KNutClient'> ]> The KNutClient Handbook Daniel Prynych
2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 Daniel Prynych &FDLNotice; 15/01/2008 0.12.01 &knutclient; is GUI client for UPS system NUT. This document describes &knutclient; version 0.9.5 KDE kdeutils KNutClient NUT UPS
Introduction The &knutclient; is the application that watches state of UPS for system NUT. Using KNutClient Main window &knutclient; Main window applications &knutclient; The &knutclient; is the client graphics application for system NUT "Network Ups Tools". It enables to watch the state of UPS and to show values of variables which the choice UPS a its driver are supporting. From version 0.6.0 &knutclient; supports the running of instant command and enables the change of RW variables. From version 0.9.0 &knutclient; doesn't support protocol UDP. Main window &knutclient; Main window is divided in two parts. The left part "Main panel" includes next dates which show the state of the UPS choice. On line, on battery, overload,replace battery,battery low, calibration,runtime. There are unchangeable dates in this panel, name of UPS, serial number, manufactured. This dates are reading only once, when you UPS choose. The right part includes analog panels. These panels show values of variables like input voltage, load UPS, battery charge, UPS temperature, battery voltage. &knutclient; includes toolbar, with standard buttons and button for the UPS choice. &knutclient; and KDE panel &knutclient; and KDE panel From 0.8.0 version &knutclient; docks in KDE panel. His icon is variable and shows information about UPS load, runtime and the charge of battery, depending on type of icons is selected. After moving the pointer of the mouse on the icon, information window "ToolTip" is showes up, which includes more information about UPS, Name, UPS name ,Address, State, Runtime .. More KNutClient features For connecting with server side of NUT (upsd), &knutclient; uses protocol TCP. When UPS is selected in toolbar, &knutclient; tries to read the data. When reading fails, reading is repeated. The maximum count of repetitions is five. Afterwards &knutclient; reads data in periodical sequences. The first reading reads all variables, next reading reads variables that analog panels, RUNTIME a state of UPS show only. Variables show UPS name, manufacturer, serial number ... are read only once, because their changes aren't probable. Errors which arise like answer from user actions are show in their own window. Command Reference The main KNutClient window The File Menu File Showing Ups variables and commands Shows Ups variables for selected Ups File Running instant command Runs selected instant command for selected UPS File Setting RW variables Changes selected UPS RW variable Ctrlq File Quit Quits program Menu Connection F1 Connection Reconnect Restore connection (reconnect) to UPS server(upsd). Menu Settings Settings Show Toolbar Shows/Hides toolbar. Settings Show Statusbar Shows/Hides statusbar. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Opens dialog panels for configuration key/action associations. Settings Configure &knutclient; Opens main configuration dialog panels. Settings Using description Shows/Hides tooltip for showing UPS variables and commands. Icon in KDE panel Menu of KDE panel's icon Menu UPS Using for select Ups. Showing Ups variables and commands Shows Ups variables for selected Ups. Running instant command Runs selected instant command for selected UPS. Setting RW variables Changes selected UPS RW variable. Reconnect Restore connection (reconnect) to UPS server(upsd). Setting &knutclient; Opens configuration dialog panels. About &knutclient; Shows information about aplication &knutclient;. Minimalize Closes main window. Quit Quits program. Showing variables This window shows list of all variables and instant commands, when exist for selected UPS. Window of variables and instant commands Instant commands Instant commands run in UPS, the NUT server puts the command selected driver and driver will run the command in UPS. The control window offers commands, which the driver supports. OK The button OK runs the selected commands. Cancel The Button Cancel closes the window. Command The command for running is selected here. User changed (RW) variables User changed variables are group of variables which can be changed by the user. Majority of them are equal to setting of UPS. There are two types of user changed variables, char or enumerated variables. Char variables are a string of chars with maximal length. Enumerated variables are a list of right values for setting these variables. User changed variable is not changed on server NUT (upsd) but the server puts command for change to driver, it changes the setting immediately. This activity is not instant and it can wait a few seconds. OK ButtonOK changes variable. Cancel Button Cancel close window. Default Button Default sets default values this variable. Variable Variable for changed is selected here. Value Values for selected variable are selected here. Array for changed of value is changes on base type of variable. Setting &knutclient; The window for setting has got five parts Setting, UPS, Panel, Fonts and Analog. Setting Part Setting is used for setting number of rows, analog panels, background color of the main window, input voltage (120/230)V, frequency of input voltage (50/60)Hz and allowing of Xfer's values (LowXfer and HighXfer) &knutclient; Number of columns This sets the maximum number of columns for analog panels Use custom background color This allows to use the custom background color of the main window. Color of Background This selects the background color. Use dialog "Are you sure" This switches on dialog "Are you sure" when you want to end the program. When you don't acknowledge dialog "Are you sure", program doesn't stop. Use Main window when program started Sets showing main window, when program started. Show message window, when program reports error Permits showing message window, what shows description of error. It's useful when docking of program isn't forbided. Nominal Input Voltage This selects nominal input voltage from 230V or 120V. The selection isn't useless of "Use High-Low XFER" is switched on. Nominal Input Frequency This selects nominal input frequency from 50Hz or 60Hz. The selection isn't useless of"Use High-Low XFER" is switched on. Use High-Low XFER This sets nominal input voltage and nominal input frequency on based values in variables of NUT LOWXFER and HIGHXFER. These variables determine the range of value input voltage, which UPS can work with. On the basis of thise values &knutclient; sets input voltage and input frequency for analog panels which use them. These panels are input voltage, input frequency and etc. UPS The part UPS is used for setting the list of UPS and their parameters The left part includes list of UPS. The right part includes buttons for adding, changed parameters and deleting the record of UPS. &knutclient; Add This adds into the list another UPS and sets its parameters. Change This changes parametric selected UPS. Delete This deletes UPS from list. Setting of parameters This windows is used for setting parameters of UPS. Name This sets the name of UPS for the &knutclient; program. UPS address This sets name of PC. UPS is connected with this PC. This name is UPS address on net. Examples:, localhost, UPS name This sets name of UPS as it is defined in NUT. When name is not defined program uses the first name of NUT system list on this PC. This is true when minimal version of upsd is 1.3. Look into NUT documentacion. Examples: victron, myups, apc700. Delay (ms) This sets the interval between two transmitions of data (reading data) from the NUT system. Password This sets the password for the authorization of the user. Store NUT password in configuration file When you select this selection, the password will be saved into the configuration file. Password saved in configuration file not crypt. When you don't select this selection, the password will be forgotten, when the program is ended. UPS Variables This selects variables which will show in analog panels in the right part main window. Parameters User Name and Password are used for instant command or change of RW variables only. For watching the state of UPS the User name and the Password aren't needed. The Password and The User name have got their equivalents in file upsd.users of the NUT system. Panel The part Panel is used for selecting which information's parts of the main panel will show. &knutclient; Overloading Shows/Hides showing overloading UPS Battery low Shows/Hides showing battery low. Replace battery Shows/Hides showing that battery needs to be replaced Ups calibration Shows/Hides showing UPS calibration. Manufac. + Model Shows/Hides showing Manufacturer and Model of UPS Manufacturer Shows/Hides showing Manufacturer of UPS. Model Shows/Hides showing Model of UPS. Serial Shows/Hides showing serial number. Firm. rev. Shows/Hides showing firmware's revision. Runtime Shows/Hides show the time of the runtime on battery without power. Use custom background color This allows to use the custom background color of the main panel. Color of background This selects the background color. Fonts The part Fonts is used for selecting used fonts. &knutclient; Use custom font Shows/Hides allows to select custom fonts for the main panel and the analog panels. Main panel / Analog panels This selects the panel for which the font is selected. Font This selects the font for the selection panel. This is used when select Use custom font is selected. Analog The part Analog is used for setting color for the analog panels. &knutclient; Use custom background color This allows to use custom background color for the analog panel. Color of background This selects the background color of analog panel. Use custom other colors This allows to select custom color of the analog panel's other parts. Color of pointer This is used for selecting the color of analog panel's pointer (finger). Default color is black. Color of OK range This is used for selecting color of range OK for analog panel. Default color is green. Color of warning range This is used for selecting color of range warning for analog panel. Default color is yellow. Color of error range This is used for selecting color of range error for analog panel. Default color is red. Color of scale This is used for selecting color of scale for analog panel. Default color is black. Color of font This is used for selecting color of font for analog panel. Default color is black. Digital processing of pointers This is used for selecting type of graphics proccessing of pointers. Docking The part DOCK is used for setting parameters of docking program. &knutclient; Type of dock's showing (Dock is KDE panel). Picture Sets picture type of icon. General Sets general type of icon, for specialist only. Items of ToolTip. (ToolTip is bubble help.) Manufacturer Shows/Hides showing Manufacturer of UPS. Model Shows/Hides showing Model of UPS. Serial Shows/Hides showing serial number. Firm. rev. Shows/Hides showing firmware's revision. Runtime Shows/Hides showing the time of the runtime on battery without power. Battery Charge Shows/Hides showing the Battery Charge. Load UPS Shows/Hides showing the Load of UPS. Use custom background color This allows to use the custom background color of KDE panel's icon, when type of icon in KDE panel is picture. Color of background This selects the background color. Questions and Answers &reporting.bugs; &updating.documentation; The &knutclient; isn't working, but the upsc is. What shall I do ? See the setting number of port. From version 0.5 (NUT) the number of port is changed. Credits and License &knutclient; Program copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Daniel Prynych Documentation copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Daniel Prynych Translations done by: Daniel Prynych Eng &underFDL; &underGPL; Installation How to obtain KNutClient &knutclient; is not part of the KDE project &knutclient; can be found on, the main ftp site of the A.L.O. Requirements In order to successfully use &knutclient;, you need KDE 3.x You can find a list of changes at Compilation and installation In order to compile and install &knutclient; on your system, type the following in the base directory of. % ./configure % make % make install Since KApp uses autoconf and automake you should have not trouble compiling it. Should you run into problems please report them to the KDE mailing lists. &documentation.index;