/*************************************************************************** knightstextview.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sun Dec 16 2001 copyright : (C) 2003 by Troy Corbin Jr. email : tcorbin@users.sourceforge.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "knightstextview.moc" #include "definitions.h" #include "resource.h" #include #include #include #include #include // Used for printing functionality #include #include #include #include #include KnightsTextView::KnightsTextView(TQWidget *tqparent, resource *Rsrc ) : TQTextBrowser(tqparent) { myResource = Rsrc; setReadOnly( TRUE ); setTextFormat( TQt::RichText ); menuView = new KPopupMenu( this ); /* Configure functions in the View right click menu */ menuView->insertItem( TQIconSet( Rsrc->LoadIcon( TQString("editcopy"), KIcon::Small ) ), i18n( "&Copy" ), this, TQT_SLOT( menuFunct(int) ), CTRL+Key_C, MENU_COPY ); menuView->insertItem( i18n("Select &All"), this, TQT_SLOT( menuFunct(int) ), CTRL+Key_A, MENU_SELECT_ALL ); menuView->insertSeparator(); menuView->insertItem( TQIconSet( Rsrc->LoadIcon( TQString("fileprint"), KIcon::Small ) ), i18n( "&Print" ), this, TQT_SLOT( menuFunct(int) ), CTRL+Key_P, MENU_PRINT ); // menuView->insertItem( TQIconSet( Rsrc->LoadIcon( TQString("tqfind"), KIcon::Small ) ), // i18n( "&Find" ), this, TQT_SLOT( menuFunct(int) ), CTRL+Key_F, MENU_FIND ); // menuView->insertItem( TQIconSet( Rsrc->LoadIcon( TQString("next"), KIcon::Small ) ), // i18n( "Find &Next" ), this, TQT_SLOT( menuFunct(int) ), Key_F3, MENU_FIND_NEXT ); // menuView->insertSeparator(); menuView->insertSeparator(); menuView->insertItem( TQIconSet( Rsrc->LoadIcon( TQString("viewmag+"), KIcon::Small ) ), i18n( "Zoom &In" ), this, TQT_SLOT( menuFunct(int) ), 0, MENU_ZOOM_IN ); menuView->insertItem( TQIconSet( Rsrc->LoadIcon( TQString("viewmag-"), KIcon::Small ) ), i18n( "Zoom &Out" ), this, TQT_SLOT( menuFunct(int) ), 0, MENU_ZOOM_OUT ); /* disconnect the linkClicked signal so we can replace it with our own */ disconnect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(linkClicked(const TQString&)),this ,0); /* connect the linkClicked signal to displayLink slot */ connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(linkClicked(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(displayLink(const TQString&))); show(); } KnightsTextView::~KnightsTextView() { delete menuView; } /////////////////////////////////////// // // KnightsTextView::viewportMousePressEvent // /////////////////////////////////////// void KnightsTextView::viewportMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { if( e->button() == Qt::RightButton ) { emit rightButtonClicked( e->globalPos() ); display_menuView( e->globalPos() ); } TQTextEdit::viewportMousePressEvent( e ); } /////////////////////////////////////// // // KnightsTextView::display_menuView // /////////////////////////////////////// void KnightsTextView::display_menuView( const TQPoint &Pos ) { if( hasSelectedText() ) { menuView->setItemEnabled( MENU_COPY, TRUE ); } else { menuView->setItemEnabled( MENU_COPY, FALSE ); } menuView->popup( Pos ); } /////////////////////////////////////// // // KnightsTextView::menuFunct // /////////////////////////////////////// void KnightsTextView::menuFunct( int funct ) { switch( funct ) { case MENU_COPY: copy(); break; case MENU_SELECT_ALL: selectAll(); break; case MENU_ZOOM_IN: zoomIn(); break; case MENU_ZOOM_OUT: zoomOut(); break; case MENU_PRINT: print(); break; default: break; } } /////////////////////////////////////// // // KnightsTextView::pageMove // /////////////////////////////////////// void KnightsTextView::pageMove( TQt::Key key ) { int NewY; if( key == Key_PageUp ) { NewY = contentsY() - visibleHeight(); if( NewY < 0 ) NewY = 0; } else { NewY = contentsY() + visibleHeight(); if( NewY > ( contentsHeight() - visibleHeight() ) ) NewY = contentsHeight() - visibleHeight(); } setContentsPos( 0, NewY ); updateContents( 0, NewY, visibleWidth(), visibleHeight() ); } /////////////////////////////////////// // // KnightsTextView::displayLink(TQString url) // /////////////////////////////////////// void KnightsTextView::displayLink(const TQString& urlString) { KURL url(urlString); new KRun(url); } /////////////////////////////////////// // // KnightsTextView::print // /////////////////////////////////////// void KnightsTextView::print( void ) { KPrinter printer( true, TQPrinter::ScreenResolution ); viewport()->setCursor( waitCursor ); /* Make sure we want to print */ if( printer.setup() ) { TQPainter paint( &printer ); TQPaintDeviceMetrics pageMetrics( paint.device() ); /* Setup sizes */ int dpix = pageMetrics.logicalDpiX(); int dpiy = pageMetrics.logicalDpiY(); const int margin = 36; // pt TQRect body( margin * dpix / 72, margin * dpiy / 72, pageMetrics.width() - margin * dpix / 72 * 2, pageMetrics.height() - margin * dpiy / 72 * 2 ); TQRect view( body ); printer.setFullPage( true ); printer.setCreator( "Knights" ); TQSimpleRichText simpText( this->text(), this->font() ); simpText.setWidth( view.width() ); /* Count Pages */ int currentPage = 1; int totalPages = simpText.height() / view.height(); if( view.height() * totalPages < simpText.height() ) { totalPages++; } /* Print */ while( 1 ) { /* Print the Contents */ paint.setClipRect( body ); simpText.draw( &paint, body.left(), body.top(), view, tqcolorGroup() ); paint.setClipping( false ); view.moveBy( 0, body.height() ); paint.translate( 0, -body.height() ); /* Print the Page Number */ paint.setFont( myResource->FONT_Standard ); paint.setPen( myResource->COLOR_Black ); TQString pageCount = i18n( "Page %1 of %2" ).tqarg( currentPage ).tqarg( totalPages ); paint.drawText( view.width() - paint.fontMetrics().width( pageCount ), view.bottom() + paint.fontMetrics().ascent() + 5, pageCount ); if( view.top() >= simpText.height() ) { break; } printer.newPage(); currentPage++; } } /* Restore Playground */ viewport()->unsetCursor(); } void TQTextBrowser::setSource(const TQString&) { /* overwrote this to stop clicked links from clearing the console */ }