2009-08-10 1.0 Reference Roger Lum
Menus Below is a complete list of the menu selections in &kappname;, with a very brief description of what each one does. Note that many of these menu choices will be unavailable, or grayed out, depending on the current display or state of the application. For example, you are not able to edit an account unless you have an account selected or displayed in the current view. File Menu Ctrln FileNew Creates a new empty &kappname; data file. Only one &kappname; file can be open at once, so this will close your current file first, if one is open. Ctrlo FileOpen Opens an existing &kappname; data file. File Open Recent ... Allows quick access to recently opened files. FileOpen Database... Opens an existing database. Ctrls FileSave Saves the currently open file. FileSave As... Saves the currently open file with a different filename. FileSave As Database... Saves the currently open file in a Database. File Import ... Imports financial data from other file types, such as QIF and Gnucash, or a template file of accounts and categories that can be used in setting up new accounts. File Export ... Exports the current file as a different file type, such as QIF, or exports a list of your accounts and categories as an template. Ctrlp FilePrint Prints the current file. FileBackup Saves a backup the current file. FilePersonal Data Allows to edit personal data. FileFile information Displays information about the currently open &kappname; file. Ctrlw FileClose Closes the current file. Ctrlq FileQuit Quit &kappname; Edit Menu Ctrlf EditFind transactions... Search transactions. View Menu Ctrlt Settings Show Transaction Detail Shows transaction details in the Ledger view. With this option turned on, all lines of the transaction will be shown in the ledger. When it is turned off, only one line will be shown. If you only want to see details for the currently selected transaction, but only one line for the others, you can turn on the Ledger Lens. Ctrlr View Hide reconciled transactions Hides reconciled transactions on the register. Ctrlu View Hide unused categories Hides unused categories on the views. CtrlShifta ViewShow all accounts Shows all accounts on the views. Institution Menu Institution Add new institution... Add a new institution. Institution Edit institution... Edit an institution. Institution Delete institution... Delete an institution. Account Menu Account New account... Adds a new account. AccountEdit account... Edits an account. AccountDelete account... Deletes an account. AccountOpen ledger Displays the ledger view of an account. CtrlShiftr AccountReconcile... Reconciles an account through the reconciliation wizard. AccountPostpone Postpones reconciliation of an account. AccountFinish Finishes reconciliation of an account. AccountTransaction report Opens a transaction report of an account. AccountClose account Closes an account. AccountReopen account Reopens an account, if closed. AccountUnmap account Unmaps an online account. AccountMap to online account Maps an account to an online account. AccountUpdate account... Imports transactions from online banking for an account Account Update all accounts... Import transactions from online banking for all accounts. Category Menu CategoryNew category... Adds a new category. CategoryEdit category... Edits a category. CategoryDelete category... Deletes a category. CategoryOpen ledger Displays the ledger view of a category. Transaction Menu CtrlInsert TransactionNew Adds a new transaction. TransactionEdit Edits a transaction. TransactionEdit splits Edits the splits of a transaction. TransactionDelete Deletes a transaction. TransactionDuplicate Duplicates a transaction. Transaction Mark transaction as ... Not Reconciled Changes a transaction to Not Reconciled status. CtrlShiftSpace Transaction Mark transaction as ... Cleared Changes a transaction to Cleared status. AltCtrlSpace Transaction Mark transaction as ... Reconciled Changes a transaction to Reconciled status. TransactionGo to account Displays the other account of a transaction. TransactionGo to payee Displays the Payee view and focuses on the payee of the selected transaction. Transaction Create scheduled transaction... Creates a new scheduled transaction. TransactionMatch Matches imported transactions. TransactionUnatch Unmatches a transactions that &kappname; has proposed as a match of imported transactions. Note that this menu choice is only present if a matched transaction exists. TransactionAccept Accepts a proposed merge of imported transactions. Ctrla TransactionSelect all Selects all transactions on the register. Tools Menu ToolsQIF Profile Editor... Modifies the QIF profile used to import or export QIF files. ToolsSecurities... Lists all the current securities, with the ability to edit each one. ToolsCurrencies... Lists the currencies known to &kappname;. ToolsPrices... Lists stock and currency prices. Tools Update Stock and Currency prices... Updates stock and currency prices from online sources using the Online Price Quotes feature. ToolsConsistency Check Runs a check on your file and tries to fix any problem it finds, if possible. Make a backup of your file before running this option. ToolsPerformance-Check Runs a performance test on your file and displays the results. Settings Menu SettingsHide/Show Toolbar Toggles the toolbar on or off. SettingsHide/Show Statusbar Toggles the bottom status bar on or off. SettingsEnable all messages Re-enables any messages you may have turned off by checking Don't tell me about this again in a dialog box. Settings &kde; Language Settings... Allows to change many locale based settings. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Configures custom shortcuts. Settings Configure Toolbars... Customizes &kappname; toolbars. Settings Configure &kappname;... Configures &kappname; settings. Help Menu F1 Help&kappname; Handbook Accesses the &kappname; Handbook. ShiftF1 HelpWhat's This? Activates the "What's This?" cursor for pop-up help. HelpShow tip of the day Shows tip of the day. HelpReport Bug... Reports a found bug. Please refer to the section on Writing High Quality Bug Reports for guidance on how to write the most useful bug reports. Help Switch application language... Selects the language used in &kappname; HelpAbout &kappname; Shows About &kappname; information, including the version number and the credits. HelpAbout &kde; Shows &kde; information.