KCsvProgressDlgDecl TQDialog name kcsvprogressdlgdecl caption CSV Dialog margin 11 spacing 6 TQLayoutWidget name Layout7 margin 0 spacing 6 TQLabel name TextLabel2_2 text CSV Dialog. Choose a file and then click on Run. You can view your progress at the bottom of the screen. You can cancel the process at any time by clicking on the Cancel button. Line name Line2 orientation Horizontal TQLayoutWidget name Layout20 margin 0 spacing 6 TQLayoutWidget name Layout19 margin 0 spacing 6 TQLabel name TextLabel1_2 text Choose the csv file: TQLayoutWidget name Layout18 margin 0 spacing 6 TQLineEdit name m_qlineeditFile TQPushButton name m_qbuttonBrowse text Browse TQGroupBox name m_qgroupboxDates title Between These Dates margin 11 spacing 6 TQLayoutWidget name Layout8 margin 0 spacing 6 TQLabel name lblStartDate sizePolicy 0 1 minimumSize 50 0 text Start on: kMyMoneyDateInput name m_kmymoneydateStart sizePolicy 3 1 TQLayoutWidget name Layout7_2 margin 0 spacing 6 TQLabel name lblEndDate sizePolicy 0 1 minimumSize 50 0 text End on: kMyMoneyDateInput name m_kmymoneydateEnd sizePolicy 3 1 TQLayoutWidget name Layout7 margin 0 spacing 6 name Spacer3 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 TQPushButton name m_qbuttonRun enabled false text Run TQGroupBox name m_qgroupbox enabled false title Progress Info margin 11 spacing 6 TQLayoutWidget name Layout2 margin 0 spacing 6 TQLabel name TextLabel2 text Processing Account: TQLabel name m_qlabelAccount text Unknown tqalignment AlignVCenter|AlignRight hAlign TQLayoutWidget name Layout1 margin 0 spacing 6 TQLabel name TextLabel3 text Processing Transaction: TQLabel name m_qlabelTransaction text 0 of 0 tqalignment AlignVCenter|AlignRight hAlign TQProgressBar name m_qprogressbar enabled false TQLayoutWidget name Layout3 margin 0 spacing 6 name Spacer1 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 TQPushButton name m_qbuttonOk text Close default true kMyMoneyDateInput
90 25 0 1 1 image0
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