KEditScheduleDlgDecl KEditScheduleDlgDecl 0 0 798 640 Edit Scheduled transaction true unnamed layout8 unnamed layout9 unnamed textLabel1 Schedule name: m_nameEdit layout7 unnamed textLabel3 Frequency: m_frequencyNoEdit 999 1 Number of selected periods between entries m_frequencyEdit m_paymentInformation Payment information unnamed layout7 unnamed textLabel1_3 Payment method m_paymentMethodEdit 3 0 0 0 spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 61 21 line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal Security Details C Payment Deposit Quantity Price Value Balance m_register 0 12 m_form 5 1 groupBox2 Options unnamed layout6 unnamed Do nothing Change the date to the previous Friday Change the date to the next Monday m_weekendOptionEdit textLabel1_2 If this schedule occurs on the weekend: layout7 unnamed m_estimateEdit The amount is an estimate because it varies for each payment m_variation false 10 spacer5 Horizontal Expanding 21 20 m_autoEnterEdit Enter this schedule into the register automatically when it is due m_endSeriesEdit This schedule will end at some time m_endOptionsFrame NoFrame Raised unnamed 0 Spacer3_2_2 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 m_endLabel1 Number of transactions remaining: m_RemainingEdit 0 9999 m_endLabel2 Date of final transaction: m_FinalPaymentEdit StrongFocus spacer12 Vertical Expanding 20 16 layout10_3 unnamed 0 6 buttonHelp Help Spacer1_2 Horizontal Expanding 280 0 buttonOk OK true true buttonCancel Cancel buttonOk clicked() KEditScheduleDlgDecl accept() m_endSeriesEdit toggled(bool) m_endOptionsFrame setEnabled(bool) buttonCancel clicked() KEditScheduleDlgDecl reject() m_estimateEdit toggled(bool) m_variation setEnabled(bool)