KLoanPayoutPageDecl KLoanPayoutPageDecl 0 0 600 384 unnamed kActiveLabel1 NoFocus If this loan is for an asset, such as a car or a house, you can create the asset account now. An asset account represents the total value of an asset. The money from this loan will be transfered into the asset account you create or select. If this loan is a 'consumer loan' (money to use however you want), you can use a checking account instead. m_noPayoutTransaction Don't create payout transaction m_payoutDetailFrame NoFrame Raised unnamed 0 m_refinanceLoan Refinance existing loan Check this if you are refinancing a loan that already exists in KMyMoney textLabel1 Asset Account m_assetAccount 1 0 1 0 m_createAssetButton Create textLabel1_2 Loan account m_loanAccount false 1 0 1 0 textLabel2 Date of payment spacer88 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 m_payoutDate spacer89 Vertical Expanding 20 20 m_noPayoutTransaction toggled(bool) m_payoutDetailFrame setDisabled(bool) m_refinanceLoan toggled(bool) m_assetAccount setDisabled(bool) m_refinanceLoan toggled(bool) m_loanAccount setEnabled(bool) m_refinanceLoan toggled(bool) m_createAssetButton setDisabled(bool)