/*************************************************************************** mymoneyfinancialcalculator.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Tue Oct 21 2003 copyright : (C) 2000-2003 by Michael Edwardes email : mte@users.sourceforge.net Javier Campos Morales Felix Rodriguez John C Thomas Baumgart Kevin Tambascio ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneyfinancialcalculator.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" // #ifndef HAVE_ROUND // #undef roundl // #define roundl(a) rnd(a) FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::rnd(const FCALC_DOUBLE x) const { FCALC_DOUBLE r,f; if(m_prec > 0) { #ifdef HAVE_ROUND f = powl(10.0, m_prec); r = roundl(x * f)/f; #else char buf[50]; #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE sprintf (buf, "%.*Lf", m_prec, x); sscanf (buf, "%Lf", &r); #else sprintf (buf, "%.*f", m_prec, x); sscanf (buf, "%lf", &r); #endif #endif } else r = roundl(x); return r; } // #endif static inline FCALC_DOUBLE dabs(const FCALC_DOUBLE x) { return (x >= 0.0) ? x : -x; } MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::MyMoneyFinancialCalculator() { setPrec(); setPF(); setCF(); setBep(); setDisc(); setNpp(0.0); setIr(0.0); setPv(0.0); setPmt(0.0); setFv(0.0); // clear the tqmask m_tqmask = 0; } MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::~MyMoneyFinancialCalculator() { } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setPrec(const unsigned short prec) { m_prec = prec; } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setPF(const unsigned short PF) { m_PF = PF; } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setCF(const unsigned short CF) { m_CF = CF; } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setBep(const bool bep) { m_bep = bep; } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setDisc(const bool disc) { m_disc = disc; } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setIr(const FCALC_DOUBLE ir) { m_ir = ir; m_tqmask |= IR_SET; } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setPv(const FCALC_DOUBLE pv) { m_pv = pv; m_tqmask |= PV_SET; } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setPmt(const FCALC_DOUBLE pmt) { m_pmt = pmt; m_tqmask |= PMT_SET; } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setNpp(const FCALC_DOUBLE npp) { m_npp = npp; m_tqmask |= NPP_SET; } void MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::setFv(const FCALC_DOUBLE fv) { m_fv = fv; m_tqmask |= FV_SET; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::numPayments(void) { const unsigned short tqmask = PV_SET | IR_SET | PMT_SET | FV_SET; if((m_tqmask & tqmask) != tqmask) throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Not all parameters set for calculation of numPayments"); FCALC_DOUBLE eint = eff_int(); FCALC_DOUBLE CC = _Cx(eint); CC = (CC - m_fv) / (CC + m_pv); m_npp = (CC > 0.0) ? logl (CC) / logl (eint +1.0) : 0.0; m_tqmask |= NPP_SET; return m_npp; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::payment(void) { const unsigned short tqmask = PV_SET | IR_SET | NPP_SET | FV_SET; if((m_tqmask & tqmask) != tqmask) throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Not all parameters set for calculation of payment"); FCALC_DOUBLE eint = eff_int(); FCALC_DOUBLE AA = _Ax(eint); FCALC_DOUBLE BB = _Bx(eint); m_pmt = -rnd((m_fv + m_pv * (AA + 1.0)) / (AA * BB)); //m_pmt = -floorl((m_fv + m_pv * (AA + 1.0)) / (AA * BB)); m_tqmask |= PMT_SET; return m_pmt; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::presentValue(void) { const unsigned short tqmask = PMT_SET | IR_SET | NPP_SET | FV_SET; if((m_tqmask & tqmask) != tqmask) throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Not all parameters set for calculation of payment"); FCALC_DOUBLE eint = eff_int(); FCALC_DOUBLE AA = _Ax(eint); FCALC_DOUBLE CC = _Cx(eint); m_pv = rnd(-(m_fv + (AA * CC)) / (AA + 1.0)); m_tqmask |= PV_SET; return m_pv; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::futureValue(void) { const unsigned short tqmask = PMT_SET | IR_SET | NPP_SET | PV_SET; if((m_tqmask & tqmask) != tqmask) throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Not all parameters set for calculation of payment"); FCALC_DOUBLE eint = eff_int(); FCALC_DOUBLE AA = _Ax(eint); FCALC_DOUBLE CC = _Cx(eint); m_fv = rnd(-(m_pv + AA * (m_pv + CC))); m_tqmask |= FV_SET; return m_fv; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::interestRate(void) { FCALC_DOUBLE eint = 0.0; FCALC_DOUBLE a = 0.0; FCALC_DOUBLE dik = 0.0; const FCALC_DOUBLE ratio = 1e4; int ri; if (m_pmt == 0.0) { eint = powl ((dabs (m_fv) / dabs (m_pv)), (1.0 / m_npp)) - 1.0; } else { if ((m_pmt * m_fv) < 0.0) { if(m_pv) a = -1.0; else a = 1.0; eint = dabs ((m_fv + a * m_npp * m_pmt) / (3.0 * ((m_npp - 1.0) * (m_npp - 1.0) * m_pmt + m_pv - m_fv))); } else { if ((m_pv * m_pmt) < 0.0) { eint = dabs ((m_npp * m_pmt + m_pv + m_fv) / (m_npp * m_pv)); } else { a = dabs (m_pmt / (dabs(m_pv) + dabs(m_fv))); eint = a + 1.0 / (a * m_npp * m_npp * m_npp); } } do { try { dik = _fi(eint) / _fip(eint); eint -= dik; } catch(MyMoneyException *e) { delete e; eint = 0; } (void) modfl(ratio * (dik / eint), &a); ri = static_cast (a); } while (ri); } m_tqmask |= IR_SET; m_ir = rnd(nom_int(eint) * 100.0); return m_ir; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::_fi(const FCALC_DOUBLE eint) const { return _Ax(eint) * (m_pv + _Cx(eint)) + m_pv + m_fv; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::_fip(const FCALC_DOUBLE eint) const { double AA = _Ax(eint); double CC = _Cx(eint); double D = (AA + 1.0) / (eint + 1.0); return m_npp *(m_pv + CC) * D - (AA * CC) / eint; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::_Ax(const FCALC_DOUBLE eint) const { return powl ((eint + 1.0), m_npp) - 1.0; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::_Bx(const FCALC_DOUBLE eint) const { if(eint == 0.0) throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Zero interest"); if(m_bep == false) return static_cast(1.0) / eint; return (eint + 1.0) / eint; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::_Cx(const FCALC_DOUBLE eint) const { return m_pmt * _Bx(eint); } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::eff_int(void) const { FCALC_DOUBLE nint = m_ir / 100.0; FCALC_DOUBLE eint; if(m_disc) { // periodically compound? if(m_CF == m_PF) { // same frequency? eint = nint / static_cast(m_CF); } else { eint = powl((static_cast(1.0) + (nint / static_cast(m_CF))), (static_cast(m_CF) / static_cast(m_PF))) - 1.0; } } else { eint = expl(nint / static_cast(m_PF)) - 1.0; } return eint; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::nom_int(const FCALC_DOUBLE eint) const { FCALC_DOUBLE nint; if(m_disc) { if(m_CF == m_PF) { nint = m_CF * eint; } else { nint = m_CF * (powl ((eint + 1.0), (static_cast(m_PF) / static_cast(m_CF))) - 1.0); } } else nint = logl (powl (eint + 1.0, m_PF)); return nint; } FCALC_DOUBLE MyMoneyFinancialCalculator::interestDue(void) const { FCALC_DOUBLE eint = eff_int(); return (m_pv + (m_bep ? m_pmt : 0.0)) * eint; }