/* * * $Id: k3bfillstatusdisplay.cpp 768504 2008-01-30 08:53:22Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3bfillstatusdisplay.h" #include "k3bdoc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const int DEFAULT_CD_SIZE_74 = 74*60*75; static const int DEFAULT_CD_SIZE_80 = 80*60*75; static const int DEFAULT_CD_SIZE_100 = 100*60*75; static const int DEFAULT_DVD_SIZE_4_4 = 2295104; static const int DEFAULT_DVD_SIZE_8_0 = 4173824; class K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::Private { public: K3b::Msf cdSize; bool showTime; K3bDoc* doc; }; K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget( K3bDoc* doc, TQWidget* tqparent ) : TQWidget( tqparent, 0, WRepaintNoErase ) { d = new Private(); d->doc = doc; tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Preferred ) ); } K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::~K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget() { delete d; } const K3b::Msf& K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::cdSize() const { return d->cdSize; } void K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::setShowTime( bool b ) { d->showTime = b; update(); } void K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::setCdSize( const K3b::Msf& size ) { d->cdSize = size; update(); } TQSize K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::tqsizeHint() const { return tqminimumSizeHint(); } TQSize K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::tqminimumSizeHint() const { int margin = 2; TQFontMetrics fm( font() ); return TQSize( -1, fm.height() + 2 * margin ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e ) { if( e->button() == Qt::RightButton ) emit contextMenu( e->globalPos() ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* ) { // double buffer TQPixmap buffer( size() ); buffer.fill( tqcolorGroup().base() ); TQPainter p; p.tqbegin( &buffer, TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); p.setPen( TQt::black ); // we use a fixed bar color (which is not very nice btw, so we also fix the text color) long long docSize; long long cdSize; long long maxValue; long tolerance; if( d->showTime ) { docSize = d->doc->length().totalFrames() / 75 / 60; cdSize = d->cdSize.totalFrames() / 75 / 60; maxValue = (cdSize > docSize ? cdSize : docSize) + 10; tolerance = 1; } else { docSize = d->doc->size()/1024/1024; cdSize = d->cdSize.mode1Bytes()/1024/1024; maxValue = (cdSize > docSize ? cdSize : docSize) + 100; tolerance = 10; } // so split width() in maxValue pieces double one = (double)rect().width() / (double)maxValue; TQRect crect( rect() ); crect.setWidth( (int)(one*(double)docSize) ); p.setClipping(true); p.setClipRect(crect); p.fillRect( crect, TQt::green ); TQRect oversizeRect(crect); // draw yellow if cdSize - tolerance < docSize if( docSize > cdSize - tolerance ) { oversizeRect.setLeft( oversizeRect.left() + (int)(one * (cdSize - tolerance)) ); p.fillRect( oversizeRect, TQt::yellow ); KPixmap pix; pix.resize( rect().height()*2, rect().height() ); KPixmapEffect::gradient( pix, green, yellow, KPixmapEffect::HorizontalGradient, 0 ); p.drawPixmap( oversizeRect.left() - pix.width()/2, 0, pix ); } // draw red if docSize > cdSize + tolerance if( docSize > cdSize + tolerance ) { oversizeRect.setLeft( oversizeRect.left() + (int)(one * tolerance*2) ); p.fillRect( oversizeRect, TQt::red ); KPixmap pix; pix.resize( rect().height()*2, rect().height() ); KPixmapEffect::gradient( pix, yellow, red, KPixmapEffect::HorizontalGradient, 0 ); p.drawPixmap( oversizeRect.left() - pix.width()/2, 0, pix ); } p.setClipping(false); // ==================================================================================== // Now the colored bar is painted // Continue with the texts // ==================================================================================== // first we determine the text to display // ==================================================================================== TQString docSizeText; if( d->showTime ) docSizeText = d->doc->length().toString(false) + " " + i18n("min"); else docSizeText = KIO::convertSize( d->doc->size() ); TQString overSizeText; if( d->cdSize.mode1Bytes() >= d->doc->size() ) overSizeText = i18n("Available: %1 of %2") .tqarg( d->showTime ? i18n("%1 min").tqarg((K3b::Msf( cdSize*60*75 ) - d->doc->length()).toString(false)) : KIO::convertSize( TQMAX( (cdSize * 1024LL * 1024LL) - (long long)d->doc->size(), 0LL ) ) ) .tqarg( d->showTime ? i18n("%1 min").tqarg(K3b::Msf( cdSize*60*75 ).toString(false)) : KIO::convertSizeFromKB( cdSize * 1024 ) ); else overSizeText = i18n("Capacity exceeded by %1") .tqarg( d->showTime ? i18n("%1 min").tqarg( (d->doc->length() - K3b::Msf( cdSize*60*75 ) ).toString(false)) : KIO::convertSize( (long long)d->doc->size() - (cdSize * 1024LL * 1024LL) ) ); // ==================================================================================== // draw the medium size marker // ==================================================================================== int mediumSizeMarkerPos = rect().left() + (int)(one*cdSize); p.drawLine( mediumSizeMarkerPos, rect().bottom(), mediumSizeMarkerPos, rect().top() + ((rect().bottom()-rect().top())/2) ); // ==================================================================================== // we want to draw the docSizeText centered in the filled area // if there is not enough space we just align it left // ==================================================================================== int docSizeTextPos = 0; int docSizeTextLength = fontMetrics().width(docSizeText); if( docSizeTextLength + 5 > crect.width() ) { docSizeTextPos = crect.left() + 5; // a little margin } else { docSizeTextPos = ( crect.width() - docSizeTextLength ) / 2; // make sure the text does not cross the medium size marker if( docSizeTextPos <= mediumSizeMarkerPos && mediumSizeMarkerPos <= docSizeTextPos + docSizeTextLength ) docSizeTextPos = TQMAX( crect.left() + 5, mediumSizeMarkerPos - docSizeTextLength - 5 ); } // ==================================================================================== // draw the over size text // ==================================================================================== TQFont fnt(font()); fnt.setPointSize( TQMAX( 8, fnt.pointSize()-4 ) ); fnt.setBold(false); TQRect overSizeTextRect( rect() ); int overSizeTextLength = TQFontMetrics(fnt).width(overSizeText); if( overSizeTextLength + 5 > overSizeTextRect.width() - (int)(one*cdSize) ) { // we don't have enough space on the right, so we paint to the left of the line overSizeTextRect.setLeft( (int)(one*cdSize) - overSizeTextLength - 5 ); } else { overSizeTextRect.setLeft( mediumSizeMarkerPos + 5 ); } // make sure the two text do not overlap (this does not cover all cases though) if( overSizeTextRect.left() < docSizeTextPos + docSizeTextLength ) docSizeTextPos = TQMAX( crect.left() + 5, TQMIN( overSizeTextRect.left() - docSizeTextLength - 5, mediumSizeMarkerPos - docSizeTextLength - 5 ) ); TQRect docTextRect( rect() ); docTextRect.setLeft( docSizeTextPos ); p.drawText( docTextRect, TQt::AlignLeft | TQt::AlignVCenter, docSizeText ); p.setFont(fnt); p.drawText( overSizeTextRect, TQt::AlignLeft | TQt::AlignVCenter, overSizeText ); // ==================================================================================== p.end(); bitBlt( this, 0, 0, &buffer ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class K3bFillStatusDisplay::ToolTip : public TQToolTip { public: ToolTip( K3bDoc* doc, TQWidget* tqparent ) : TQToolTip( tqparent, 0 ), m_doc(doc) { } void maybeTip( const TQPoint& ) { tip( parentWidget()->rect(), KIO::convertSize( m_doc->size() ) + " (" + KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber( m_doc->size(), 0 ) + "), " + m_doc->length().toString(false) + " " + i18n("min") + " (" + i18n("Right click for media sizes") + ")"); } private: K3bDoc* m_doc; }; class K3bFillStatusDisplay::Private { public: KActionCollection* actionCollection; KRadioAction* actionShowMinutes; KRadioAction* actionShowMegs; KRadioAction* actionAuto; KRadioAction* action74Min; KRadioAction* action80Min; KRadioAction* action100Min; KRadioAction* actionDvd4_7GB; KRadioAction* actionDvdDoubleLayer; K3bRadioAction* actionCustomSize; K3bRadioAction* actionDetermineSize; KAction* actionSaveUserDefaults; KAction* actionLoadUserDefaults; KPopupMenu* popup; KPopupMenu* dvdPopup; TQToolButton* buttonMenu; K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget* displayWidget; bool showDvdSizes; bool showTime; K3bDoc* doc; TQTimer updateTimer; }; K3bFillStatusDisplay::K3bFillStatusDisplay( K3bDoc* doc, TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name ) : TQFrame(tqparent,name) { d = new Private; d->doc = doc; m_toolTip = new ToolTip( doc, this ); setFrameStyle( Panel | Sunken ); d->displayWidget = new K3bFillStatusDisplayWidget( doc, this ); // d->buttonMenu = new TQToolButton( this ); // d->buttonMenu->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("cdrom_unmount") ); // d->buttonMenu->setAutoRaise(true); // TQToolTip::add( d->buttonMenu, i18n("Fill display properties") ); // connect( d->buttonMenu, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotMenuButtonClicked()) ); TQGridLayout* tqlayout = new TQGridLayout( this ); tqlayout->setSpacing(5); tqlayout->setMargin(frameWidth()); tqlayout->addWidget( d->displayWidget, 0, 0 ); // tqlayout->addWidget( d->buttonMenu, 0, 1 ); tqlayout->setColStretch( 0, 1 ); setupPopupMenu(); showDvdSizes( false ); connect( d->doc, TQT_SIGNAL(changed()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDocChanged()) ); connect( &d->updateTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateDisplay()) ); connect( k3bappcore->mediaCache(), TQT_SIGNAL(mediumChanged(K3bDevice::Device*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotMediumChanged(K3bDevice::Device*)) ); } K3bFillStatusDisplay::~K3bFillStatusDisplay() { delete d; delete m_toolTip; } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::setupPopupMenu() { d->actionCollection = new KActionCollection( this ); // we use a nother popup for the dvd sizes d->popup = new KPopupMenu( this, "popup" ); d->dvdPopup = new KPopupMenu( this, "dvdpopup" ); d->actionShowMinutes = new KRadioAction( i18n("Minutes"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(showTime()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_show_minutes" ); d->actionShowMegs = new KRadioAction( i18n("Megabytes"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(showSize()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_show_megabytes" ); d->actionShowMegs->setExclusiveGroup( "show_size_in" ); d->actionShowMinutes->setExclusiveGroup( "show_size_in" ); d->actionAuto = new KRadioAction( i18n("Auto"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotAutoSize()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_auto" ); d->action74Min = new KRadioAction( i18n("%1 MB").tqarg(650), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slot74Minutes()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_74minutes" ); d->action80Min = new KRadioAction( i18n("%1 MB").tqarg(700), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slot80Minutes()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_80minutes" ); d->action100Min = new KRadioAction( i18n("%1 MB").tqarg(880), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slot100Minutes()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_100minutes" ); d->actionDvd4_7GB = new KRadioAction( KIO::convertSizeFromKB((int)(4.4*1024.0*1024.0)), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDvd4_7GB()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_dvd_4_7gb" ); d->actionDvdDoubleLayer = new KRadioAction( KIO::convertSizeFromKB((int)(8.0*1024.0*1024.0)), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDvdDoubleLayer()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_dvd_double_layer" ); d->actionCustomSize = new K3bRadioAction( i18n("Custom..."), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotCustomSize()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_custom_size" ); d->actionCustomSize->setAlwaysEmitActivated(true); d->actionDetermineSize = new K3bRadioAction( i18n("From Medium..."), "cdrom_unmount", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDetermineSize()), d->actionCollection, "fillstatus_size_from_disk" ); d->actionDetermineSize->setAlwaysEmitActivated(true); d->actionAuto->setExclusiveGroup( "cd_size" ); d->action74Min->setExclusiveGroup( "cd_size" ); d->action80Min->setExclusiveGroup( "cd_size" ); d->action100Min->setExclusiveGroup( "cd_size" ); d->actionDvd4_7GB->setExclusiveGroup( "cd_size" ); d->actionDvdDoubleLayer->setExclusiveGroup( "cd_size" ); d->actionCustomSize->setExclusiveGroup( "cd_size" ); d->actionDetermineSize->setExclusiveGroup( "cd_size" ); d->actionLoadUserDefaults = new KAction( i18n("User Defaults"), "", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotLoadUserDefaults()), d->actionCollection, "load_user_defaults" ); d->actionSaveUserDefaults = new KAction( i18n("Save User Defaults"), "", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotSaveUserDefaults()), d->actionCollection, "save_user_defaults" ); KAction* dvdSizeInfoAction = new KAction( i18n("Why 4.4 instead of 4.7?"), "", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotWhy44()), d->actionCollection, "why_44_gb" ); d->popup->insertTitle( i18n("Show Size In") ); d->actionShowMinutes->plug( d->popup ); d->actionShowMegs->plug( d->popup ); d->popup->insertTitle( i18n("CD Size") ); d->actionAuto->plug( d->popup ); d->action74Min->plug( d->popup ); d->action80Min->plug( d->popup ); d->action100Min->plug( d->popup ); d->actionCustomSize->plug( d->popup ); d->actionDetermineSize->plug( d->popup ); d->popup->insertSeparator(); d->actionLoadUserDefaults->plug( d->popup ); d->actionSaveUserDefaults->plug( d->popup ); d->dvdPopup->insertTitle( i18n("DVD Size") ); dvdSizeInfoAction->plug( d->dvdPopup ); d->actionAuto->plug( d->dvdPopup ); d->actionDvd4_7GB->plug( d->dvdPopup ); d->actionDvdDoubleLayer->plug( d->dvdPopup ); d->actionCustomSize->plug( d->dvdPopup ); d->actionDetermineSize->plug( d->dvdPopup ); d->dvdPopup->insertSeparator(); d->actionLoadUserDefaults->plug( d->dvdPopup ); d->actionSaveUserDefaults->plug( d->dvdPopup ); connect( d->displayWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenu(const TQPoint&)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotPopupMenu(const TQPoint&)) ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::showSize() { d->actionShowMegs->setChecked( true ); d->action74Min->setText( i18n("%1 MB").tqarg(650) ); d->action80Min->setText( i18n("%1 MB").tqarg(700) ); d->action100Min->setText( i18n("%1 MB").tqarg(880) ); d->showTime = false; d->displayWidget->setShowTime(false); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::showTime() { d->actionShowMinutes->setChecked( true ); d->action74Min->setText( i18n("unused", "%n minutes", 74) ); d->action80Min->setText( i18n("unused", "%n minutes", 80) ); d->action100Min->setText( i18n("unused", "%n minutes", 100) ); d->showTime = true; d->displayWidget->setShowTime(true); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::showDvdSizes( bool b ) { d->showDvdSizes = b; slotLoadUserDefaults(); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotAutoSize() { slotMediumChanged( 0 ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slot74Minutes() { d->displayWidget->setCdSize( DEFAULT_CD_SIZE_74 ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slot80Minutes() { d->displayWidget->setCdSize( DEFAULT_CD_SIZE_80 ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slot100Minutes() { d->displayWidget->setCdSize( DEFAULT_CD_SIZE_100 ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotDvd4_7GB() { d->displayWidget->setCdSize( DEFAULT_DVD_SIZE_4_4 ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotDvdDoubleLayer() { d->displayWidget->setCdSize( DEFAULT_DVD_SIZE_8_0 ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotWhy44() { TQWhatsThis::display( i18n("

Why does K3b offer 4.4 GB and 8.0 GB instead of 4.7 and 8.5 like " "it says on the media?" "

A single layer DVD media has a capacity of approximately " "4.4 GB which equals 4.4*10243 bytes. Media producers just " "calculate with 1000 instead of 1024 for advertising reasons.
" "This results in 4.4*10243/10003 = 4.7 GB.") ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotCustomSize() { // allow the units to be translated TQString gbS = i18n("gb"); TQString mbS = i18n("mb"); TQString minS = i18n("min"); TQRegExp rx( "(\\d+\\" + KGlobal::locale()->decimalSymbol() + "?\\d*)(" + gbS + "|" + mbS + "|" + minS + ")?" ); bool ok; TQString size = KInputDialog::getText( i18n("Custom Size"), i18n("

Please specify the size of the media. Use suffixes gb,mb, " "and min for gigabytes, megabytes, and minutes" " respectively."), d->showDvdSizes ? TQString("4%14%2").tqarg(KGlobal::locale()->decimalSymbol()).tqarg(gbS) : (d->showTime ? TQString("74")+minS : TQString("650")+mbS), &ok, this, (const char*)0, new TQRegExpValidator( rx, TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ) ); if( ok ) { // determine size if( rx.exactMatch( size ) ) { TQString valStr = rx.cap(1); if( valStr.endsWith( KGlobal::locale()->decimalSymbol() ) ) valStr += "0"; double val = KGlobal::locale()->readNumber( valStr, &ok ); if( ok ) { TQString s = rx.cap(2); if( s == gbS || (s.isEmpty() && d->showDvdSizes) ) val *= 1024*512; else if( s == mbS || (s.isEmpty() && !d->showTime) ) val *= 512; else val *= 60*75; d->displayWidget->setCdSize( (int)val ); update(); } } } } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotMenuButtonClicked() { TQSize size = d->showDvdSizes ? d->dvdPopup->tqsizeHint() : d->popup->tqsizeHint(); slotPopupMenu( d->buttonMenu->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(d->buttonMenu->width(), 0)) + TQPoint(-1*size.width(), -1*size.height()) ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotPopupMenu( const TQPoint& p ) { if( d->showDvdSizes ) d->dvdPopup->popup(p); else d->popup->popup(p); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotDetermineSize() { bool canceled = false; K3bDevice::Device* dev = K3bMediaSelectionDialog::selectMedium( d->showDvdSizes ? K3bDevice::MEDIA_WRITABLE_DVD : K3bDevice::MEDIA_WRITABLE_CD, K3bDevice::STATE_EMPTY|K3bDevice::STATE_INCOMPLETE, parentWidget(), TQString(), TQString(), &canceled ); if( dev ) { K3b::Msf size = k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( dev ).capacity(); if( size > 0 ) { d->displayWidget->setCdSize( size ); d->actionCustomSize->setChecked(true); update(); } else KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), i18n("Medium is not empty.") ); } else if( !canceled ) KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), i18n("No usable medium found.") ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotLoadUserDefaults() { // load project specific values KConfig* c = k3bcore->config(); c->setGroup( "default " + d->doc->typeString() + " settings" ); // defaults to megabytes d->showTime = c->readBoolEntry( "show minutes", false ); d->displayWidget->setShowTime(d->showTime); d->actionShowMegs->setChecked( !d->showTime ); d->actionShowMinutes->setChecked( d->showTime ); long size = c->readNumEntry( "default media size", 0 ); switch( size ) { case 0: // automatic mode d->actionAuto->setChecked( true ); break; case 74: d->action74Min->setChecked( true ); break; case 80: d->action80Min->setChecked( true ); break; case 100: d->action100Min->setChecked( true ); break; case 510: d->actionDvd4_7GB->setChecked( true ); break; default: d->actionCustomSize->setChecked( true ); break; } if( size == 0 ) { slotMediumChanged( 0 ); } else { d->displayWidget->setCdSize( size*60*75 ); } } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotMediumChanged( K3bDevice::Device* ) { if( d->actionAuto->isChecked() ) { // // now search for a usable medium // if we find exactly one usable or multiple with the same size // we use that size // // TODO: once we have only one data project we need to change this to handle both K3bDevice::Device* dev = 0; TQPtrList devs; if( d->showDvdSizes ) devs = k3bcore->deviceManager()->dvdWriter(); else devs = k3bcore->deviceManager()->cdWriter(); for( TQPtrListIterator it( devs ); *it; ++it ) { const K3bMedium& medium = k3bappcore->mediaCache()->medium( *it ); if( ( medium.diskInfo().empty() || medium.diskInfo().appendable() || medium.diskInfo().rewritable() ) && ( medium.diskInfo().isDvdMedia() == d->showDvdSizes ) && d->doc->length() <= medium.diskInfo().capacity() ) { // first usable medium if( !dev ) { dev = medium.device(); } // roughly compare the sizes of the two usable media. If they match, carry on. else if( k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( dev ).capacity().lba()/75/60 != medium.diskInfo().capacity().lba()/75/60 ) { // different usable media -> fallback dev = 0; break; } // else continue; } } if( dev ) { d->displayWidget->setCdSize( k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( dev ).capacity().lba() ); } else { // default fallback if( d->showDvdSizes ) { if( d->doc->length().lba() > DEFAULT_DVD_SIZE_4_4 ) d->displayWidget->setCdSize( DEFAULT_DVD_SIZE_8_0 ); else d->displayWidget->setCdSize( DEFAULT_DVD_SIZE_4_4 ); } else d->displayWidget->setCdSize( DEFAULT_CD_SIZE_80 ); } } } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotSaveUserDefaults() { // save project specific values KConfig* c = k3bcore->config(); c->setGroup( "default " + d->doc->typeString() + " settings" ); c->writeEntry( "show minutes", d->showTime ); c->writeEntry( "default media size", d->actionAuto->isChecked() ? 0 : d->displayWidget->cdSize().totalFrames() ); } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotUpdateDisplay() { if( d->actionAuto->isChecked() ) { // // also update the medium list in case the docs size exceeds the capacity // slotMediumChanged( 0 ); } else { d->displayWidget->update(); } } void K3bFillStatusDisplay::slotDocChanged() { // cache updates if( !d->updateTimer.isActive() ) { slotUpdateDisplay(); d->updateTimer.start( 500, false ); } } #include "k3bfillstatusdisplay.moc"