//Author: Max Howell , (C) 2003-4 //Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution #ifndef RADIALMAP_H #define RADIALMAP_H #include class File; namespace RadialMap { class Segment //all angles are in 16ths of degrees { public: Segment( const File *f, uint s, uint l, bool isFake = false ) : m_angleStart( s ) , m_angleSegment( l ) , m_file( f ) , m_hasHiddenChildren( false ) , m_fake( isFake ) {} ~Segment(); uint start() const { return m_angleStart; } uint length() const { return m_angleSegment; } uint end() const { return m_angleStart + m_angleSegment; } const File *file() const { return m_file; } const QColor& pen() const { return m_pen; } const QColor& brush() const { return m_brush; } bool isFake() const { return m_fake; } bool hasHiddenChildren() const { return m_hasHiddenChildren; } bool intersects( uint a ) const { return ( ( a >= start() ) && ( a < end() ) ); } friend class Map; friend class Builder; private: void setPalette( const QColor &p, const QColor &b ) { m_pen = p; m_brush = b; } const uint m_angleStart, m_angleSegment; const File* const m_file; QColor m_pen, m_brush; bool m_hasHiddenChildren; const bool m_fake; }; } #ifndef PI #define PI 3.141592653589793 #endif #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327 #endif #define MIN_RING_BREADTH 20 #define MAX_RING_BREADTH 60 #define DEFAULT_RING_DEPTH 4 //first level = 0 #define MIN_RING_DEPTH 0 #define LABEL_MAP_SPACER 7 #define LABEL_HMARGIN 10 #define LABEL_TEXT_HMARGIN 5 #define LABEL_TEXT_VMARGIN 0 #define LABEL_ANGLE_MARGIN 32 #define LABEL_MIN_ANGLE_FACTOR 0.05 #define LABEL_MAX_CHARS 30 #endif