//Author: Max Howell , (C) 2003-4 //Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution #include #include "fileTree.h" #include #include #include #include "remoteLister.h" #include "scan.h" namespace Filelight { //you need to use a single DirLister //one per directory breaks TDEIO (seemingly) and also uses un-godly amounts of memory! //TODO delete all this stuff! struct Store { typedef TQValueList List; /// location of the directory const KURL url; /// the directory on which we are operating Directory *directory; /// so we can reference the parent store Store *parent; /// directories in this directory that need to be scanned before we can propagate() List stores; Store() : directory( 0 ), parent( 0 ) {} Store( const KURL &u, const TQString &name, Store *s ) : url( u ), directory( new Directory( name.local8Bit() + '/' ) ), parent( s ) {} Store* propagate() { /// returns the next store available for scanning debug() << "propagate: " << url << endl; if( parent ) { parent->directory->append( directory ); if( parent->stores.isEmpty() ) { return parent->propagate(); } else return parent; } //we reached the root, let's get our next directory scanned return this; } private: Store( Store& ); Store &operator=( const Store& ); }; RemoteLister::RemoteLister( const KURL &url, TQWidget *parent ) : KDirLister( true /*don't fetch mimetypes*/ ) , m_root( new Store( url, url.url(), 0 ) ) , m_store( m_root ) { setAutoUpdate( false ); //don't use KDirWatchers setShowingDotFiles( true ); //stupid KDirLister API function names setMainWindow( parent ); //use TQ_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job*)) instead and then use Job::error() connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL(completed()), TQ_SLOT(completed()) ); connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL(canceled()), TQ_SLOT(canceled()) ); //we do this non-recursively - it is the only way! openURL( url ); } RemoteLister::~RemoteLister() { Directory *tree = isFinished() ? m_store->directory : 0; TQCustomEvent *e = new TQCustomEvent( 1000 ); e->setData( tree ); TQApplication::postEvent( parent(), e ); delete m_root; } void RemoteLister::completed() { debug() << "completed: " << url().prettyURL() << endl; //as usual KDE documentation didn't suggest I needed to do this at all //I had to figure it out myself // -- avoid crash TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQ_SLOT(_completed()) ); } void RemoteLister::canceled() { debug() << "canceled: " << url().prettyURL() << endl; TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQ_SLOT(_completed()) ); } void RemoteLister::_completed() { //m_directory is set to the directory we should operate on KFileItemList items = KDirLister::items(); for( KFileItemList::ConstIterator it = items.begin(), end = items.end(); it != end; ++it ) { if( (*it)->isDir() ) m_store->stores += new Store( (*it)->url(), (*it)->name(), m_store ); else m_store->directory->append( (*it)->name().local8Bit(), (*it)->size() / 1024 ); ScanManager::s_files++; } if( m_store->stores.isEmpty() ) //no directories to scan, so we need to append ourselves to the parent directory //propagate() will return the next ancestor that has stores left to be scanned, or root if we are done m_store = m_store->propagate(); if( !m_store->stores.isEmpty() ) { Store::List::Iterator first = m_store->stores.begin(); const KURL url( (*first)->url ); Store *currentStore = m_store; //we should operate with this store next time this function is called m_store = *first; //we don't want to handle this store again currentStore->stores.remove( first ); //this returns _immediately_ debug() << "scanning: " << url << endl; openURL( url ); } else { debug() << "I think we're done\n"; Q_ASSERT( m_root == m_store ); delete this; } } } #include "remoteLister.moc"