//Author: Max Howell , (C) 2003-4 //Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution #ifndef SETTINGSDLG_H #define SETTINGSDLG_H #include "dialog.h" //generated by uic #include class SettingsDialog : public Dialog { TQ_OBJECT public: SettingsDialog( TQWidget* =0, const char* =0 ); protected: virtual void closeEvent( TQCloseEvent * ); virtual void reject(); public slots: void addDirectory(); void removeDirectory(); void toggleScanAcrossMounts( bool ); void toggleDontScanRemoteMounts( bool ); void toggleDontScanRemovableMedia( bool ); void reset(); void startTimer(); void toggleUseAntialiasing( bool = true ); void toggleVaryLabelFontSizes( bool ); void changeContrast( int ); void changeScheme( int ); void changeMinFontPitch( int ); void toggleShowSmallFiles( bool ); void slotSliderReleased(); signals: void mapIsInvalid(); void canvasIsDirty( int ); private: TQTimer m_timer; static const uint TIMEOUT=1000; }; #endif