/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine */ /**************************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the KDChart library. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with ** the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se/?page=products for ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se if any conditions of this ** licensing are not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include /** \class KDChartData KDChartData.h \brief Encapsulates one data cell in a chart. Data cells either hold one value for the ordinate axis or they hold two values: one for the ordinate axis and an extra one for the abscissa axis. Ordinate values can either be of type double or non-existant, abscissa values can either be of type double or QDateTime or non-existant. \note All methods returning one of the data values (or one of the data types, resp.) expect a valNo parameter with either a 1 for the first value (the Y or ordinate value) or a 2 for the second value (the X or abscissa value). */ /** \fn KDChartData::KDChartData() Constructor. Creates a KDChartData object that represents no value. */ /** \fn KDChartData::KDChartData( double value ) Constructor. Assigns a double value to this object. \param value the double value which this object should represent. */ /** \fn KDChartData::KDChartData( double yValue, double xValue ) Constructor. Assigns two double values to this object. \param yValue the double value which this object should represent. \param xValue the position on the abscissa axis which this object should be assigned to. */ /** \fn KDChartData::KDChartData( double yValue, QDateTime xValue ) Constructor. Assigns a double value and a QDateTime value to this object. \param yValue the double value which this object should represent. \param xValue the position on the abscissa axis which this object should be assigned to. */ /** \fn KDChartData::KDChartData( const QString& value ) Constructor. Assigns a string value to this object. This data type may be used to store axis labels or legend texts in extra data cells. \param value the string value which this object should represent */ /** \fn bool KDChartData::hasValue(int) const Returns true if the object represents a value (double or QString) and false otherwise. \return true if the object represents a value */ /** \fn bool KDChartData::isDateTime(int) const Returns true if the object represents a QDateTime value and false otherwise. \return true if the object represents a QDateTime value */ /** \fn bool KDChartData::isString(int) const Returns true if the object represents a QString value and false otherwise. \return true if the object represents a QString value */ /** \fn bool KDChartData::isDouble(int) const Returns true if the object represents a double value and false otherwise. \return true if the object represents a double value */ /** \fn bool KDChartData::isNormalDouble(int) const Returns true if the object represents a double value that is neither KDCHART_POS_INFINITE nor KDCHART_NEG_INFINITE. \return true if the object represents a normal double value */ /** \fn bool KDChartData::isPosInfiniteDouble(int) const Returns true if the object represents a double value that is KDCHART_POS_INFINITE. \return true if the object represents a KDCHART_POS_INFINITE value */ /** \fn bool KDChartData::isNegInfiniteDouble(int) const Returns true if the object represents a double value that is KDCHART_NEG_INFINITE. \return true if the object represents a KDCHART_NEG_INFINITE value */ /** \fn double KDChartData::doubleValue( int valNo=1 ) const Returns the double value represented by this object, or DBL_MIN if this object does not represent a double value. You may use isDouble() or isNormalDouble() to check if it is appropriate to call this function. \return the double value represented by this object, or DBL_MIN if this object does not represent a double value */ /** \fn QDateTime KDChartData::dateTimeValue( int valNo=1 ) const Returns the QDateTime value represented by this object, or QDateTime() if this object does not represent a QDateTime value. You may use isDateTime() to check if it is appropriate to call this function. \return the QDateTime value represented by this object, or QDateTime() if this object does not represent a QDateTime value */ /** \fn QString KDChartData::stringValue( int valNo=1 ) const Returns the string value represented by this object, or QString::null if this object does not represent a string value. You may use isString() to check if it is appropriate to call this function. \note String values may be used to store axis labels or legend texts in extra data cells. \return the string value represented by this object, or QString::null if this object does not represent a string value */ /** \fn KDChartData::ValueType KDChartData::valueType( int valNo ) const Returns the type of the respective value. \param valNo specifies the value number: 1 means the Y value, 2 means the X value \return the type of the respective value */ /** \fn void KDChartData::clearValue() Resets both of the data types of this cell to KDChartData::NoValue and sets the property set ID to KDCHART_PROPSET_NORMAL_DATA. */