path: root/kipi-plugins/gpssync/kmlexport.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kipi-plugins/gpssync/kmlexport.cpp')
1 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kipi-plugins/gpssync/kmlexport.cpp b/kipi-plugins/gpssync/kmlexport.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5262140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kipi-plugins/gpssync/kmlexport.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+/* ============================================================
+ *
+ * This file is a part of kipi-plugins project
+ *
+ *
+ * Date : 2006-05-16
+ * Description : a tool to export GPS data to KML file.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Stephane Pontier <shadow dot walker at free dot fr>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+ * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
+ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * ============================================================ */
+extern "C"
+#include <unistd.h>
+// Qt includes.
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+// KDE includes.
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kio/job.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+// Libkexiv2 includes.
+#include <libkexiv2/kexiv2.h>
+// LibKipi includes
+#include <libkipi/plugin.h>
+#include <libkipi/batchprogressdialog.h>
+#include <libkipi/imageinfo.h>
+// Local includes.
+#include "kmlexport.h"
+namespace KIPIGPSSyncPlugin
+kmlExport::kmlExport(KIPI::Interface* interface)
+ m_interface = interface;
+ QWidget* parent = KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget();
+ m_progressDialog = new KIPI::BatchProgressDialog(parent, i18n("Generating KML file..."));
+ delete m_progressDialog;
+ \fn kmlExport::createDir(QDir dir)
+ */
+bool kmlExport::createDir(QDir dir)
+ if (dir.exists()) return true;
+ QDir parent = dir;
+ parent.cdUp();
+ bool ok = createDir(parent);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ logError(i18n("Could not create '%1").arg(parent.path()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return parent.mkdir(dir.dirName());
+\fn kmlExport::webifyFileName(const QString &fileName)
+ */
+QString kmlExport::webifyFileName(const QString &fileName)
+ QString webFileName=fileName.lower();
+ // Remove potentially troublesome chars
+ webFileName=webFileName.replace(QRegExp("[^-0-9a-z]+"), "_");
+ return webFileName;
+ \fn kmlExport::generateSquareThumbnail(const QImage& fullImage, int size)
+ */
+QImage kmlExport::generateSquareThumbnail(const QImage& fullImage, int size)
+ QImage image = fullImage.smoothScale(size, size, QImage::ScaleMax);
+ if (image.width() == size && image.height() == size)
+ {
+ return image;
+ }
+ QPixmap croppedPix(size, size);
+ QPainter painter(&croppedPix);
+ int sx=0, sy=0;
+ if (image.width()>size)
+ {
+ sx=(image.width() - size)/2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sy=(image.height() - size)/2;
+ }
+ painter.drawImage(0, 0, image, sx, sy, size, size);
+ painter.end();
+ return croppedPix.convertToImage();
+ \fn kmlExport::generateBorderedThumbnail(const QImage& fullImage, int size)
+ */
+QImage kmlExport::generateBorderedThumbnail(const QImage& fullImage, int size)
+ int image_border = 3;
+ // getting an image minus the border
+ QImage image = fullImage.smoothScale(size -(2*image_border), size - (2*image_border), QImage::ScaleMax);
+ QPixmap croppedPix(image.width() + (2*image_border), image.height() + (2*image_border));
+ QPainter painter(&croppedPix);
+ QColor BrushColor(255,255,255);
+ painter.fillRect(0,0,image.width() + (2*image_border),image.height() + (2*image_border),BrushColor);
+ /*! @todo add a corner to the thumbnail and a hotspot to the kml element */
+ painter.drawImage(image_border, image_border, image );
+ painter.end();
+ return croppedPix.convertToImage();
+\fn kmlExport::generateImagesthumb(KIPI::Interface* interface, const KURL& imageURL, QDomElement &kmlAlbum )
+ */
+void kmlExport::generateImagesthumb(KIPI::Interface* interface, const KURL& imageURL, QDomElement &kmlAlbum )
+ KIPI::Interface* mInterface = interface;
+ KIPI::ImageInfo info = mInterface->info(imageURL);
+ // Load image
+ QString path = imageURL.path();
+ QFile imageFile(path);
+ if (!
+ {
+ logWarning(i18n("Could not read image '%1'").arg(path));
+ return;
+ }
+ QString imageFormat = QImageIO::imageFormat(&imageFile);
+ if (imageFormat.isEmpty())
+ {
+ logWarning(i18n("Format of image '%1' is unknown").arg(path));
+ return;
+ }
+ imageFile.close();
+ QByteArray imageData = imageFile.readAll();
+ QImage image;
+ if (!image.loadFromData(imageData) )
+ {
+ logWarning(i18n("Error loading image '%1'").arg(path));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Process images
+ /** FIXME depending the soft used, angle could return a good value (digikam) or a value of 0 (gwenview)
+ * and, in some case the picture is not rotated as it should be.
+ */
+ if ( info.angle() != 0 )
+ {
+ QWMatrix matrix;
+ matrix.rotate( info.angle() );
+ image = image.xForm( matrix );
+ }
+ image = image.smoothScale(m_size, m_size, QImage::ScaleMax);
+ QImage icon;
+ if (m_optimize_googlemap)
+ {
+ icon = generateSquareThumbnail(image,m_googlemapSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // icon = image.smoothScale(m_iconSize, m_iconSize, QImage::ScaleMax);
+ icon = generateBorderedThumbnail(image, m_iconSize);
+ }
+ // Save images
+ /** @todo remove the extension of the file
+ * it's appear with digikam but not with gwenview
+ * which already seems to strip the extension
+ */
+ QString baseFileName = webifyFileName(info.title());
+ // baseFileName = mUniqueNameHelper.makeNameUnique(baseFileName);
+ QString fullFileName;
+ fullFileName = baseFileName + '.' + imageFormat.lower();
+ QString destPath = m_tempDestDir + m_imageDir + fullFileName;
+ if (!, imageFormat.ascii(), 85))
+ {
+ // if not able to save the image, it's pointless to create a placemark
+ logWarning(i18n("Could not save image '%1' to '%2'").arg(path).arg(destPath));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //logInfo(i18n("Creation of picture '%1'").arg(fullFileName));
+ KExiv2Iface::KExiv2 exiv2Iface;
+ exiv2Iface.load(imageURL.path());
+ double alt, lat, lng;
+ exiv2Iface.getGPSInfo(alt, lat, lng);
+ QDomElement kmlPlacemark = addKmlElement(kmlAlbum, "Placemark");
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlPlacemark,"name",fullFileName);
+ // location and altitude
+ QDomElement kmlGeometry = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "Point");
+ if (alt)
+ {
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "coordinates", QString("%1,%2,%3").arg(lng).arg(lat).arg(alt));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "coordinates", QString("%1,%2").arg(lng).arg(lat));
+ }
+ if (m_altitudeMode == 2 )
+ {
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "altitudeMode", "absolute");
+ }
+ else if (m_altitudeMode == 1 )
+ {
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "altitudeMode", "relativeToGround");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "altitudeMode", "clampToGround");
+ }
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "extrude", "1");
+ // we try to load exif value if any otherwise, try the application db
+ /** we need to take the DateTimeOriginal
+ * if we refer to
+ * (standard)DateTime: is The date and time of image creation. In this standard it is the date and time the file was changed
+ * DateTimeOriginal: The date and time when the original image data was generated.
+ * For a DSC the date and time the picture was taken are recorded.
+ * DateTimeDigitized: The date and time when the image was stored as digital data.
+ * So for:
+ * - a DSC: the right time is the DateTimeDigitized which is also DateTimeOriginal
+ * if the picture has been modified the (standard)DateTime should change.
+ * - a scanned picture, the right time is the DateTimeOriginal which should also be the the DateTime
+ * the (standard)DateTime should be the same except if the picture is modified
+ * - a panorama created from several pictures, the right time is the DateTimeOriginal (average of DateTimeOriginal actually)
+ * The (standard)DateTime is the creation date of the panorama.
+ * it's seems the time to take into acccount is the DateTimeOriginal.
+ * but the exiv2Iface.getImageDateTime() return the (standard)DateTime first
+ * libkexiv2 seems to take Original dateTime first so it shoul be alright now.
+ */
+ QDateTime datetime = exiv2Iface.getImageDateTime();
+ if (datetime.isValid())
+ {
+ QDomElement kmlTimeStamp = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "TimeStamp");
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlTimeStamp, "when", datetime.toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ"));
+ }
+ else if ( mInterface->hasFeature(KIPI::ImagesHasTime))
+ {
+ QDomElement kmlTimeStamp = addKmlElement(kmlGeometry, "TimeStamp");
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlTimeStamp, "when", (info.time()).toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ"));
+ }
+ QString my_description;
+ if (m_optimize_googlemap)
+ {
+ my_description = "<img src=\"" + m_UrlDestDir + m_imageDir + fullFileName + "\">";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my_description = "<img src=\"" + m_imageDir + fullFileName + "\">";
+ }
+ if ( m_interface->hasFeature( KIPI::ImagesHasComments ) )
+ {
+ my_description += "<br/>" + info.description() ;
+ }
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlPlacemark, "description", my_description);
+ logInfo(i18n("Creation of placemark '%1'").arg(fullFileName));
+ // Save icon
+ QString iconFileName = "thumb_" + baseFileName + '.' + imageFormat.lower();
+ QString destPath = m_tempDestDir + m_imageDir + iconFileName;
+ if (!, imageFormat.ascii(), 85))
+ {
+ logWarning(i18n("Could not save icon for image '%1' to '%2'").arg(path).arg(destPath));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //logInfo(i18n("Creation of icon '%1'").arg(iconFileName));
+ // style et icon
+ QDomElement kmlStyle = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "Style");
+ QDomElement kmlIconStyle = addKmlElement(kmlStyle, "IconStyle");
+ QDomElement kmlIcon = addKmlElement(kmlIconStyle, "Icon");
+ if (m_optimize_googlemap)
+ {
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlIcon, "href", m_UrlDestDir + m_imageDir + iconFileName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlIcon, "href", m_imageDir + iconFileName);
+ }
+ QDomElement kmlBallonStyle = addKmlElement(kmlStyle, "BalloonStyle");
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlBallonStyle, "text", "$[description]");
+ }
+ }
+\fn kmlExport::addTrack(QDomElement &kmlAlbum)
+ */
+void kmlExport::addTrack(QDomElement &kmlAlbum)
+ if( m_GPXFile.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ logWarning(i18n("No GPX file Chosen!"));
+ return;
+ }
+ m_gpxParser.clear();
+ bool ret = m_gpxParser.loadGPXFile(m_GPXFile);
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ logError(i18n("Cannot parse %1 GPX file!").arg(m_GPXFile));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_gpxParser.numPoints() <= 0)
+ {
+ logError(i18n("The %1 GPX file do not have a date-time track to use!")
+ .arg(m_GPXFile));
+ return;
+ }
+ // create a folder that will contain tracks and points
+ QDomElement kmlFolder = addKmlElement(kmlAlbum, "Folder");
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlFolder, "name", i18n("Tracks"));
+ if (!m_optimize_googlemap)
+ {
+ // style of points and track
+ QDomElement kmlTrackStyle = addKmlElement(kmlAlbum, "Style");
+ kmlTrackStyle.setAttribute("id","track");
+ QDomElement kmlIconStyle = addKmlElement(kmlTrackStyle, "IconStyle");
+ QDomElement kmlIcon = addKmlElement(kmlIconStyle, "Icon");
+ //! FIXME is there a way to be sure of the location of the icon?
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlIcon, "href", "");
+ m_gpxParser.CreateTrackPoints(kmlFolder, *kmlDocument, m_TimeZone - 12, m_GPXAltitudeMode);
+ }
+ // linetrack style
+ QDomElement kmlLineTrackStyle = addKmlElement(kmlAlbum, "Style");
+ kmlLineTrackStyle.setAttribute("id","linetrack");
+ QDomElement kmlLineStyle = addKmlElement(kmlLineTrackStyle, "LineStyle");
+ // the KML color is not #RRGGBB but AABBGGRR
+ QString KMLColorValue = QString("%1%2%3%4")
+ .arg((int)m_GPXOpacity*256/100, 2, 16)
+ .arg((&m_GPXColor)->blue(), 2, 16)
+ .arg((&m_GPXColor)->green(), 2, 16)
+ .arg((&m_GPXColor)->red(), 2, 16);
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlLineStyle, "color", KMLColorValue);
+ addKmlTextElement(kmlLineStyle, "width", QString("%1").arg(m_LineWidth) );
+ m_gpxParser.CreateTrackLine(kmlAlbum, *kmlDocument, m_GPXAltitudeMode);
+ \fn kmlExport::generate()
+ */
+void kmlExport::generate()
+ //! @todo perform a test here before to continue.
+ createDir(m_tempDestDir + m_imageDir);
+ m_progressDialog->show();
+ KIPI::ImageCollection selection = m_interface->currentSelection();
+ KIPI::ImageCollection album = m_interface->currentAlbum();
+ // create the document, and it's root
+ kmlDocument = new QDomDocument("");
+ QDomImplementation impl;
+ QDomProcessingInstruction instr = kmlDocument->createProcessingInstruction("xml","version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"");
+ kmlDocument->appendChild(instr);
+ QDomElement kmlRoot = kmlDocument->createElementNS( "","kml");
+ kmlDocument->appendChild( kmlRoot );
+ QDomElement kmlAlbum = addKmlElement( kmlRoot, "Document");
+ QDomElement kmlName= addKmlTextElement( kmlAlbum, "name",;
+ QDomElement kmlDescription = addKmlHtmlElement( kmlAlbum, "description", "Created with kmlexport <a href=\"\">kipi-plugin</a>");
+ if (m_GPXtracks)
+ {
+ addTrack(kmlAlbum);
+ }
+ KURL::List images = selection.images();
+ int defectImage = 0;
+ int pos = 1;
+ int count = images.count();
+ KURL::List::ConstIterator imagesEnd (images.constEnd());
+ for( KURL::List::ConstIterator selIt = images.constBegin(); selIt != imagesEnd; ++selIt, ++pos)
+ {
+ KExiv2Iface::KExiv2 exiv2Iface;
+ KIPI::ImageInfo info = m_interface->info( *selIt );
+ // exiv2 load from url not image
+ KURL url = *selIt;
+ exiv2Iface.load(url.path());
+ double alt, lat, lng;
+ bool hasGPSInfo = exiv2Iface.getGPSInfo(alt, lat, lng);
+ if ( hasGPSInfo )
+ {
+ // generation de l'image et de l'icone
+ generateImagesthumb(m_interface,url,kmlAlbum);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ logWarning(i18n("No position data for '%1'").arg(info.title()));
+ defectImage++;
+ }
+ m_progressDialog->setProgress(pos, count);
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ }
+ if (defectImage)
+ {
+ /** @todo if defectImage==count there are no pictures exported, does it worst to continue? */
+ QWidget* parent = KApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget();
+ KMessageBox::information(parent, i18n("No position data for 1 picture",
+ "No position data for %n pictures", defectImage));
+ }
+ /** @todo change to kml or kmz if compressed */
+ QFile file( m_tempDestDir + m_KMLFileName + ".kml");
+ /** @todo handle file opening problems */
+ IO_WriteOnly );
+ QTextStream stream( &file ); // we will serialize the data into the file
+ stream << kmlDocument->toString();
+ file.close();
+ delete kmlDocument;
+ KIO::moveAs(m_tempDestDir,m_baseDestDir,false);
+ logInfo(i18n("Move to final directory"));
+ m_progressDialog->close();
+ \fn kmlExport::getConfig()
+ */
+int kmlExport::getConfig()
+ KConfig config("kipirc");
+ config.setGroup("KMLExport Settings");
+ m_localTarget = config.readBoolEntry("localTarget");
+ m_optimize_googlemap = config.readBoolEntry("optimize_googlemap");
+ m_iconSize = config.readNumEntry("iconSize");
+ // googlemapSize = config.readNumEntry("googlemapSize");
+ m_size = config.readNumEntry("size");
+ // UrlDestDir have to have the trailing
+ m_baseDestDir = config.readEntry("baseDestDir");
+ m_UrlDestDir = config.readEntry("UrlDestDir");
+ m_altitudeMode = config.readNumEntry("Altitude Mode", 0);
+ m_KMLFileName = config.readEntry("KMLFileName");
+ m_GPXtracks = config.readBoolEntry("UseGPXTracks");
+ m_GPXFile = config.readEntry("GPXFile");
+ m_TimeZone = config.readNumEntry("Time Zone", 12);
+ m_LineWidth = config.readNumEntry("Line Width", 4);
+ m_GPXColor = config.readEntry("Track Color", "#17eeee" );
+ m_GPXOpacity = config.readNumEntry("Track Opacity", 64 );
+ m_GPXAltitudeMode = config.readNumEntry("GPX Altitude Mode", 0);
+ KStandardDirs dir;
+ m_tempDestDir = dir.saveLocation("tmp", "kipi-kmlrexportplugin-" + QString::number(getpid()) + '/');
+ m_imageDir = "images/";
+ m_googlemapSize = 32;
+ return 1;
+void kmlExport::logInfo(const QString& msg)
+ m_progressDialog->addedAction(msg, KIPI::ProgressMessage);
+void kmlExport::logError(const QString& msg)
+ m_progressDialog->addedAction(msg, KIPI::ErrorMessage);
+void kmlExport::logWarning(const QString& msg)
+ m_progressDialog->addedAction(msg, KIPI::WarningMessage);
+ // mWarnings=true;
+} //namespace KIPIGPSSyncPlugin