* number of input glyphs */ HB_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount; /* number of lookahead glyphs */ HB_UShort SubstCount; /* number of SubstLookupRecords */ }; typedef struct HB_ChainContextSubstFormat3_ HB_ChainContextSubstFormat3; struct HB_ChainContextSubst_ { union { HB_ChainContextSubstFormat1 ccsf1; HB_ChainContextSubstFormat2 ccsf2; HB_ChainContextSubstFormat3 ccsf3; } ccsf; HB_Byte SubstFormat; /* 1, 2, or 3 */ }; typedef struct HB_ChainContextSubst_ HB_ChainContextSubst; #if 0 /* LookupType 7 */ struct HB_ExtensionSubst_ { HB_GSUB_SubTable *subtable; /* referenced subtable */ HB_UShort SubstFormat; /* always 1 */ HB_UShort LookuptType; /* lookup-type of referenced subtable */ }; typedef struct HB_ExtensionSubst_ HB_ExtensionSubst; #endif /* LookupType 8 */ struct HB_ReverseChainContextSubst_ { HB_Coverage* LookaheadCoverage; /* array of lookahead Coverage tables */ HB_UShort* Substitute; /* array of substitute Glyph ID */ HB_Coverage* BacktrackCoverage; /* array of backtrack Coverage tables */ HB_Coverage Coverage; /* coverage table for input glyphs */ HB_UShort SubstFormat; /* always 1 */ HB_UShort BacktrackGlyphCount; /* number of backtrack glyphs */ HB_UShort LookaheadGlyphCount; /* number of lookahead glyphs */ HB_UShort GlyphCount; /* number of Glyph IDs */ }; typedef struct HB_ReverseChainContextSubst_ HB_ReverseChainContextSubst; union HB_GSUB_SubTable_ { HB_SingleSubst single; HB_MultipleSubst multiple; HB_AlternateSubst alternate; HB_LigatureSubst ligature; HB_ContextSubst context; HB_ChainContextSubst chain; HB_ReverseChainContextSubst reverse; }; HB_INTERNAL HB_Error _HB_GSUB_Load_SubTable( HB_GSUB_SubTable* st, HB_Stream stream, HB_UShort lookup_type ); HB_INTERNAL void _HB_GSUB_Free_SubTable( HB_GSUB_SubTable* st, HB_UShort lookup_type ); #ifdef HB_USE_PACKED_STRUCTS #pragma pack(pop) #endif HB_END_HEADER #endif /* HARFBUZZ_GSUB_PRIVATE_H */