/* * * $Id: k3bfiletreeview.cpp 657858 2007-04-25 08:25:11Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3bfiletreeview.h" #include "k3bappdevicemanager.h" #include "k3bapplication.h" #include "k3bmediacache.h" #include "k3btooltip.h" #include "k3bthememanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include K3bDeviceBranch::K3bDeviceBranch( KFileTreeView* view, K3bDevice::Device* dev, KFileTreeViewItem* item ) : KFileTreeBranch( view, KURL( "media:/" + dev->blockDeviceName() ), TQString("%1 - %2").tqarg(dev->vendor()).tqarg(dev->description()), ( dev->burner() ? SmallIcon("cdwriter_unmount") : SmallIcon("cdrom_unmount") ), false, item == 0 ? new K3bDeviceBranchViewItem( view, dev, this ) : item ), m_device( dev ), m_showBlockDeviceName( false ) { setAutoUpdate(true); root()->setExpandable(false); updateLabel(); connect( k3bappcore->mediaCache(), TQT_SIGNAL(mediumChanged(K3bDevice::Device*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMediumChanged(K3bDevice::Device*)) ); } bool K3bDeviceBranch::populate( const KURL& url, KFileTreeViewItem *currItem ) { // FIXME: we somehow need to "unpopulate" once the medium is unmounted // make sure we do not try to populate in case we are not mounted if( K3b::isMounted( m_device ) ) { bool b = KFileTreeBranch::populate( url, currItem ); populateFinished( currItem ); return b; } else populateFinished( currItem ); return true; } void K3bDeviceBranch::setCurrent( bool c ) { static_cast( root() )->setCurrent( c ); } void K3bDeviceBranch::updateLabel() { if( m_showBlockDeviceName ) setName( TQString("%1 %2 (%3)") .tqarg(m_device->vendor()) .tqarg(m_device->description()) .tqarg(m_device->blockDeviceName()) ); else setName( TQString("%1 %2") .tqarg(m_device->vendor()) .tqarg(m_device->description()) ); if( k3bappcore->mediaCache() ) { root()->setMultiLinesEnabled( true ); root()->setText( 0, name() + "\n" + k3bappcore->mediaCache()->mediumString( m_device ) ); static_cast( root()->listView() )->updateMinimumWidth(); } else { root()->setMultiLinesEnabled( false ); root()->setText( 0, name() ); } } void K3bDeviceBranch::slotMediumChanged( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { if( dev == m_device ) updateLabel(); } void K3bDeviceBranch::showBlockDeviceName( bool b ) { m_showBlockDeviceName = b; updateLabel(); } K3bFileTreeBranch::K3bFileTreeBranch( KFileTreeView* view, const KURL& url, const TQString& name, const TQPixmap& pix, bool showHidden, KFileTreeViewItem* item ) : KFileTreeBranch( view, url, name, pix, showHidden, item == 0 ? new K3bFileTreeViewItem( view, new KFileItem( url, "inode/directory", S_IFDIR ), this ) : item ) { } K3bDeviceBranchViewItem::K3bDeviceBranchViewItem( KFileTreeViewItem* tqparent, K3bDevice::Device* dev, K3bDeviceBranch* branch ) : KFileTreeViewItem( tqparent, new KFileItem( KURL( "media:/" + dev->blockDeviceName() ), "inode/directory", S_IFDIR ), branch ), m_bCurrent( false ), m_device( dev ) { } K3bDeviceBranchViewItem::K3bDeviceBranchViewItem( KFileTreeView* tqparent, K3bDevice::Device* dev, K3bDeviceBranch* branch ) : KFileTreeViewItem( tqparent, new KFileItem( KURL( "media:/" + dev->blockDeviceName() ), "inode/directory", S_IFDIR ), branch ), m_bCurrent( false ), m_device( dev ) { } void K3bDeviceBranchViewItem::setCurrent( bool c ) { m_bCurrent = c; tqrepaint(); } void K3bDeviceBranchViewItem::paintCell( TQPainter* p, const TQColorGroup& cg, int /* col */, int width, int align ) { p->save(); int xpos = 1; int ypos = 1; TQFontMetrics fm( p->fontMetrics() ); if( isSelected() ) { p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), cg.brush( TQColorGroup::Highlight ) ); p->setPen( cg.highlightedText() ); } else { p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), cg.base() ); p->setPen( cg.text() ); } if( pixmap(0) ) { p->drawPixmap( xpos, ypos, *pixmap(0) ); xpos += pixmap(0)->width() + 5; } if( m_bCurrent ) { TQFont f( listView()->font() ); f.setBold( true ); p->setFont( f ); } ypos += fm.ascent(); TQString line1 = text(0).left( text(0).tqfind('\n') ); p->drawText( xpos, ypos, line1 ); TQFont f( listView()->font() ); f.setItalic( true ); f.setBold( false ); f.setPointSize( f.pointSize() - 2 ); p->setFont( f ); ypos += p->fontMetrics().height() + 1; TQString line2 = text(0).mid( text(0).tqfind('\n')+1 ); p->drawText( xpos - p->fontMetrics().leftBearing( line2[0] ), ypos, line2 ); // from TQListViewItem if( isOpen() && childCount() ) { int textheight = fm.size( align, text(0) ).height() + 2 * listView()->itemMargin(); textheight = TQMAX( textheight, TQApplication::globalStrut().height() ); if ( textheight % 2 > 0 ) textheight++; if ( textheight < height() ) { int w = listView()->treeStepSize() / 2; listView()->tqstyle().tqdrawComplexControl( TQStyle::CC_ListView, p, listView(), TQRect( 0, textheight, w + 1, height() - textheight + 1 ), cg, TQStyle::Style_Enabled, TQStyle::SC_ListViewExpand, (uint)TQStyle::SC_All, TQStyleOption( this ) ); } } p->restore(); } int K3bDeviceBranchViewItem::widthHint() const { TQFont f( listView()->font() ); if ( m_bCurrent ) { f.setBold( true ); } int w = TQFontMetrics(f).width( text(0).left( text(0).tqfind('\n') ) ); f.setItalic( true ); f.setBold( false ); f.setPointSize( f.pointSize() - 2 ); w = TQMAX( w, TQFontMetrics(f).width( text(0).mid( text(0).tqfind('\n')+1 ) ) ); w++; // see paintCell if( pixmap(0) ) w += pixmap(0)->width() + 5; return w; } TQString K3bDeviceBranchViewItem::key( int column, bool ascending ) const { return "0" + KFileTreeViewItem::key( column, ascending ); } K3bFileTreeViewItem::K3bFileTreeViewItem( KFileTreeViewItem* tqparent, KFileItem* item, KFileTreeBranch* branch ) : KFileTreeViewItem( tqparent, item, branch ) { } K3bFileTreeViewItem::K3bFileTreeViewItem( KFileTreeView* tqparent, KFileItem* item, KFileTreeBranch* branch ) : KFileTreeViewItem( tqparent, item, branch ) { } TQString K3bFileTreeViewItem::key( int column, bool ascending ) const { return "1" + KFileTreeViewItem::key( column, ascending ); } class K3bDeviceTreeToolTip : public K3bToolTip { public: K3bDeviceTreeToolTip( TQWidget* tqparent, K3bFileTreeView* lv ); void maybeTip( const TQPoint &pos ); private: K3bFileTreeView* m_view; }; K3bDeviceTreeToolTip::K3bDeviceTreeToolTip( TQWidget* tqparent, K3bFileTreeView* lv ) : K3bToolTip( tqparent ), m_view( lv ) { setTipTimeout( 500 ); } void K3bDeviceTreeToolTip::maybeTip( const TQPoint& pos ) { if( !tqparentWidget() || !m_view ) return; K3bDeviceBranchViewItem* item = dynamic_cast( m_view->itemAt( pos ) ); if( !item ) return; K3bDevice::Device* dev = static_cast( item->branch() )->device(); TQFrame* tooltip = new TQFrame( tqparentWidget() ); tooltip->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Raised ); tooltip->setFrameShape( TQFrame::StyledPanel ); TQGridLayout* lay = new TQGridLayout( tooltip, 2, 2, tooltip->frameWidth()*2 /*margin*/, 6 /*spacing*/ ); TQString text = k3bappcore->mediaCache()->medium( dev ).longString(); int detailsStart = text.tqfind( "

", 3 ); TQString details = text.mid( detailsStart ); text.truncate( detailsStart ); TQLabel* label = new TQLabel( text, tooltip ); label->setMargin( 9 ); lay->addMultiCellWidget( label, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); label = new TQLabel( details, tooltip ); label->setMargin( 9 ); label->tqsetAlignment( Qt::Vertical ); lay->addMultiCellWidget( label, 1, 2, 0, 0 ); label = new TQLabel( tooltip ); lay->addWidget( label, 2, 1 ); lay->setColStretch( 0, 1 ); if( K3bTheme* theme = k3bappcore->themeManager()->currentTheme() ) { tooltip->setPaletteBackgroundColor( theme->backgroundColor() ); tooltip->setPaletteForegroundColor( theme->foregroundColor() ); K3bTheme::PixmapType pm; int c = k3bappcore->mediaCache()->medium( dev ).content(); if( c & (K3bMedium::CONTENT_VIDEO_CD|K3bMedium::CONTENT_VIDEO_DVD) ) pm = K3bTheme::MEDIA_VIDEO; else if( c & K3bMedium::CONTENT_AUDIO && c & K3bMedium::CONTENT_DATA ) pm = K3bTheme::MEDIA_MIXED; else if( c & K3bMedium::CONTENT_AUDIO ) pm = K3bTheme::MEDIA_AUDIO; else if( c & K3bMedium::CONTENT_DATA ) pm = K3bTheme::MEDIA_DATA; else { K3bDevice::DiskInfo di = k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( dev ); if( di.diskState() == K3bDevice::STATE_EMPTY ) pm = K3bTheme::MEDIA_EMPTY; else pm = K3bTheme::MEDIA_NONE; } label->setPixmap( theme->pixmap( pm ) ); } // the tooltip will take care of deleting the widget tip( m_view->tqitemRect( item ), tooltip ); } class K3bFileTreeView::Private { public: Private() : deviceManager(0), currentDeviceBranch(0) { } TQPtrDict deviceBranchDict; TQMap branchDeviceMap; K3bDevice::DeviceManager* deviceManager; K3bDeviceBranch* currentDeviceBranch; K3bDeviceTreeToolTip* toolTip; }; K3bFileTreeView::K3bFileTreeView( TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name ) : KFileTreeView( tqparent, name ) { d = new Private(); d->toolTip = new K3bDeviceTreeToolTip( viewport(), this ); addColumn( i18n("Directories") ); setDragEnabled( true ); setAlternateBackground( TQColor() ); setFullWidth(true); // setRootIsDecorated(true); setSorting(0); m_dirOnlyMode = true; m_menuEnabled = false; connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(executed(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotItemExecuted(TQListViewItem*)) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotItemExecuted(TQListViewItem*)) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView*, TQListViewItem* , const TQPoint& )), this, TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenu(KListView*, TQListViewItem* , const TQPoint& )) ); // we always simulate the single click slotSettingsChangedK3b(KApplication::SETTINGS_MOUSE); if( kapp ) connect( kapp, TQT_SIGNAL(settingsChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotSettingsChangedK3b(int)) ); initActions(); } K3bFileTreeView::~K3bFileTreeView() { delete d; } void K3bFileTreeView::clear() { KFileTreeView::clear(); if( d->deviceManager ) d->deviceManager->disconnect( this ); d->deviceManager = 0; } void K3bFileTreeView::initActions() { // m_actionCollection = new KActionCollection( this ); // m_devicePopupMenu = new KActionMenu( m_actionCollection, "device_popup_menu" ); // m_urlPopupMenu = new KActionMenu( m_actionCollection, "url_popup_menu" ); // KAction* actionDiskInfo = new KAction( i18n("&Disk Info"), "info", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotShowDiskInfo()), // m_actionCollection, "disk_info"); // KAction* actionUnmount = new KAction( i18n("&Unmount"), "cdrom_unmount", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotUnmountDisk()), // m_actionCollection, "disk_unmount"); // KAction* actionEject = new KAction( i18n("&Eject"), "", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotEjectDisk()), // m_actionCollection, "disk_eject"); // m_devicePopupMenu->insert( actionDiskInfo ); // m_devicePopupMenu->insert( new KActionSeparator( this ) ); // m_devicePopupMenu->insert( actionUnmount ); // m_devicePopupMenu->insert( actionEject ); } void K3bFileTreeView::addDefaultBranches() { KURL home = KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQDir::homeDirPath() ); KURL root = KURL( "file:/" ); KFileTreeBranch* treeBranch = addBranch( new K3bFileTreeBranch( this, root, i18n("Root"), SmallIcon("folder_red") ) ); treeBranch = addBranch( new K3bFileTreeBranch( this, home, i18n("Home"), SmallIcon("folder_home") ) ); treeBranch->setOpen( true ); } void K3bFileTreeView::addCdDeviceBranches( K3bDevice::DeviceManager* dm ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bFileTreeView::addCdDeviceBranches)" << endl; // remove all previous added device branches for( TQMap::Iterator it = d->branchDeviceMap.begin(); it != d->branchDeviceMap.end(); ++it ) { removeBranch( it.key() ); } // clear the maps d->branchDeviceMap.clear(); d->deviceBranchDict.clear(); for( TQPtrListIterator it( dm->allDevices() ); *it; ++it ) addDeviceBranch( *it ); if( dm != d->deviceManager ) { if( d->deviceManager ) d->deviceManager->disconnect( this ); d->deviceManager = dm; // make sure we get changes to the config connect( dm, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(K3bDevice::DeviceManager*)), this, TQT_SLOT(addCdDeviceBranches(K3bDevice::DeviceManager*)) ); if( K3bAppDeviceManager* appDevM = dynamic_cast( dm ) ) connect( appDevM, TQT_SIGNAL(currentDeviceChanged(K3bDevice::Device*)), this, TQT_SLOT(setCurrentDevice(K3bDevice::Device*)) ); } K3bDevice::Device* currentDevice = k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->currentDevice(); if ( !currentDevice && !k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->allDevices().isEmpty() ) { k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->setCurrentDevice( k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->allDevices().getFirst() ); } d->currentDeviceBranch = d->deviceBranchDict[currentDevice]; if( d->currentDeviceBranch ) { d->currentDeviceBranch->setCurrent( true ); } kdDebug() << "(K3bFileTreeView::addCdDeviceBranches) done" << endl; } void K3bFileTreeView::addDeviceBranch( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { K3bDeviceBranch* newBranch = new K3bDeviceBranch( this, dev ); addBranch( newBranch ); // search for an equal device int equalCnt = 0; K3bDeviceBranch* equalBranch = 0; for( TQMap::Iterator it = d->branchDeviceMap.begin(); it != d->branchDeviceMap.end(); ++it ) { K3bDevice::Device* itDev = it.data(); K3bDeviceBranch* itBranch = (K3bDeviceBranch*)it.key(); if( itDev->vendor() == dev->vendor() && itDev->description() == dev->description() ) { ++equalCnt; equalBranch = itBranch; } } // if there is at least one equal device add the block device name // if there is more than one equal device they have been updated after // adding the last one so there is no need to update more than two if( equalCnt > 0 ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bFileTreeView) equal branch" << endl; newBranch->showBlockDeviceName(true); equalBranch->showBlockDeviceName(true); } // add to maps d->branchDeviceMap.insert( newBranch, dev ); d->deviceBranchDict.insert( (void*)dev, newBranch ); updateMinimumWidth(); } KFileTreeBranch* K3bFileTreeView::addBranch( KFileTreeBranch* branch ) { KFileTreeBranch* newBranch = KFileTreeView::addBranch( branch ); newBranch->setChildRecurse( false ); setDirOnlyMode( newBranch, m_dirOnlyMode ); return newBranch; } KFileTreeBranch* K3bFileTreeView::addBranch( const KURL& url, const TQString& name, const TQPixmap& pix, bool showHidden ) { KFileTreeBranch* newBranch = KFileTreeView::addBranch( url, name, pix, showHidden ); newBranch->setChildRecurse( false ); setDirOnlyMode( newBranch, m_dirOnlyMode ); return newBranch; } void K3bFileTreeView::slotItemExecuted( TQListViewItem* item ) { KFileTreeViewItem* treeItem = static_cast(item); if( d->branchDeviceMap.tqcontains( treeItem->branch() ) && treeItem == treeItem->branch()->root() ) { K3bDevice::Device* dev = d->branchDeviceMap[treeItem->branch()]; k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->setCurrentDevice( dev ); emit deviceExecuted( dev ); } else emit urlExecuted( treeItem->url() ); } void K3bFileTreeView::setTreeDirOnlyMode( bool b ) { m_dirOnlyMode = b; } void K3bFileTreeView::followUrl( const KURL& url ) { // TODO: first try the current branch KFileTreeBranchIterator it( branches() ); for( ; *it; ++it ) { if( !d->branchDeviceMap.tqcontains( *it ) ) if( KFileTreeViewItem* item = (*it)->findTVIByURL( url ) ) { setCurrentItem( item ); setSelected(item, true); ensureItemVisible( item ); return; } } } void K3bFileTreeView::slotContextMenu( KListView*, TQListViewItem* item, const TQPoint& p ) { KFileTreeViewItem* treeItem = dynamic_cast(item); if( treeItem ) { K3bDevice::Device* device = 0; TQMap::iterator devIt = d->branchDeviceMap.tqfind( treeItem->branch() ); if( devIt != d->branchDeviceMap.end() ) device = devIt.data(); setCurrentItem( treeItem ); setSelected( treeItem, true); if( device ) { k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->setCurrentDevice( device ); emit contextMenu( device, p ); } else emit contextMenu( treeItem->url(), p ); } else kdWarning() << "(K3bFileTreeView) found viewItem that is no KFileTreeViewItem!" << endl; } K3bDevice::Device* K3bFileTreeView::selectedDevice() const { KFileTreeViewItem* treeItem = dynamic_cast(selectedItem()); if( treeItem ) { if( d->branchDeviceMap.tqcontains( treeItem->branch() ) ) return d->branchDeviceMap[treeItem->branch()]; } return 0; } KURL K3bFileTreeView::selectedUrl() const { KFileTreeViewItem* treeItem = dynamic_cast(selectedItem()); if( treeItem ) { if( !d->branchDeviceMap.tqcontains( treeItem->branch() ) ) return treeItem->url(); } return KURL(); } void K3bFileTreeView::setCurrentDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { if( d->currentDeviceBranch ) d->currentDeviceBranch->setCurrent( false ); if( dev ) { if ( ( d->currentDeviceBranch = branch( dev ) ) ) d->currentDeviceBranch->setCurrent( true ); } updateMinimumWidth(); } void K3bFileTreeView::setSelectedDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { setCurrentDevice( dev ); K3bDeviceBranch* b = branch( dev ); setCurrentItem( b->root() ); setSelected( b->root(), true ); } K3bDeviceBranch* K3bFileTreeView::branch( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { return d->deviceBranchDict.tqfind( (void*)dev ); } void K3bFileTreeView::slotSettingsChangedK3b(int category) { // we force single click like konqueror does. This really should be done in KFileTreeView if( category == KApplication::SETTINGS_MOUSE ) { disconnect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(mouseButtonClicked(int, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMouseButtonClickedK3b(int, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int))); if( !KGlobalSettings::singleClick() ) connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(mouseButtonClicked(int, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMouseButtonClickedK3b(int, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int))); } } void K3bFileTreeView::slotMouseButtonClickedK3b( int btn, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &pos, int c ) { if( (btn == Qt::LeftButton) && item ) emitExecute(item, pos, c); } void K3bFileTreeView::updateMinimumWidth() { // // only handle the device branches, we don't care about the folders. // int w = 0; for( TQMap::Iterator it = d->branchDeviceMap.begin(); it != d->branchDeviceMap.end(); ++it ) { w = TQMAX( w, static_cast( it.key()->root() )->widthHint() ); } // width of the items + scrollbar width + the frame + a little eyecandy spacing setMinimumWidth( w + verticalScrollBar()->tqsizeHint().width() + 2*frameWidth() + 2 ); } #include "k3bfiletreeview.moc"