path: root/kexi/kexidb/field.h
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authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
commit8362bf63dea22bbf6736609b0f49c152f975eb63 (patch)
tree0eea3928e39e50fae91d4e68b21b1e6cbae25604 /kexi/kexidb/field.h
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/kexidb/field.h')
1 files changed, 632 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/kexidb/field.h b/kexi/kexidb/field.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fec04f6
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+++ b/kexi/kexidb/field.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Lucijan Busch <>
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Joseph Wenninger <>
+ Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <qvariant.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qpair.h>
+#include <qvaluevector.h>
+#include <qptrvector.h>
+#include "kexidb/kexidb_export.h"
+namespace KexiDB {
+class TableSchema;
+class QuerySchema;
+class FieldList;
+class BaseExpr;
+//! Meta-data for a field
+/*! KexiDB::Field provides information about single database field.
+ Field class has defined following members:
+ - name
+ - type
+ - database constraints
+ - additional options
+ - length (make sense mostly for string types)
+ - precision (for floating-point type)
+ - defaultValue
+ - caption (user readable name that can be e.g. translated)
+ - description (user readable name additional text, can be useful for developers)
+ - width (a hint for displaying in tabular mode or as text box)
+ Field can also have assigned expression (see KexiDB::BaseExpr class,
+ and expression() method).
+ If an expression is defined, then field's name is
+ Note that aliases for fields are defined within query, not in Field object,
+ because the same field can be used in different queries with different alias.
+ Notes for advanced use: Field obeject is designed to be owned by a parent object.
+ Such a parent object can be KexiDB::TableSchema, if the field defines single table column,
+ or KexiDB::QuerySchema, if the field defines an expression (KexiDB::BaseExpr class).
+ Using expression class for fields allos to define expressions within queries like
+ "SELECT AVG(price) FROM products"
+ You can choose whether your field is owned by query or table,
+ using appropriate constructor, or using parameterless constructor and
+ calling setTable() or setQuery() later.
+class KEXI_DB_EXPORT Field
+ public:
+ typedef QPtrList<Field> List; //!< list of fields
+ typedef QPtrVector<Field> Vector; //!< vector of fields
+ typedef QPtrListIterator<Field> ListIterator; //!< iterator for list of fields
+ typedef QPair<Field*,Field*> Pair; //!< fields pair
+ typedef QPtrList<Pair> PairList; //!< list of fields pair
+ /*! Unified (most common used) types of fields. */
+ enum Type
+ {
+ InvalidType = 0, /*!< Unsupported/Unimplemented type */
+ Byte = 1, /*!< 1 byte, signed or unsigned */
+ ShortInteger = 2,/*!< 2 bytes, signed or unsigned */
+ Integer = 3, /*!< 4 bytes, signed or unsigned */
+ BigInteger = 4, /*!< 8 bytes, signed or unsigned */
+ Boolean = 5, /*!< 0 or 1 */
+ Date = 6, /*!< */
+ DateTime = 7, /*!< */
+ Time = 8, /*!< */
+ Float = 9, /*!< 4 bytes */
+ Double = 10, /*!< 8 bytes */
+ Text = 11, /*!< Other name: Varchar; no more than 200 bytes, for efficiency */
+ LongText = 12, /*!< Other name: Memo. More than 200 bytes*/
+ BLOB = 13, /*!< Large binary object */
+ LastType = 13, /*!< This line should be at the end of the list of types! */
+ Null = 64, /*!< Used for fields that are "NULL" expressions. */
+ //! Special, internal types:
+ Asterisk = 128, /*!< Used in QueryAsterisk subclass objects only,
+ not used in table definitions,
+ but only in query definitions */
+ Enum = 129, /*!< An integer internal with a string list of hints */
+ Map = 130 /*!< Mapping from string to string list (more generic than Enum */
+ };
+//TODO: make this configurable
+ static uint defaultTextLength() { return 200; }
+ /*! Type groups for fields. */
+ enum TypeGroup
+ {
+ InvalidGroup = 0,
+ TextGroup = 1,
+ IntegerGroup = 2,
+ FloatGroup = 3,
+ BooleanGroup = 4,
+ DateTimeGroup = 5,
+ BLOBGroup = 6, /* large binary object */
+ LastTypeGroup = 6 // This line should be at the end of the enum!
+ };
+ /*! Possible constraints defined for a field. */
+ enum Constraints
+ {
+ NoConstraints = 0,
+ AutoInc = 1,
+ Unique = 2,
+ PrimaryKey = 4,
+ ForeignKey = 8,
+ NotNull = 16,
+ NotEmpty = 32, //!< only legal for string-like and blob fields
+ Indexed = 64
+ };
+ /*! Possible options defined for a field. */
+ enum Options
+ {
+ NoOptions = 0,
+ Unsigned = 1
+ };
+ /*! Creates a database field as a child of \a tableSchema table
+ No other properties are set (even the name), so these should be set later. */
+ Field(TableSchema *tableSchema);
+ /*! Creates a database field without any properties set.
+ These should be set later. */
+ Field();
+ /*! Creates a database field with specified properties. */
+ Field(const QString& name, Type ctype,
+ uint cconst=NoConstraints,
+ uint options = NoOptions,
+ uint length=0, uint precision=0,
+ QVariant defaultValue=QVariant(),
+ const QString& caption = QString::null,
+ const QString& description = QString::null,
+ uint width = 0);
+ /*! Copy constructor. */
+ Field(const Field& f);
+ virtual ~Field();
+ //! Converts type \a type to QVariant equivalent as accurate as possible
+ static QVariant::Type variantType(uint type);
+ /*! \return a i18n'd type name for \a type (\a type has to be an element from Field::Type,
+ not greater than Field::LastType) */
+ static QString typeName(uint type);
+ /*! \return type string for \a type, e.g. "Integer" for Integer type
+ (not-i18n'd, \a type has to be an element from Field::Type,
+ not greater than Field::LastType) */
+ static QString typeString(uint type);
+ /*! \return type for a given \a typeString */
+ static Type typeForString(const QString& typeString);
+ /*! \return type group for a given \a typeGroupString */
+ static TypeGroup typeGroupForString(const QString& typeGroupString);
+ /*! \return group for \a type */
+ static TypeGroup typeGroup(uint type);
+ /*! \return a i18n'd group name for \a typeGroup
+ (\a typeGroup has to be an element from Field::TypeGroup) */
+ static QString typeGroupName(uint typeGroup);
+ /*! \return type group string for \a typeGroup, e.g. "IntegerGroup" for IntegerGroup type
+ (not-i18n'd, \a type has to be an element from Field::Type,
+ not greater than Field::LastType) */
+ static QString typeGroupString(uint typeGroup);
+ /* ! \return the name of this field */
+ inline QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ /*! \return table schema of table that owns this field
+ or null if it has no table assigned.
+ @see query() */
+ virtual TableSchema* table() const;
+ /*! Sets \a table schema of table that owns this field.
+ This does not adds the field to \a table object.
+ You do not need to call this method by hand.
+ Call TableSchema::addField(Field *field) instead.
+ @see setQuery() */
+ virtual void setTable(TableSchema *table);
+ /*! For special use when the field defines expression.
+ \return query schema of query that owns this field
+ or null if it has no query assigned.
+ @see table() */
+ QuerySchema* query() const;
+ /*! For special use when field defines expression.
+ Sets \a query schema of query that owns this field.
+ This does not adds the field to \a query object.
+ You do not need to call this method by hand.
+ Call QuerySchema::addField() instead.
+ @see setQuery() */
+ void setQuery(QuerySchema *query);
+ /*! \return true if the field is autoincrement (e.g. integer/numeric) */
+ inline bool isAutoIncrement() const { return constraints() & AutoInc; }
+ /*! \return true if the field is member of single-field primary key */
+ inline bool isPrimaryKey() const { return constraints() & PrimaryKey; }
+ /*! \return true if the field is member of single-field unique key */
+ inline bool isUniqueKey() const { return constraints() & Unique; }
+ /*! \return true if the field is member of single-field foreign key */
+ inline bool isForeignKey() const { return constraints() & ForeignKey; }
+ /*! \return true if the field is not allowed to be null */
+ inline bool isNotNull() const { return constraints() & NotNull; }
+ /*! \return true if the field is not allowed to be null */
+ inline bool isNotEmpty() const { return constraints() & NotEmpty; }
+ /*! \return true if the field is indexed using single-field database index. */
+ inline bool isIndexed() const { return constraints() & Indexed; }
+ /*! \return true if the field is of any numeric type (integer or floating point) */
+ inline bool isNumericType() const { return Field::isNumericType(type()); }
+ /*! static version of isNumericType() method
+ *! \return true if the field is of any numeric type (integer or floating point)*/
+ static bool isNumericType(uint type);
+ /*! \return true if the field is of any integer type */
+ inline bool isIntegerType() const { return Field::isIntegerType(type()); }
+ /*! static version of isIntegerType() method
+ *! \return true if the field is of any integer type */
+ static bool isIntegerType(uint type);
+ /*! \return true if the field is of any floating point numeric type */
+ inline bool isFPNumericType() const { return Field::isFPNumericType(type()); }
+ /*! static version of isFPNumericType() method
+ *! \return true if the field is of any floating point numeric type */
+ static bool isFPNumericType(uint type);
+ /*! \return true if the field is of any date or time related type */
+ inline bool isDateTimeType() const { return Field::isDateTimeType(type()); }
+ /*! static version of isDateTimeType() method
+ *! \return true if the field is of any date or time related type */
+ static bool isDateTimeType(uint type);
+ /*! @return true if the field is of any text type */
+ inline bool isTextType() const { return Field::isTextType(type()); }
+ /*! static version of isTextType() method
+ *! \return true if the field is of any text type */
+ static bool isTextType(uint type);
+ uint options() const { return m_options; }
+ void setOptions(uint options) { m_options = options; }
+ //! Converts field's type to QVariant equivalent as accurate as possible
+ inline QVariant::Type variantType() const { return variantType(type()); }
+ /*! \return a type for this field. If there's expression assigned,
+ type of the expression is returned instead. */
+ Type type() const;
+ //! \return a i18n'd type name for this field
+ inline QString typeName() const { return Field::typeName(type()); }
+ //! \return type group for this field
+ inline TypeGroup typeGroup() const { return Field::typeGroup(type()); }
+ //! \return a i18n'd type group name for this field
+ inline QString typeGroupName() const { return Field::typeGroupName(type()); }
+ //! \return a type string for this field,
+ //! for example "Integer" string for Field::Integer type.
+ inline QString typeString() const { return Field::typeString(type()); }
+ //! \return a type group string for this field,
+ //! for example "Integer" string for Field::IntegerGroup.
+ inline QString typeGroupString() const { return Field::typeGroupString(type()); }
+ /*! \return (optional) subtype for this field.
+ Subtype is a string providing additional hint for field's type.
+ E.g. for BLOB type, it can be a MIME type or certain QVariant type name,
+ for example: "QPixmap", "QColor" or "QFont" */
+ inline QString subType() const { return m_subType; }
+ /*! Sets (optional) subtype for this field.
+ \sa subType() */
+ inline void setSubType(const QString& subType) { m_subType = subType; }
+ //! \return default value for this field. Null value means there
+ //! is no default value declared. The variant value is compatible with field's type.
+ inline QVariant defaultValue() const { return m_defaultValue; }
+ /*! \return length of text, only meaningful if the field type is text.
+ 0 means "default length". */
+ inline uint length() const { return m_length; }
+ /*! \return precision for numeric and other fields that have both length (scale)
+ and precision (floating point types). */
+ inline uint precision() const { return m_precision; }
+ /*! \return scale for numeric and other fields that have both length (scale)
+ and precision (floating point types).
+ The scale of a numeric is the count of decimal digits in the fractional part,
+ to the right of the decimal point. The precision of a numeric is the total count
+ of significant digits in the whole number, that is, the number of digits
+ to both sides of the decimal point. So the number 23.5141 has a precision
+ of 6 and a scale of 4. Integers can be considered to have a scale of zero. */
+ inline uint scale() const { return m_length; }
+//! @todo should we keep extended properties here or move them to a QVariant dictionary?
+ /*! \return number of decimal places that should be visible to the user,
+ e.g. within table view widget, form or printout.
+ Only meaningful if the field type is floating point or (in the future: decimal or currency).
+ - Any value less than 0 (-1 is the default) means that there should be displayed all digits
+ of the fractional part, except the ending zeros. This is known as "auto" mode.
+ For example, 12.345000 becomes 12.345.
+ - Value of 0 means that all the fractional part should be hidden (as well as the dot or comma).
+ For example, 12.345000 becomes 12.
+ - Value N > 0 means that the fractional part should take exactly N digits.
+ If the fractional part is shorter than N, additional zeros are appended.
+ For example, "12.345" becomes "12.345000" if N=6.
+ */
+ inline int visibleDecimalPlaces() const { return m_visibleDecimalPlaces; }
+ /*! \return the constraints defined for this field. */
+ inline uint constraints() const { return m_constraints; }
+ /*! \return order of this field in containing table (counting starts from 0)
+ (-1 if unspecified). */
+ inline int order() const { return m_order; }
+ /*! \return caption of this field. */
+ inline QString caption() const { return m_caption; }
+ /*! \return caption of this field or - if empty - return its name. */
+ inline QString captionOrName() const { return m_caption.isEmpty() ? m_name : m_caption; }
+ /*! \return description text for this field. */
+ inline QString description() const { return m_desc; }
+ /*! \return width of this field (usually in pixels or points)
+ 0 (the default) means there is no hint for the width. */
+ inline uint width() const { return m_width; }
+ //! if the type has the unsigned attribute
+ inline bool isUnsigned() const { return m_options & Unsigned; }
+ /*! \return true if this field has EMPTY property (i.e. it is of type
+ string or is a BLOB). */
+ inline bool hasEmptyProperty() const { return Field::hasEmptyProperty(type()); }
+ /*! static version of hasEmptyProperty() method
+ \return true if this field type has EMPTY property (i.e. it is string or BLOB type) */
+ static bool hasEmptyProperty(uint type);
+ /*! \return true if this field can be auto-incremented.
+ Actually, returns true for integer field type. \sa IntegerType, isAutoIncrement() */
+ inline bool isAutoIncrementAllowed() const { return Field::isAutoIncrementAllowed(type()); }
+ /*! static version of isAutoIncrementAllowed() method
+ \return true if this field type can be auto-incremented. */
+ static bool isAutoIncrementAllowed(uint type);
+ /*! Sets type \a t for this field. This does nothing if there's already expression assigned,
+ see expression(). */
+ void setType(Type t);
+ /*! Sets name \a name for this field. */
+ void setName(const QString& name);
+ /*! Sets constraints to \a c. If PrimaryKey is set in \a c, also
+ constraits implied by being primary key are enforced (see setPrimaryKey()).
+ If Indexed is not set in \a c, constraits implied by not being are
+ enforced as well (see setIndexed()). */
+ void setConstraints(uint c);
+ /*! Sets length for this field. Only works for Text Type (even not LongText!).
+ 0 means "default length". @see length() */
+ void setLength(uint l);
+ /*! Sets scale for this field. Only works for floating-point types.
+ @see scale() */
+ void setScale(uint s);
+ /*! Sets number of decimal places that should be visible to the user.
+ @see visibleDecimalPlaces() */
+ void setVisibleDecimalPlaces(int p);
+ /*! Sets scale for this field. Only works for floating-point types. */
+ void setPrecision(uint p);
+ /*! Sets unsigned flag for this field. Only works for integer types. */
+ void setUnsigned(bool u);
+ /*! Sets default value for this field. Setting null value removes the default value.
+ @see defaultValue() */
+ void setDefaultValue(const QVariant& def);
+ /*! Sets default value decoded from QCString.
+ Decoding errors are detected (value is strictly checked against field type)
+ - if one is encountered, default value is cleared (defaultValue()==QVariant()).
+ \return true if given value was valid for field type. */
+ bool setDefaultValue(const QCString& def);
+ /*! Sets auto increment flag. Only available to set true,
+ if isAutoIncrementAllowed() is true. */
+ void setAutoIncrement(bool a);
+ /*! Specifies whether the field is single-field primary key or not
+ (KexiDB::PrimeryKey item).
+ Use this with caution. Setting this to true implies setting:
+ - setUniqueKey(true)
+ - setNotNull(true)
+ - setNotEmpty(true)
+ - setIndexed(true)
+ Setting this to false implies setting setAutoIncrement(false). */
+ void setPrimaryKey(bool p);
+ /*! Specifies whether the field has single-field unique constraint or not
+ (KexiDB::Unique item). Setting this to true implies setting Indexed flag
+ to true (setIndexed(true)), because index is required it control unique constraint. */
+ void setUniqueKey(bool u);
+ /*! Sets whether the field has to be declared with single-field foreign key.
+ Used in IndexSchema::setForeigKey(). */
+ void setForeignKey(bool f);
+ /*! Specifies whether the field has single-field unique constraint or not
+ (KexiDB::NotNull item). Setting this to true implies setting Indexed flag
+ to true (setIndexed(true)), because index is required it control
+ not null constraint. */
+ void setNotNull(bool n);
+ /*! Specifies whether the field has single-field unique constraint or not
+ (KexiDB::NotEmpty item). Setting this to true implies setting Indexed flag
+ to true (setIndexed(true)), because index is required it control
+ not empty constraint. */
+ void setNotEmpty(bool n);
+ /*! Specifies whether the field is indexed (KexiDB::Indexed item)
+ (by single-field implicit index) or not.
+ Use this with caution. Since index is used to control unique,
+ not null/empty constratins, setting this to false implies setting:
+ - setPrimaryKey(false)
+ - setUniqueKey(false)
+ - setNotNull(false)
+ - setNotEmpty(false)
+ because above flags need index to be present.
+ Similarly, setting one of the above flags to true, will automatically
+ do setIndexed(true) for the same reason. */
+ void setIndexed(bool s);
+ /*! Sets caption for this field to \a caption. */
+ void setCaption(const QString& caption) { m_caption=caption; }
+ /*! Sets description for this field to \a description. */
+ void setDescription(const QString& description) { m_desc=description; }
+ /*! Sets visible width for this field to \a w
+ (usually in pixels or points). 0 means there is no hint for the width. */
+ void setWidth(uint w) { m_width=w; }
+ /*! There can be added asterisks (QueryAsterisk objects)
+ to query schemas' field list. QueryAsterisk subclasses Field class,
+ and to check if the given object (pointed by Field*)
+ is asterisk or just ordinary field definition,
+ you can call this method. This is just effective version of QObject::isA().
+ Every QueryAsterisk object returns true here,
+ and every Field object returns false.
+ */
+ virtual bool isQueryAsterisk() const { return false; }
+ /*! \return string for debugging purposes. */
+ virtual QString debugString() const;
+ /*! Shows debug information about this field. */
+ void debug();
+ /*! \return KexiDB::BaseExpr object if the field value is an
+ expression. Unless the expression is set with setExpression(), it is null.
+ */
+ inline KexiDB::BaseExpr *expression() { return m_expr; }
+ /*! Sets expression data \a expr. If there was
+ already expression set, it is destroyed before new assignment.
+ This Field object becames owner of \a expr object,
+ so you do not have to worry about deleting it later.
+ If the \a expr is null, current field's expression is deleted, if exists.
+ Because the field defines an expression, it should be assigned to a query,
+ not to a table.
+ */
+ void setExpression(KexiDB::BaseExpr *expr);
+ /*! \return true if there is expression defined for this field.
+ This method is provided for better readibility
+ - does the same as expression()!=NULL but */
+ inline bool isExpression() const { return m_expr!=NULL; }
+ /*! \return the hints for enum fields. */
+ QValueVector<QString> enumHints() const { return m_hints; }
+ QString enumHint(uint num) { return (num < m_hints.size()) ? : QString::null; }
+ /*! sets the hint for enum fields */
+ void setEnumHints(const QValueVector<QString> &l) { m_hints = l; }
+ /*! \return custom property \a propertyName.
+ If there is no such a property, \a defaultValue is returned. */
+ QVariant customProperty(const QCString& propertyName,
+ const QVariant& defaultValue = QVariant()) const;
+ //! Sets value \a value for custom property \a propertyName
+ void setCustomProperty(const QCString& propertyName, const QVariant& value);
+ //! A data type used for handling custom properties of a field
+ typedef QMap<QCString,QVariant> CustomPropertiesMap;
+ //! \return all custom properties
+ inline const CustomPropertiesMap customProperties() const {
+ return m_customProperties ? *m_customProperties : CustomPropertiesMap(); }
+ protected:
+ /*! Creates a database field as a child of \a querySchema table
+ Assigns \a expr expression to this field, if present.
+ Used internally by query schemas, e.g. to declare asterisks or
+ to add expression columns.
+ No other properties are set, so these should be set later. */
+ Field(QuerySchema *querySchema, BaseExpr* expr = 0);
+ /*! @internal Used by constructors. */
+ void init();
+ //! \return a deep copy of this object. Used in @ref FieldList(const FieldList& fl).
+ virtual Field* copy() const;
+ FieldList *m_parent; //!< In most cases this points to a TableSchema
+ //!< object that field is assigned.
+ QString m_name;
+ QString m_subType;
+ uint m_constraints;
+ uint m_length; //!< also used for storing scale for floating point types
+ uint m_precision;
+ int m_visibleDecimalPlaces; //!< used in visibleDecimalPlaces()
+ uint m_options;
+ QVariant m_defaultValue;
+ int m_order;
+ QString m_caption;
+ QString m_desc;
+ uint m_width;
+ QValueVector<QString> m_hints;
+ KexiDB::BaseExpr *m_expr;
+ CustomPropertiesMap* m_customProperties;
+ //! @internal Used in m_typeNames member to handle i18n'd type names
+ class KEXI_DB_EXPORT FieldTypeNames : public QValueVector<QString> {
+ public:
+ FieldTypeNames();
+ void init();
+ QMap<QString,Type> str2num;
+ protected:
+ bool m_initialized : 1;
+ };
+ //! @internal Used in m_typeGroupNames member to handle i18n'd type group names
+ class KEXI_DB_EXPORT FieldTypeGroupNames : public QValueVector<QString> {
+ public:
+ FieldTypeGroupNames();
+ void init();
+ QMap<QString,TypeGroup> str2num;
+ protected:
+ bool m_initialized : 1;
+ };
+ //! real i18n'd type names (and not-i18n'd type name strings)
+ static FieldTypeNames m_typeNames;
+ //! real i18n'd type group names (and not-i18n'd group name strings)
+ static FieldTypeGroupNames m_typeGroupNames;
+ private:
+ Type m_type;
+ friend class Connection;
+ friend class FieldList;
+ friend class TableSchema;
+ friend class QuerySchema;
+} //namespace KexiDB