/* * Copyright (C) 2004 Robert Hogan */ #include "scanviewer.h" #include "klamav.h" #include "freshklam.h" #include "directorylist.h" #include "dbviewer.h" #include "collectiondb.h" #include #include "klamavconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //TQToolTip::palette() #include static int counter = 0; ScanViewer::ScanViewer(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQWidget(parent, name) { scanInProgress = TRUE; multiScan = FALSE; //TQGridLayout *layout = new TQGridLayout(this, 6, 3, 10, 4); layout = new TQGridLayout(this, 6, 3, 10, 4); layout->setColStretch(0, 10); layout->addColSpacing(1, 10); layout->setColStretch(1, 0); layout->setColStretch(2, 1); layout->addRowSpacing(1, 10); layout->setRowStretch(1, 0); layout->setRowStretch(2, 10); layout->addRowSpacing(4, 10); layout->setRowStretch(4, 0); resultview = new TQListView(this); resultview->setShowSortIndicator(true); TQFontMetrics rb_fm(resultview->fontMetrics()); //resultview->setMinimumSize(rb_fm.width("0")*55, // rb_fm.lineSpacing()*15); resultview->addColumn( i18n( "Name of File" ),(resultview->width()/3)); resultview->addColumn( i18n( "Name of Problem Found" ),(resultview->width()/3)); resultview->addColumn( i18n( "Status" ),(resultview->width()/3)); resultview->setResizeMode(TQListView::AllColumns); resultview->setSelectionMode( TQListView::Extended ); resultview->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); layout->addMultiCellWidget(resultview, 2, 2, 0, 2); connect( resultview, SIGNAL(onItem ( TQListViewItem * )), SLOT(slotOnItem ( TQListViewItem * ))); connect( resultview, SIGNAL(onViewport ( )), SLOT(slotOffItem ( ))); menu = new TQPopupMenu( resultview ); connect(resultview, SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint& , int ) ), this, SLOT( slotRMB( TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int ) ) ); status_frame = new TQFrame(this); status_frame->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken); TQBoxLayout *status_layout = new TQHBoxLayout(status_frame, 2); status_label = new TQLabel("", status_frame); status_layout->addWidget(status_label, 10); //matches_label = new TQLabel(status_frame); //TQFontMetrics ml_fm(matches_label->fontMetrics()); //matches_label->setFixedWidth(ml_fm.width(i18n("9999 viruses/errors found"))); //matches_label->setFixedHeight(ml_fm.lineSpacing()); //status_layout->addWidget(matches_label, 0); status_layout->activate(); status_frame->adjustSize(); status_frame->setMinimumSize(status_frame->size()); layout->addMultiCellWidget(status_frame, 3, 3, 0, 2); status2_frame = new TQFrame(this); status2_frame->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken); status2_layout = new TQHBoxLayout(status2_frame, 2); status2_label = new TQLabel(i18n("Files scanned: 0"), status2_frame); status2_layout->addWidget(status2_label, 10); status2_label->hide(); prog = new KProgress(status2_frame); progosd = new K3bJobProgressOSD(); progosd->setText( i18n("Scanning..") ); progosd->readSettings(TDEGlobal::config()); status2_layout->addWidget(prog, 10); prog->adjustSize(); prog->hide(); progosd->hide(); scan_time = new TQPushButton( status2_frame ); scan_time->setText(i18n("Calculating Scan Time... (Click To By-Pass)")); status2_layout->addWidget(scan_time,10); scan_time->adjustSize(); scan_time->show(); //status_frame->setPaletteBackgroundColor(TQColor::Yellow); connect( scan_time, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCancelScanTime()) ); matches2_label = new TQLabel(status2_frame); TQFontMetrics ml_fm2(matches2_label->fontMetrics()); matches2_label->setFixedWidth(ml_fm2.width(i18n("9999 viruses/problems found"))); matches2_label->setFixedHeight(ml_fm2.lineSpacing()); status2_layout->addWidget(matches2_label, 0); status2_layout->activate(); status2_frame->adjustSize(); status2_frame->setMinimumSize(status2_frame->size()); layout->addMultiCellWidget(status2_frame, 4, 4, 0, 2); layout->activate(); } ScanViewer::~ScanViewer() { scanCancelled = TRUE; if ((childproc) && (scanInProgress)){ delete childproc; childproc = 0; } } void ScanViewer::processOutput() { int pos; TQString item2; if (!(childproc)) return; if ((showProgress) && prog->isHidden()){ status2_label->hide(); scan_time->hide(); prog->show(); progosd->show(); } //buf.replace("//","/"); // don't know why they're getting two slashes while ((childproc) && ((pos = (childproc->readln(item2,true))) != -1)) { TQListViewItem* tm; //item2 = (buf.section('\n',j,j)).stripWhiteSpace(); item2 = item2.stripWhiteSpace(); int fnameStartPoint = 0; int fnameEndPoint = item2.findRev(":"); TQString tmpFName = item2.mid(fnameStartPoint,(fnameEndPoint - fnameStartPoint)); tmpFName = i18n(tmpFName.ascii()); if ((pos = (item2.find(" FOUND"))) != -1){ //if ((pos = buf.section('\n',j,j).find("FOUND")) != -1){ TQString tmpVirusName = item2.mid((fnameEndPoint+1),(item2.length() - (fnameEndPoint+1))); TQDate today = TQDate::currentDate(); TQTime now = TQTime::currentTime(); TQString suffix = TQString(":%1 %2") .arg(today.toString("ddd MMMM d yyyy")) .arg(now.toString("hh-mm-ss-zzz ap")); if ((tmpVirusName.find("FOUND")) != -1){ tmpVirusName.replace("FOUND",""); tm = new TQListViewItem( resultview, tmpFName, tmpVirusName.stripWhiteSpace(), i18n("Loose") ); tm->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon("klamav_virus") ); //resultview->insertItem(buf.section('\n',j,j)); QuarantineList.append(tmpFName+":"+tmpVirusName+suffix); CollectionDB::instance()->insertEvent("Virus Found",tmpVirusName,tmpFName); } filesscanned++; if (!(showProgress)) status2_label->setText(i18n("Files scanned: %1").arg(filesscanned)); //}else if ((pos = buf.section('\n',j,j).find("ERROR:")) != -1){ }else if ((pos = (item2.find("ERROR:"))) != -1){ TQString tmpVirusName = item2.mid((fnameEndPoint+1),(item2.length() - (fnameEndPoint+1))); tm = new TQListViewItem( resultview, tmpFName, tmpVirusName.stripWhiteSpace(), i18n("Not a Virus") ); tm->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon("klamav_error") ); //resultview->insertItem(buf.section('\n',j,j)); CollectionDB::instance()->insertEvent("Error Found",tmpVirusName,tmpFName); errorsEncountered = TRUE; filesscanned++; if (!(showProgress)) status2_label->setText(i18n("Files scanned: %1").arg(filesscanned)); //}else if ((pos = buf.section('\n',j,j).find("Scanning ")) != -1){ }else if ((pos = (item2.find("Scanning"))) != -1){ if (status_label->palette() != TQToolTip::palette()) status_label->setText(item2); //}else if ((pos = buf.section('\n',j,j).find(": OK")) != -1){ }else if ((pos = (item2.find(": OK"))) != -1){ filesscanned++; if (!(showProgress)) status2_label->setText(i18n("Files scanned: %1").arg(filesscanned)); //}else if ((pos = buf.section('\n',j,j).find(": Access denied")) != -1){ }else if ((pos = (item2.find(": Access denied"))) != -1){ filesscanned++; if (!(showProgress)) status2_label->setText(i18n("Files scanned: %1").arg(filesscanned)); KNotifyClient::event(tdemain->_tray->winId(),"ScanAccessDenied", TQString("Can't scan %1 " "- Access Denied!").arg(tmpFName)); CollectionDB::instance()->insertEvent("Error Found","Access Denied",tmpFName); //}else if ((pos = buf.section('\n',j,j).find(": Can't open")) != -1){ }else if ((pos = (item2.find(": Can't open"))) != -1){ //status2_label->setText(i18n("Files scanned: %1").arg(++filesscanned)); filesscanned++; if (!(showProgress)) status2_label->setText(i18n("Files scanned: %1").arg(filesscanned)); KNotifyClient::event(tdemain->_tray->winId(),"ScanAccessDenied", TQString("Can't scan %1 " "- Access Denied!").arg(tmpFName)); CollectionDB::instance()->insertEvent("Error Found","Access Denied",tmpFName); }else if ((pos = (item2.find(": Empty file"))) != -1){ //status2_label->setText(i18n("Files scanned: %1").arg(++filesscanned)); filesscanned++; if (!(showProgress)) status2_label->setText(i18n("Files scanned: %1").arg(filesscanned)); //KNotifyClient::event(tdemain->_tray->winId(),"ScanAccessDenied", TQString("Can't scan %1 " // "- Empty File!").arg(tmpFName)); CollectionDB::instance()->insertEvent("Error Found","Empty File",tmpFName); } item2 = ""; } TQString str; str.setNum(resultview->childCount()); str += i18n(" viruses/problems found"); matches2_label->setText(str); if (showProgress){ prog->setProgress (filesscanned); progosd->setProgress ((int)(100 * (float)filesscanned/cnt)); } } void ScanViewer::slotScan(const TQStringList & filepattern, int mode, bool recursive, bool dcopscan) { //KMessageBox::information (this, filepattern); TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); if(( args->isSet( "scanthis" ) ) || (dcopscan)) { calculateTime = FALSE; showProgress = FALSE; scan_time->hide(); status2_label->show(); }else{ calculateTime = TRUE; showProgress = TRUE; scan_time->show(); status2_label->hide(); } scanCancelled = FALSE; scanInProgress = FALSE; m_mode = mode; m_filepattern = filepattern; m_recursive = recursive; //kdDebug() << "m_filepattern *" << m_filepattern << "*" << endl; prog->hide(); progosd->hide(); matches2_label->setText(""); status_label->setText( i18n("Preparing To Scan ") + m_filepattern.join(" ")); status2_label->setText(i18n("Files scanned:")+" 0"); prog->setProgress(0); //progosd->setProgress(0); kdDebug() << filepattern << endl; TQStringList tmpfilepattern = filepattern; cnt = 0; //TQStringList temp = TQStringList::split(" ", tmpfilepattern.replace("\"","")); //kdDebug() << temp << endl; if (calculateTime){ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = tmpfilepattern.begin(); it != tmpfilepattern.end(); ++it ){ TQDir d( TQString((*it).latin1()).stripWhiteSpace() ); kdDebug() << "dir " << TQString((*it).latin1()).stripWhiteSpace() << endl; counter = 0; cnt = cnt + countFiles(d); if (scanCancelled) break; } } //kdDebug() << scanCancelled << endl; calculateTime = FALSE; if (scanCancelled) return; //kdDebug() << filepattern << endl; prog->setTotalSteps(cnt); kdDebug() << "COUNT" << cnt << endl; config = TDEGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("KlamavBackend"); clamdscan = config->readBoolEntry("ScannerClamdscan", false); slotClear(); QuarantineList.clear(); errorsEncountered = FALSE; filesscanned = 0; //status2_label->setText(i18n("Scan in Progress...")); TQString db; if(!( args->isSet( "scanthis" ) ) ) db = tdemain->freshklam->getCurrentDBDir(); else{ config->setGroup("Freshklam"); TQStringList lastDownloadPaths = config->readListEntry("lastDownloadPaths"); for (TQStringList::Iterator ita = lastDownloadPaths.begin(); ita == lastDownloadPaths.begin() ; ita++){ db = *ita; } } ////kdDebug() << "here 2" << endl; TQString dbpath; TQString excludes; TQString options; // can not be used for clamdscan if (!(db.isEmpty())) dbpath = TQString(" -d %1 ").arg(db); config->setGroup("Klamscan"); if (config->readEntry("ExcludeQuarantine") == "Yes"){ config->setGroup("Kuarantine"); TQStringList lastQuarLocations = config->readListEntry("KuarantineLocations"); TQString quarloc; for (TQStringList::Iterator ita = lastQuarLocations.begin(); ita == lastQuarLocations.begin() ; ita++){ quarloc = *ita; } excludes += TQString(" --exclude-dir=%1 ").arg(quarloc); } //if ((recursive_box->isChecked() && !(multiScan)) || (multi_recursive && multiScan)) if (recursive) options += " -r "; //config->setGroup("Klamscan"); if (KlamavConfig::noFilesToExtract() > 0) options += "--max-files=" + TQString("%1").arg(KlamavConfig::noFilesToExtract()) + " "; // if (KlamavConfig::mBsToExtract() > 0) // options += "--max-space=" + TQString("%1").arg(KlamavConfig::mBsToExtract()) + " "; // // if (KlamavConfig::compressionRatio() > 0) // options += "--max-ratio=" + TQString("%1").arg(KlamavConfig::compressionRatio()) + " "; if (KlamavConfig::recursionLevel() > 0) options += "--max-recursion=" + TQString("%1").arg(KlamavConfig::recursionLevel()) + " "; if (KlamavConfig::maxFileSize() > 0) options += "--max-filesize=" + TQString("%1").arg(KlamavConfig::maxFileSize()) + "M "; if (KlamavConfig::maxScanSize() > 0) options += "--max-scansize=" + TQString("%1").arg(KlamavConfig::maxScanSize()) + "M "; //config->setGroup("Klamscan"); // if (KlamavConfig::virusLimitsExceeded()) // options += "--block-max "; if (!(KlamavConfig::scanArchives())) options += "--scan-archive=no "; if (KlamavConfig::virusEncrypted()) options += "--alert-encrypted "; if (!(KlamavConfig::scanMail())) options += "--scan-mail=no "; if (!(KlamavConfig::scanHTML())) options += "--scan-html=no "; if (!(KlamavConfig::scanPE())) options += "--scan-pe=no "; if (!(KlamavConfig::scanMacros())) options += "--scan-ole2=no "; if(!(KlamavConfig::scanELF())) options += "--scan-elf=no "; if(!(KlamavConfig::scanPDF())) options += "--scan-pdf=no "; if(!(KlamavConfig::scanHWP3())) options += "--scan-hwp3=no "; if(!(KlamavConfig::scanSWF())) options += "--scan-pdf=no "; if(!(KlamavConfig::scanXML())) options += "--scan-xmldocs=no "; if (KlamavConfig::virusBroken()) options += "--alert-broken "; if(clamdscan) { // make sure that clamd is running FILE* clamdpid; if( clamdpid = fopen("/run/clamav/clamd.pid","r") ) fclose(clamdpid); // it's ok else { int choice = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( this, i18n("The ClamAV daemon does not seem to be running on this system. Do you really want to continue with this scan or would you like to launch a standalone scan instead?"), i18n("Clamd not running"), i18n("Continue this scan"), i18n("Launch standalone scan"), i18n("Do not ask me again") ); switch(choice) { case 2: // cancel return; break; case 4: // launch standalone scan clamdscan = false; break; } } } childproc = new KProcIO(); childproc->setUseShell(TRUE); childproc->setUsePty (KProcIO::Stdout,TRUE); if(clamdscan) { config->setGroup("KlamavBackend"); TQString multiscanOption = config->readBoolEntry("ClamdMultiscan", true) ? " -m " : ""; kdDebug() << "clamdscan -v --fdpass " << multiscanOption << "'" + m_filepattern.join("' '") + "'" << endl; *childproc << "clamdscan -v "; *childproc << multiscanOption; } else { kdDebug() << "clamscan -v " << excludes << " " << dbpath << " " << options << " " << "'" + m_filepattern.join("' '") + "'" << endl; *childproc << "clamscan -v "; *childproc << excludes << " "; *childproc << dbpath << " "; *childproc << options << " "; } *childproc << "'" + m_filepattern.join("' '") + "'"; /* connect( childproc, SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)), SLOT(childExited()) ); connect( childproc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(TDEProcess *, char *, int)), SLOT(receivedOutput(TDEProcess *, char *, int)) ); childproc->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, TDEProcess::Stdout);*/ connect( childproc, SIGNAL(readReady(KProcIO *)), SLOT(receivedOutput(KProcIO *)) ); childproc->start(KProcIO::NotifyOnExit); connect( childproc, SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)), SLOT(childExited()) ); scanInProgress = TRUE; menu->setEnabled(FALSE); } void ScanViewer::finish() { // search_button->setEnabled(true); // cancel_button->setEnabled(false); if ((childproc) && (scanInProgress)){ //processOutput(); kdDebug() << "deleting childproc" << endl; delete childproc; childproc = 0; kdDebug() << "deleted childproc" << endl; } scanInProgress = FALSE; status_label->setText(i18n( "If viruses were found, you can right-click to quarantine selected files." )); menu->setEnabled(TRUE); //dir_combo->setEnabled(TRUE); scan_time->hide(); prog->hide(); progosd->hide(); progosd->saveSettings(TDEGlobal::config()); status2_label->show(); multiScan = FALSE; calculateTime = FALSE; emit scanFinished(this); } void ScanViewer::slotCancel() { scanCancelled = TRUE; finish(); //status2_frame->adjustSize(); status2_label->setText(i18n("Cancelled")); CollectionDB::instance()->insertEvent("Manual Scan",TQString("Scan Cancelled"),m_filepattern.join(" ")); } void ScanViewer::resetSysTray() { tdemain->_tray->setPixmap(KSystemTray::loadIcon("klamav_on_acc_disabled")); } void ScanViewer::childExited() { int status = childproc->exitStatus(); int result; status2_label->setText( i18n("Scan Complete") ); CollectionDB::instance()->insertEvent("Manual Scan",TQString("Scan Complete"),m_filepattern.join(" ")); if (status == 0){ tdemain->_tray->setPixmap(KSystemTray::loadIcon("klamav_scan_safe")); TQTimer::singleShot( 10000, this, SLOT(resetSysTray()) ); if (!(errorsEncountered)) KNotifyClient::event(tdemain->_tray->winId(),"Scan Complete - No Virus Found", i18n("Scan Complete - No Viruses Found!")); else KNotifyClient::event(tdemain->_tray->winId(),"Scan Complete - No Virus But Errors", i18n("Scan Complete - No Viruses Found But Some Errors Encountered!")); }else if(status == 1){ tdemain->_tray->setPixmap(KSystemTray::loadIcon("klamav_scan_found")); switch (m_mode) { case 0: progosd->setText("Problems found!"); result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(this, i18n( "I'm going to quarantine this lot, you can restore them later if you want. If you don't want to quarantine, just press cancel."),QuarantineList,i18n( "Quarantine Infected Files" ),i18n( "Quarantine" )); switch (result) { case 2 :KNotifyClient::event(tdemain->_tray->winId(),"ScanAccessDenied", TQString("Suspicious Items Not " "Quarantined!")); break; case 5 : Quarantine(); break; } break; case 1: Quarantine(); break; default: KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Scan Complete - Viruses Found!") );break; } }else if (status ==40){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Unknown option passed.") ); }else if (status ==50){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Database initialization error.") ); }else if (status ==52){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Not supported file type.") ); }else if (status ==53){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Can't open directory.") ); }else if (status ==54){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Can't open file. (ofm)") ); }else if (status ==55){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Error reading file. (ofm)") ); }else if (status ==56){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Can't stat input file / directory.") ); }else if (status ==57){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Can't get absolute path name of current working directory." )); }else if (status ==58){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "I/O error, please check your filesystem." )); }else if (status ==59){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Can't get information about current user from /etc/passwd.") ); }else if (status ==60){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Can't get information about user 'clamav' (default name) from /etc/passwd.") ); }else if (status ==61){ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n( "Can't fork.") ); }else if (status ==63){ KMessageBox::information (this, i18n("Can't create temporary files/directories (check permissions).")); }else if (status ==64){ KMessageBox::information (this, i18n("Can't write to temporary directory (please specify another one).")); }else if (status ==70){ KMessageBox::information (this, i18n("Can't allocate and clear memory (calloc).")); }else if (status ==71){ KMessageBox::information (this, i18n("Can't allocate memory (malloc).")); }else if (status ==71){KMessageBox::information (this, i18n("Unspecified Error!")); } status2_label->setText( i18n("Files scanned: %1").arg(filesscanned) ); finish(); //if (status != 0) //matches_label->setText(""); } void ScanViewer::receivedOutput(KProcIO *) { //buf += TQCString(buffer, buflen+1); processOutput(); //childproc->ackRead(); } void ScanViewer::slotClear() { //finish(); resultview->clear(); // status2_label->setText(i18n("Ready")); matches2_label->setText(i18n("0 viruses/problems found")); } // void ScanViewer::setDirName(TQString dir){ // // dir_combo->setEditText(dir); // dir_combo->setCurrentText(dir); // } void ScanViewer::Quarantine(){ bool allQuarantined=TRUE; config->setGroup("Kuarantine"); TQStringList lastQuarLocations = config->readListEntry("KuarantineLocations"); tdemain->_tray->setPixmap(KSystemTray::loadIcon("klamav_quarantining")); TQString quarloc; for (TQStringList::Iterator it = lastQuarLocations.begin(); it == lastQuarLocations.begin() ; it++){ quarloc = *it; } lastQuarItems = config->readListEntry(TQString("Items %1").arg(quarloc)); for (TQStringList::Iterator it = QuarantineList.begin(); it != QuarantineList.end(); it++ ){ if (lastQuarItems.contains(*it) != 0) { lastQuarItems.remove(*it); } TQString item2 = (*it).stripWhiteSpace(); int fnameStartPoint = 0; int dtStartPoint = item2.findRev(":"); int fnameEndPoint = item2.findRev(":", (signed int)-((item2.length() - dtStartPoint)+1)); TQString fname = item2.mid(fnameStartPoint,(fnameEndPoint - fnameStartPoint)); TQString itemName = item2.mid((fnameEndPoint+1),((dtStartPoint+1) - (fnameEndPoint+2))); TQString when = item2.mid((dtStartPoint+1),(item2.length() - (dtStartPoint+1))); if (!(fname.isEmpty())){ TQStringList tokens = TQStringList::split ( "/", fname, FALSE ); TQString qname = tokens.last(); qname.prepend("/"); qname.prepend(quarloc); qname.append(":"+when); if (TDEIO::NetAccess::file_move(fname,qname)){ if (lastQuarItems.contains(item2)) lastQuarItems.remove(item2); lastQuarItems.prepend(item2); (resultview->findItem(fname,0))->setText(2,i18n("Quarantined")); (resultview->findItem(fname,0))->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon("klamav") ); chmod(qname.ascii(),0400); CollectionDB::instance()->insertEvent("Quarantine",TQString("Quarantined"),fname); }else{ KMessageBox::information (this,i18n("

There was a problem quarantining %1. Check your diskspace, the permissions on your quarantine location and whether a file with the same name already exists in the quarantine.

").arg(fname)); } } } if (allQuarantined) tdemain->_tray->setPixmap(KSystemTray::loadIcon("klamav_on_acc_disabled")); else tdemain->_tray->setPixmap(KSystemTray::loadIcon("klamav_scan_found")); config->writeEntry(TQString("Items %1").arg(quarloc), lastQuarItems); config->sync(); //tdemain->kuarantine->refresh(); } void ScanViewer::slotRMB( TQListViewItem* Item, const TQPoint & point, int ) { if( Item ){ TQPixmap gicon; TQPixmap vicon; TQPixmap vlicon; TQPixmap ticon; TQString iconPath = locate("cache", KMimeType::favIconForURL("http://www.viruspool.net")+".png"); if ( iconPath.isEmpty() ) vicon = SmallIcon("edit-find"); else vicon = TQPixmap( iconPath ); iconPath = locate("cache", KMimeType::favIconForURL("http://www.google.com")+".png"); if ( iconPath.isEmpty() ) gicon = SmallIcon("edit-find"); else gicon = TQPixmap( iconPath ); iconPath = locate("cache", KMimeType::favIconForURL("http://www.trendmicro.com")+".png"); if ( iconPath.isEmpty() ) ticon = SmallIcon("edit-find"); else ticon = TQPixmap( iconPath ); iconPath = locate("cache", KMimeType::favIconForURL("http://www.viruslist.com")+".png"); if ( iconPath.isEmpty() ) vlicon = SmallIcon("edit-find"); else vlicon = TQPixmap( iconPath ); menu->clear(); menu->insertItem( "Quarantine Selected", this,SLOT(slotQuarantineSelected()) ); menu->insertItem( ticon,i18n("Search for %1 with Trend Micro").arg(Item->text(1)), this, SLOT(slotTrendMicro()) ); menu->insertItem( gicon,i18n("Search for %1 with Google").arg(Item->text(1)), this, SLOT(slotGoogle()) ); menu->popup( point ); } } void ScanViewer::slotQuarantineSelected() { TQPtrList list; TQListViewItemIterator it( resultview, TQListViewItemIterator::Selected ); QuarantineList = ""; while ( it.current() ) { TQListViewItem* tItem = it.current(); TQDate today = TQDate::currentDate(); TQTime now = TQTime::currentTime(); TQString suffix = TQString(":%1 %2") .arg(today.toString("ddd MMMM d yyyy")) .arg(now.toString("hh-mm-ss ap")); QuarantineList.append(tItem->text(0)+":"+tItem->text(1)+suffix); ++it; } Quarantine(); } void ScanViewer::slotGoogle() { TQString name = resultview->currentItem()->text(1); tdemain->klamdb->slotExternal(name, "Google"); } void ScanViewer::slotTrendMicro() { TQString name = resultview->currentItem()->text(1); tdemain->klamdb->slotExternal(name, "TrendMicro"); } void ScanViewer::slotStartAgain() { calculateTime = TRUE; emit scanStartingAgain(this); slotScan(m_filepattern, m_mode, m_recursive,false); } bool ScanViewer::scanGoingOn() { return (scanInProgress || calculateTime); } void ScanViewer::slotCancelScanTime() { calculateTime = FALSE; showProgress = FALSE; status2_label->show(); scan_time->hide(); } // void ScanViewer::startProgress() // { // // cnt = 0; // //kdDebug() << "m_filepattern" << m_filepattern << endl; // TQDir d( m_filepattern ); // // int num = countFiles(d); // // if (countFiles(d) > 0) // // //kdDebug() << "count" << num << endl; // // progress = new KProgressDialog (this, "progress", i18n( "Loading .." ), i18n( "Loading..." ), true); // progress->setAllowCancel(false); // prog = progress->progressBar(); // progress->setLabel(i18n( "Loading lots and lots and lots of virus information" )); // //int cnt = countFiles(d); // prog->setTotalSteps(countFiles(d)); // //kdDebug() << "COUNT" << countFiles(d) << endl; // // } int ScanViewer::countFiles( TQDir & root) { kapp->processEvents(); if (!(calculateTime) || (scanCancelled)){ // kapp->processEvents(); return 0; } TQStringList entries = root.entryList( TQDir::Dirs | TQDir::Files | TQDir::Hidden); ////kdDebug() << "count" << counter << endl; for (TQStringList::size_type j = 0; j < entries.size(); j++ ) { TQString entry = entries[j]; if( entry == "." || entry == "..") continue; TQFileInfo fi(root, entry ); entry = fi.absFilePath(); entry = TQDir::convertSeparators(entry); if ((fi.isFile()) && !(fi.isSymLink())){ counter++; }else if ((fi.isDir()) && !(fi.isSymLink())){ TQDir temp(entry); countFiles(temp); } } return counter; } void ScanViewer::startProgressDialog( const TQString & text ) { //if ( progressDialog ) // delete progressDialog; progressDialog = new KProgressDialog( this, "progress_dialog", TQString::null, text, false ); progressDialog->setAllowCancel( true ); progressDialog->showCancelButton( true ); progressDialog->setPlainCaption( i18n( "Please Wait" ) ); progressDialog->progressBar()->setTotalSteps( 0 ); progressDialog->progressBar()->setPercentageVisible( false ); progressDialog->setMinimumDuration( 500 ); progressDialog->show(); timer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotProg() ) ); timer->start( 200, FALSE ); } void ScanViewer::slotProg() { if (progressDialog) progressDialog->progressBar()->setProgress(progressDialog->progressBar()->progress() + 4 ); } void ScanViewer::slotOnItem( TQListViewItem * lineitem) { status_label->setPalette(TQToolTip::palette()); TQString problem = lineitem->text(1).stripWhiteSpace(); TQString message = problem + " is probably a virus. Right-click and select a service to research it."; TQString path( lineitem->text(0).stripWhiteSpace() ); TQString file = path.section( '/', -1 ); if ((problem.contains("ExceededFile")) || (problem == "Archive.ExceededRecursionLimit") || (problem == "Oversized.Zip") || (problem == "Oversized.RAR")) message = problem +": " + i18n("Attempts to scan ") + file + i18n(" resulted in exceeding a limit you set in 'Archive Limits'."); else if (problem == "ClamAV-Test-File") message = problem +": " + file + i18n(" contains the ClamAV test signature. It's not a virus."); else if (problem == "Broken.Executable") message = problem +": " + file + i18n(" is a damaged exectuable. Some viruses use this to conceal themselves."); else if (problem == "Suspect.zip") message = problem +": " + file + i18n(" has a form of zip compression sometimes used by viruses."); else if (problem == "Encrypted.zip") message = problem +": " + file + i18n(" is an encrypted zip file."); else if (problem == "Encrypted.RAR") message = problem +": " + file + i18n(" is an encrypted RAR file."); else if (problem == "Exploit.Zip.ModifiedHeaders") message = problem +": " + file + i18n(" is mis-formatted in a way sometimes used by viruses."); status_label->setText( message); } void ScanViewer::slotOffItem( ) { status_label->unsetPalette(); status_label->setText(i18n("Hover over each entry for more info. Right-click on entries for more options.")); } #include "scanviewer.moc"