// Fix doxygen support to include member groups // See http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/grouping.html#memgroup // Note that the spec says three slashes, but their example has only two slashes. // Once this is done, we can try turning on sp_cmt_cpp_start in Uncrustify.Common-CStyle.cfg. /// Bucket allocator is used for allocations up to 64 bytes of memory. /// It is represented by 4 blocks of a fixed-size "buckets" (for allocations of 16/32/48/64 bytes of memory). /// Allocation is lockless, blocks are only growable. class Class { public: ///@{ Doxygen group 1 virtual void* Foo(); virtual void* Bar(); ///@} //@{ Doxygen group 2 virtual void* Foo(); virtual void* Bar(); //@} }