path: root/kmymoney2/reports/objectinfotable.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kmymoney2/reports/objectinfotable.cpp')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kmymoney2/reports/objectinfotable.cpp b/kmymoney2/reports/objectinfotable.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..649f6c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kmymoney2/reports/objectinfotable.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+ objectinfotable.cpp
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sat 28 jun 2008
+ copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones
+ 2008 by Alvaro Soliverez
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// QT Includes
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// KDE Includes
+// This is just needed for i18n(). Once I figure out how to handle i18n
+// without using this macro directly, I'll be freed of KDE dependency.
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Project Includes
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneyfile.h"
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneyreport.h"
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneyexception.h"
+#include "../kmymoneyutils.h"
+#include "reportaccount.h"
+#include "reportdebug.h"
+#include "objectinfotable.h"
+namespace reports {
+// ****************************************************************************
+// ObjectInfoTable implementation
+// ****************************************************************************
+ * TODO
+ *
+ * - Collapse 2- & 3- groups when they are identical
+ * - Way more test cases (especially splits & transfers)
+ * - Option to collapse splits
+ * - Option to exclude transfers
+ *
+ */
+ObjectInfoTable::ObjectInfoTable(const MyMoneyReport& _report): ListTable(_report)
+ // seperated into its own method to allow debugging (setting breakpoints
+ // directly in ctors somehow does not work for me (ipwizard))
+ // TODO: remove the init() method and move the code back to the ctor
+ init();
+void ObjectInfoTable::init ( void )
+ switch ( m_config.rowType() )
+ {
+ case MyMoneyReport::eSchedule:
+ constructScheduleTable();
+ m_columns = "nextduedate,name";
+ break;
+ case MyMoneyReport::eAccountInfo:
+ constructAccountTable();
+ m_columns = "institution,type,name";
+ break;
+ case MyMoneyReport::eAccountLoanInfo:
+ constructAccountLoanTable();
+ m_columns = "institution,type,name";
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Sort the data to match the report definition
+ m_subtotal="value";
+ switch ( m_config.rowType() )
+ {
+ case MyMoneyReport::eSchedule:
+ m_group = "type";
+ m_subtotal="value";
+ break;
+ case MyMoneyReport::eAccountInfo:
+ case MyMoneyReport::eAccountLoanInfo:
+ m_group = "topcategory,institution";
+ m_subtotal="currentbalance";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION ( "ObjectInfoTable::ObjectInfoTable(): unhandled row type" );
+ }
+ QString sort = m_group + "," + m_columns + ",id,rank";
+ switch ( m_config.rowType() ) {
+ case MyMoneyReport::eSchedule:
+ if ( m_config.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll ) {
+ m_columns="name,payee,paymenttype,occurence,nextduedate,category";
+ } else {
+ m_columns="name,payee,paymenttype,occurence,nextduedate";
+ }
+ break;
+ case MyMoneyReport::eAccountInfo:
+ m_columns="type,name,number,description,openingdate,currencyname,balancewarning,maxbalancelimit,creditwarning,maxcreditlimit,tax,favorite";
+ break;
+ case MyMoneyReport::eAccountLoanInfo:
+ m_columns="type,name,number,description,openingdate,currencyname,payee,loanamount,interestrate,nextinterestchange,periodicpayment,finalpayment,favorite";
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_columns = "";
+ }
+ TableRow::setSortCriteria ( sort );
+ qHeapSort ( m_rows );
+void ObjectInfoTable::constructScheduleTable ( void )
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ QValueList<MyMoneySchedule> schedules;
+ schedules = file->scheduleList ( "", MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::STYPE_ANY, m_config.fromDate(), m_config.toDate() );
+ QValueList<MyMoneySchedule>::const_iterator it_schedule = schedules.begin();
+ while ( it_schedule != schedules.end() )
+ {
+ MyMoneySchedule schedule = *it_schedule;
+ ReportAccount account = schedule.account();
+ if ( m_config.includes ( account ) ) {
+ //get fraction for account
+ int fraction = account.fraction();
+ //use base currency fraction if not initialized
+ if ( fraction == -1 )
+ fraction = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction();
+ TableRow scheduleRow;
+ //convert to base currency if needed
+ MyMoneyMoney xr = MyMoneyMoney(1,1);
+ if (m_config.isConvertCurrency() && account.isForeignCurrency()) {
+ xr = account.baseCurrencyPrice(QDate::currentDate()).reduce();
+ }
+ // help for sort and render functions
+ scheduleRow["rank"] = "0";
+ //schedule data
+ scheduleRow["id"] =;
+ scheduleRow["name"] =;
+ scheduleRow["nextduedate"] = schedule.nextDueDate().toString ( Qt::ISODate );
+ scheduleRow["type"] = KMyMoneyUtils::scheduleTypeToString ( schedule.type() );
+ scheduleRow["occurence"] = i18n( schedule.occurenceToString() );
+ scheduleRow["paymenttype"] = KMyMoneyUtils::paymentMethodToString ( schedule.paymentType() );
+ //scheduleRow["category"] =;
+ //to get the payee we must look into the splits of the transaction
+ MyMoneyTransaction transaction = schedule.transaction();
+ MyMoneySplit split = transaction.splitByAccount (, true );
+ scheduleRow["value"] = (split.value() * xr).toString();
+ MyMoneyPayee payee = file->payee ( split.payeeId() );
+ scheduleRow["payee"] =;
+ m_rows += scheduleRow;
+ //the text matches the main split
+ bool transaction_text = m_config.match(&split);
+ if ( m_config.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll )
+ {
+ //get the information for all splits
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit> splits = transaction.splits();
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator split_it = splits.begin();
+ for ( ;split_it != splits.end(); split_it++ )
+ {
+ TableRow splitRow;
+ ReportAccount splitAcc = ( *split_it ).accountId();
+ splitRow["rank"] = "1";
+ splitRow["id"] =;
+ splitRow["name"] =;
+ splitRow["type"] = KMyMoneyUtils::scheduleTypeToString ( schedule.type() );
+ splitRow["nextduedate"] = schedule.nextDueDate().toString ( Qt::ISODate );
+ if ( ( *split_it ).value() == MyMoneyMoney::autoCalc ) {
+ splitRow["split"] = MyMoneyMoney::autoCalc.toString();
+ } else if ( ! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense() ) {
+ splitRow["split"] = ( *split_it ).value().toString();
+ } else {
+ splitRow["split"] = ( - ( *split_it ).value() ).toString();
+ }
+ //if it is an assett account, mark it as a transfer
+ if ( ! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense() ) {
+ splitRow["category"] = ( ( * split_it ).value().isNegative() )
+ ? i18n ( "Transfer from %1" ).arg ( splitAcc.fullName() )
+ : i18n ( "Transfer to %1" ).arg ( splitAcc.fullName() );
+ } else {
+ splitRow ["category"] = splitAcc.fullName();
+ }
+ //add the split only if it matches the text or it matches the main split
+ if(m_config.match( &(*split_it) )
+ || transaction_text )
+ m_rows += splitRow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++it_schedule;
+ }
+void ObjectInfoTable::constructAccountTable ( void )
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ //make sure we have all subaccounts of investment accounts
+ includeInvestmentSubAccounts();
+ QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> accounts;
+ file->accountList(accounts);
+ QValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_account = accounts.begin();
+ while ( it_account != accounts.end() )
+ {
+ TableRow accountRow;
+ ReportAccount account = *it_account;
+ if(m_config.includes(account)
+ && account.accountType() != MyMoneyAccount::Stock
+ && !account.isClosed())
+ {
+ MyMoneyMoney value;
+ accountRow["rank"] = "0";
+ accountRow["topcategory"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(account.accountGroup());
+ accountRow["institution"] = (file->institution(account.institutionId())).name();
+ accountRow["type"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(account.accountType());
+ accountRow["name"] =;
+ accountRow["number"] = account.number();
+ accountRow["description"] = account.description();
+ accountRow["openingdate"] = account.openingDate().toString( Qt::ISODate );
+ //accountRow["currency"] = (file->currency(account.currencyId())).tradingSymbol();
+ accountRow["currencyname"] = (file->currency(account.currencyId())).name();
+ accountRow["balancewarning"] = account.value("minBalanceEarly");
+ accountRow["maxbalancelimit"] = account.value("minBalanceAbsolute");
+ accountRow["creditwarning"] = account.value("maxCreditEarly");
+ accountRow["maxcreditlimit"] = account.value("maxCreditAbsolute");
+ accountRow["tax"] = account.value("Tax");
+ accountRow["favorite"] = account.value("PreferredAccount");
+ //investment accounts show the balances of all its subaccounts
+ if(account.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) {
+ value = investmentBalance(account);
+ } else {
+ value = file->balance(;
+ }
+ //convert to base currency if needed
+ if (m_config.isConvertCurrency() && account.isForeignCurrency()) {
+ MyMoneyMoney xr = account.baseCurrencyPrice(QDate::currentDate()).reduce();
+ value = value * xr;
+ }
+ accountRow["currentbalance"] = value.toString();
+ m_rows += accountRow;
+ }
+ ++it_account;
+ }
+void ObjectInfoTable::constructAccountLoanTable ( void )
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> accounts;
+ file->accountList(accounts);
+ QValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_account = accounts.begin();
+ while ( it_account != accounts.end() )
+ {
+ TableRow accountRow;
+ ReportAccount account = *it_account;
+ MyMoneyAccountLoan loan = *it_account;
+ if(m_config.includes(account) &&
+ ( account.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Loan
+ || account.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan )
+ && !account.isClosed())
+ {
+ //convert to base currency if needed
+ MyMoneyMoney xr = MyMoneyMoney(1,1);
+ if (m_config.isConvertCurrency() && account.isForeignCurrency()) {
+ xr = account.baseCurrencyPrice(QDate::currentDate()).reduce();
+ }
+ accountRow["rank"] = "0";
+ accountRow["topcategory"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(account.accountGroup());
+ accountRow["institution"] = (file->institution(account.institutionId())).name();
+ accountRow["type"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(account.accountType());
+ accountRow["name"] =;
+ accountRow["number"] = account.number();
+ accountRow["description"] = account.description();
+ accountRow["openingdate"] = account.openingDate().toString( Qt::ISODate );
+ //accountRow["currency"] = (file->currency(account.currencyId())).tradingSymbol();
+ accountRow["currencyname"] = (file->currency(account.currencyId())).name();
+ accountRow["payee"] = file->payee(loan.payee()).name();
+ accountRow["loanamount"] = (loan.loanAmount() * xr).toString();
+ accountRow["interestrate"] = (loan.interestRate(QDate::currentDate())/MyMoneyMoney(100,1)*xr).toString();
+ accountRow["nextinterestchange"] = loan.nextInterestChange().toString( Qt::ISODate );
+ accountRow["periodicpayment"] = (loan.periodicPayment() * xr).toString();
+ accountRow["finalpayment"] = (loan.finalPayment() * xr).toString();
+ accountRow["favorite"] = account.value("PreferredAccount");
+ MyMoneyMoney value = file->balance(;
+ value = value * xr;
+ accountRow["currentbalance"] = value.toString();
+ m_rows += accountRow;
+ }
+ ++it_account;
+ }
+MyMoneyMoney ObjectInfoTable::investmentBalance(const MyMoneyAccount& acc)
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ MyMoneyMoney value;
+ value = file->balance(;
+ QValueList<QString>::const_iterator it_a;
+ for(it_a = acc.accountList().begin(); it_a != acc.accountList().end(); ++it_a) {
+ MyMoneyAccount stock = file->account(*it_a);
+ try {
+ MyMoneyMoney val;
+ MyMoneyMoney balance = file->balance(;
+ MyMoneySecurity security = file->security(stock.currencyId());
+ MyMoneyPrice price = file->price(stock.currencyId(), security.tradingCurrency());
+ val = balance * price.rate(security.tradingCurrency());
+ // adjust value of security to the currency of the account
+ MyMoneySecurity accountCurrency = file->currency(acc.currencyId());
+ val = val * file->price(security.tradingCurrency(),;
+ val = val.convert(acc.fraction());
+ value += val;
+ } catch(MyMoneyException* e) {
+ qWarning("%s", (QString("cannot convert stock balance of %1 to base currency: %2").arg(, e->what())).data());
+ delete e;
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+// vim:cin:si:ai:et:ts=2:sw=2: