KSettingsGeneralDecl KSettingsGeneralDecl 0 0 614 438 General Settings unnamed tabWidget2 tab Global unnamed kcfg_StartLastViewSelected Startup page options true unnamed radioButton1 Start with homepage true 0 radioButton2 Start with last selected view 1 groupBox1 Precision settings unnamed textLabel1 Price precision kcfg_PricePrecision 10 textLabel2 digits spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 61 21 groupBox3 Autosave options unnamed kcfg_AutoSaveFile Autosave periodically m_periodFrame false NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 kcfg_AutoSavePeriod 60 textLabel3 minutes spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 354 20 groupBox6 Fiscal Year unnamed textLabel1_2_2 Your fiscal year starts on kcfg_FiscalYearBeginDay January February March April May June July August September October November December kcfg_FiscalYearBegin spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 90 20 spacer3_2 Vertical Expanding 20 20 tab Views unnamed kcfg_syncLedgerInvestment Synchronize account selection of ledger and investment view kcfg_hiddenViews true m_viewLabel Check the views you want to enable, uncheck those you want to hide, because you don't need the functionality. WordBreak|AlignTop m_viewList 7 7 0 2 kcfg_iconSize Icon size of navigation bar true unnamed radioButton3 Micro (16px) radioButton4 Small (32px) radioButton5 Normal (48px) true radioButton6 Large (64px) kcfg_showTitleBar Show title bar on each page spacer7 Vertical Expanding 20 21 TabPage Filter unnamed groupBox2 Accounts / Categories unnamed kcfg_HideUnusedCategory Don't show unused categories This option hides all categories in the categories view that are not used in at least a single transaction. They are still shown in the category selection lists. kcfg_HideClosedAccounts Don't show closed accounts This option hides all accounts that have been closed by the user in views and selection lists. You can use <b>View/Show all accounts</b> to temporarily show hidden accounts in the views. kcfg_ExpertMode Show equity accounts groupBox4 Schedules unnamed kcfg_HideFinishedSchedules Don't show finished schedules This option hides all finished schedules in the schedules view. groupBox5 Transactions unnamed layout2 unnamed textLabel1_3 Don't show transactions prior to m_startDateEdit kcfg_StartDate spacer10 Horizontal Expanding 63 20 kcfg_HideReconciledTransactions Don't show reconciled transactions This option hides all reconciled transactions in the ledger view. spacer4 Vertical Expanding 20 30 kcfg_AutoSaveFile toggled(bool) m_periodFrame setEnabled(bool)