.TH "KDIFF3" "1" .SH "NAME" KDiff3 \(em compares two or three input files or directories .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP \fBKDiff3\fR [\fBQT options\fP] [\fBKDE options\fP] [\fBKDiff3 options\fP] [\fB\fIFile1/base\fR\fP] [\fB\fIFile2\fR\fP] [\fB\fIFile3\fR\fP] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP This manual page documents briefly the \fBKDiff3\fR tool. .PP This manual page was written for the \fBDebian\fP distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. For comprehensive help, please see \fBkhelpcenter help:/kdiff3\fR. .PP \fBKDiff3\fR is a program that .IP " \(bu" 6 compares or merges two or three text input files or directories .IP " \(bu" 6 shows the differences line by line and character by character .IP " \(bu" 6 provides an automatic merge-facility and .IP " \(bu" 6 an integrated editor for comfortable solving of merge-conflicts .IP " \(bu" 6 supports Unicode, UTF-8 and other codecs .IP " \(bu" 6 supports KIO on KDE (allows accessing ftp, sftp, fish, smb etc.) .IP " \(bu" 6 Printing of differences .IP " \(bu" 6 Manual alignment of lines .IP " \(bu" 6 Automatic merging of version control history ($Log$) .SH "OPTIONS" .PP This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`\-'). A summary of options is included below. For a full summary of options, run \fBKDiff3 \-\-help\fR. .IP "\fB-m, \-\-merge\fP " 10 Merge the input. .IP "\fB-b, \-\-base file\fP " 10 Explicit base file. For compatibility with certain tools. .IP "\fB-o, \-\-output file\fP " 10 Output file. Implies \-m. E.g.: \-o newfile.txt .IP "\fB\-\-out file\fP " 10 Output file, again. (For compatibility with certain tools.) .IP "\fB\-\-auto\fP " 10 No GUI if all conflicts are auto-solvable. (Needs \-o file) .IP "\fB\-\-qall\fP " 10 Don't solve conflicts automatically. (For compatibility...) .IP "\fB-L1 alias\fP " 10 Visible name replacement for first file/base file. .IP "\fB-L2 alias\fP " 10 Visible name replacement for second file. .IP "\fB-L3 alias\fP " 10 Visible name replacement for third file. .IP "\fB-L, \-\-fname alias\fP " 10 Visible name replacement. May by supplied for each input. .IP "\fB\-\-cs string\fP " 10 Change a setting, e. g. \-\-cs "AutoAdvance=1". .IP "\fB\-\-confighelp\fP " 10 Show a list of all settings and their values. .IP "\fB\-\-config file \fP " 10 Use a different settings file. .IP "\fB\-\-author\fP " 10 Show author of program. .IP "\fB-v, \-\-version\fP " 10 Show version of program. .IP "\fB\-\-license\fP " 10 Show license of program. .SH "AUTHOR" .PP This manual page was written by Eike Sauer for the \fBDebian\fP system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 (or, at your option, any later version published by the Free Software Foundation). .PP On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL. .\" created by instant / docbook-to-man, Tue 13 Nov 2007, 15:25