# "Default" build tree /build/ # PyCharm help directory venv/ # Compiled Python code *.pyc # Testing framework (if run_tests.py is run from the source tree) results/ results_2/ # Static analysis and code coverage /tests/pclint/ /cov-int gcov_test/ # SlickEdit workspace history and tag files *.vtg *.vpwh* # for projects that use Waf for building: http://code.google.com/p/waf/ .waf-* .lock* waf* # KDevelop *.kdev4 .kdev4/ # XCode *.xcodeproj/*.pbxuser *.xcodeproj/*.perspectivev3 *.xcodeproj/*.mode1v3 *.xcodeproj/*.tm_build_errors *.tmproj *.xcworkspace xcuserdata # Sublime *.sublime-workspace # Eclipse Configuration .cproject .project .settings # backup files # texteditor (kate, etc.) *~ # git mergetool.keepBackup or KDiff3 *.orig # uncrustified files *.uncrustify # CLion .idea/ cmake-build-*/ # Vim *.swp