/** * @file combine_labels.cpp * * @author Guy Maurel * @license GPL v2+ * extract from combine.h */ #include "combine_labels.h" #include "chunk_list.h" #include "cs_top_is_question.h" #include "uncrustify.h" chunk_t *chunk_get_next_local(chunk_t *pc, scope_e scope = scope_e::ALL) { chunk_t *tmp = pc; do { tmp = chunk_get_next(tmp, scope); } while ( tmp != nullptr && ( chunk_is_comment(tmp) || chunk_is_token(tmp, CT_NOEXCEPT))); return(tmp); } chunk_t *chunk_get_prev_local(chunk_t *pc, scope_e scope = scope_e::ALL) { chunk_t *tmp = pc; do { tmp = chunk_get_prev(tmp, scope); } while ( tmp != nullptr && ( chunk_is_comment(tmp) || chunk_is_newline(tmp) || chunk_is_token(tmp, CT_NOEXCEPT))); return(tmp); } void combine_labels(void) { LOG_FUNC_ENTRY(); chunk_t *cur; chunk_t *prev; chunk_t *next; bool hit_case = false; bool hit_class = false; cpd.unc_stage = unc_stage_e::COMBINE_LABELS; // stack to handle nesting inside of OC messages, which reset the scope ChunkStack cs; prev = chunk_get_head(); if (prev == nullptr) { return; } cur = chunk_get_next_nc(prev); if (cur == nullptr) { return; } next = chunk_get_next_nc(cur); // unlikely that the file will start with a label... // prev cur next while (next != nullptr) { if (chunk_is_token(next, CT_NEWLINE)) { LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): next->orig_line is %zu, next->orig_col is %zu, , nl is %zu\n", __func__, __LINE__, next->orig_line, next->orig_col, next->nl_count); } else if (chunk_is_token(next, CT_VBRACE_OPEN)) { LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): next->orig_line is %zu, next->orig_col is %zu, VBRACE_OPEN\n", __func__, __LINE__, next->orig_line, next->orig_col); } else if (chunk_is_token(next, CT_VBRACE_CLOSE)) { LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): next->orig_line is %zu, next->orig_col is %zu, VBRACE_CLOSE\n", __func__, __LINE__, next->orig_line, next->orig_col); } else { LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): next->orig_line is %zu, next->orig_col is %zu, text() '%s'\n", __func__, __LINE__, next->orig_line, next->orig_col, next->text()); } if ( !next->flags.test(PCF_IN_OC_MSG) // filter OC case of [self class] msg send && ( chunk_is_token(next, CT_CLASS) || chunk_is_token(next, CT_OC_CLASS) || chunk_is_token(next, CT_TEMPLATE))) { hit_class = true; } if (chunk_is_semicolon(next) || chunk_is_token(next, CT_BRACE_OPEN)) { hit_class = false; } if (chunk_is_token(prev, CT_SQUARE_OPEN) && get_chunk_parent_type(prev) == CT_OC_MSG) { cs.Push_Back(prev); } else if (chunk_is_token(next, CT_SQUARE_CLOSE) && get_chunk_parent_type(next) == CT_OC_MSG) { // pop until we hit '[' while (!cs.Empty()) { chunk_t *t2 = cs.Top()->m_pc; cs.Pop_Back(); if (chunk_is_token(t2, CT_SQUARE_OPEN)) { break; } } } if (chunk_is_token(next, CT_QUESTION) && !next->flags.test(PCF_IN_TEMPLATE)) { cs.Push_Back(next); } else if (chunk_is_token(next, CT_CASE)) { if (chunk_is_token(cur, CT_GOTO)) { // handle "goto case x;" set_chunk_type(next, CT_QUALIFIER); } else { hit_case = true; } } else if ( chunk_is_token(next, CT_COLON) || ( chunk_is_token(next, CT_OC_COLON) && cs_top_is_question(cs, next->level))) { if (chunk_is_token(cur, CT_DEFAULT)) { set_chunk_type(cur, CT_CASE); hit_case = true; } if (cs_top_is_question(cs, next->level)) { set_chunk_type(next, CT_COND_COLON); cs.Pop_Back(); } else if (hit_case) { hit_case = false; set_chunk_type(next, CT_CASE_COLON); chunk_t *tmp = chunk_get_next_ncnlnp(next); // Issue #2150 if (chunk_is_token(tmp, CT_BRACE_OPEN)) { set_chunk_parent(tmp, CT_CASE); tmp = chunk_get_next_type(tmp, CT_BRACE_CLOSE, tmp->level); if (tmp != nullptr) { set_chunk_parent(tmp, CT_CASE); } } if (chunk_is_token(cur, CT_NUMBER) && chunk_is_token(prev, CT_ELLIPSIS)) { chunk_t *pre_elipsis = chunk_get_prev_ncnlnp(prev); if (chunk_is_token(pre_elipsis, CT_NUMBER)) { set_chunk_type(prev, CT_CASE_ELLIPSIS); } } } else if (cur->flags.test(PCF_IN_WHERE_SPEC)) { /* leave colons in where-constraint clauses alone */ } else { LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): prev->text() is '%s', orig_line is %zu, orig_col is %zu\n", __func__, __LINE__, prev->text(), prev->orig_line, prev->orig_col); LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): cur->text() is '%s', orig_line is %zu, orig_col is %zu\n", __func__, __LINE__, cur->text(), cur->orig_line, cur->orig_col); LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): next->text() is '%s', orig_line is %zu, orig_col is %zu\n", __func__, __LINE__, next->text(), next->orig_line, next->orig_col); chunk_t *nextprev = chunk_get_prev_local(next); // Issue #2279 if (nextprev == nullptr) { return; } if (language_is_set(LANG_PAWN)) { if (chunk_is_token(cur, CT_WORD) || chunk_is_token(cur, CT_BRACE_CLOSE)) { c_token_t new_type = CT_TAG; chunk_t *tmp = chunk_get_next_nc(next); if (tmp == nullptr) { return; } if (chunk_is_newline(prev) && chunk_is_newline(tmp)) { new_type = CT_LABEL; set_chunk_type(next, CT_LABEL_COLON); } else { set_chunk_type(next, CT_TAG_COLON); } if (chunk_is_token(cur, CT_WORD)) { set_chunk_type(cur, new_type); } } } else if (next->flags.test(PCF_IN_ARRAY_ASSIGN)) { set_chunk_type(next, CT_D_ARRAY_COLON); } else if (next->flags.test(PCF_IN_FOR)) { set_chunk_type(next, CT_FOR_COLON); } else if (next->flags.test(PCF_OC_BOXED)) { set_chunk_type(next, CT_OC_DICT_COLON); } else if (chunk_is_token(cur, CT_WORD)) { chunk_t *tmp = chunk_get_next_nc(next, scope_e::PREPROC); // Issue #1187 if (tmp == nullptr) { return; } LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): orig_line is %zu, orig_col is %zu, tmp '%s': ", __func__, __LINE__, tmp->orig_line, tmp->orig_col, (chunk_is_token(tmp, CT_NEWLINE)) ? "" : tmp->text()); log_pcf_flags(LGUY, tmp->flags); if (next->flags.test(PCF_IN_FCN_CALL)) { // Must be a macro thingy, assume some sort of label set_chunk_type(next, CT_LABEL_COLON); } else if ( tmp == nullptr || ( chunk_is_not_token(tmp, CT_NUMBER) && chunk_is_not_token(tmp, CT_DECLTYPE) && chunk_is_not_token(tmp, CT_SIZEOF) && get_chunk_parent_type(tmp) != CT_SIZEOF && !tmp->flags.test_any(PCF_IN_STRUCT | PCF_IN_CLASS)) || chunk_is_token(tmp, CT_NEWLINE)) { /* * the CT_SIZEOF isn't great - test 31720 happens to use a sizeof expr, * but this really should be able to handle any constant expr */ // Fix for #1242 // For MIDL_INTERFACE classes class name is tokenized as Label. // Corrected the identification of Label in c style languages. if ( language_is_set(LANG_C | LANG_CPP | LANG_CS) && (!language_is_set(LANG_OC))) { chunk_t *labelPrev = prev; if (chunk_is_token(labelPrev, CT_NEWLINE)) { labelPrev = chunk_get_prev_ncnlni(prev); // Issue #2279 } if ( labelPrev != nullptr && chunk_is_not_token(labelPrev, CT_FPAREN_CLOSE)) { set_chunk_type(cur, CT_LABEL); set_chunk_type(next, CT_LABEL_COLON); } } else { set_chunk_type(cur, CT_LABEL); set_chunk_type(next, CT_LABEL_COLON); } } else if (next->flags.test_any(PCF_IN_STRUCT | PCF_IN_CLASS | PCF_IN_TYPEDEF)) { set_chunk_type(next, CT_BIT_COLON); chunk_t *nnext = chunk_get_next(next); if (nnext == nullptr) { return; } while ((nnext = chunk_get_next(nnext)) != nullptr) { if (chunk_is_token(nnext, CT_SEMICOLON)) { break; } if (chunk_is_token(nnext, CT_COLON)) { set_chunk_type(nnext, CT_BIT_COLON); } } } } else if (chunk_is_token(nextprev, CT_FPAREN_CLOSE)) { LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): nextprev->text() is '%s', orig_line is %zu, orig_col is %zu, type is %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, nextprev->text(), nextprev->orig_line, nextprev->orig_col, get_token_name(nextprev->type)); LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): next->text() is '%s', orig_line is %zu, orig_col is %zu, type is %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, next->text(), next->orig_line, next->orig_col, get_token_name(next->type)); // Issue #2172 if (get_chunk_parent_type(next) == CT_FUNC_DEF) { LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): it's a construct colon\n", __func__, __LINE__); // it's a construct colon set_chunk_type(next, CT_CONSTR_COLON); } else { LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): it's a class colon\n", __func__, __LINE__); // it's a class colon set_chunk_type(next, CT_CLASS_COLON); } } else if (next->level > next->brace_level) { // ignore it, as it is inside a paren } else if ( chunk_is_token(cur, CT_TYPE) || chunk_is_token(cur, CT_ENUM) // Issue #2584 || chunk_is_token(nextprev, CT_TYPE) || chunk_is_token(nextprev, CT_ENUM)) // Issue #2584 { set_chunk_type(next, CT_BIT_COLON); } else if ( chunk_is_token(cur, CT_ENUM) || chunk_is_token(cur, CT_ACCESS) || chunk_is_token(cur, CT_QUALIFIER) || get_chunk_parent_type(cur) == CT_ALIGN) { // ignore it - bit field, align or public/private, etc } else if (chunk_is_token(cur, CT_ANGLE_CLOSE) || hit_class) { // ignore it - template thingy } else if (get_chunk_parent_type(cur) == CT_SQL_EXEC) { // ignore it - SQL variable name } else if (get_chunk_parent_type(next) == CT_ASSERT) { // ignore it - Java assert thing } else if (get_chunk_parent_type(next) == CT_STRUCT) { // ignore it } else { chunk_t *tmp = chunk_get_next_ncnl(next); //tmp = chunk_get_next_local(next); if (tmp != nullptr) { LOG_FMT(LFCN, "%s(%d): tmp->text() is '%s', orig_line is %zu, orig_col is %zu, type is %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, tmp->text(), tmp->orig_line, tmp->orig_col, get_token_name(tmp->type)); if (chunk_is_token(tmp, CT_BASE) || chunk_is_token(tmp, CT_THIS)) { // ignore it, as it is a C# base thingy } else if (language_is_set(LANG_CS | LANG_D)) { // there should be a better solution for that } else { LOG_FMT(LWARN, "%s(%d): %s:%zu unexpected colon in col %zu n-parent=%s c-parent=%s l=%zu bl=%zu\n", __func__, __LINE__, cpd.filename.c_str(), next->orig_line, next->orig_col, get_token_name(get_chunk_parent_type(next)), get_token_name(get_chunk_parent_type(cur)), next->level, next->brace_level); cpd.error_count++; } } } } } prev = cur; cur = next; next = chunk_get_next_local(next); } } // combine_labels