/*************************************************************************** mymoneyutils.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Tue Jan 29 2002 copyright : (C) 2000-2002 by Michael Edwardes email : mte@users.sourceforge.net Javier Campos Morales Felix Rodriguez John C Thomas Baumgart Kevin Tambascio ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include "mymoneyutils.h" #include "mymoneyaccount.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef _CHECK_MEMORY #undef new #undef _CheckMemory_Leak #undef _CheckMemory_FreeAll _CheckMemory chkmem; bool enable=false; _CheckMemoryEntry::_CheckMemoryEntry(void *p, int line, size_t size, const char *file) : m_p(p), m_line(line), m_size(size), m_file(file) { } _CheckMemoryEntry::_CheckMemoryEntry() : m_p(0), m_line(0), m_size(0) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _CheckMemory::_CheckMemory() { outfunc = (_CheckMemoryOutFunc *)NULL; } _CheckMemory::_CheckMemory(_CheckMemoryOutFunc *out) { outfunc = out; } _CheckMemory::~_CheckMemory() { } _CheckMemoryOutFunc *_CheckMemory::SetOutFunc(_CheckMemoryOutFunc *out) { _CheckMemoryOutFunc *old; old = outfunc; outfunc = out; return old; } void _CheckMemory::Output(const char *fmt,...) { va_list args; char buf[128]; va_start(args,fmt); if(outfunc) { vsprintf(buf,fmt,args); outfunc(buf); } else { vfprintf(stderr,fmt,args); putc('\n', stderr); } va_end(args); } int _CheckMemory::TableCount(void) { return table.size(); } bool _CheckMemory::CheckMemoryLeak(bool freeall) { bool d = false; size_t total = 0; int freec = 0; CheckMemoryTable::ConstIterator it; for(it = table.begin(); it != table.end(); ++it) { if((*it).pointer() != 0) { total += (*it).size(); freec++; if(d == false) { Output("CheckMemory++: CheckMemoryLeak: Memory leak detected!"); Output("Position |Size(bytes) |Allocated at"); d=true; } if(d==true) Output("%p |%-13d|%s:%d",(*it).pointer(),(int)(*it).size(),(*it).file(),(*it).line()); } } if(d == true) Output("You have forgotten to free %d object(s), %d bytes of memory.",freec, (int)total); else Output("CheckMemory++: CheckMemoryLeak: No memory leak detected."); if(freeall == true) FreeAll(); return true; } void _CheckMemory::FreeAll() { size_t total=0; int freec=0; CheckMemoryTable::Iterator it; for(it = table.begin(); it != table.end(); it = table.begin()) { if((*it).pointer() != 0) { total += (*it).size(); freec++; Output("CheckMemory++: FreeAll: freed %d bytes of memory at %p.",(int)(*it).size(),(*it).pointer()); free((*it).pointer()); } table.remove(it); } Output("CheckMemory++: FreeAll: Totally freed %d objects, %d bytes of memory.",freec,(int)total); } void _CheckMemory_Init(_CheckMemoryOutFunc *out) { if(enable!=true) { chkmem.Restart(); chkmem.SetOutFunc(out); enable=true; } } void _CheckMemory_End() { if(enable!=false) { chkmem.Restart(); chkmem.SetOutFunc(NULL); enable=false; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void *operator new(size_t s,const char *file,int line) throw() { void *p = malloc(s); if(p == NULL) throw; if(enable==true) { _CheckMemoryEntry entry(p, line, s, file); chkmem.table[p] = entry; } return p; } void * operator new [] (size_t s,const char *file,int line) throw() { void *p = malloc(s); if(p == NULL) throw; if(enable==true) { _CheckMemoryEntry entry(p, line, s, file); chkmem.table[p] = entry; } return p; } void operator delete(void *p) throw() { if(enable==true) { CheckMemoryTable::Iterator it; it = chkmem.table.find(p); if(it != chkmem.table.end()) { chkmem.table.remove(it); } } free(p); } void operator delete [] (void *p) throw() { if(enable==true) { CheckMemoryTable::Iterator it; it = chkmem.table.find(p); if(it != chkmem.table.end()) { chkmem.table.remove(it); } } free(p); } #endif // _CHECK_MEMORY QString MyMoneyUtils::getFileExtension(QString strFileName) { QString strTemp; if(!strFileName.isEmpty()) { //find last . delminator int nLoc = strFileName.findRev('.'); if(nLoc != -1) { strTemp = strFileName.right(strFileName.length() - (nLoc + 1)); return strTemp.upper(); } } return strTemp; } int MyMoneyTracer::m_indentLevel = 0; int MyMoneyTracer::m_onoff = 0; MyMoneyTracer::MyMoneyTracer(const char* name) { if(m_onoff) { QRegExp exp("(.*)::(.*)"); if(exp.search(name) != -1) { m_className = exp.cap(1); m_memberName = exp.cap(2); } else { m_className = QString(name); m_memberName = QString(); } QString indent; indent.fill(' ', m_indentLevel); std::cerr << indent.latin1() << "ENTER: " << m_className.latin1() << "::" << m_memberName.latin1() << std::endl; } m_indentLevel += 2; } MyMoneyTracer::MyMoneyTracer(const QString& className, const QString& memberName) : m_className(className), m_memberName(memberName) { if(m_onoff) { QString indent; indent.fill(' ', m_indentLevel); std::cerr << indent.latin1() << "ENTER: " << m_className.latin1() << "::" << m_memberName.latin1() << std::endl; } m_indentLevel += 2; } MyMoneyTracer::~MyMoneyTracer() { m_indentLevel -= 2; if(m_onoff) { QString indent; indent.fill(' ', m_indentLevel); std::cerr << indent.latin1() << "LEAVE: " << m_className.latin1() << "::" << m_memberName.latin1() << std::endl; } } void MyMoneyTracer::printf(const char *format, ...) const { if(m_onoff) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); QString indent; indent.fill(' ', m_indentLevel); std::cerr << indent.latin1(); vfprintf(stderr,format,args); putc('\n', stderr); va_end(args); } } void MyMoneyTracer::onOff(int onOff) { m_onoff = onOff; } void MyMoneyTracer::on(void) { m_onoff = 1; } void MyMoneyTracer::off(void) { m_onoff = 0; } QString dateToString(const QDate& date) { if(!date.isNull() && date.isValid()) return date.toString(Qt::ISODate); return QString(); } QDate stringToDate(const QString& str) { if(str.length()) { QDate date = QDate::fromString(str, Qt::ISODate); if(!date.isNull() && date.isValid()) return date; } return QDate(); } QString QStringEmpty(const QString& val) { if(!val.isEmpty()) return QString(val); return QString(); } unsigned long extractId(const QString& txt) { int pos; unsigned long rc = 0; pos = txt.find(QRegExp("\\d+"), 0); if(pos != -1) { rc = atol(txt.mid(pos)); } return rc; }