/* This file is part of the KMPlayer application Copyright (C) 2003 Koos Vriezen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kmplayer_backend.h" #include "kmplayer_callback_stub.h" #include "kmplayer_callback.h" #include "xineplayer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef XShmGetEventBase extern int XShmGetEventBase(Display *); #endif #define MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS (1L << 1) #define PROP_MWM_HINTS_ELEMENTS 5 typedef struct { uint32_t flags; uint32_t functions; uint32_t decorations; int32_t input_mode; uint32_t status; } MWMHints; static KXinePlayer * xineapp; static KMPlayer::Callback_stub * callback; static TQMutex mutex (true); static xine_t *xine; static xine_stream_t *stream; static xine_stream_t *sub_stream; static xine_video_port_t *vo_port; static xine_audio_port_t *ao_port; static xine_post_t *post_plugin; static xine_event_queue_t *event_queue; static xine_cfg_entry_t audio_vis_cfg_entry; static x11_visual_t vis; static char configfile[2048]; static Atom quit_atom; static Display *display; static Window wid; static bool window_created; static bool xine_verbose; static bool xine_vverbose; static bool wants_config; static bool audio_vis; static int screen; static int completion_event; static int repeat_count; static int xpos, ypos, width, height; static int movie_width, movie_height, movie_length, movie_pos; static int movie_brightness = 32767; static int movie_contrast = 32767; static int movie_hue = 32767; static int movie_saturation = 32767; static int movie_volume = 32767; static double pixel_aspect; static int running = 0; static volatile int firstframe = 0; static const int event_finished = TQEvent::User; static const int event_progress = TQEvent::User + 2; static const int event_url = TQEvent::User + 3; static const int event_size = TQEvent::User + 4; static const int event_title = TQEvent::User + 5; static const int event_video = TQEvent::User + 6; static TQString mrl; static TQString sub_mrl; static TQString rec_mrl; static TQString alang, slang; static TQStringList alanglist, slanglist; static TQString elmentry ("entry"); static TQString elmitem ("item"); static TQString attname ("name"); static TQString atttype ("type"); static TQString attdefault ("DEFAULT"); static TQString attvalue ("value"); static TQString attstart ("START"); static TQString attend ("end"); static TQString valrange ("range"); static TQString valnum ("num"); static TQString valbool ("bool"); static TQString valenum ("enum"); static TQString valstring ("string"); extern "C" { static void dest_size_cb(void * /*data*/, int /*video_width*/, int /*video_height*/, double /*video_pixel_aspect*/, int *dest_width, int *dest_height, double *dest_pixel_aspect) { *dest_width = width; *dest_height = height; *dest_pixel_aspect = pixel_aspect; } static void frame_output_cb(void * /*data*/, int /*video_width*/, int /*video_height*/, double /*video_pixel_aspect*/, int *dest_x, int *dest_y, int *dest_width, int *dest_height, double *dest_pixel_aspect, int *win_x, int *win_y) { if (running && firstframe) { firstframe = 0; int pos; fprintf(stderr, "first frame\n"); mutex.lock (); xine_get_pos_length (stream, 0, &pos, &movie_length); movie_width = xine_get_stream_info(stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_WIDTH); movie_height = xine_get_stream_info(stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_HEIGHT); mutex.unlock (); TQApplication::postEvent (xineapp, new XineMovieParamEvent (movie_length, movie_width, movie_height, alanglist, slanglist, true)); } *dest_x = 0; *dest_y = 0; *win_x = xpos; *win_y = ypos; *dest_width = width; *dest_height = height; *dest_pixel_aspect = pixel_aspect; } static void xine_config_cb (void * /*user_data*/, xine_cfg_entry_t * entry) { fprintf (stderr, "xine_config_cb %s\n", entry->enum_values[entry->num_value]); if (!stream) return; mutex.lock (); if (post_plugin) { xine_post_wire_audio_port (xine_get_audio_source (stream), ao_port); xine_post_dispose (xine, post_plugin); post_plugin = 0L; } if (audio_vis && strcmp (entry->enum_values[entry->num_value], "none")) { post_plugin = xine_post_init (xine, entry->enum_values[entry->num_value], 0, &ao_port, &vo_port); xine_post_wire (xine_get_audio_source (stream), (xine_post_in_t *) xine_post_input (post_plugin, (char *) "audio in")); } mutex.unlock (); } static void event_listener(void * /*user_data*/, const xine_event_t *event) { if (event->stream != stream) return; // not interested in sub_stream events switch(event->type) { case XINE_EVENT_UI_PLAYBACK_FINISHED: fprintf (stderr, "XINE_EVENT_UI_PLAYBACK_FINISHED\n"); if (repeat_count-- > 0) xine_play (stream, 0, 0); else TQApplication::postEvent (xineapp, new TQEvent ((TQEvent::Type) event_finished)); break; case XINE_EVENT_PROGRESS: TQApplication::postEvent (xineapp, new XineProgressEvent (((xine_progress_data_t *) event->data)->percent)); break; case XINE_EVENT_MRL_REFERENCE: fprintf(stderr, "XINE_EVENT_MRL_REFERENCE %s\n", ((xine_mrl_reference_data_ext_t*)event->data)->mrl); TQApplication::postEvent (xineapp, new XineURLEvent (TQString::fromLocal8Bit (((xine_mrl_reference_data_ext_t*)event->data)->mrl))); break; case XINE_EVENT_FRAME_FORMAT_CHANGE: fprintf (stderr, "XINE_EVENT_FRAME_FORMAT_CHANGE\n"); break; case XINE_EVENT_UI_SET_TITLE: { xine_ui_data_t * data = (xine_ui_data_t *) event->data; TQApplication::postEvent(xineapp, new XineTitleEvent(data->str)); fprintf (stderr, "Set title event %s\n", data->str); } break; case XINE_EVENT_UI_CHANNELS_CHANGED: { fprintf (stderr, "Channel changed event %d\n", firstframe); mutex.lock (); int w = xine_get_stream_info(stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_WIDTH); int h = xine_get_stream_info(stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_HEIGHT); int pos, l, nr; xine_get_pos_length (stream, 0, &pos, &l); char * langstr = new char [66]; alanglist.clear (); slanglist.clear (); nr =xine_get_stream_info(stream,XINE_STREAM_INFO_MAX_AUDIO_CHANNEL); // if nrch > 25) nrch = 25 for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i) { if (!xine_get_audio_lang (stream, i, langstr)) continue; TQString ls = TQString(TQString::fromLocal8Bit (langstr)).stripWhiteSpace(); if (ls.isEmpty ()) continue; if (!slang.isEmpty () && alang == ls) xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL, i); alanglist.push_back (ls); fprintf (stderr, "alang %s\n", langstr); } nr = xine_get_stream_info(stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_MAX_SPU_CHANNEL); // if nrch > 25) nrch = 25 for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i) { if (!xine_get_spu_lang (stream, i, langstr)) continue; TQString ls = TQString(TQString::fromLocal8Bit (langstr)).stripWhiteSpace(); if (ls.isEmpty ()) continue; if (!slang.isEmpty () && slang == ls) xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_SPU_CHANNEL, i); slanglist.push_back (ls); fprintf (stderr, "slang %s\n", langstr); } delete langstr; mutex.unlock (); movie_width = w; movie_height = h; movie_length = l; TQApplication::postEvent (xineapp, new XineMovieParamEvent (l, w, h, alanglist, slanglist, firstframe)); if (running && firstframe) firstframe = 0; if (window_created && w > 0 && h > 0) { XLockDisplay (display); XResizeWindow (display, wid, movie_width, movie_height); XFlush (display); XUnlockDisplay (display); } break; } case XINE_EVENT_INPUT_MOUSE_MOVE: break; default: fprintf (stderr, "event_listener %d\n", event->type); } } } // extern "C" using namespace KMPlayer; Backend::Backend () : DCOPObject (TQCString ("Backend")) { } Backend::~Backend () {} void Backend::setURL (TQString url) { mrl = url; } void Backend::setSubTitleURL (TQString url) { sub_mrl = url; } void Backend::play (int repeat_count) { xineapp->play (repeat_count); } void Backend::stop () { TQTimer::singleShot (0, xineapp, TQT_SLOT (stop ())); } void Backend::pause () { xineapp->pause (); } void Backend::seek (int pos, bool /*absolute*/) { xineapp->seek (pos); } void Backend::hue (int h, bool) { xineapp->hue (65535 * (h + 100) / 200); } void Backend::saturation (int s, bool) { xineapp->saturation (65535 * (s + 100) / 200); } void Backend::contrast (int c, bool) { xineapp->contrast (65535 * (c + 100) / 200); } void Backend::brightness (int b, bool) { xineapp->brightness (65535 * (b + 100) / 200); } void Backend::volume (int v, bool) { xineapp->volume (v); } void Backend::frequency (int) { } void Backend::setAudioLang (int id, TQString al) { xineapp->setAudioLang (id, al); } void Backend::setSubtitle (int id, TQString sl) { xineapp->setSubtitle (id, sl); } void Backend::quit () { delete callback; callback = 0L; if (running) stop (); else TQTimer::singleShot (0, tqApp, TQT_SLOT (quit ())); } bool updateConfigEntry (const TQString & name, const TQString & value) { fprintf (stderr, "%s=%s\n", name.ascii (), (const char *) value.local8Bit ()); bool changed = false; xine_cfg_entry_t cfg_entry; if (!xine_config_lookup_entry (xine, name.ascii (), &cfg_entry)) return false; if (cfg_entry.type == XINE_CONFIG_TYPE_STRING || cfg_entry.type == XINE_CONFIG_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { changed = strcmp (cfg_entry.str_value, value.ascii ()); cfg_entry.str_value = (char *) value.ascii (); } else { changed = cfg_entry.num_value != value.toInt (); cfg_entry.num_value = value.toInt (); } xine_config_update_entry (xine, &cfg_entry); return changed; } void Backend::setConfig (TQByteArray data) { TQString err; int line, column; TQDomDocument dom; if (dom.setContent (data, false, &err, &line, &column)) { if (dom.childNodes().length() == 1) { for (TQDomNode node = dom.firstChild().firstChild(); !node.isNull (); node = node.nextSibling ()) { TQDomNamedNodeMap attr = node.attributes (); updateConfigEntry (attr.namedItem (attname).nodeValue (), attr.namedItem (attvalue).nodeValue ()); } xine_config_save (xine, configfile); } else err = TQString ("invalid data"); } if (callback) callback->errorMessage (0, err); } bool Backend::isPlaying () { mutex.lock (); bool b = running && (xine_get_status (stream) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY) && (xine_get_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED) != XINE_SPEED_PAUSE); mutex.unlock (); return b; } KXinePlayer::KXinePlayer (int _argc, char ** _argv) : TQApplication (_argc, _argv, false) { } void KXinePlayer::init () { xpos = 0; ypos = 0; width = 320; height = 200; XLockDisplay(display); if (window_created) wid = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, XDefaultRootWindow(display), xpos, ypos, width, height, 1, 0, 0); XSelectInput (display, wid, (PointerMotionMask | ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | StructureNotifyMask)); // | SubstructureNotifyMask)); XWindowAttributes attr; XGetWindowAttributes(display, wid, &attr); width = attr.width; height = attr.height; if (XShmQueryExtension(display) == True) completion_event = XShmGetEventBase(display) + ShmCompletion; else completion_event = -1; if (window_created) { fprintf (stderr, "map %lu\n", wid); XMapRaised(display, wid); XSync(display, False); } //double d->res_h = 1.0 * DisplayWidth(display, screen) / DisplayWidthMM(display, screen); //double d->res_v = 1.0 * DisplayHeight(display, screen) / DisplayHeightMM(display, screen); XUnlockDisplay(display); vis.display = display; vis.screen = screen; vis.d = wid; vis.dest_size_cb = dest_size_cb; vis.frame_output_cb = frame_output_cb; vis.user_data = NULL; //pixel_aspect = d->res_v / d->res_h; //if(fabs(pixel_aspect - 1.0) < 0.01) pixel_aspect = 1.0; const char *const * pp = xine_list_post_plugins_typed (xine, XINE_POST_TYPE_AUDIO_VISUALIZATION); int i; for (i = 0; pp[i]; i++); const char ** options = new const char * [i+2]; options[0] = "none"; for (i = 0; pp[i]; i++) options[i+1] = pp[i]; options[i+1] = 0L; xine_config_register_enum (xine, "audio.visualization", 0, (char ** ) options, 0L, 0L, 0, xine_config_cb, 0L); if (!callback) TQTimer::singleShot (10, this, TQT_SLOT (play ())); } KXinePlayer::~KXinePlayer () { if (window_created) { XLockDisplay (display); fprintf (stderr, "unmap %lu\n", wid); XUnmapWindow (display, wid); XDestroyWindow(display, wid); XSync (display, False); XUnlockDisplay (display); } xineapp = 0L; } void getConfigEntries (TQByteArray & buf) { xine_cfg_entry_t entry; TQDomDocument doc; TQDomElement root = doc.createElement (TQString ("document")); for (int i = xine_config_get_first_entry (xine, &entry); i; i = xine_config_get_next_entry (xine, &entry)) { TQDomElement elm = doc.createElement (elmentry); elm.setAttribute (attname, TQString (entry.key)); if (entry.type == XINE_CONFIG_TYPE_STRING || entry.type == XINE_CONFIG_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { elm.setAttribute (atttype, valstring); elm.setAttribute (attvalue, TQString (entry.str_value)); } else { elm.setAttribute (attdefault, TQString::number (entry.num_default)); elm.setAttribute (attvalue, TQString::number (entry.num_value)); switch (entry.type) { case XINE_CONFIG_TYPE_RANGE: elm.setAttribute (atttype, valrange); elm.setAttribute (attstart, TQString::number (entry.range_min)); elm.setAttribute (attend, TQString::number (entry.range_max)); break; case XINE_CONFIG_TYPE_ENUM: elm.setAttribute (atttype, valenum); for (int i = 0; entry.enum_values[i]; i++) { TQDomElement item = doc.createElement (elmitem); item.setAttribute (attvalue, TQString (entry.enum_values[i])); elm.appendChild (item); } break; case XINE_CONFIG_TYPE_NUM: elm.setAttribute (atttype, valnum); break; case XINE_CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL: elm.setAttribute (atttype, valbool); break; default: fprintf (stderr, "unhandled config type: %d\n", entry.type); } } if (entry.help) elm.appendChild (doc.createTextNode (TQString::fromUtf8 (entry.help))); root.appendChild (elm); } doc.appendChild (root); TQString exp = doc.toString (); TQCString cexp = exp.utf8 (); buf.duplicate (cexp); buf.resize (cexp.length ()); // strip terminating \0 } void KXinePlayer::play (int repeat) { fprintf (stderr, "play mrl: '%s'\n", (const char *) mrl.local8Bit ()); mutex.lock (); repeat_count = repeat; if (running) { if (xine_get_status (stream) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY && xine_get_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED) == XINE_SPEED_PAUSE) xine_set_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, XINE_SPEED_NORMAL); mutex.unlock (); return; } movie_pos = 0; movie_width = 0; movie_height = 0; if (mrl.startsWith ("cdda://")) mrl = TQString ("cdda:/") + mrl.mid (7); stream = xine_stream_new (xine, ao_port, vo_port); event_queue = xine_event_new_queue (stream); xine_event_create_listener_thread (event_queue, event_listener, NULL); if (mrl == "cdda:/") { int nr; char ** mrls = xine_get_autoplay_mrls (xine, "CD", &nr); running = 1; for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) { TQString m (mrls[i]); TQString title; if (xine_open (stream, mrls[i])) { const char * t = xine_get_meta_info (stream, XINE_META_INFO_TITLE); if (t && t[0]) title = TQString::fromUtf8 (t); xine_close (stream); } if (callback) callback->subMrl (m, title); else printf ("track %s\n", m.utf8 ().data ()); } mutex.unlock (); finished (); return; } xine_port_send_gui_data(vo_port, XINE_GUI_SEND_VIDEOWIN_VISIBLE, (void *) 1); running = 1; TQString mrlsetup = mrl; if (!rec_mrl.isEmpty ()) { char * rm = strdup (rec_mrl.local8Bit ()); char *bn = basename (rm); char *dn = dirname (rm); if (bn) updateConfigEntry (TQString ("media.capture.save_dir"), TQString::fromLocal8Bit (dn)); mrlsetup += TQString ("#save:") + TQString::fromLocal8Bit (bn); free (rm); } if (!xine_open (stream, (const char *) mrlsetup.local8Bit ())) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open mrl '%s'\n", (const char *) mrl.local8Bit ()); mutex.unlock (); finished (); return; } xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_VO_SATURATION, movie_saturation); xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_VO_BRIGHTNESS, movie_brightness); xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_VO_CONTRAST, movie_contrast); xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_VO_HUE, movie_hue); if (!sub_mrl.isEmpty ()) { fprintf(stderr, "Using subtitles from '%s'\n", (const char *) sub_mrl.local8Bit ()); sub_stream = xine_stream_new (xine, NULL, vo_port); if (xine_open (sub_stream, (const char *) sub_mrl.local8Bit ())) { xine_stream_master_slave (stream, sub_stream, XINE_MASTER_SLAVE_PLAY | XINE_MASTER_SLAVE_STOP); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open subtitles from '%s'\n", (const char *) sub_mrl.local8Bit ()); xine_dispose (sub_stream); sub_stream = 0L; } } if (!xine_play (stream, 0, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to play mrl '%s'\n", (const char *) mrl.local8Bit ()); mutex.unlock (); finished (); return; } audio_vis = false; if (xine_get_stream_info (stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_HAS_VIDEO)) TQApplication::postEvent(xineapp, new TQEvent((TQEvent::Type)event_video)); else audio_vis = xine_config_lookup_entry (xine, "audio.visualization", &audio_vis_cfg_entry); mutex.unlock (); if (audio_vis) xine_config_cb (0L, &audio_vis_cfg_entry); if (callback) firstframe = 1; } void KXinePlayer::stop () { if (!running) return; fprintf(stderr, "stop\n"); mutex.lock (); repeat_count = 0; if (sub_stream) xine_stop (sub_stream); xine_stop (stream); mutex.unlock (); TQTimer::singleShot (10, this, TQT_SLOT (postFinished ())); } void KXinePlayer::postFinished () { TQApplication::postEvent (xineapp, new TQEvent ((TQEvent::Type) event_finished)); } void KXinePlayer::pause () { if (!running) return; mutex.lock (); if (xine_get_status (stream) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY) { if (xine_get_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED) == XINE_SPEED_PAUSE) xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, XINE_SPEED_NORMAL); else xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, XINE_SPEED_PAUSE); } mutex.unlock (); } void KXinePlayer::finished () { TQTimer::singleShot (10, this, TQT_SLOT (stop ())); } void KXinePlayer::setAudioLang (int id, const TQString & al) { alang = al; mutex.lock (); if (xine_get_status (stream) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY) xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL, id); mutex.unlock (); } void KXinePlayer::setSubtitle (int id, const TQString & sl) { slang = sl; mutex.lock (); if (xine_get_status (stream) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY) xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_SPU_CHANNEL, id); mutex.unlock (); } void KXinePlayer::updatePosition () { if (!running || !callback) return; int pos; mutex.lock (); xine_get_pos_length (stream, 0, &pos, &movie_length); mutex.unlock (); if (movie_pos != pos) { movie_pos = pos; callback->moviePosition (pos/100); } TQTimer::singleShot (500, this, TQT_SLOT (updatePosition ())); } void KXinePlayer::saturation (int val) { movie_saturation = val; if (running) { mutex.lock (); xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_VO_SATURATION, val); mutex.unlock (); } } void KXinePlayer::hue (int val) { movie_hue = val; if (running) { mutex.lock (); xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_VO_HUE, val); mutex.unlock (); } } void KXinePlayer::contrast (int val) { movie_contrast = val; if (running) { mutex.lock (); xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_VO_CONTRAST, val); mutex.unlock (); } } void KXinePlayer::brightness (int val) { movie_brightness = val; if (running) { mutex.lock (); xine_set_param (stream, XINE_PARAM_VO_BRIGHTNESS, val); mutex.unlock (); } } void KXinePlayer::volume (int val) { movie_volume = val; if (running) { mutex.lock (); xine_set_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_VOLUME, val); mutex.unlock (); } } void KXinePlayer::seek (int val) { if (running) { fprintf(stderr, "seek %d\n", val); mutex.lock (); if (!xine_play (stream, 0, val * 100)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to seek to %d :-(\n", val); } mutex.unlock (); } } bool KXinePlayer::event (TQEvent * e) { switch (e->type()) { case event_finished: { fprintf (stderr, "event_finished\n"); if (audio_vis) { audio_vis_cfg_entry.num_value = 0; xine_config_cb (0L, &audio_vis_cfg_entry); } mutex.lock (); running = 0; firstframe = 0; if (sub_stream) { xine_dispose (sub_stream); sub_stream = 0L; } if (stream) { xine_event_dispose_queue (event_queue); xine_dispose (stream); stream = 0L; } mutex.unlock (); //XLockDisplay (display); //XClearWindow (display, wid); //XUnlockDisplay (display); if (callback) callback->finished (); else TQTimer::singleShot (0, this, TQT_SLOT (quit ())); break; } case event_size: { if (callback) { XineMovieParamEvent * se = static_cast (e); if (se->length < 0) se->length = 0; callback->movieParams (se->length/100, se->width, se->height, se->height ? 1.0*se->width/se->height : 1.0, se->alang, se->slang); if (se->first_frame) { callback->playing (); TQTimer::singleShot (500, this, TQT_SLOT (updatePosition ())); } } break; } case event_progress: { XineProgressEvent * pe = static_cast (e); if (callback) callback->loadingProgress (pe->progress); break; } case event_url: { XineURLEvent * ue = static_cast (e); if (callback) callback->subMrl (ue->url, TQString ()); break; } case event_title: { XineTitleEvent * ue = static_cast (e); if (callback) callback->statusMessage ((int) KMPlayer::Callback::stat_newtitle, ue->title); break; } case event_video: if (callback) callback->statusMessage ((int) KMPlayer::Callback::stat_hasvideo, TQString ()); break; default: return false; } return true; } void KXinePlayer::saveState (TQSessionManager & sm) { if (callback) sm.setRestartHint (TQSessionManager::RestartNever); } XineMovieParamEvent::XineMovieParamEvent(int l, int w, int h, const TQStringList & a, const TQStringList & s, bool ff) : TQEvent ((TQEvent::Type) event_size), length (l), width (w), height (h), alang (a), slang (s) , first_frame (ff) {} XineURLEvent::XineURLEvent (const TQString & u) : TQEvent ((TQEvent::Type) event_url), url (u) {} XineTitleEvent::XineTitleEvent (const char * t) : TQEvent ((TQEvent::Type) event_title), title (TQString::fromUtf8 (t)) { TQUrl::decode (title); } XineProgressEvent::XineProgressEvent (const int p) : TQEvent ((TQEvent::Type) event_progress), progress (p) {} //static bool translateCoordinates (int wx, int wy, int mx, int my) { // movie_width class XEventThread : public TQThread { protected: void run () { Time prev_click_time = 0; int prev_click_x = 0; int prev_click_y = 0; while (true) { XEvent xevent; XNextEvent(display, &xevent); switch(xevent.type) { case ClientMessage: if (xevent.xclient.message_type == quit_atom) { fprintf(stderr, "request quit\n"); return; } break; case KeyPress: { XKeyEvent kevent; KeySym ksym; char kbuf[256]; int len; kevent = xevent.xkey; XLockDisplay(display); len = XLookupString(&kevent, kbuf, sizeof(kbuf), &ksym, NULL); XUnlockDisplay(display); fprintf(stderr, "keypressed 0x%x 0x%x\n", kevent.keycode, ksym); switch (ksym) { case XK_q: case XK_Q: xineapp->lock (); xineapp->stop (); xineapp->unlock (); break; case XK_p: // previous mutex.lock (); if (stream) { xine_event_t xine_event = { XINE_EVENT_INPUT_PREVIOUS, stream, 0L, 0, { 0, 0 } }; xine_event_send (stream, &xine_event); } mutex.unlock (); break; case XK_n: // next mutex.lock (); if (stream) { xine_event_t xine_event = { XINE_EVENT_INPUT_NEXT, stream, 0L, 0, { 0, 0 } }; xine_event_send (stream, &xine_event); } mutex.unlock (); break; case XK_u: // up menu mutex.lock (); if (stream) { xine_event_t xine_event = { XINE_EVENT_INPUT_MENU1, stream, 0L, 0, { 0, 0 } }; xine_event_send (stream, &xine_event); } mutex.unlock (); break; case XK_r: // root menu mutex.lock (); if (stream) { xine_event_t xine_event = { XINE_EVENT_INPUT_MENU3, stream, 0L, 0, { 0, 0 } }; xine_event_send (stream, &xine_event); } mutex.unlock (); break; case XK_Up: xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_VOLUME, (xine_get_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_VOLUME) + 1)); break; case XK_Down: xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_VOLUME, (xine_get_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_VOLUME) - 1)); break; case XK_plus: xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL, (xine_get_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL) + 1)); break; case XK_minus: xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL, (xine_get_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL) - 1)); break; case XK_space: if(xine_get_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED) != XINE_SPEED_PAUSE) xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, XINE_SPEED_PAUSE); else xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, XINE_SPEED_NORMAL); break; } } break; case Expose: if(xevent.xexpose.count != 0 || !stream || xevent.xexpose.window != wid) break; mutex.lock (); xine_port_send_gui_data(vo_port, XINE_GUI_SEND_EXPOSE_EVENT, &xevent); mutex.unlock (); break; case ConfigureNotify: { Window tmp_win; width = xevent.xconfigure.width; height = xevent.xconfigure.height; if((xevent.xconfigure.x == 0) && (xevent.xconfigure.y == 0)) { XLockDisplay(display); XTranslateCoordinates(display, xevent.xconfigure.window, DefaultRootWindow(xevent.xconfigure.display), 0, 0, &xpos, &ypos, &tmp_win); XUnlockDisplay(display); } else { xpos = xevent.xconfigure.x; ypos = xevent.xconfigure.y; } } break; case MotionNotify: if (stream) { XMotionEvent *mev = (XMotionEvent *) &xevent; x11_rectangle_t rect = { mev->x, mev->y, 0, 0 }; if (xine_port_send_gui_data(vo_port, XINE_GUI_SEND_TRANSLATE_GUI_TO_VIDEO, (void*) &rect) == -1) break; xine_input_data_t data; data.x = rect.x; data.y = rect.y; data.button = 0; xine_event_t xine_event = { XINE_EVENT_INPUT_MOUSE_MOVE, stream, &data, sizeof (xine_input_data_t), { 0 , 0 } }; mutex.lock (); xine_event_send (stream, &xine_event); mutex.unlock (); } break; case ButtonPress: { XButtonEvent *bev = (XButtonEvent *) &xevent; int dx = prev_click_x - bev->x; int dy = prev_click_y - bev->y; if (bev->time - prev_click_time < 400 && (dx * dx + dy * dy) < 25) { xineapp->lock (); if (callback) callback->toggleFullScreen (); xineapp->unlock (); } prev_click_time = bev->time; prev_click_x = bev->x; prev_click_y = bev->y; if (stream) { fprintf(stderr, "ButtonPress\n"); XButtonEvent *bev = (XButtonEvent *) &xevent; x11_rectangle_t rect = { bev->x, bev->y, 0, 0 }; if (xine_port_send_gui_data(vo_port, XINE_GUI_SEND_TRANSLATE_GUI_TO_VIDEO, (void*) &rect) == -1) break; xine_input_data_t data; data.x = rect.x; data.y = rect.y; data.button = 1; xine_event_t xine_event = { XINE_EVENT_INPUT_MOUSE_BUTTON, stream, &data, sizeof (xine_input_data_t), { 0, 0 } }; mutex.lock (); xine_event_send (stream, &xine_event); mutex.unlock (); } break; } case NoExpose: //fprintf (stderr, "NoExpose %lu\n", xevent.xnoexpose.drawable); break; case CreateNotify: fprintf (stderr, "CreateNotify: %lu %lu %d,%d %dx%d\n", xevent.xcreatewindow.window, xevent.xcreatewindow.parent, xevent.xcreatewindow.x, xevent.xcreatewindow.y, xevent.xcreatewindow.width, xevent.xcreatewindow.height); break; case DestroyNotify: fprintf (stderr, "DestroyNotify: %lu\n", xevent.xdestroywindow.window); break; default: if (xevent.type < LASTEvent) fprintf (stderr, "event %d\n", xevent.type); } if(xevent.type == completion_event && stream) xine_port_send_gui_data(vo_port, XINE_GUI_SEND_COMPLETION_EVENT, &xevent); } } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *dvd_device = 0L; const char *vcd_device = 0L; const char *grab_device = 0L; if (!XInitThreads ()) { fprintf (stderr, "XInitThreads () failed\n"); return 1; } display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); screen = XDefaultScreen(display); quit_atom = XInternAtom (display, "kxineplayer_quit", false); snprintf(configfile, sizeof (configfile), "%s%s", xine_get_homedir(), "/.xine/config2"); xineapp = new KXinePlayer (argc, argv); window_created = true; TQString vo_driver ("auto"); TQString ao_driver ("auto"); for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-vo") && ++i < argc) { vo_driver = argv [i]; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-ao") && ++i < argc) { ao_driver = argv [i]; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-dvd-device") && ++i < argc) { dvd_device = argv [i]; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-vcd-device") && ++i < argc) { vcd_device = argv [i]; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-vd") && ++i < argc) { grab_device = argv [i]; } else if ((!strcmp (argv [i], "-wid") || !strcmp (argv [i], "-window-id")) && ++i < argc) { wid = atol (argv [i]); window_created = false; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-root")) { wid = XDefaultRootWindow (display); window_created = false; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-window")) { ; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-sub") && ++i < argc) { sub_mrl = TQString (argv [i]); } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-lang") && ++i < argc) { slang = alang = TQString (argv [i]); } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-v")) { xine_verbose = true; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-vv")) { xine_verbose = xine_vverbose = true; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-c")) { wants_config = true; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-f") && ++i < argc) { strncpy (configfile, argv [i], sizeof (configfile)); configfile[sizeof (configfile) - 1] = 0; } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-cb") && ++i < argc) { TQString str = argv [i]; int pos = str.find ('/'); if (pos > -1) { fprintf (stderr, "callback is %s %s\n", str.left (pos).ascii (), str.mid (pos + 1).ascii ()); callback = new KMPlayer::Callback_stub (str.left (pos).ascii (), str.mid (pos + 1).ascii ()); } } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-rec") && i < argc - 1) { rec_mrl = TQString::fromLocal8Bit (argv [++i]); } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-loop") && i < argc - 1) { repeat_count = atol (argv [++i]); } else { if (mrl.startsWith ("-session")) { delete xineapp; return 1; } mrl = TQString::fromLocal8Bit (argv [i]); } } bool config_changed = !TQFile (configfile).exists (); if (!callback && mrl.isEmpty ()) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-vo (xv|xshm)] [-ao (arts|esd|..)] " "[-f ] [-dvd-device ] " "[-vcd-device ] [-vd