/*************************************************************************** kmymoney2.h ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000-2001 by Michael Edwardes email : mte@users.sourceforge.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KMYMONEY2_H #define KMYMONEY2_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include class TQTimer; class TQLabel; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KComboBox; class KPushButton; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class TQSignalMapper; class KProgress; class KMyMoneyView; class MyMoneyQifReader; class MyMoneyStatementReader; class MyMoneyStatement; class IMyMoneyStorage; class KFindTransactionDlg; class TransactionEditor; class KEndingBalanceDlg; class KPluginInfo; namespace KMyMoneyPlugin { class ImporterPlugin; } /*! \mainpage KMyMoney Main Page for API documentation. * * \section intro Introduction * * This is the API documentation for KMyMoney. It should be used as a reference * for KMyMoney developers and users who wish to see how KMyMoney works. This * documentation will be kept up-to-date as development progresses and should be * read for new features that have been developed in KMyMoney. * * The latest version of this document is available from the project's web-site * at http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/ and is generated daily by doxygen reading * the header files found in the CVS main branch. */ /** * The base class for KMyMoney application windows. It sets up the main * window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar * and statusbar. * * @see KMyMoneyView * * @author Michael Edwardes 2000-2001 * @author Thomas Baumgart 2006-2008 * * @short Main application class. */ class KMyMoney2App : public KMainWindow, public DCOPObject { Q_OBJECT // TQ_OBJECT K_DCOP protected slots: void slotFileSaveAsFilterChanged(const TQString& filter); /** * This slot is intended to be used as part of auto saving. This is used when the * TQTimer emits the timeout signal and simply checks that the file is dirty (has * received modifications to it's contents), and call the apropriate method to * save the file. Furthermore, re-starts the timer (possibly not needed). * @author mvillarino 2005 * @see KMyMoney2App::slotDataChanged() */ void slotAutoSave(void); /** * This slot re-enables all message for which the "Don't show again" * option had been selected. */ void slotEnableMessages(void); /** * Called when the user asks for file information. */ void slotFileFileInfo(void); void slotPerformanceTest(void); /** * Debugging only: turn on/off traces */ void slotToggleTraces(void); /** * Debugging only: turn on/off timers */ void slotToggleTimers(void); /** * Called when the user asks for the personal information. */ void slotFileViewPersonal(void); /** * Called when the user wishes to import tab delimeted transactions * into the current account. An account must be open for this to * work. Calls KMyMoneyView::slotAccountImportAscii. * * @see MyMoneyAccount */ void slotQifImport(void); /** * Called when a TQIF import is finished. */ void slotQifImportFinished(void); /** * Opens a file selector dialog for the user to choose an existing OFX * file from the file system to be imported. This slot is expected to * be called from the UI. */ void slotGncImport(void); /** * Open a dialog with a chart of the balance for the currently selected * account (m_selectedAccount). Return once the dialog is closed. Don't do * anything if no account is selected or charts are not available. */ void slotAccountChart(void); /** * Opens a file selector dialog for the user to choose an existing KMM * statement file from the file system to be imported. This is for testing * only. KMM statement files are not designed to be exposed to the user. */ void slotStatementImport(void); void slotLoadAccountTemplates(void); void slotSaveAccountTemplates(void); /** * Called when the user wishes to export some transaction to a * TQIF formatted file. An account must be open for this to work. * Uses MyMoneyQifWriter() for the actual output. */ void slotQifExport(void); /** * Open up the application wide settings dialog. * * @see KSettingsDlg */ void slotSettings(void); /** No descriptions */ void slotFileBackup(void); void slotShowTipOfTheDay(void); void slotQifProfileEditor(void); void slotShowPreviousView(void); void slotShowNextView(void); void slotSecurityEditor(void); /** * Brings up a dialog to let the user search for specific transaction(s). It then * opens a results window to display those transactions. */ void slotFindTransaction(void); /** * Destroys a possibly open the search dialog */ void slotCloseSearchDialog(void); /** * Preloads the input dialog with the data of the current * selected institution and brings up the input dialog * and saves the information entered. */ void slotInstitutionEdit(const MyMoneyObject& obj = MyMoneyInstitution()); /** * Deletes the current selected institution. */ void slotInstitutionDelete(void); /** * Brings up the new category editor and saves the information. * The dialog will be preset with the name. The parent defaults to * MyMoneyFile::expense() * * @param name Name of the account to be created. Could include a full hierarchy * @param id reference to storage which will receive the id after successful creation * * @note Typically, this slot can be connected to the * StdTransactionEditor::createCategory(const TQString&, TQString&) or * KMyMoneyCombo::createItem(const TQString&, TQString&) signal. */ void slotCategoryNew(const TQString& name, TQString& id); /** * Calls the print logic for the current view */ void slotPrintView(void); /** * Create a new investment */ void slotInvestmentNew(void); /** * Create a new investment in a given @p parent investment account */ void slotInvestmentNew(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent); /** * This slot opens the investment editor to edit the currently * selected investment if possible */ void slotInvestmentEdit(void); /** * Deletes the current selected investment. */ void slotInvestmentDelete(void); /** * Performs online update for currently selected investment */ void slotOnlinePriceUpdate(void); /** * Performs manual update for currently selected investment */ void slotManualPriceUpdate(void); /** * Call this slot, if any configuration parameter has changed */ void slotUpdateConfiguration(void); /** */ void slotPayeeNew(const TQString& newnameBase, TQString& id); void slotPayeeNew(void); /** */ void slotPayeeDelete(void); /** */ void slotBudgetNew(void); /** */ void slotBudgetDelete(void); /** */ void slotBudgetCopy(void); /** */ void slotBudgetChangeYear(void); /** */ void slotBudgetForecast(void); /** */ void slotCurrencyNew(void); /** */ void slotCurrencyRename(TQListViewItem* item, int, const TQString& txt); /** */ void slotCurrencyDelete(void); /** */ void slotCurrencySetBase(void); /** * This slot is used to start new features during the development cycle */ void slotNewFeature(void); /** */ void slotTransactionsNew(void); /** */ void slotTransactionsEdit(void); /** */ void slotTransactionsEditSplits(void); /** */ void slotTransactionsDelete(void); /** */ void slotTransactionsEnter(void); /** */ void slotTransactionsCancel(void); /** */ void slotTransactionsCancelOrEnter(bool& okToSelect); /** */ void slotTransactionDuplicate(void); /** */ void slotToggleReconciliationFlag(void); /** */ void slotMarkTransactionCleared(void); /** */ void slotMarkTransactionReconciled(void); /** */ void slotMarkTransactionNotReconciled(void); /** */ void slotTransactionGotoAccount(void); /** */ void slotTransactionGotoPayee(void); /** */ void slotTransactionCreateSchedule(void); /** */ void slotTransactionAssignNumber(void); /** */ void slotTransactionCombine(void); /** * Accept the selected transactions that are marked as 'imported' and remove the flag */ void slotTransactionsAccept(void); /** * This slot triggers an update of all views and restarts * a single shot timer to call itself again at beginning of * the next day. */ void slotDateChanged(void); /** * This slot will be called when the engine data changed * and the application object needs to update it's state. */ void slotDataChanged(void); void slotMoveToAccount(const TQString& id); void slotUpdateMoveToAccountMenu(void); /** * This slot collects information for a new scheduled transaction * based on transaction @a t and @a occurence and saves it in the engine. */ void slotScheduleNew(const MyMoneyTransaction& t, MyMoneySchedule::occurenceE occurence = MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_MONTHLY); /** */ void slotScheduleDuplicate(void); void slotKDELanguageSettings(void); void slotAccountMapOnline(void); void slotAccountUnmapOnline(void); void slotAccountUpdateOnline(void); void slotAccountUpdateOnlineAll(void); void slotManageGpgKeys(void); void slotKeySelected(int idx); public: /** * This method checks if there is at least one asset or liability account * in the current storage object. If not, it starts the new account wizard. */ void createInitialAccount(void); /** * This method returns the last URL used or an empty URL * depending on the option setting if the last file should * be opened during startup or the open file dialog should * be displayed. * * @return URL of last opened file or empty if the program * should start with the open file dialog */ const KURL lastOpenedURL(void); /** * construtor of KMyMoney2App, calls all init functions to create the application. */ KMyMoney2App(TQWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0); /** * Destructor */ ~KMyMoney2App(); /** Init wizard dialog */ bool initWizard(void); static void progressCallback(int current, int total, const TQString&); void writeLastUsedDir(const TQString& directory); TQString readLastUsedDir(void) const; void writeLastUsedFile(const TQString& fileName); TQString readLastUsedFile(void) const; /** * Returns whether there is an importer available that can handle this file */ bool isImportableFile( const KURL& url ); /** * This method is used to update the caption of the application window. * It set's the caption to "filename [modified] - KMyMoney". * * @param skipActions if true, the actions will not be updated. This * is usually onyl required by some early calls when * these widgets are not yet created (the default is false). */ void updateCaption(bool skipActions = false); /** * This method returns a list of all 'other' dcop registered kmymoney processes. * It's a subset of the return of DCOPclient()->registeredApplications(). * * @retval TQStringList of process ids */ const TQValueList instanceList(void) const; /** * Dump a list of the names of all defined KActions to stdout. */ void dumpActions(void) const; /** * Popup the context menu with the respective @p containerName. * Valid container names are defined in kmymoney2ui.rc */ void showContextMenu(const TQString& containerName); /** * This method opens the category editor with the data found in @a account. The * parent account is preset to @a parent but can be modified. If the user * acknowledges, the category is created. */ void createCategory(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent); /** * This method returns the account for a given @a key - @a value pair. * If the account is not found in the list of accounts, MyMoneyAccount() * is returned. */ const MyMoneyAccount& account(const TQString& key, const TQString& value) const; /** * This method set the online parameters stored in @a kvps with the * account referenced by @a acc. */ void setAccountOnlineParameters(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& kvps); KURL selectFile(const TQString& title, const TQString& path, const TQString& mask, KFile::Mode mode); const MyMoneyAccount& findAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyAccount& parent) const; void createAccount(MyMoneyAccount& newAccount, MyMoneyAccount& parentAccount, MyMoneyAccount& brokerageAccount, MyMoneyMoney openingBal); k_dcop: // Note: Don't use e.g. filename(void) but use filename() because // otherwise the kidl compiler produces uncompilable results. const TQString filename() const; void webConnect(const TQString&, const TQCString& asn_id); /** * Checks if the file with the @a url already exists. If so, * the user is asked if he/she wants to override the file. * If the user's answer is negative, @p false will be returned. * @p true will be returned in all other cases. */ bool okToWriteFile(const KURL& url); // TQValueList accountList() const; protected: /** save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the tqgeometry and the recent file list to the configuration * file */ void saveOptions(void); /** * Creates the interfaces necessary for the plugins to work. Therefore, * this method must be called prior to loadPlugins(). */ void createInterfaces(void); /** * load all available plugins. Make sure you have called createInterfaces() * before you call this one. */ void loadPlugins(void); /** read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list */ void readOptions(void); /** initializes the KActions of the application */ void initActions(void); /** initializes the dynamic menus (account selectors) */ void initDynamicMenus(void); /** sets up the statusbar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel. */ void initStatusBar(void); /** queryClose is called by KTMainWindow on each closeEvent of a window. Against the * default implementation (only returns true), this calles saveModified() on the document object to ask if the document shall * be saved if Modified; on cancel the closeEvent is rejected. * @see KTMainWindow#queryClose * @see KTMainWindow#closeEvent */ virtual bool queryClose(void); /** queryExit is called by KTMainWindow when the last window of the application is going to be closed during the closeEvent(). * Against the default implementation that just returns true, this calls saveOptions() to save the settings of the last window's * properties. * @see KTMainWindow#queryExit * @see KTMainWindow#closeEvent */ virtual bool queryExit(void); void slotCheckSchedules(void); virtual void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent*); void createSchedule(MyMoneySchedule newSchedule, MyMoneyAccount& newAccount); /** * This method checks, if an account can be closed or not. An account * can be closed if: * * - the balance is zero and * - all tqchildren are already closed and * - there is no unfinished schedule referencing the account * * @param acc reference to MyMoneyAccount object in question * @retval true account can be closed * @retval false account cannot be closed */ bool canCloseAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) const; /** * Check if a list contains a payee with a given id * * @param list const reference to value list * @param id const reference to id * * @retval true object has been found * @retval false object is not in list */ bool payeeInList(const TQValueList& list, const TQString& id) const; /** * Mark the selected transactions as provided by @a flag. If * flag is @a MyMoneySplit::Unknown, the future state depends * on the current stat of the split's flag accoring to the * following table: * * - NotReconciled --> Cleared * - Cleared --> Reconciled * - Reconciled --> NotReconciled */ void markTransaction(MyMoneySplit::reconcileFlagE flag); /** * This method allows to enter the next scheduled transaction of * the given schedule @a s. In case @a extendedKeys is @a true, * the given schedule can also be skipped or ignored. * If @a autoEnter is @a true and the schedule does not contain * an estimated value, the schedule is entered as is without further * interaction with the user. In all other cases, the user will * be presented a dialog and allowed to adjust the values for this * instance of the schedule. * * The transaction will be created and entered into the ledger * and the schedule updated. */ KMyMoneyUtils::EnterScheduleResultCodeE enterSchedule(MyMoneySchedule& s, bool autoEnter = false, bool extendedKeys = false); /** * Creates a new institution entry in the MyMoneyFile engine * * @param institution MyMoneyInstitution object containing the data of * the institution to be created. */ void createInstitution(MyMoneyInstitution& institution); /** * This method unmatches the currently selected transactions */ void transactionUnmatch(void); /** * This method matches the currently selected transactions */ void transactionMatch(void); public slots: void slotFileInfoDialog(void); /** */ void slotFileNew(void); /** Open a new window */ void slotFileNewWindow(void); /** open a file and load it into the document*/ void slotFileOpen(void); /** opens a file from the recent files menu */ void slotFileOpenRecent(const KURL& url); /** open a SQL database */ void slotOpenDatabase(void); /** * saves the current document. If it has no name yet, the user * will be queried for it. * * @retval false save operation failed * @retval true save operation was successful */ bool slotFileSave(void); /** * ask the user for the filename and save the current document * * @retval false save operation failed * @retval true save operation was successful */ bool slotFileSaveAs(void); /** * ask the user to select a database and save the current document * * @retval false save operation failed * @retval true save operation was successful */ bool slotSaveAsDatabase(void); /** asks for saving if the file is modified, then closes the actual file and window */ void slotFileCloseWindow(void); /** asks for saving if the file is modified, then closes the actual file */ void slotFileClose(void); /** * closes all open windows by calling close() on each memberList item * until the list is empty, then quits the application. * If queryClose() returns false because the user canceled the * saveModified() dialog, the closing breaks. */ void slotFileQuit(void); void slotFileConsitencyCheck(void); /** * fires up the price table editor */ void slotPriceDialog(void); /** * fires up the currency table editor */ void slotCurrencyDialog(void); /** * Toggles the hide reconciled transactions setting */ void slotHideReconciledTransactions(void); /** * Toggles the hide unused categories setting */ void slotHideUnusedCategories(void); /** * Toggles the show all accounts setting */ void slotShowAllAccounts(void); /** * changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently, * used to indicate current actions. Returns the previous value for * 'stacked' usage. * * @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar */ const TQString slotStatusMsg(const TQString &text); /** * This method changes the progress bar in the status line according * to the parameters @p current and @p total. The following special * cases exist: * * - current = -1 and total = -1 will reset the progress bar * - current = ?? and total != 0 will setup the 100% mark to @p total * - current = xx and total == 0 will set the percentage * * @param current the current value with respect to the initialised * 100% mark * @param total the total value (100%) */ void slotStatusProgressBar(int current, int total = 0); /** No descriptions */ void slotProcessExited(void); /** * Called to update stock and currency prices from the user menu */ void slotEquityPriceUpdate(void); /** * Imports a KMM statement into the engine, triggering the appropriate * UI to handle account matching, payee creation, and someday * payee and transaction matching. */ bool slotStatementImport(const MyMoneyStatement& s); /** * Essentially similiar to the above slot, except this will load the file * from disk first, given the URL. */ bool slotStatementImport(const TQString& url); /** * This slot starts the reconciliation of the currently selected account */ void slotAccountReconcileStart(void); /** * This slot finishes a previously started reconciliation */ void slotAccountReconcileFinish(void); /** * This slot postpones a previously started reconciliations */ void slotAccountReconcilePostpone(void); /** * This slot deletes the currently selected account if possible */ void slotAccountDelete(void); /** * This slot opens the account editor to edit the currently * selected account if possible */ void slotAccountEdit(void); /** * This slot opens the selected account in the ledger view */ void slotAccountOpen(const MyMoneyObject& = MyMoneyAccount()); /** * This slot closes the currently selected account if possible */ void slotAccountClose(void); /** * This slot re-openes the currently selected account if possible */ void slotAccountReopen(void); /** * This slot reparents account @p src to be a child of account @p dest * * @param src account to be reparented * @param dest new parent */ void slotReparentAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& src, const MyMoneyAccount& dest); /** * This slot reparents account @p src to be a held at institution @p dest * * @param src account to be reparented * @param dest new parent institution */ void slotReparentAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& src, const MyMoneyInstitution& dest); /** * This slot creates a transaction report for the selected account * and opens it in the reports view. */ void slotAccountTransactionReport(void); /** * This slot opens the account options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowAccountContextMenu(const MyMoneyObject&); /** * This slot opens the schedule options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowScheduleContextMenu(void); /** * This slot opens the institution options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowInstitutionContextMenu(const MyMoneyObject&); /** * This slot opens the investment options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowInvestmentContextMenu(void); /** * This slot opens the payee options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowPayeeContextMenu(void); /** * This slot opens the budget options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowBudgetContextMenu(void); /** * This slot opens the transaction options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowTransactionContextMenu(void); /** * This slot opens the currency options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowCurrencyContextMenu(void); /** * This slot collects information for a new scheduled transaction * and saves it in the engine. @sa slotScheduleNew(const MyMoneyTransaction&) */ void slotScheduleNew(void); /** * This slot allows to edit information the currently selected schedule */ void slotScheduleEdit(void); /** * This slot allows to delete the currently selected schedule */ void slotScheduleDelete(void); /** * This slot allows to enter the next scheduled transaction of * the currently selected schedule */ void slotScheduleEnter(void); /** * This slot allows to skip the next scheduled transaction of * the currently selected schedule */ void slotScheduleSkip(void); /** * This slot fires up the KCalc application */ void slotToolsStartKCalc(void); void slotResetSelections(void); void slotSelectAccount(const MyMoneyObject& account = MyMoneyAccount()); void slotSelectInstitution(const MyMoneyObject& institution = MyMoneyInstitution()); void slotSelectInvestment(const MyMoneyObject& account = MyMoneyAccount()); void slotSelectSchedule(const MyMoneySchedule& schedule = MyMoneySchedule()); void slotSelectPayees(const TQValueList& list); void slotSelectBudget(const TQValueList& list); void slotSelectTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list); void slotSelectCurrency(const MyMoneySecurity& currency = MyMoneySecurity()); void slotTransactionMatch(void); /** * Brings up the new account wizard and saves the information. */ void slotAccountNew(void); void slotAccountNew(MyMoneyAccount&); /** * Brings up the new category editor and saves the information. */ void slotCategoryNew(void); /** * Brings up the new category editor and saves the information. * The dialog will be preset with the name and parent account. * * @param account reference of category to be created. The @p name member * should be filled by the caller. The object will be filled * with additional information during the creation process * esp. the @p id member. * @param parent reference to parent account (defaults to none) */ void slotCategoryNew(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent = MyMoneyAccount()); /** * This method updates all KAction items to the current state. */ void slotUpdateActions(void); /** * Brings up the input dialog and saves the information. */ void slotInstitutionNew(void); /** * Brings up the input dialog and saves the information. If * the institution has been created, the @a id member is filled, * otherwise it is empty. * * @param institution reference to data to be used to create the * institution. id member will be updated. */ void slotInstitutionNew(MyMoneyInstitution& institution); /** * Called whenever a plugin is plugged in */ void slotPluginPlug(KPluginInfo*); /** * Called whenever a plugin is unplugged */ void slotPluginUnplug(KPluginInfo*); private: // bool verifyImportedData(const MyMoneyAccount& account); /** * Load the status bar with the 'ready' message. This is hold in a single * place, so that is consistent with isReady(). */ void ready(void); /** * Check if the status bar contains the 'ready' message. The return * value is used e.g. to detect if a quit operation is allowed or not. * * @retval true application is idle * @retval false application is active working on a longer operation */ bool isReady(void); /** * Delete a possibly existing transaction editor but make sure to remove * any reference to it so that we avoid using a half-dead object */ void deleteTransactionEditor(void); /** * delete all selected transactions w/o further questions */ void doDeleteTransactions(void); /** * Exchanges all references in transaction @a _t to account @a fromId * into references to account @a toId. Returns @a true if at least * one split has been changed, @a false otherwise. */ bool exchangeAccountInTransaction(MyMoneyTransaction& _t, const TQString& fromId, const TQString& toId); signals: /** * This signal is emitted when a new file is loaded. In the case file * is closed, this signal is also emitted with an empty url. */ void fileLoaded(const KURL& url); /** * This signal is emitted when a payee/list of payees has been selected by * the GUI. If no payee is selected or the selection is removed, * @p payees is identical to an empty TQValueList. This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void payeesSelected(const TQValueList& payees); /** * This signal is emitted when a transaction/list of transactions has been selected by * the GUI. If no transaction is selected or the selection is removed, * @p transactions is identical to an empty TQValueList. This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void transactionsSelected(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& transactions); /** * This signal is sent out, when the user presses Ctrl+A or activates * the Select all transactions action. */ void selectAllTransactions(void); /** * This signal is emitted when a list of budgets has been selected by * the GUI. If no budget is selected or the selection is removed, * @a budget is identical to an empty TQValueList. This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void budgetSelected(const TQValueList& budget); void budgetRename(void); /** * This signal is emitted when a new account has been selected by * the GUI. If no account is selected or the selection is removed, * @a account is identical to MyMoneyAccount(). This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void accountSelected(const MyMoneyAccount& account); void investmentSelected(const MyMoneyAccount& account); /** * This signal is emitted when a new institution has been selected by * the GUI. If no institution is selected or the selection is removed, * @a institution is identical to MyMoneyInstitution(). This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void institutionSelected(const MyMoneyInstitution& institution); /** * This signal is emitted when a new schedule has been selected by * the GUI. If no schedule is selected or the selection is removed, * @a schedule is identical to MyMoneySchedule(). This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void scheduleSelected(const MyMoneySchedule& schedule); /** * This signal is emitted when a new currency has been selected by * the GUI. If no currency is selected or the selection is removed, * @a currency is identical to MyMoneySecurity(). This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void currencySelected(const MyMoneySecurity& currency); void payeeRename(void); void payeeCreated(const TQString& id); void currencyRename(void); void currencyCreated(const TQString& id); void startMatchTransaction(const MyMoneyTransaction& t); void cancelMatchTransaction(void); /** * This signal is emitted when an account has been successfully reconciled * and all transactions are updated in the engine. It can be used by plugins * to create reconciliation reports. * * @param account the account data * @param date the reconciliation date as provided through the dialog * @param startingBalance the starting balance as provided through the dialog * @param endingBalance the ending balance as provided through the dialog * @param transactionList reference to TQValueList of TQPair containing all * transaction/split pairs processed by the reconciliation. */ void accountReconciled(const MyMoneyAccount& account, const TQDate& date, const MyMoneyMoney& startingBalance, const MyMoneyMoney& endingBalance, const TQValueList >& transactionList); public: /** * This method retrieves a pointer to a KAction object from actionCollection(). * If the action with the name @p actionName is not found, a pointer to * a static non-configured KAction object is returned and a warning is * printed to stderr. * * @param actionName name of the action to be retrieved * @return pointer to KAction object (or derivative) */ KAction* action(const TQString& actionName) const; /** * This method is implemented for convenience. It returns a dynamic_cast-ed * pointer to an action found in actionCollection(). * If the action with the name @p actionName is not found or the object * is not of type KToggleAction, a pointer to a static non-configured * KToggleAction object is returned and a warning is printed to stderr. */ KToggleAction* toggleAction(const TQString& actionName) const; private: /// \internal d-pointer class. class Private; /* * Actually, one should write "Private * const d" but that confuses the KIDL * compiler in this context. It complains about the const keyword. So we leave * it out here */ /// \internal d-pointer instance. Private* d; /** the configuration object of the application */ KConfig *config; TQMap m_importerPlugins; TQMap m_onlinePlugins; enum backupStateE { BACKUP_IDLE = 0, BACKUP_MOUNTING, BACKUP_COPYING, BACKUP_UNMOUNTING }; /** * The following variable represents the state while crafting a backup. * It can have the following values * * - IDLE: the default value if not performing a backup * - MOUNTING: when a mount command has been issued * - COPYING: when a copy command has been issued * - UNMOUNTING: when an unmount command has been issued */ backupStateE m_backupState; /** * This variable keeps the result of the backup operation. */ int m_backupResult; /** * This variable is set, when the user selected to mount/unmount * the backup volume. */ bool m_backupMount; KProcess proc; /// A pointer to the view holding the tabs. KMyMoneyView *myMoneyView; /// The URL of the file currently being edited when open. KURL m_fileName; bool m_startDialog; TQString m_mountpoint; KProgress* progressBar; TQString m_statusMsg; int m_progressUpdate; int m_nextUpdate; MyMoneyQifReader* m_qifReader; MyMoneyStatementReader* m_smtReader; KFindTransactionDlg* m_searchDlg; bool m_bCheckSchedules; KToolBarPopupAction* m_previousViewButton; KToolBarPopupAction* m_nextViewButton; TQObject* m_pluginInterface; MyMoneyAccount m_selectedAccount; MyMoneyAccount m_reconciliationAccount; MyMoneyAccount m_selectedInvestment; MyMoneyInstitution m_selectedInstitution; MyMoneySchedule m_selectedSchedule; MyMoneySecurity m_selectedCurrency; TQValueList m_selectedPayees; TQValueList m_selectedBudgets; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions m_selectedTransactions; // This is Auto Saving related bool m_autoSaveEnabled; TQTimer* m_autoSaveTimer; int m_autoSavePeriod; bool m_inAutoSaving; // Pointer to the combo box used for key selection during // File/Save as KComboBox* m_saveEncrypted; // pointer to the current transaction editor TransactionEditor* m_transactionEditor; // Reconciliation dialog KEndingBalanceDlg* m_endingBalanceDlg; // id's that need to be remembered TQString m_accountGoto, m_payeeGoto; TQStringList m_additionalGpgKeys; TQLabel* m_additionalKeyLabel; KPushButton* m_additionalKeyButton; }; extern KMyMoney2App *kmymoney2; class KMStatus { public: KMStatus (const TQString &text); ~KMStatus(); private: TQString m_prevText; }; #define KMSTATUS(msg) KMStatus _thisStatus(msg) #endif // KMYMONEY2_H