/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine */ /**************************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the KDChart library. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with ** the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se/?page=products for ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se if any conditions of this ** licensing are not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef __KDCHARTENUMS_H__ #define __KDCHARTENUMS_H__ #include #include #include "KDChartGlobal.h" #include /** \file KDChartEnums.h \brief Definition of global enums. */ /** Project global class providing some enums needed both by KDChartParams and by KDChartCustomBox. */ class KDCHART_EXPORT KDChartEnums :public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_ENUMS( TextLayoutPolicy ) Q_ENUMS( AreaName ) Q_ENUMS( PositionFlag ) public: /** Text layout policy: what to do if text that is to be drawn would cover neighboring text or neighboring areas. \li \c LayoutJustOverwrite Just ignore the layout collision and write the text nevertheless. \li \c LayoutPolicyRotate Try counter-clockwise rotation to make the text fit into the space. \li \c LayoutPolicyShiftVertically Shift the text baseline upwards (or downwards, resp.) and draw a connector line between the text and its anchor. \li \c LayoutPolicyShiftHorizontally Shift the text baseline to the left (or to the right, resp.) and draw a connector line between the text and its anchor. \li \c LayoutPolicyShrinkFontSize Reduce the text font size. \sa KDChartParams::setPrintDataValues */ enum TextLayoutPolicy { LayoutJustOverwrite, LayoutPolicyRotate, LayoutPolicyShiftVertically, LayoutPolicyShiftHorizontally, LayoutPolicyShrinkFontSize }; /** Converts the specified text layout policy enum to a string representation. \param type the text layout policy to convert \return the string representation of the text layout policy enum */ static QString layoutPolicyToString( TextLayoutPolicy type ) { switch( type ) { case LayoutJustOverwrite: return "JustOverwrite"; case LayoutPolicyRotate: return "Rotate"; case LayoutPolicyShiftVertically: return "ShiftVertically"; case LayoutPolicyShiftHorizontally: return "ShiftHorizontally"; case LayoutPolicyShrinkFontSize: return "ShrinkFontSize"; default: // should not happen qDebug( "Unknown text layout policy" ); return "JustOverwrite"; } } /** Number notation specifies the general way, how a number is to be shown. \li \c NumberNotationDecimal Traditional way of writing a decimal number. \li \c NumberNotationScientific Exponential notation, with exactly one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal. \li \c NumberNotationScientificBig Same as \c NumberNotationScientific, but using 'E' instead of 'e'. \sa KDChartAxisParams::setAxisLabelsNotation */ enum NumberNotation { NumberNotationDecimal, NumberNotationScientific, NumberNotationScientificBig }; /** Converts the specified number notation enum to a string representation. \param notation the number notation to convert \return the string representation of the number notation enum */ static QString numberNotationToString( NumberNotation notation ) { switch( notation ) { case NumberNotationDecimal: return "NumberNotationDecimal"; case NumberNotationScientific: return "NumberNotationScientific"; case NumberNotationScientificBig: return "NumberNotationScientificBig"; default: // should not happen qDebug( "Unknown text number notation" ); return "NumberNotationDecimal"; } } /** Converts the specified string to a number notation enum value. \param string the string to convert \return the number notation enum value */ static NumberNotation stringToNumberNotation( const QString& notation ) { if( notation == "NumberNotationDecimal" ) return NumberNotationDecimal; else if( notation == "NumberNotationScientific" ) return NumberNotationScientific; else if( notation == "NumberNotationScientificBig" ) return NumberNotationScientificBig; else // default, should not happen return NumberNotationDecimal; } /** Converts the specified string to a text layout policy enum value. \param string the string to convert \return the text layout policy enum value */ static TextLayoutPolicy stringToLayoutPolicy( const QString& string ) { if( string == "JustOverwrite" ) return LayoutJustOverwrite; else if( string == "Rotate" ) return LayoutPolicyRotate; else if( string == "ShiftVertically" ) return LayoutPolicyShiftVertically; else if( string == "ShiftHorizontally" ) return LayoutPolicyShiftHorizontally; else if( string == "ShrinkFontSize" ) return LayoutPolicyShrinkFontSize; else // default, should not happen return LayoutJustOverwrite; } /** Areas of the chart that may have their own backgrounds and/or may be surrounded by a simple or complex border. \li \c AreaData surrounding the data area \li \c AreaAxes surrounding the axes but leaving out the data area \li \c AreaDataAxes surrounding the data+axes area \li \c AreaLegend surrounding the legend area \li \c AreaDataAxesLegend surrounding the data+axes+legend area \li \c AreaHeaders surrounding the headers area \li \c AreaFooters surrounding the footers area \li \c AreaDataAxesLegendHeadersFooters surrounding the data+axes+legend+headers+footers area \li \c AreaInnermost covering the complete drawing area but not covering the global left/top/right/bottom leading \li \c AreaOutermost covering the complete drawing area including the global left/top/right/bottom leading \li \c AreaChartDataRegion covering the area used to display one data entry (i.e. one point, bar, line, pie slice,...). The respective data coordinates are specified by additional parameters, this is used by KDChartCustomBox where you have the parameters \c dataRow, \c dataCol, \c data3rd. In addition there is a special value specifying a list of regions: \li \c AreasCustomBoxes specifies many small areas surrounding all the custom boxes that you might have added to the chart, this is useful in case you want to specify some default frame settings to be used for all custom boxes not having frame settings of their own. Finally there are three special values that you may use to specify a single axis area (or a header/footer area, or a custom box area resp.). Just add the number of the axis (or header/footer, or custom box resp.) to the respective base value: \li \c AreaAxisBASE value to be added to the axis number in case you want to specify a single axis area, e.g. for specifying the area of the left ordinate axis just type AreaAxisBASE + AxisPosLeft. \li \c AreaHdFtBASE value to be added to the header/footer number in case you want to specify a single header (or footer, resp.) area, e.g. for specifying the area of the main header just type AreaHdFtBASE + HdFtPosHeader. \li \c AreaCustomBoxBASE value to be added to the number of a custom box that you might have added to your chart, e.g. for specifying the area a custom box you have added to the chart (let us assume the index of that box is in \c boxIdx1) just type AreaCustBoxBASE + boxIdx1. \sa KDChartParams::setSimpleFrame, KDChartParams::setFrame \sa KDChartParams::insertCustomBox, KDChartCustomBox */ enum AreaName { AreaUNKNOWN = 0x0000, AreaData = 0x0001, AreaAxes = 0x0002, AreaDataAxes = 0x0003, AreaLegend = 0x0004, AreaDataAxesLegend = 0x0005, AreaHeaders = 0x0006, AreaFooters = 0x0007, AreaDataAxesLegendHeadersFooters = 0x0008, AreaInnermost = 0x0009, AreaOutermost = 0x000a, AreaChartDataRegion = 0x000b, AreasCustomBoxes = 0x000d, AreaAxisBASE = 0x1000, AreaHdFtBASE = 0x2000, AreaCustomBoxesBASE = 0x4000, AreaBASEMask = 0xF000 }; /** The general position flag to specify a point of an area, for example this could be the anchor point which an annotation box should be aligned to. The following picture shows the different positions: \image html "../refman_images/positions.png" \image latex "../refman_images/positions.png" "the PositionFlag enum" width=4in \note The position and alignment of content to be printed at (or inside of, resp.) an area or a point -- like for printing data value texts next to their graphical representations (which might be a bar, line, pie slice,...) -- is specified by two parameters: a \c PositionFlag and a uint holding a combination of \c Qt::AlignmentFlags. Remember that Qt::AlignmentFlags are used to specify with which edge something is to be aligned to its anchor, e.g. \c AlignLeft means align with the left edge. The position of content and the way it is aligned to this position is shown in the following drawing, note that annotation #2 and annotation #3 share the same PositionFlag but have different alignment flags set: \image html "../refman_images/alignment.png" \image latex "../refman_images/alignment.png" "positioning and aligning" width=4in \sa KDChartParams::setPrintDataValues */ enum PositionFlag { PosTopLeft =0, PosTopCenter =1, PosTopRight =2, PosCenterLeft=3, PosCenter =4, PosCenterRight=5, PosBottomLeft=6, PosBottomCenter=7, PosBottomRight=8 }; /** Returns the point representing a position of a rectangle. */ static QPoint positionFlagToPoint( const QRect& rect, PositionFlag pos ); /** Returns the point representing a position of a corresponding QPointArray. \note The array \c points must have at least nine elements. */ static QPoint positionFlagToPoint( const QPointArray& points, PositionFlag pos ) { QPoint pt; if( 9 <= points.size() ) pt = points[ pos ]; return pt; } /** Converts the specified content position enum to a string representation. \param type the content position to convert \return the string representation of the type enum */ static QString positionFlagToString( PositionFlag type ); /** Converts the specified string to a content position enum value. \param string the string to convert \return the content position enum value */ static PositionFlag stringToPositionFlag( const QString& string ); }; #endif