KNewLoanWizardDecl KNewLoanWizardDecl 0 0 589 458 800 32767 New Loan Wizard true m_newIntroPage unnamed Layout2 unnamed 0 6 Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 98 0 TextLabel1_1 Helvetica 16 1 New Loan Account Wizard AlignTop|AlignHCenter Spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 119 0 TextLabel1_2 Welcome to the New Loan Account Wizard which will guide you through the creation of a new loan e.g. for your home, your car or any other loan that you pay or gain interest for. Please make sure that you have the relevant information handy. You usually get the information out of your contract and the last statement. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer4 Vertical Expanding 20 20 m_editIntroPage unnamed Layout2_2 unnamed 0 6 Spacer2_2 Horizontal Expanding 98 0 TextLabel1_1_2 Helvetica 16 1 Edit Loan Account Wizard AlignTop|AlignHCenter Spacer3_2 Horizontal Expanding 119 0 TextLabel1_2_2 Welcome to the Edit Loan Account Wizard. Please use this wizard to modify information about your loan account. Please make sure that you have the relevant information handy. You usually get the information out of your contract and the last statement. WordBreak|AlignTop spacer79 Vertical Expanding 20 20 m_newGeneralInfoPage General Information unnamed 11 6 TextLabel2_2 In the first step, KMyMoney will ask you some general information about the loan account to be created. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer10 Vertical Expanding 0 32 Layout6 unnamed 0 6 Spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 138 0 Layout5 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel3 1. General Information AlignTop TextLabel4 false 2. Calculate Loan 3. Payments Spacer7 Vertical Expanding 0 25 Spacer9 Horizontal Expanding 137 0 Spacer44 Vertical Expanding 0 32 m_editSelectionPage Edit selection unnamed 11 6 TextLabel2_2_1 Please select, which data of the loan you want to modify. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer64 Vertical Expanding 0 48 Layout33 unnamed 0 6 Spacer67_4 Horizontal Expanding 93 0 m_selectionButtonGroup NoFrame true unnamed 11 6 m_editInterestRateButton Modify the interest rate m_editOtherCostButton Modify additional fees m_editOtherInfoButton Modify other loan information Spacer66 Horizontal Expanding 108 0 Spacer65 Vertical Expanding 0 47 m_effectiveDatePage Effective date unnamed 11 6 m_effectiveDateLabel 1 WordBreak|AlignTop m_effectiveDateNoteLabel 1 WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer68_3 Vertical Expanding 0 30 Layout34 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_7 When should the changes become active? m_effectiveChangeDateEdit Spacer69_2 Vertical Expanding 0 87 m_lendBorrowPage Lending or borrowing money unnamed 11 6 TextLabel3_2 Do you borrow or lend money? WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer15 Vertical Expanding 0 61 Layout38 unnamed 0 6 ButtonGroup1 NoFrame true unnamed 11 6 m_borrowButton I am borrowing money m_lendButton I am lending money Spacer14 Horizontal Expanding 299 0 Spacer16 Vertical Expanding 0 60 m_namePage Name of the loan unnamed TextLabel4_2 How do you want to call this loan? Examples for names are 'car loan', 'school loan', 'home owner loan'. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer15_2 Vertical Expanding 16 56 Layout13 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel5 Name m_nameEdit Spacer19 Vertical Expanding 16 56 m_generalReceiverText TextLabel6 layout55 unnamed m_receiverLabel TextLabel7 m_payeeEdit Spacer21 Vertical Expanding 16 56 m_interestTypePage Type of interest unnamed 11 6 TextLabel5_2 Is the interest of this loan fixed over a period of time or is it adapted from time to time? If the interest rate changes during the amortization phase of the loan you should choose the option 'variable interest rate'. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer23 Vertical Expanding 0 53 Layout39 unnamed 0 6 ButtonGroup2 NoFrame true unnamed 11 6 m_fixedInterestButton Fixed interest rate m_variableInterestButton Variable interest rate Spacer14_2 Horizontal Expanding 286 0 Spacer24 Vertical Expanding 0 53 m_previousPaymentsPage Payments? unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6_2 Were there any payments for this loan whether they are entered into KMyMoney or not? WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer28 Vertical Expanding 0 32 Layout40 unnamed 0 6 ButtonGroup3 NoFrame true unnamed 11 6 m_noPreviousPaymentButton No, no payments were made yet. m_previousPaymentButton Yes, payments were made. Spacer14_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 202 0 Spacer29 Vertical Expanding 0 32 TextLabel3_3 Note: Payments made to obtain the loan (e.g. Dissagio) are not considered as payments in this context. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer41 Vertical Expanding 0 32 m_recordPaymentPage Recording payments? unnamed 11 6 TextLabel7_2 Do you want to record all payments of this loan with KMyMoney? WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer33 Vertical Expanding 0 69 Layout41 unnamed 0 6 ButtonGroup4 NoFrame true unnamed 11 6 m_allPaymentsButton Yes, record all payments. m_thisYearPaymentButton No, only record payments since the beginning of this year. Spacer14_2_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 137 0 Spacer34 Vertical Expanding 0 69 m_variableInterestDatePage Date of next interest change unnamed TextLabel8_2 Select the date when the interest rate for this loan will be modified and the frequency of the future changes. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer39 Vertical Expanding 16 99 layout44 unnamed TextLabel1 Next interest change on layout42 unnamed m_interestFrequencyAmountEdit m_interestFrequencyUnitEdit 1 0 1 0 m_interestChangeDateEdit TextLabel2 Time until next change Spacer40 Vertical Expanding 20 80 m_paymentEditPage Payment unnamed 11 6 TextLabel8_2_2 Please enter the amount you pay for principal and interest or leave the field empty to calculate it. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer70_2 Vertical Expanding 0 21 Layout39 unnamed 0 6 Spacer76 Horizontal Expanding 100 0 Layout35 unnamed 0 6 m_newPaymentEdit TextLabel2_4 Current amount m_paymentLabel 1 TextLabel1_5 Principal and interest Spacer75 Horizontal Expanding 100 0 Spacer71 Vertical Expanding 0 19 TextLabel4_5 KMyMoney either calculates the new interest rate or the amount for principal and interest. If you know the amount for principal and interest then enter it here. If KMyMoney should calculate this value for you, then leave the field blank. WordBreak|AlignVCenter m_interestEditPage Interest Rate unnamed 11 6 TextLabel5_4 Please enter the interest rate or leave the field empty to calculate it. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer72 Vertical Expanding 0 29 Layout40 unnamed 0 6 Spacer77 Horizontal Expanding 101 0 Layout36 unnamed 0 6 m_newInterestRateEdit m_interestRateLabel 1 TextLabel7_3 Current rate TextLabel6_5 Interest rate Spacer78 Horizontal Expanding 101 0 Spacer73 Vertical Expanding 0 29 TextLabel9_4 KMyMoney either calculates the new interest rate or the amount for principal and interest. If you know the interest rate then enter it here. If KMyMoney should calculate this value for you, then leave the field blank. WordBreak|AlignTop m_firstPaymentPage Date of first payment unnamed 11 6 m_firstPaymentLabel 1 WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer42 Vertical Expanding 0 78 Layout22_2 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_3 First payment due on m_firstDueDateEdit Spacer43 Vertical Expanding 0 28 m_firstPaymentNote WordBreak|AlignBottom m_newCalculateLoanPage Calculate Loan unnamed 11 6 TextLabel2_2_2 You have successfully entered the general information about your loan. Next, KMyMoney needs some information about the calculation of the loan. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer10_2 Vertical Expanding 0 19 Layout31 unnamed 0 6 Spacer8_2 Horizontal Expanding 136 0 Layout30 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel3_4 false 1. General Information AlignTop TextLabel4_3_2 2. Calculate Loan TextLabel4_3 false 3. Payments Spacer7_2 Vertical Expanding 0 18 Spacer9_2 Horizontal Expanding 135 0 Spacer51 Vertical Expanding 0 23 m_paymentFrequencyPage Payment frequency unnamed 11 6 TextLabel11_2 How often will there be payments made to this loan? WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer54 Vertical Expanding 0 49 Layout33 unnamed 0 6 Spacer57 Horizontal Expanding 39 0 m_paymentFrequencyUnitEdit Spacer56 Horizontal Expanding 56 0 Spacer55 Vertical Expanding 0 49 m_interestCalculationPage Interest calculation unnamed 11 6 TextLabel12_2 When does the actual interest rate get calculated? WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer61 Vertical Expanding 0 69 Layout42 unnamed 0 6 ButtonGroup5 NoFrame true unnamed 11 6 m_interestOnReceptionButton When the payment is received. m_interestOnPaymentButton When the payment is due. Spacer14_2_2_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 296 0 Spacer62 Vertical Expanding 0 69 m_loanAmountPage Loan amount unnamed 11 6 m_balanceLabel 1 WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer68 Vertical Expanding 0 15 Layout38 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel16 Loan amount m_loanAmountEdit Frame3 StyledPanel Raised unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6 Loan amount: WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel8 Interest rate: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel9 Term: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel10 Principal + Interest: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel11 Final amortization payment AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_loanAmount1 1 1 PlainText m_interestRate1 1 1 PlainText m_duration1 1 1 PlainText m_payment1 1 1 PlainText m_balloon1 1 1 PlainText m_interestPage Interest unnamed 11 6 TextLabel14_2 Please enter the interest rate or leave the field empty to calculate it. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer67 Vertical Expanding 0 16 Layout36 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_4 Interest rate m_interestRateEdit Frame3_2 StyledPanel Raised unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6_3 Loan amount: WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel8_3 Interest rate: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel9_2 Term: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel10_2 Principal + Interest: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel11_3 Final amortization payment AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_loanAmount2 1 1 PlainText m_interestRate2 1 1 PlainText m_duration2 1 1 PlainText m_payment2 1 1 PlainText m_balloon2 1 1 PlainText m_durationPage Duration unnamed TextLabel15_2 Please enter the term of this loan or leave the field empty to calculate it. The term is the time that is required to fully repay the loan. This time might be different from the time your loan contract is signed for. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer67_2 Vertical Expanding 16 54 layout43 unnamed TextLabel2_3 5 5 1 0 Term m_durationValueEdit m_durationUnitEdit Frame3_2_2 StyledPanel Raised unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6_3_2 Loan amount: WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel8_3_2 Interest rate: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel9_2_2 Term: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel10_2_2 Principal + Interest: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel11_3_2 Final amortization payment AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_loanAmount3 1 1 PlainText m_interestRate3 1 1 PlainText m_duration3 1 1 PlainText m_payment3 1 1 PlainText m_balloon3 1 1 PlainText m_paymentPage Payment unnamed 11 6 TextLabel16_2 Please enter the amount you pay for principal and interest or leave the field empty to calculate it. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer74 Vertical Expanding 0 16 Layout36_2 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_4_2 Principal and interest m_paymentEdit Frame3_2_2_2 StyledPanel Raised unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6_3_2_2 Loan amount: WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel8_3_2_2 Interest rate: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel9_2_2_2 Term: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel10_2_2_2 Principal + Interest: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel11_3_2_2 Final amortization payment AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_loanAmount4 1 1 PlainText m_interestRate4 1 1 PlainText m_duration4 1 1 PlainText m_payment4 1 1 PlainText m_balloon4 1 1 PlainText m_finalPaymentPage Final amortization payment unnamed 11 6 TextLabel17_2 Please enter the amount of a final amortization payment or leave the field empty to calculate it. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer74_2 Vertical Expanding 0 16 Layout44 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_4_2_2 Final amortization payment m_finalPaymentEdit Frame3_2_2_2_2 StyledPanel Raised unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6_3_2_2_2 Loan amount: WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel8_3_2_2_2 Interest rate: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel9_2_2_2_2 Term: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel10_2_2_2_2 Principal + Interest: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel11_3_2_2_2 Final amortization payment AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_loanAmount5 1 1 PlainText m_interestRate5 1 1 PlainText m_duration5 1 1 PlainText m_payment5 1 1 PlainText m_balloon5 1 1 PlainText m_calculationOverviewPage Calculation Overview unnamed 11 6 TextLabel18_2 KMyMoney has calculated the loan as shown in the overview below. You can accept these values by selecting "Next" or change them by choosing "Back" to return to the input field for the information you want to change. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer79 Vertical Expanding 0 22 Frame3_2_2_2_2_2 StyledPanel Raised unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6_3_2_2_2_2 Loan amount: WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel8_3_2_2_2_2 Interest rate: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel9_2_2_2_2_2 Term: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel10_2_2_2_2_2 Principal + Interest: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel11_3_2_2_2_2 Final amortization payment AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_loanAmount6 1 1 PlainText m_interestRate6 1 1 PlainText m_duration6 1 1 PlainText m_payment6 1 1 PlainText m_balloon6 1 1 PlainText m_newPaymentsPage Payments unnamed 11 6 TextLabel19_2 In the following steps, KMyMoney supports you in setting up categories and schedules for your loan payments. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer10_2_2 Vertical Expanding 0 14 Layout31_2 unnamed 0 6 Spacer8_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 136 0 Layout30_2 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel19_3 false 1. General Information AlignTop TextLabel19_4 false 2. Calculate Loan TextLabel19_5 true 3. Payments Spacer7_2_2 Vertical Expanding 0 18 Spacer9_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 135 0 Spacer51_2 Vertical Expanding 0 18 m_interestCategoryPage Interest category unnamed 11 6 TextLabel20_2 Please select the category you want to assign the interest payments to or create a new category. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer90 Vertical Expanding 0 38 m_interestAccountEdit Layout29 unnamed 0 6 Spacer54_2 Horizontal Expanding 264 0 m_createCategoryButton Spacer91 Vertical Expanding 0 22 m_additionalFeesPage Additional Fees unnamed 11 6 TextLabel21_2 If your regular payment contains any additional fees, click on the button "Additional fees" to enter them. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer58 Vertical Expanding 0 16 Frame9 StyledPanel Raised unnamed 11 6 TextLabel21_1_3 = periodical payment: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_periodicPayment 1 1 PlainText AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_additionalCost 1 1 PlainText AlignVCenter|AlignRight Layout63 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel21_1_2 + AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_additionalFeeButton m_basePayment 1 1 PlainText AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel21_1 Principal + Interest: AlignVCenter|AlignRight spacer173_2 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 spacer173 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 Spacer59 Vertical Expanding 0 16 TextLabel21_2_2 If no additional fees are included in your periodical payment or you have entered all such fees, then click on "Next". WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer60 Vertical Expanding 0 16 m_schedulePage Schedule unnamed 11 6 TextLabel22_2 KMyMoney will create a schedule for this payment and reminds you whenever a payment must be made.<p> If you selected to record all payments this date has already been supplied. If you selected to record only this years payments, then the <b>First payment due date</b> is the date of the first payment made in this year. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer67_3 Vertical Expanding 0 23 Layout49 unnamed 0 6 m_paymentAccountEdit m_nextDueDateEdit m_dueLabel First payment due on: TextLabel2_5 Make payment from/to: AlignTop Spacer68_2 Vertical Expanding 0 24 m_summaryEditPage Summary unnamed 11 6 TextLabel10_4 KMyMoney has calculated the loan as shown below. If you want to accept these values use the "Finish" button to update your account, otherwise use the "Back" button to modify your settings. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer74_3 Vertical Expanding 0 23 Frame3_2_2_2_2_2_2 StyledPanel Raised unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6_3_2_2_2_2_2 Principal + Interest: WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel8_3_2_2_2_2_2 Additional fees: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel9_2_2_2_2_2_2 Total payment: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel10_2_2_2_2_2_2 Interest rate: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel11_3_2_2_2_2_2 Valid from: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel11_3_2_2_2_2_2_2 Affected payments: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_payment7 1 1 PlainText m_additionalFees7 1 1 PlainText m_totalPayment7 1 1 PlainText m_interestRate7 1 1 PlainText m_startDateChanges 1 1 PlainText m_affectedPayments 1 1 PlainText m_assetAccountPage Asset Account unnamed TextLabel10_4_2 If this loan is for an asset, such as a car or a house, you can create the asset account now. An asset account represents the total value of an asset. The money from this loan will be transfered into the asset account you create or select. If this loan is a 'consumer loan' (money to use however you want), you can use a checking account instead. WordBreak|AlignTop spacer80 Vertical Expanding 20 21 m_dontCreatePayoutCheckBox Don't create payout transaction layout124 unnamed m_assetAccountEdit layout123 unnamed spacer244 Horizontal Expanding 466 20 m_createNewAssetButton Press this to create a new asset account layout170 unnamed textLabel2 Date of payment m_paymentDate spacer328 Vertical Expanding 20 16 m_summaryPage Summary unnamed 11 6 TextLabel22_2_2 This page summarizes the data you entered. If you need to modify anything, please use the "Back" button to go to respective page. Otherwise use the "Finish" button to create the account. WordBreak|AlignTop Spacer69 Vertical Expanding 0 16 Layout61 unnamed 0 6 Layout60 unnamed 0 6 GroupBox3 General unnamed 1 1 Layout52 unnamed 1 1 TextLabel5_3 Payee: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_summaryLoanType 1 1 PlainText m_summaryPayee 1 1 PlainText TextLabel4_4 First payment: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_summaryFirstPayment 1 1 PlainText TextLabel3_5 Amount is: AlignVCenter|AlignRight GroupBox2 Loan calculation unnamed 1 1 Layout57 unnamed 1 1 m_summaryTotalPeriodicPayment 1 1 PlainText m_summaryPaymentAccount 1 1 PlainText m_summaryAdditionalFees 1 1 PlainText TextLabel15 Periodic Payment: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel14 Additional Fees: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel13 Interest category: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel17 Payment from: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_summaryInterestCategory 1 1 PlainText m_summaryNextPayment 1 1 PlainText TextLabel16_3 Next due date: AlignVCenter|AlignRight GroupBox1 Payment unnamed 1 1 Layout59 unnamed 1 1 m_summaryInterestRate 1 1 PlainText TextLabel10_3 Term: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_summaryPeriodicPayment 1 1 PlainText TextLabel9_3 Interest rate: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_summaryPaymentFrequency 1 1 PlainText TextLabel12 Final Payment: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_summaryTerm 1 1 PlainText TextLabel6_4 Interest is due: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_summaryAmount 1 1 PlainText TextLabel11_4 Principal + Interest: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_summaryBalloonPayment 1 1 PlainText TextLabel8_4 Loan amount: AlignVCenter|AlignRight TextLabel7 Payment frequency: AlignVCenter|AlignRight m_summaryInterestDue 1 1 PlainText Spacer70 Vertical Expanding 0 16 kMyMoneyLineEdit
90 25 0 5 5 0 0 image0
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