KEndingBalanceDlgDecl KEndingBalanceDlgDecl 0 0 589 465 Reconciliation Wizard m_startPageCheckings General Information unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6 Reconciling your account assures, that your recordings match those of your institution and that there are no mistakes on either side. You should reconcile your account whenever you receive a statement from your institution. All relevant information necessary for this process is usually printed on your statement. On the next page you will verify, that the starting and ending balance are matching those on your statement. If not, please modify the figures. WordBreak|AlignTop m_startPageLoan General Information unnamed 11 6 TextLabel7 KMyMoney calculates your loan payments automatically. The amounts can deviate from those calculated by the creditor. Therefore, you possibly have to adjust amortization, interest and other costs according to your statement. Please enter the following information found on your statement: WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer11 Vertical Expanding 0 19 Layout10 unnamed 0 6 Spacer10 Horizontal Expanding 42 0 Layout9 unnamed 0 6 m_startDateEdit TextLabel3_2 Ending date of statement m_endDateEdit TextLabel2_2 Starting date of statement Spacer9_2 Horizontal Expanding 44 0 Spacer12 Vertical Expanding 0 20 m_checkPaymentsPage Verify payments unnamed 11 6 m_loanOverview 1 WordBreak|AlignTop Layout12 unnamed 0 6 Spacer13 Horizontal Expanding 51 0 Layout11 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1 Amortization m_amortizationTotalEdit TextLabel2_3 Interest m_interestTotalEdit Spacer14 Horizontal Expanding 71 0 TextLabel4_2 If your statement shows different amounts, please cancel this dialog and correct the false transactions or correct the values in this dialog. In the later case, KMyMoney will create an adjustment transaction and add it to the ledger. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer15 Vertical Expanding 0 19 m_adjustmentTransactionPage Adjustment transaction unnamed 11 6 TextLabel5_2 In order to create the adjustment transaction, KMyMoney requires an account and possibly an interest category to assign the differences to. Please select an account and - if necessary - a category. WordBreak|AlignTop Layout19 unnamed 0 6 Layout16 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel7_2 Account m_accountEdit m_accountEdit Layout18 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel6_2 Interest-Category m_categoryEdit m_categoryEdit Spacer16 Vertical Expanding 0 25 m_pagePreviousPostpone Restarting postponed reconciliation unnamed 11 6 TextLabel8 You have previously postponed the reconciliation of this account. If you have entered charges or interests the last time you started reconciling this account you can modify these in the ledger later on. It is important, that you continue with the same statement you used when you postponed the reconciliation. All information you have entered into this wizard will be shown and all transactions that you already cleared are marked with a 'C'. WordBreak|AlignTop m_statementInfoPageCheckings Statement Information unnamed m_enterInformationLabel x Spacer4 Vertical Expanding 20 50 Layout9 unnamed 0 6 Spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 42 0 Layout8 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel3 Statement date: m_statementDate TextLabel2 Starting balance of this statement: m_previousBalance TextLabel4 Ending balance of this statement: m_endingBalance Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 46 0 Spacer5 Vertical Expanding 16 87 m_lastStatementDate 1 m_interestChargeCheckings Interest / Charges unnamed kActiveLabel1 If necessary, enter information about interest or charges here. KMyMoney will create transactions and clear them directly for you. Line2 HLine Sunken Horizontal Spacer8 Vertical Expanding 16 16 layout17 unnamed Spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 60 20 layout16 unnamed layout15 unnamed textLabel1 1 5 0 0 Payee m_payeeEdit 5 0 1 0 groupBox1 Interest unnamed 2 m_interestCategoryEdit 5 0 0 0 layout18 unnamed m_interestEdit false m_interestDateEdit groupBox2 Charges unnamed 2 m_chargesCategoryEdit 5 0 0 0 layout19 unnamed m_chargesEdit false m_chargesDateEdit Spacer6 Horizontal Expanding 60 20 Spacer9 Vertical Expanding 16 16 kMyMoneyAccountSelector
80 80 0 5 5 0 0 image0