/*************************************************************************** mymoneypayee.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000 by Michael Edwardes (C) 2008 by Thomas Baumgart email : mte@users.sourceforge.net ipwizard@users.sourceforge.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneypayee.h" #include "mymoneyutils.h" #include MyMoneyPayee MyMoneyPayee::null; MyMoneyPayee::MyMoneyPayee() : m_matchingEnabled(false), m_usingMatchKey(false), m_matchKeyIgnoreCase(true) { } MyMoneyPayee::MyMoneyPayee(const QString& id, const MyMoneyPayee& payee) : m_matchingEnabled(false), m_usingMatchKey(false), m_matchKeyIgnoreCase(true) { *this = payee; m_id = id; } MyMoneyPayee::MyMoneyPayee(const QString& name, const QString& address, const QString& city, const QString& state, const QString& postcode, const QString& telephone, const QString& email) : m_matchingEnabled(false), m_usingMatchKey(false), m_matchKeyIgnoreCase(true) { m_name = name; m_address = address; m_city = city; m_state = state; m_postcode = postcode; m_telephone = telephone; m_email = email; } MyMoneyPayee::MyMoneyPayee(const QDomElement& node) : MyMoneyObject(node) { if ("PAYEE" != node.tagName()) { throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Node was not PAYEE"); } m_name = node.attribute("name"); m_reference = node.attribute("reference"); m_email = node.attribute("email"); m_matchingEnabled = node.attribute("matchingenabled","0").toUInt(); if ( m_matchingEnabled ) { m_usingMatchKey = node.attribute("usingmatchkey","0").toUInt(); m_matchKeyIgnoreCase = node.attribute("matchignorecase","0").toUInt(); m_matchKey = node.attribute("matchkey"); } if(node.hasAttribute("notes")) { m_notes = node.attribute("notes"); } if (node.hasAttribute("defaultaccountid")) { m_defaultAccountId = node.attribute("defaultaccountid"); } QDomNodeList nodeList = node.elementsByTagName("ADDRESS"); if(nodeList.count() == 0) { QString msg = QString("No ADDRESS in payee %1").arg(m_name); throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION(msg); } QDomElement addrNode = nodeList.item(0).toElement(); m_address = addrNode.attribute("street"); m_city = addrNode.attribute("city"); m_postcode = addrNode.attribute("postcode"); m_state = addrNode.attribute("state"); m_telephone = addrNode.attribute("telephone"); } MyMoneyPayee::~MyMoneyPayee() { } MyMoneyPayee::MyMoneyPayee(const MyMoneyPayee& right) : MyMoneyObject(right) { *this = right; } bool MyMoneyPayee::operator == (const MyMoneyPayee& right) const { return (MyMoneyObject::operator==(right) && ((m_name.length() == 0 && right.m_name.length() == 0) || (m_name == right.m_name)) && ((m_address.length() == 0 && right.m_address.length() == 0) || (m_address == right.m_address)) && ((m_city.length() == 0 && right.m_city.length() == 0) || (m_city == right.m_city)) && ((m_state.length() == 0 && right.m_state.length() == 0) || (m_state == right.m_state)) && ((m_postcode.length() == 0 && right.m_postcode.length() == 0) || (m_postcode == right.m_postcode)) && ((m_telephone.length() == 0 && right.m_telephone.length() == 0) || (m_telephone == right.m_telephone)) && ((m_email.length() == 0 && right.m_email.length() == 0) || (m_email == right.m_email)) && (m_matchingEnabled == right.m_matchingEnabled) && (m_usingMatchKey == right.m_usingMatchKey) && (m_matchKeyIgnoreCase == right.m_matchKeyIgnoreCase) && ((m_matchKey.length() == 0 && right.m_matchKey.length() == 0) || m_matchKey == right.m_matchKey) && ((m_reference.length() == 0 && right.m_reference.length() == 0) || (m_reference == right.m_reference)) && ((m_defaultAccountId.length() == 0 && right.m_defaultAccountId.length() == 0) || m_defaultAccountId == right.m_defaultAccountId) ); } void MyMoneyPayee::writeXML(QDomDocument& document, QDomElement& parent) const { QDomElement el = document.createElement("PAYEE"); writeBaseXML(document, el); el.setAttribute("name", m_name); el.setAttribute("reference", m_reference); el.setAttribute("email", m_email); if(!m_notes.isEmpty()) el.setAttribute("notes", m_notes); el.setAttribute("matchingenabled", m_matchingEnabled); if ( m_matchingEnabled ) { el.setAttribute("usingmatchkey", m_usingMatchKey); el.setAttribute("matchignorecase", m_matchKeyIgnoreCase); el.setAttribute("matchkey", m_matchKey); } if (!m_defaultAccountId.isEmpty()) { el.setAttribute("defaultaccountid", m_defaultAccountId); } QDomElement address = document.createElement("ADDRESS"); address.setAttribute("street", m_address); address.setAttribute("city", m_city); address.setAttribute("postcode", m_postcode); address.setAttribute("state", m_state); address.setAttribute("telephone", m_telephone); el.appendChild(address); parent.appendChild(el); } bool MyMoneyPayee::hasReferenceTo(const QString& id) const { return id == m_defaultAccountId; } MyMoneyPayee::payeeMatchType MyMoneyPayee::matchData(bool& ignorecase, QStringList& keys) const { payeeMatchType type = matchDisabled; keys.clear(); ignorecase = m_matchKeyIgnoreCase; if ( m_matchingEnabled ) { type = m_usingMatchKey ? matchKey : matchName; if(type == matchKey) keys = QStringList::split(";", m_matchKey); } return type; } MyMoneyPayee::payeeMatchType MyMoneyPayee::matchData(bool& ignorecase, QString& keyString) const { QStringList keys; payeeMatchType type = matchData(ignorecase, keys); keyString = keys.join(";"); return type; } void MyMoneyPayee::setMatchData(payeeMatchType type, bool ignorecase, const QStringList& keys) { m_matchingEnabled = (type != matchDisabled); m_matchKeyIgnoreCase = ignorecase; m_matchKey = QString(); if ( m_matchingEnabled ) { m_usingMatchKey = (type == matchKey); if ( m_usingMatchKey ) { m_matchKey = keys.join(";"); } } } void MyMoneyPayee::setMatchData(payeeMatchType type, bool ignorecase, const QString& keys) { setMatchData(type, ignorecase, QStringList::split(";", keys)); } // vim:cin:si:ai:et:ts=2:sw=2: