path: root/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
commit8362bf63dea22bbf6736609b0f49c152f975eb63 (patch)
tree0eea3928e39e50fae91d4e68b21b1e6cbae25604 /kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.cpp
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.cpp')
1 files changed, 2108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.cpp b/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59edbed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2108 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
+ Based on KexiTableView code.
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Till Busch <>
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch <>
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Daniel Molkentin <>
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph Wenninger <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "kexidataawareobjectiface.h"
+#include <qscrollview.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kexi.h>
+#include <kexiutils/validator.h>
+#include <widget/utils/kexirecordnavigator.h>
+#include <widget/utils/kexirecordmarker.h>
+#include <kexidb/roweditbuffer.h>
+#include <kexidataiteminterface.h>
+#include "kexitableviewheader.h"
+using namespace KexiUtils;
+ m_data = 0;
+ m_itemIterator = 0;
+ m_readOnly = -1; //don't know
+ m_insertingEnabled = -1; //don't know
+ m_isSortingEnabled = true;
+ m_isFilteringEnabled = true;
+ m_deletionPolicy = AskDelete;
+ m_inside_acceptEditor = false;
+ m_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting = false;
+ m_internal_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting = false;
+ m_contentsMousePressEvent_dblClick = false;
+ m_navPanel = 0;
+ m_initDataContentsOnShow = false;
+ m_cursorPositionSetExplicityBeforeShow = false;
+ m_verticalHeader = 0;
+ m_horizontalHeader = 0;
+ m_insertItem = 0;
+// m_rowEditBuffer = 0;
+ m_spreadSheetMode = false;
+ m_dropsAtRowEnabled = false;
+ m_updateEntireRowWhenMovingToOtherRow = false;
+ m_dragIndicatorLine = -1;
+ m_emptyRowInsertingEnabled = false;
+ m_popupMenu = 0;
+ m_contextMenuEnabled = true;
+ m_rowWillBeDeleted = -1;
+ m_alsoUpdateNextRow = false;
+ m_verticalHeaderAlreadyAdded = false;
+ m_vScrollBarValueChanged_enabled = true;
+ m_scrollbarToolTipsEnabled = true;
+ m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt = 0;
+ m_scrollBarTip = 0;
+ m_recentSearchDirection = KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::DefaultSearchDirection;
+ // setup scrollbar tooltip and related members
+ m_scrollBarTip = new QLabel("",0, "vScrollBarToolTip",
+ Qt::WStyle_Customize |Qt::WStyle_NoBorder|Qt::WX11BypassWM|Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop|Qt::WStyle_Tool);
+ m_scrollBarTip->setPalette(QToolTip::palette());
+ m_scrollBarTip->setMargin(2);
+ m_scrollBarTip->setIndent(0);
+ m_scrollBarTip->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
+ m_scrollBarTip->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Plain | QFrame::Box );
+ m_scrollBarTip->setLineWidth(1);
+ clearVariables();
+ delete m_insertItem;
+// delete m_rowEditBuffer;
+ delete m_itemIterator;
+ delete m_scrollBarTip;
+ //we cannot delete m_data here... subclasses should do this
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::clearVariables()
+ m_editor = 0;
+// m_rowEditBuffer = 0;
+ m_rowEditing = false;
+ m_newRowEditing = false;
+ m_curRow = -1;
+ m_curCol = -1;
+ m_currentItem = 0;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setData( KexiTableViewData *data, bool owner )
+ const bool theSameData = m_data && m_data==data;
+ if (m_owner && m_data && m_data!=data/*don't destroy if it's the same*/) {
+ kexidbg << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setData(): destroying old data (owned)" << endl;
+ delete m_itemIterator;
+ delete m_data; //destroy old data
+ m_data = 0;
+ m_itemIterator = 0;
+ }
+ m_owner = owner;
+ m_data = data;
+ if (m_data)
+ m_itemIterator = m_data->createIterator();
+ kdDebug(44021) << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setData(): using shared data" << endl;
+ //add columns
+ clearColumnsInternal(false);
+ if (m_data) {
+ int i = 0;
+ for (KexiTableViewColumn::ListIterator it(m_data->columns);
+ it.current(); ++it, i++)
+ {
+ KexiDB::Field *f = it.current()->field();
+ if (it.current()->visible()) {
+ int wid = f->width();
+ if (wid==0)
+ wid=KEXI_DEFAULT_DATA_COLUMN_WIDTH;//default col width in pixels
+//! @todo add col width configuration and storage
+ addHeaderColumn(it.current()->isHeaderTextVisible()
+ ? it.current()->captionAliasOrName() : QString::null,
+ f->description(), it.current()->icon(), wid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_verticalHeader) {
+ m_verticalHeader->clear();
+ if (m_data)
+ m_verticalHeader->addLabels(m_data->count());
+ }
+ if (m_data && m_data->count()==0)
+ m_navPanel->setCurrentRecordNumber(0+1);
+ if (m_data && !theSameData) {
+//! @todo: store sorting settings?
+ setSorting(-1);
+// connect(m_data, SIGNAL(refreshRequested()), this, SLOT(slotRefreshRequested()));
+ connectToReloadDataSlot(m_data, SIGNAL(reloadRequested()));
+ QObject* thisObject = dynamic_cast<QObject*>(this);
+ if (thisObject) {
+ QObject::connect(m_data, SIGNAL(destroying()), thisObject, SLOT(slotDataDestroying()));
+ QObject::connect(m_data, SIGNAL(rowsDeleted( const QValueList<int> & )),
+ thisObject, SLOT(slotRowsDeleted( const QValueList<int> & )));
+ QObject::connect(m_data, SIGNAL(aboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem&,KexiDB::ResultInfo*,bool)),
+ thisObject, SLOT(slotAboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem&,KexiDB::ResultInfo*,bool)));
+ QObject::connect(m_data, SIGNAL(rowDeleted()), thisObject, SLOT(slotRowDeleted()));
+ QObject::connect(m_data, SIGNAL(rowInserted(KexiTableItem*,bool)),
+ thisObject, SLOT(slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem*,bool)));
+ QObject::connect(m_data, SIGNAL(rowInserted(KexiTableItem*,uint,bool)),
+ thisObject, SLOT(slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem*,uint,bool))); //not db-aware
+ QObject::connect(m_data, SIGNAL(rowRepaintRequested(KexiTableItem&)),
+ thisObject, SLOT(slotRowRepaintRequested(KexiTableItem&)));
+ // setup scrollbar's tooltip
+ QObject::connect(verticalScrollBar(),SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),
+ thisObject,SLOT(vScrollBarSliderReleased()));
+ QObject::connect(verticalScrollBar(),SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ thisObject,SLOT(vScrollBarValueChanged(int)));
+ QObject::connect(&m_scrollBarTipTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ thisObject,SLOT(scrollBarTipTimeout()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_data) {
+// clearData();
+ cancelRowEdit();
+ //m_data->clearInternal();
+ clearVariables();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!m_insertItem) {//first setData() call - add 'insert' item
+ m_insertItem = m_data->createItem(); //new KexiTableItem(m_data->columns.count());
+ }
+ else {//just reinit
+ m_insertItem->init(m_data->columns.count());
+ }
+ }
+ //update gui mode
+ m_navPanel->setInsertingEnabled(m_data && isInsertingEnabled());
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->showInsertRow(m_data && isInsertingEnabled());
+ initDataContents();
+ updateIndicesForVisibleValues();
+ if (m_data)
+ /*emit*/ dataSet( m_data );
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::initDataContents()
+ m_editor = 0;
+// QSize s(tableSize());
+// resizeContents(s.width(),s.height());
+ m_navPanel->setRecordCount(rows());
+ if (m_data && !m_cursorPositionSetExplicityBeforeShow) {
+ //set current row:
+ m_currentItem = 0;
+ int curRow = -1, curCol = -1;
+ if (m_data->columnsCount()>0) {
+ if (rows()>0) {
+ m_itemIterator->toFirst();
+ m_currentItem = **m_itemIterator;
+ curRow = 0;
+ curCol = 0;
+ }
+ else {//no data
+ if (isInsertingEnabled()) {
+ m_currentItem = m_insertItem;
+ curRow = 0;
+ curCol = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setCursorPosition(curRow, curCol, true/*force*/);
+ }
+ ensureCellVisible(m_curRow, m_curCol);
+// updateRowCountInfo();
+// setNavRowCount(rows());
+// updateContents();
+ updateWidgetContents();
+ m_cursorPositionSetExplicityBeforeShow = false;
+ /*emit*/ dataRefreshed();
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setSortingEnabled(bool set)
+ if (m_isSortingEnabled && !set)
+ setSorting(-1);
+ m_isSortingEnabled = set;
+ /*emit*/ reloadActions();
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setSorting(int col, bool ascending)
+ if (!m_data || !m_isSortingEnabled)
+ return;
+// d->pTopHeader->setSortIndicator(col, ascending ? Ascending : Descending);
+ setLocalSortingOrder(col, ascending ? 1 : -1);
+ m_data->setSorting(col, ascending);
+int KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::dataSortedColumn() const
+ if (m_data && m_isSortingEnabled)
+ return m_data->sortedColumn();
+ return -1;
+int KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::dataSortingOrder() const
+ return m_data ? m_data->sortingOrder() : 0;
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::sort()
+ if (!m_data || !m_isSortingEnabled)
+ return false;
+ if (rows() < 2)
+ return true;
+ if (!acceptRowEdit())
+ return false;
+ const int oldRow = m_curRow;
+ if (m_data->sortedColumn()!=-1)
+ m_data->sort();
+ //locate current record
+ if (!m_currentItem) {
+ m_itemIterator->toFirst();
+ m_currentItem = **m_itemIterator; //m_data->first();
+ m_curRow = 0;
+ if (!m_currentItem)
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_currentItem != m_insertItem) {
+ m_curRow = m_data->findRef(m_currentItem);
+ int jump = m_curRow - oldRow;
+ if (jump<0)
+ (*m_itemIterator) -= -jump;
+ else
+ (*m_itemIterator) += jump;
+ }
+ updateGUIAfterSorting();
+ editorShowFocus( m_curRow, m_curCol );
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->setCurrentRow(m_curRow);
+ if (m_horizontalHeader)
+ m_horizontalHeader->setSelectedSection(m_curCol);
+ if (m_navPanel)
+ m_navPanel->setCurrentRecordNumber(m_curRow+1);
+ return true;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::sortAscending()
+ if (currentColumn()<0)
+ return;
+ sortColumnInternal( currentColumn(), 1 );
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::sortDescending()
+ if (currentColumn()<0)
+ return;
+ sortColumnInternal( currentColumn(), -1 );
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::sortColumnInternal(int col, int order)
+ //-select sorting
+ bool asc;
+ if (order == 0) {// invert
+ if (col==dataSortedColumn() && dataSortingOrder()==1)
+ asc = dataSortingOrder()==-1; //inverse sorting for this column -> descending order
+ else
+ asc = true;
+ }
+ else
+ asc = (order==1);
+ int prevSortOrder = currentLocalSortingOrder();
+ const int prevSortColumn = currentLocalSortingOrder();
+ setSorting( col, asc );
+ //-perform sorting
+ if (!sort())
+ setLocalSortingOrder(prevSortColumn, prevSortOrder); //this will also remove indicator
+ //if prevSortColumn==-1
+ if (col != prevSortColumn)
+ /*emit*/ sortedColumnChanged(col);
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::isInsertingEnabled() const
+ if (isReadOnly())
+ return false;
+ if (m_insertingEnabled == 1 || m_insertingEnabled == 0)
+ return (bool)m_insertingEnabled;
+ if (!hasData())
+ return true;
+ return m_data->isInsertingEnabled();
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setFilteringEnabled(bool set)
+ m_isFilteringEnabled = set;
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::isDeleteEnabled() const
+ return (m_deletionPolicy != NoDelete) && !isReadOnly();
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setDeletionPolicy(DeletionPolicy policy)
+ m_deletionPolicy = policy;
+// updateContextMenu();
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setReadOnly(bool set)
+ if (isReadOnly() == set || (m_data && m_data->isReadOnly() && !set))
+ return; //not allowed!
+ m_readOnly = (set ? 1 : 0);
+ if (set)
+ setInsertingEnabled(false);
+ updateWidgetContents();
+ /*emit*/ reloadActions();
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::isReadOnly() const
+ if (!hasData())
+ return true;
+ if (m_readOnly == 1 || m_readOnly == 0)
+ return (bool)m_readOnly;
+ if (!hasData())
+ return true;
+ return m_data->isReadOnly();
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setInsertingEnabled(bool set)
+ if (isInsertingEnabled() == set || (m_data && !m_data->isInsertingEnabled() && set))
+ return; //not allowed!
+ m_insertingEnabled = (set ? 1 : 0);
+ m_navPanel->setInsertingEnabled(set);
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->showInsertRow(set);
+ if (set)
+ setReadOnly(false);
+// update();
+ updateWidgetContents();
+ /*emit*/ reloadActions();
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setSpreadSheetMode()
+ m_spreadSheetMode = true;
+ setSortingEnabled( false );
+ setInsertingEnabled( false );
+ setAcceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting( true );
+ setFilteringEnabled( false );
+ setEmptyRowInsertingEnabled( true );
+ m_navPanelEnabled = false;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::selectNextRow()
+ selectRow( QMIN( rows() - 1 +(isInsertingEnabled()?1:0), m_curRow + 1 ) );
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::selectPrevPage()
+ selectRow(
+ QMAX( 0, m_curRow - rowsPerPage() )
+ );
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::selectNextPage()
+ selectRow(
+ rows() - 1 + (isInsertingEnabled()?1:0),
+ m_curRow + rowsPerPage()
+ )
+ );
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::selectFirstRow()
+ selectRow(0);
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::selectLastRow()
+// selectRow(rows() - 1 + (isInsertingEnabled()?1:0));
+ selectRow(rows() - 1);
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::selectRow(int row)
+ m_vScrollBarValueChanged_enabled = false; //disable tooltip
+ setCursorPosition(row, -1);
+ m_vScrollBarValueChanged_enabled = true;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::selectPrevRow()
+ selectRow( QMAX( 0, m_curRow - 1 ) );
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::clearSelection()
+// selectRow( -1 );
+ int oldRow = m_curRow;
+// int oldCol = m_curCol;
+ m_curRow = -1;
+ m_curCol = -1;
+ m_currentItem = 0;
+ updateRow( oldRow );
+ m_navPanel->setCurrentRecordNumber(0);
+// setNavRowNumber(-1);
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setCursorPosition(int row, int col/*=-1*/, bool forceSet)
+ int newrow = row;
+ int newcol = col;
+ if(rows() <= 0) {
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->setCurrentRow(-1);
+ if (m_horizontalHeader)
+ m_horizontalHeader->setSelectedSection(-1);
+ if (isInsertingEnabled()) {
+ m_currentItem=m_insertItem;
+ newrow=0;
+ if (col>=0)
+ newcol=col;
+ else
+ newcol=0;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_currentItem=0;
+ m_curRow=-1;
+ m_curCol=-1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(col>=0)
+ {
+ newcol = QMAX(0, col);
+ newcol = QMIN(columns() - 1, newcol);
+ }
+ else {
+ newcol = m_curCol; //no changes
+ newcol = QMAX(0, newcol); //may not be < 0 !
+ }
+ newrow = QMAX(0, row);
+ newrow = QMIN(rows() - 1 + (isInsertingEnabled()?1:0), newrow);
+// d->pCurrentItem = itemAt(d->curRow);
+// kdDebug(44021) << "setCursorPosition(): d->curRow=" << d->curRow << " oldRow=" << oldRow << " d->curCol=" << d->curCol << " oldCol=" << oldCol << endl;
+ if ( forceSet || m_curRow != newrow || m_curCol != newcol )
+ {
+ kexidbg << "setCursorPosition(): " <<QString("old:%1,%2 new:%3,%4").arg(m_curCol)
+ .arg(m_curRow).arg(newcol).arg(newrow) << endl;
+ // cursor moved: get rid of editor
+ if (m_editor) {
+ if (!m_contentsMousePressEvent_dblClick) {
+ if (!acceptEditor()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //update row num. again
+ newrow = QMIN( rows() - 1 + (isInsertingEnabled()?1:0), newrow);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_errorMessagePopup) {
+ m_errorMessagePopup->close();
+ }
+ if (m_curRow != newrow || forceSet) {//update current row info
+ m_navPanel->setCurrentRecordNumber(newrow+1);
+// setNavRowNumber(newrow);
+// d->navBtnPrev->setEnabled(newrow>0);
+// d->navBtnFirst->setEnabled(newrow>0);
+// d->navBtnNext->setEnabled(newrow<(rows()-1+(isInsertingEnabled()?1:0)));
+// d->navBtnLast->setEnabled(newrow!=(rows()-1));
+ }
+ // cursor moved to other row: end of row editing
+ bool newRowInserted = false;
+ if (m_rowEditing && m_curRow != newrow) {
+ newRowInserted = m_newRowEditing;
+ if (!acceptRowEdit()) {
+ //accepting failed: cancel setting the cursor
+ return;
+ }
+ //update row number, because number of rows changed
+ newrow = QMIN( rows() - 1 + (isInsertingEnabled()?1:0), newrow);
+ m_navPanel->setCurrentRecordNumber(newrow+1); //refresh
+ }
+ //change position
+ int oldRow = m_curRow;
+ int oldCol = m_curCol;
+ m_curRow = newrow;
+ m_curCol = newcol;
+// int cw = columnWidth( d->curCol );
+// int rh = rowHeight();
+// ensureVisible( columnPos( d->curCol ) + cw / 2, rowPos( d->curRow ) + rh / 2, cw / 2, rh / 2 );
+// center(columnPos(d->curCol) + cw / 2, rowPos(d->curRow) + rh / 2, cw / 2, rh / 2);
+// kdDebug(44021) << " contentsY() = "<< contentsY() << endl;
+//js if (oldRow > d->curRow)
+//js ensureVisible(columnPos(d->curCol), rowPos(d->curRow) + rh, columnWidth(d->curCol), rh);
+//js else// if (oldRow <= d->curRow)
+//js ensureVisible(columnPos(d->curCol), rowPos(d->curRow), columnWidth(d->curCol), rh);
+ //show editor-dependent focus, if we're changing the current column
+ if (oldCol>=0 && oldCol<columns() && m_curCol!=oldCol) {
+ //find the editor for this column
+ KexiDataItemInterface *edit = editor( oldCol );
+ if (edit) {
+ edit->hideFocus();
+ }
+ }
+ // position changed, so subsequent searching should be started from scratch
+ // (e.g. from the current cell or the top-left cell)
+ m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.exists = false;
+ //show editor-dependent focus, if needed
+ editorShowFocus( m_curRow, m_curCol );
+ if (m_updateEntireRowWhenMovingToOtherRow)
+ updateRow( oldRow );
+ else
+ updateCell( oldRow, oldCol );
+// //quite clever: ensure the cell is visible:
+// ensureCellVisible(m_curRow, m_curCol);
+// QPoint pcenter = QRect( columnPos(d->curCol), rowPos(d->curRow), columnWidth(d->curCol), rh).center();
+// ensureVisible(pcenter.x(), pcenter.y(), columnWidth(d->curCol)/2, rh/2);
+// ensureVisible(columnPos(d->curCol), rowPos(d->curRow) - contentsY(), columnWidth(d->curCol), rh);
+ if (m_verticalHeader && (oldRow != m_curRow || forceSet))
+ m_verticalHeader->setCurrentRow(m_curRow);
+ if (m_updateEntireRowWhenMovingToOtherRow)
+ updateRow( m_curRow );
+ else
+ updateCell( m_curRow, m_curCol );
+ if (m_curCol != oldCol || m_curRow != oldRow || forceSet) {//ensure this is also refreshed
+ if (!m_updateEntireRowWhenMovingToOtherRow) //only if entire row has not been updated
+ updateCell( oldRow, m_curCol );
+ }
+ //update row
+ if (forceSet || m_curRow != oldRow) {
+ if (isInsertingEnabled() && m_curRow == rows()) {
+ kdDebug(44021) << "NOW insert item is current" << endl;
+ m_currentItem = m_insertItem;
+ }
+ else {
+ kdDebug(44021) << QString("NOW item at %1 (%2) is current")
+ .arg(m_curRow).arg((ulong)itemAt(m_curRow)) << endl;
+ //NOT EFFECTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!
+ //set item iterator
+ if (!newRowInserted && isInsertingEnabled() && m_currentItem == m_insertItem && m_curRow == (rows()-1)) {
+ //moving from 'insert item' to last item
+ m_itemIterator->toLast();
+ }
+ else if (!newRowInserted && !forceSet && m_currentItem != m_insertItem && 0==m_curRow)
+ m_itemIterator->toFirst();
+ else if (!newRowInserted && !forceSet && m_currentItem != m_insertItem && oldRow>=0 && (oldRow+1)==m_curRow) //just move next
+ ++(*m_itemIterator);
+ else if (!newRowInserted && !forceSet && m_currentItem != m_insertItem && oldRow>=0 && (oldRow-1)==m_curRow) //just move back
+ --(*m_itemIterator);
+ else { //move at:
+ m_itemIterator->toFirst();
+ (*m_itemIterator)+=m_curRow;
+ }
+ if (!**m_itemIterator) { //sanity
+ m_itemIterator->toFirst();
+ (*m_itemIterator)+=m_curRow;
+ }
+ m_currentItem = **m_itemIterator;
+ //itemAt(m_curRow);
+ }
+ }
+ //quite clever: ensure the cell is visible:
+ ensureCellVisible(m_curRow, m_curCol);
+ if (m_horizontalHeader && (oldCol != m_curCol || forceSet))
+ m_horizontalHeader->setSelectedSection(m_curCol);
+ /*emit*/ itemSelected(m_currentItem);
+ /*emit*/ cellSelected(m_curCol, m_curRow);
+ /* only needed for forms */
+ selectCellInternal();
+ }
+ else {
+ kexidbg << "setCursorPosition(): NO CHANGE" << endl;
+ }
+ if(m_initDataContentsOnShow) {
+ m_cursorPositionSetExplicityBeforeShow = true;
+ }
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptRowEdit()
+ if (!m_rowEditing || /*sanity*/!m_data->rowEditBuffer())
+ return true;
+ if (m_inside_acceptEditor) {
+ m_internal_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ m_internal_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting = false;
+ const int columnEditedBeforeAccepting = m_editor ? currentColumn() : -1;
+ if (!acceptEditor())
+ return false;
+ kdDebug() << "EDIT ROW ACCEPTING..." << endl;
+ bool success = true;
+// bool allow = true;
+// int faultyColumn = -1; // will be !=-1 if cursor has to be moved to that column
+ const bool inserting = m_newRowEditing;
+// QString msg, desc;
+// bool inserting = d->pInsertItem && d->pInsertItem==d->pCurrentItem;
+ if (m_data->rowEditBuffer()->isEmpty() && !m_newRowEditing) {
+/* if (d->newRowEditing) {
+ cancelRowEdit();
+ kdDebug() << "-- NOTHING TO INSERT!!!" << endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {*/
+ kdDebug() << "-- NOTHING TO ACCEPT!!!" << endl;
+// }
+ }
+ else {//not empty edit buffer or new row to insert:
+ if (m_newRowEditing) {
+// emit aboutToInsertRow(d->pCurrentItem, m_data->rowEditBuffer(), success, &faultyColumn);
+// if (success) {
+ kdDebug() << "-- INSERTING: " << endl;
+ m_data->rowEditBuffer()->debug();
+ success = m_data->saveNewRow(*m_currentItem);
+// if (!success) {
+// }
+// }
+ }
+ else {
+// emit aboutToUpdateRow(d->pCurrentItem, m_data->rowEditBuffer(), success, &faultyColumn);
+ if (success) {
+ //accept changes for this row:
+ kdDebug() << "-- UPDATING: " << endl;
+ m_data->rowEditBuffer()->debug();
+ kdDebug() << "-- BEFORE: " << endl;
+ m_currentItem->debug();
+ success = m_data->saveRowChanges(*m_currentItem);//, &msg, &desc, &faultyColumn);
+ kdDebug() << "-- AFTER: " << endl;
+ m_currentItem->debug();
+// if (!success) {
+// }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (success) {
+ //editing is finished:
+ if (m_newRowEditing) {
+ //update current-item-iterator
+ m_itemIterator->toLast();
+ m_currentItem = **m_itemIterator;
+ }
+ m_rowEditing = false;
+ m_newRowEditing = false;
+ //indicate on the vheader that we are not editing
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->setEditRow(-1);
+ updateAfterAcceptRowEdit();
+ kdDebug() << "EDIT ROW ACCEPTED:" << endl;
+// /*debug*/itemAt(m_curRow);
+ if (inserting) {
+// emit rowInserted(d->pCurrentItem);
+ //update navigator's data
+ m_navPanel->setRecordCount(rows());
+ }
+ else {
+// emit rowUpdated(d->pCurrentItem);
+ }
+ /*emit*/ rowEditTerminated(m_curRow);
+ }
+ else {
+// if (!allow) {
+// kdDebug() << "INSERT/EDIT ROW - DISALLOWED by signal!" << endl;
+// }
+// else {
+// kdDebug() << "EDIT ROW - ERROR!" << endl;
+// }
+ int faultyColumn = -1;
+ if (m_data->result()->column >= 0 && m_data->result()->column < columns())
+ faultyColumn = m_data->result()->column;
+ else if (columnEditedBeforeAccepting >= 0)
+ faultyColumn = columnEditedBeforeAccepting;
+ if (faultyColumn >= 0) {
+ setCursorPosition(m_curRow, faultyColumn);
+ }
+ const int button = showErrorMessageForResult( m_data->result() );
+ if (KMessageBox::No == button) {
+ //discard changes
+ cancelRowEdit();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (faultyColumn >= 0) {
+ //edit this cell
+ startEditCurrentCell();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return success;
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::cancelRowEdit()
+ if (!hasData())
+ return false;
+ if (!m_rowEditing)
+ return false;
+ cancelEditor();
+ m_rowEditing = false;
+ //indicate on the vheader that we are not editing
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->setEditRow(-1);
+ m_alsoUpdateNextRow = m_newRowEditing;
+ if (m_newRowEditing) {
+ m_newRowEditing = false;
+ //remove current edited row (it is @ the end of list)
+ m_data->removeLast();
+ //current item is now empty, last row
+ m_currentItem = m_insertItem;
+ //update visibility
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->removeLabel(false); //-1 label
+// updateContents(columnPos(0), rowPos(rows()),
+// viewport()->width(), d->rowHeight*3 + (m_navPanel ? m_navPanel->height() : 0)*3 );
+// updateContents(); //js: above did not work well so we do that dirty
+ updateWidgetContents();
+//TODO: still doesn't repaint properly!!
+// QSize s(tableSize());
+// resizeContents(s.width(), s.height());
+ updateWidgetContentsSize();
+// m_verticalHeader->update();
+ //--no cancel action is needed for datasource,
+ // because the row was not yet stored.
+ }
+ m_data->clearRowEditBuffer();
+ updateAfterCancelRowEdit();
+//! \todo (js): cancel changes for this row!
+ kexidbg << "EDIT ROW CANCELLED." << endl;
+ /*emit*/ rowEditTerminated(m_curRow);
+ return true;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::updateAfterCancelRowEdit()
+ updateRow(m_curRow);
+ if (m_alsoUpdateNextRow)
+ updateRow(m_curRow+1);
+ m_alsoUpdateNextRow = false;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::updateAfterAcceptRowEdit()
+ updateRow(m_curRow);
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::removeEditor()
+ if (!m_editor)
+ return;
+ m_editor->hideWidget();
+ m_editor = 0;
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::cancelEditor()
+ if (m_errorMessagePopup) {
+ m_errorMessagePopup->close();
+ }
+ if (!m_editor)
+ return false;
+ removeEditor();
+ return true;
+//! @internal
+class KexiDataAwareObjectInterfaceToolTip : public QToolTip {
+ public:
+ KexiDataAwareObjectInterfaceToolTip( const QString & text, const QPoint & pos, QWidget * widget )
+ : QToolTip(widget), m_text(text)
+ {
+ tip( QRect(pos, QSize(100, 100)), text );
+ }
+ virtual void maybeTip(const QPoint & p) {
+ tip( QRect(p, QSize(100, 100)), m_text);
+ }
+ QString m_text;
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor()
+ if (!hasData())
+ return true;
+ if (!m_editor || m_inside_acceptEditor)
+ return true;
+ m_inside_acceptEditor = true;//avoid recursion
+ QVariant newval;
+ Validator::Result res = Validator::Ok;
+ QString msg, desc;
+ bool setNull = false;
+// bool allow = true;
+// static const QString msg_NOT_NULL = i18n("\"%1\" column requires a value to be entered.");
+ //autoincremented field can be omitted (left as null or empty) if we're inserting a new row
+ const bool autoIncColumnCanBeOmitted = m_newRowEditing && m_editor->field()->isAutoIncrement();
+// const bool autoIncColumnCanBeOmitted = m_newRowEditing && m_editor->columnInfo()->field->isAutoIncrement();
+ bool valueChanged = m_editor->valueChanged();
+ bool editCurrentCellAgain = false;
+ if (valueChanged) {
+ if (!m_editor->valueIsValid()) {
+ //used e.g. for date or time values - the value can be null but not necessary invalid
+ res = Validator::Error;
+ editCurrentCellAgain = true;
+ QWidget *par = dynamic_cast<QScrollView*>(this) ? dynamic_cast<QScrollView*>(this)->viewport() :
+ dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this);
+ QWidget *edit = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(m_editor);
+ if (par && edit) {
+//! @todo allow displaying user-defined warning
+//! @todo also use for other error messages
+ if (!m_errorMessagePopup) {
+// m_errorMessagePopup->close();
+ m_errorMessagePopup = new KexiArrowTip(
+ i18n("Error: %1").arg(m_editor->columnInfo()->field->typeName())+"?",
+ dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this));
+ m_errorMessagePopup->move(
+ par->mapToGlobal(edit->pos()) + QPoint(6, edit->height() + 0) );
+ m_errorMessagePopup->show();
+ }
+ m_editor->setFocus();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (m_editor->valueIsNull()) {//null value entered
+// if (m_editor->columnInfo()->field->isNotNull() && !autoIncColumnCanBeOmitted) {
+ if (m_editor->field()->isNotNull() && !autoIncColumnCanBeOmitted) {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): NULL NOT ALLOWED!" << endl;
+ res = Validator::Error;
+// msg = Validator::msgColumnNotEmpty().arg(m_editor->columnInfo()->field->captionOrName())
+ msg = Validator::msgColumnNotEmpty().arg(m_editor->field()->captionOrName())
+ + "\n\n" + Kexi::msgYouCanImproveData();
+ desc = i18n("The column's constraint is declared as NOT NULL.");
+ editCurrentCellAgain = true;
+ // allow = false;
+ // removeEditor();
+ // return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): NULL VALUE WILL BE SET" << endl;
+ //ok, just leave newval as NULL
+ setNull = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (m_editor->valueIsEmpty()) {//empty value entered
+// if (m_editor->columnInfo()->field->hasEmptyProperty()) {
+ if (m_editor->field()->hasEmptyProperty()) {
+// if (m_editor->columnInfo()->field->isNotEmpty() && !autoIncColumnCanBeOmitted) {
+ if (m_editor->field()->isNotEmpty() && !autoIncColumnCanBeOmitted) {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): EMPTY NOT ALLOWED!" << endl;
+ res = Validator::Error;
+// msg = Validator::msgColumnNotEmpty().arg(m_editor->columnInfo()->field->captionOrName())
+ msg = Validator::msgColumnNotEmpty().arg(m_editor->field()->captionOrName())
+ + "\n\n" + Kexi::msgYouCanImproveData();
+ desc = i18n("The column's constraint is declared as NOT EMPTY.");
+ editCurrentCellAgain = true;
+ // allow = false;
+ // removeEditor();
+ // return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): EMPTY VALUE WILL BE SET" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+// if (m_editor->columnInfo()->field->isNotNull() && !autoIncColumnCanBeOmitted) {
+ if (m_editor->field()->isNotNull() && !autoIncColumnCanBeOmitted) {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): NEITHER NULL NOR EMPTY VALUE CAN BE SET!" << endl;
+ res = Validator::Error;
+// msg = Validator::msgColumnNotEmpty().arg(m_editor->columnInfo()->field->captionOrName())
+ msg = Validator::msgColumnNotEmpty().arg(m_editor->field()->captionOrName())
+ + "\n\n" + Kexi::msgYouCanImproveData();
+ desc = i18n("The column's constraint is declared as NOT EMPTY and NOT NULL.");
+ editCurrentCellAgain = true;
+// allow = false;
+ // removeEditor();
+ // return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): NULL VALUE WILL BE SET BECAUSE EMPTY IS NOT ALLOWED" << endl;
+ //ok, just leave newval as NULL
+ setNull = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }//changed
+ const int realFieldNumber = fieldNumberForColumn(m_curCol);
+ if (realFieldNumber < 0) {
+ kdWarning() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): fieldNumberForColumn(m_curCol) < 0" << endl;
+ m_inside_acceptEditor = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ KexiTableViewColumn *currentTVColumn = column(m_curCol);
+ //try to get the value entered:
+ if (res == Validator::Ok) {
+ if ((!setNull && !valueChanged)
+ || (m_editor->field()->type()!=KexiDB::Field::Boolean && setNull && m_currentItem->at( realFieldNumber ).isNull())) {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): VALUE NOT CHANGED." << endl;
+ removeEditor();
+ if (m_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting || m_internal_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting)
+ acceptRowEdit();
+ m_inside_acceptEditor = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!setNull) {//get the new value
+// bool ok;
+ newval = m_editor->value();
+//! @todo validation rules for this value?
+ if (!ok) {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): INVALID VALUE - NOT CHANGED." << endl;
+ res = KexiValidator::Error;
+//js: TODO get detailed info on why m_editor->value() failed
+ msg = i18n("Entered value is invalid.")
+ + "\n\n" + KexiValidator::msgYouCanImproveData();
+ editCurrentCellAgain = true;
+// removeEditor();
+// return true;
+ }*/
+ }
+ //Check other validation rules:
+ //1. check using validator
+// KexiValidator *validator = m_data->column(m_curCol)->validator();
+ Validator *validator = currentTVColumn->validator();
+ if (validator) {
+// res = validator->check(m_data->column(m_curCol)->field()->captionOrName(),
+ res = validator->check(currentTVColumn->field()->captionOrName(),
+ newval, msg, desc);
+ }
+ }
+ //show the validation result if not OK:
+ if (res == Validator::Error) {
+ if (!msg.isEmpty()) {
+ if (desc.isEmpty())
+ KMessageBox::sorry(dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this), msg);
+ else
+ KMessageBox::detailedSorry(dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this), msg, desc);
+ }
+ editCurrentCellAgain = true;
+// allow = false;
+ }
+ else if (res == Validator::Warning) {
+ //js: todo: message!!!
+ KMessageBox::messageBox(dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this), KMessageBox::Sorry, msg + "\n" + desc);
+ editCurrentCellAgain = true;
+ }
+ if (res == Validator::Ok) {
+ //2. check using signal
+ //bool allow = true;
+// emit aboutToChangeCell(d->pCurrentItem, newval, allow);
+// if (allow) {
+ //send changes to the backend
+ QVariant visibleValue;
+ if (!newval.isNull()/* visible value should be null if value is null */
+ && currentTVColumn->visibleLookupColumnInfo)
+ {
+ visibleValue = m_editor->visibleValue(); //visible value for lookup field
+ }
+ //should be also added to the buffer
+ if (m_data->updateRowEditBufferRef(m_currentItem, m_curCol, currentTVColumn,
+ newval, /*allowSignals*/true, currentTVColumn->visibleLookupColumnInfo ? &visibleValue : 0))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO:" << endl;
+ m_data->rowEditBuffer()->debug();
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::acceptEditor(): ------ CHANGE FAILED in KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::updateRowEditBuffer()" << endl;
+ res = Validator::Error;
+ //now: there might be called cancelEditor() in updateRowEditBuffer() handler,
+ //if this is true, d->pEditor is NULL.
+ if (m_editor && m_data->result()->column>=0 && m_data->result()->column<columns()) {
+ //move to faulty column (if m_editor is not cleared)
+ setCursorPosition(m_curRow, m_data->result()->column);
+ }
+ if (!m_data->result()->msg.isEmpty()) {
+ const int button = showErrorMessageForResult( m_data->result() );
+ if (KMessageBox::No == button) {
+ //discard changes
+ cancelEditor();
+ if (m_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting)
+ cancelRowEdit();
+ m_inside_acceptEditor = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (res == Validator::Ok) {
+ removeEditor();
+ /*emit*/ itemChanged(m_currentItem, m_curRow, m_curCol,
+ m_currentItem->at( realFieldNumber ));
+ /*emit*/ itemChanged(m_currentItem, m_curRow, m_curCol);
+ }
+ m_inside_acceptEditor = false;
+ if (res == Validator::Ok) {
+ if (m_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting || m_internal_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting)
+ acceptRowEdit();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_editor) {
+ //allow to edit the cell again, (if m_pEditor is not cleared)
+ if (m_editor->hasFocusableWidget()) {
+ m_editor->showWidget();
+ m_editor->setFocus();
+ }
+// startEditCurrentCell(newval.type()==QVariant::String ? newval.toString() : QString::null);
+// m_editor->setFocus();
+ }
+ return false;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::startEditCurrentCell(const QString &setText)
+ kdDebug() << "** KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::startEditCurrentCell("<<setText<<")"<<endl;
+// if (columnType(d->curCol) == KexiDB::Field::Boolean)
+// return;
+ if (isReadOnly() || !columnEditable(m_curCol))
+ return;
+ if (m_editor) {
+ if (m_editor->hasFocusableWidget()) {
+ m_editor->showWidget();
+ m_editor->setFocus();
+ }
+ }
+// ensureVisible(columnPos(m_curCol), rowPos(m_curRow)+rowHeight(),
+// columnWidth(m_curCol), rowHeight());
+ //ensureCellVisible(m_curRow+1, m_curCol);
+ if (!m_editor)
+ createEditor(m_curRow, m_curCol, setText, !setText.isEmpty());
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::deleteAndStartEditCurrentCell()
+ if (isReadOnly() || !columnEditable(m_curCol))
+ return;
+ if (m_editor) {//if we've editor - just clear it
+ m_editor->clear();
+ return;
+ }
+//js if (columnType(m_curCol) == KexiDB::Field::Boolean)
+//js return;
+// ensureVisible(columnPos(m_curCol), rowPos(m_curRow) + rowHeight(),
+// columnWidth(m_curCol), rowHeight());
+ ensureCellVisible(m_curRow+1, m_curCol);
+ createEditor(m_curRow, m_curCol, QString::null, false/*removeOld*/);
+ if (!m_editor)
+ return;
+ m_editor->clear();
+ if (m_editor->acceptEditorAfterDeleteContents())
+ acceptEditor();
+ if (!m_editor || !m_editor->hasFocusableWidget())
+ updateCell(m_curRow, m_curCol);
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::deleteCurrentRow()
+ if (m_newRowEditing) {//we're editing fresh new row: just cancel this!
+ cancelRowEdit();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!acceptRowEdit())
+ return;
+ if (!isDeleteEnabled() || !m_currentItem || m_currentItem == m_insertItem)
+ return;
+ switch (m_deletionPolicy) {
+ case NoDelete:
+ return;
+ case ImmediateDelete:
+ break;
+ case AskDelete:
+ if (KMessageBox::Cancel == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this),
+ i18n("Do you want to delete selected row?"), 0,
+ KGuiItem(i18n("&Delete Row"),"editdelete"),
+ "dontAskBeforeDeleteRow"/*config entry*/,
+ KMessageBox::Notify|KMessageBox::Dangerous))
+ return;
+ break;
+ case SignalDelete:
+ /*emit*/ itemDeleteRequest(m_currentItem, m_curRow, m_curCol);
+ /*emit*/ currentItemDeleteRequest();
+ return;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!deleteItem(m_currentItem)) {//nothing
+ }
+KexiTableItem *KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::insertEmptyRow(int row)
+ if ( !acceptRowEdit() || !isEmptyRowInsertingEnabled()
+ || (row!=-1 && row >= ((int)rows()+(isInsertingEnabled()?1:0) ) ) )
+ return 0;
+ KexiTableItem *newItem = m_data->createItem(); //new KexiTableItem(m_data->columns.count());
+ insertItem(newItem, row);
+ return newItem;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::insertItem(KexiTableItem *newItem, int row)
+ const bool changeCurrentRow = row==-1 || row==m_curRow;
+ if (changeCurrentRow) {
+ //change current row
+ row = (m_curRow >= 0 ? m_curRow : 0);
+ m_currentItem = newItem;
+ m_curRow = row;
+ }
+ else if (m_curRow >= row) {
+ m_curRow++;
+ }
+ m_data->insertRow(*newItem, row, true /*repaint*/);
+ if (changeCurrentRow) {
+ //update iter...
+ m_itemIterator->toFirst();
+ (*m_itemIterator)+=m_curRow;
+ }
+ QSize s(tableSize());
+ resizeContents(s.width(),s.height());
+ //redraw only this row and below:
+ int leftcol = d->pTopHeader->sectionAt( d->pTopHeader->offset() );
+// updateContents( columnPos( leftcol ), rowPos(d->curRow),
+// clipper()->width(), clipper()->height() - (rowPos(d->curRow) - contentsY()) );
+ updateContents( columnPos( leftcol ), rowPos(row),
+ clipper()->width(), clipper()->height() - (rowPos(row) - contentsY()) );
+ m_verticalHeader->addLabel();
+ //update navigator's data
+ setNavRowCount(rows());
+ if (d->curRow >= row) {
+ //update
+ editorShowFocus( d->curRow, d->curCol );
+ }
+ */
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, bool repaint)
+ int row = m_data->findRef(item);
+ slotRowInserted( item, row, repaint );
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem * /*item*/, uint row, bool repaint)
+ if (repaint && (int)row<rows()) {
+ updateWidgetContentsSize();
+/* updateAllVisibleRowsBelow() used instead
+ //redraw only this row and below:
+ int leftcol = d->pTopHeader->sectionAt( d->pTopHeader->offset() );
+ updateContents( columnPos( leftcol ), rowPos(row),
+ clipper()->width(), clipper()->height() - (rowPos(row) - contentsY()) );
+ updateAllVisibleRowsBelow(row);
+ if (!m_verticalHeaderAlreadyAdded) {
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->addLabel();
+ }
+ else //it was added because this inserting was interactive
+ m_verticalHeaderAlreadyAdded = false;
+ //update navigator's data
+ m_navPanel->setRecordCount(rows());
+ if (m_curRow >= (int)row) {
+ //update
+ editorShowFocus( m_curRow, m_curCol );
+ }
+ }
+tristate KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::deleteAllRows(bool ask, bool repaint)
+ if (!hasData())
+ return true;
+ if (m_data->count()<1)
+ return true;
+ if (ask) {
+ QString tableName = m_data->dbTableName();
+ if (!tableName.isEmpty()) {
+ tableName.prepend(" \"");
+ tableName.append("\"");
+ }
+ if (KMessageBox::Cancel == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this),
+ i18n("Do you want to clear the contents of table %1?").arg(tableName),
+ 0, KGuiItem(i18n("&Clear Contents")) ))
+ return cancelled;
+ }
+ cancelRowEdit();
+// acceptRowEdit();
+// m_verticalHeader->clear();
+ const bool repaintLater = repaint && m_spreadSheetMode;
+ const int oldRows = rows();
+ bool res = m_data->deleteAllRows(repaint && !repaintLater);
+ if (res) {
+ if (m_spreadSheetMode) {
+// const uint columns = m_data->columns.count();
+ for (int i=0; i<oldRows; i++) {
+ m_data->append(m_data->createItem());//new KexiTableItem(columns));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (repaintLater)
+ m_data->reload();
+// d->clearVariables();
+// m_verticalHeader->setCurrentRow(-1);
+// d->pUpdateTimer->start(1,true);
+// if (repaint)
+// viewport()->repaint();
+ return res;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::clearColumns(bool repaint)
+ cancelRowEdit();
+ m_data->clearInternal();
+ clearColumnsInternal(repaint);
+ updateIndicesForVisibleValues();
+ if (repaint)
+// viewport()->repaint();
+ updateWidgetContents();
+/* for(int i=0; i < rows(); i++)
+ {
+ m_verticalHeader->removeLabel();
+ }
+ editorCancel();
+ m_contents->clear();
+ d->clearVariables();
+ d->numCols = 0;
+ while(d->pTopHeader->count()>0)
+ d->pTopHeader->removeLabel(0);
+ m_verticalHeader->setCurrentRow(-1);
+ viewport()->repaint();
+// d->pColumnTypes.resize(0);
+// d->pColumnModes.resize(0);
+// d->pColumnDefaults.clear();*/
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::reloadData()
+// cancelRowEdit();
+ acceptRowEdit();
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->clear();
+ if (m_curCol>=0 && m_curCol<columns()) {
+ //find the editor for this column
+ KexiDataItemInterface *edit = editor( m_curCol );
+ if (edit) {
+ edit->hideFocus();
+ }
+ }
+// setCursorPosition(-1, -1, true);
+ clearVariables();
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->setCurrentRow(-1);
+ if (dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this) && dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this)->isVisible())
+ initDataContents();
+ else
+ m_initDataContentsOnShow = true;
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->addLabels(m_data->count());
+ updateWidgetScrollBars();
+int KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::columnType(int col)
+ KexiTableViewColumn* c = m_data ? column(col) : 0;
+ return c ? c->field()->type() : KexiDB::Field::InvalidType;
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::columnEditable(int col)
+ KexiTableViewColumn* c = m_data ? column(col) : 0;
+ return c ? (! c->isReadOnly()) : false;
+int KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::rows() const
+ if (!hasData())
+ return 0;
+ return m_data->count();
+int KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::dataColumns() const
+ if (!hasData())
+ return 0;
+ return m_data->columns.count();
+QVariant KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::columnDefaultValue(int /*col*/) const
+ return QVariant(0);
+// return m_data->columns[col].defaultValue;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setAcceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting(bool set)
+ m_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting = set;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setDropsAtRowEnabled(bool set)
+// const bool old = d->dropsAtRowEnabled;
+ if (!set)
+ m_dragIndicatorLine = -1;
+ if (m_dropsAtRowEnabled && !set) {
+ m_dropsAtRowEnabled = false;
+// update();
+ updateWidgetContents();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_dropsAtRowEnabled = set;
+ }
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setEmptyRowInsertingEnabled(bool set)
+ m_emptyRowInsertingEnabled = set;
+ /*emit*/ reloadActions();
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotAboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem& item,
+ KexiDB::ResultInfo* /*result*/, bool repaint)
+ if (repaint) {
+ m_rowWillBeDeleted = m_data->findRef(&item);
+ }
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowDeleted()
+ if (m_rowWillBeDeleted >= 0) {
+ if (m_rowWillBeDeleted > 0 && m_rowWillBeDeleted >= (rows()-1) && !m_spreadSheetMode)
+ m_rowWillBeDeleted = rows()-1; //move up if it's the last row
+ updateWidgetContentsSize();
+ if (! (m_spreadSheetMode && m_rowWillBeDeleted>=(rows()-1)))
+ setCursorPosition(m_rowWillBeDeleted, m_curCol, true/*forceSet*/);
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->removeLabel();
+ updateAllVisibleRowsBelow(m_curRow); //needed for KexiTableView
+ //update navigator's data
+ m_navPanel->setRecordCount(rows());
+ m_rowWillBeDeleted = -1;
+ }
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::beforeDeleteItem(KexiTableItem *)
+ //always return
+ return true;
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::deleteItem(KexiTableItem *item)/*, bool moveCursor)*/
+ if (!item || !beforeDeleteItem(item))
+ return false;
+ QString msg, desc;
+// bool current = (item == d->pCurrentItem);
+ const bool lastRowDeleted = m_spreadSheetMode && m_data->last() == item; //we need to know this so we
+ //can return to the last row
+ //after reinserting it
+ if (!m_data->deleteRow(*item, true /*repaint*/)) {
+ /*const int button =*/
+ showErrorMessageForResult( m_data->result() );
+// if (KMessageBox::No == button) {
+ //discard changes
+ // }
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+//setCursorPosition() wil lset this! if (current)
+ //d->pCurrentItem = m_data->current();
+ }
+// repaintAfterDelete();
+ if (m_spreadSheetMode) { //append empty row for spreadsheet mode
+ m_data->append(m_data->createItem());//new KexiTableItem(m_data->columns.count()));
+ if (m_verticalHeader)
+ m_verticalHeader->addLabels(1);
+ if (lastRowDeleted) //back to the last row
+ setCursorPosition(rows()-1, m_curCol, true/*forceSet*/);
+ /*emit*/ newItemAppendedForAfterDeletingInSpreadSheetMode();
+ }
+ return true;
+KexiTableViewColumn* KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::column(int col)
+ return m_data->column(col);
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::hasDefaultValueAt(const KexiTableViewColumn& tvcol)
+ if (m_rowEditing && m_data->rowEditBuffer() && m_data->rowEditBuffer()->isDBAware()) {
+ return m_data->rowEditBuffer()->hasDefaultValueAt( *tvcol.columnInfo );
+ }
+ return false;
+const QVariant* KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::bufferedValueAt(int col, bool useDefaultValueIfPossible)
+ if (m_rowEditing && m_data->rowEditBuffer())
+ {
+ KexiTableViewColumn* tvcol = column(col);
+ if (tvcol->isDBAware) {
+ //get the stored value
+ const int realFieldNumber = fieldNumberForColumn(col);
+ if (realFieldNumber < 0) {
+ kdWarning() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::bufferedValueAt(): "
+ "fieldNumberForColumn(m_curCol) < 0" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ QVariant *storedValue = &m_currentItem->at( realFieldNumber );
+ //db-aware data: now, try to find a buffered value (or default one)
+ const QVariant *cv = m_data->rowEditBuffer()->at( *tvcol->columnInfo,
+ storedValue->isNull() && useDefaultValueIfPossible);
+ if (cv)
+ return cv;
+ return storedValue;
+ }
+ //not db-aware data:
+ const QVariant *cv = m_data->rowEditBuffer()->at( tvcol->field()->name() );
+ if (cv)
+ return cv;
+ }
+ //not db-aware data:
+ const int realFieldNumber = fieldNumberForColumn(col);
+ if (realFieldNumber < 0) {
+ kdWarning() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::bufferedValueAt(): "
+ "fieldNumberForColumn(m_curCol) < 0" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return &m_currentItem->at( realFieldNumber );
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::startEditOrToggleValue()
+ if ( !isReadOnly() && columnEditable(m_curCol) ) {
+ if (columnType(m_curCol) == KexiDB::Field::Boolean) {
+ boolToggled();
+ }
+ else {
+ startEditCurrentCell();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::boolToggled()
+ startEditCurrentCell();
+ if (m_editor) {
+ m_editor->clickedOnContents();
+ }
+ acceptEditor();
+ updateCell(m_curRow, m_curCol);
+/* int s = m_currentItem->at(m_curCol).toInt();
+ QVariant oldValue=m_currentItem->at(m_curCol);
+ (*m_currentItem)[m_curCol] = QVariant(s ? 0 : 1);
+ updateCell(m_curRow, m_curCol);
+// emit itemChanged(m_currentItem, m_curRow, m_curCol, oldValue);
+// emit itemChanged(m_currentItem, m_curRow, m_curCol);*/
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotDataDestroying()
+ m_data = 0;
+ m_itemIterator = 0;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::addNewRecordRequested()
+ if (!isInsertingEnabled())
+ return;
+ if (m_rowEditing) {
+ if (!acceptRowEdit())
+ return;
+ }
+// setFocus();
+ selectRow(rows());
+ startEditCurrentCell();
+ if (m_editor)
+ m_editor->setFocus();
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::handleKeyPress(QKeyEvent *e, int &curRow, int &curCol,
+ bool fullRowSelection, bool *moveToFirstField, bool *moveToLastField)
+ if (moveToFirstField)
+ *moveToFirstField = false;
+ if (moveToLastField)
+ *moveToLastField = false;
+ const bool nobtn = e->state()==Qt::NoButton;
+ const int k = e->key();
+ //kdDebug() << "-----------" << e->state() << " " << k << endl;
+ if ((k == Qt::Key_Up && nobtn) || (k == Qt::Key_PageUp && e->state()==Qt::ControlButton)) {
+ selectPrevRow();
+ e->accept();
+ }
+ else if ((k == Qt::Key_Down && nobtn) || (k == Qt::Key_PageDown && e->state()==Qt::ControlButton)) {
+ selectNextRow();
+ e->accept();
+ }
+ else if (k == Qt::Key_PageUp && nobtn) {
+ selectPrevPage();
+ e->accept();
+ }
+ else if (k == Qt::Key_PageDown && nobtn) {
+ selectNextPage();
+ e->accept();
+ }
+ else if (k == Qt::Key_Home) {
+ if (fullRowSelection) {
+ //we're in row-selection mode: home key always moves to 1st row
+ curRow = 0;//to 1st row
+ }
+ else {//cell selection mode: different actions depending on ctrl and shift keys state
+ if (nobtn) {
+ curCol = 0;//to 1st col
+ }
+ else if (e->state()==Qt::ControlButton) {
+ curRow = 0;//to 1st row and col
+ curCol = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (moveToFirstField)
+ *moveToFirstField = true;
+ //do not accept yet
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+ else if (k == Qt::Key_End) {
+ if (fullRowSelection) {
+ //we're in row-selection mode: home key always moves to last row
+ curRow = m_data->count()-1+(isInsertingEnabled()?1:0);//to last row
+ }
+ else {//cell selection mode: different actions depending on ctrl and shift keys state
+ if (nobtn) {
+ curCol = columns()-1;//to last col
+ }
+ else if (e->state()==Qt::ControlButton) {
+ curRow = m_data->count()-1 /*+(isInsertingEnabled()?1:0)*/; //to last row and col
+ curCol = columns()-1;//to last col
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (moveToLastField)
+ *moveToLastField = true;
+ //do not accept yet
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+ else if (isInsertingEnabled() && (e->state()==Qt::ControlButton && k == Qt::Key_Equal
+ || e->state()==(Qt::ControlButton|Qt::ShiftButton) && k == Qt::Key_Equal)) {
+ curRow = m_data->count(); //to the new row
+ curCol = 0;//to first col
+ if (moveToFirstField)
+ *moveToFirstField = true;
+ //do not accept yet
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ return true;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::vScrollBarValueChanged(int v)
+ Q_UNUSED(v);
+ if (!m_vScrollBarValueChanged_enabled)
+ return;
+ if (m_scrollbarToolTipsEnabled) {
+ const QRect r( verticalScrollBar()->sliderRect() );
+ const int row = lastVisibleRow()+1;
+ if (row<=0) {
+ m_scrollBarTipTimer.stop();
+ m_scrollBarTip->hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ m_scrollBarTip->setText( i18n("Row: ") + QString::number(row) );
+ m_scrollBarTip->adjustSize();
+ QWidget* thisWidget = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this);
+ m_scrollBarTip->move(
+ thisWidget->mapToGlobal( r.topLeft() + verticalScrollBar()->pos() )
+ + QPoint( - m_scrollBarTip->width()-5,
+ r.height()/2 - m_scrollBarTip->height()/2) );
+ if (verticalScrollBar()->draggingSlider()) {
+ kdDebug(44021) << " draggingSlider() " << endl;
+ m_scrollBarTipTimer.stop();
+ m_scrollBarTip->show();
+ m_scrollBarTip->raise();
+ }
+ else {
+ m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt++;
+ if (m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt>4) {
+ m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt=0;
+ m_scrollBarTip->show();
+ m_scrollBarTip->raise();
+ m_scrollBarTipTimer.start(500, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //update bottom view region
+/* if (m_navPanel && (contentsHeight() - contentsY() - clipper()->height()) <= QMAX(d->rowHeight,m_navPanel->height())) {
+ slotUpdate();
+ triggerUpdate();
+ }*/
+bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::scrollbarToolTipsEnabled() const
+ return m_scrollbarToolTipsEnabled;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setScrollbarToolTipsEnabled(bool set)
+ m_scrollbarToolTipsEnabled = set;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::vScrollBarSliderReleased()
+ kdDebug(44021) << "vScrollBarSliderReleased()" << endl;
+ m_scrollBarTip->hide();
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::scrollBarTipTimeout()
+ if (m_scrollBarTip->isVisible()) {
+// kdDebug(44021) << "TIMEOUT! - hide" << endl;
+ if (m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt>0) {
+ m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt=0;
+ m_scrollBarTipTimer.start(500, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_scrollBarTip->hide();
+ }
+ m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt=0;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent* e)
+ Q_UNUSED(e);
+ m_scrollBarTipTimer.stop();
+ m_scrollBarTip->hide();
+ updateCell(m_curRow, m_curCol);
+int KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::showErrorMessageForResult(KexiDB::ResultInfo* resultInfo)
+ QWidget *thisWidget = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this);
+ if (resultInfo->allowToDiscardChanges) {
+ return KMessageBox::questionYesNo(thisWidget, resultInfo->msg
+ + (resultInfo->desc.isEmpty() ? QString::null : ("\n"+resultInfo->desc)),
+ QString::null,
+ KGuiItem(i18n("Correct Changes", "Correct"), QString::null, i18n("Correct changes")),
+ KGuiItem(i18n("Discard Changes")) );
+ }
+ if (resultInfo->desc.isEmpty())
+ KMessageBox::sorry(thisWidget, resultInfo->msg);
+ else
+ KMessageBox::detailedSorry(thisWidget, resultInfo->msg, resultInfo->desc);
+ return KMessageBox::Ok;
+void KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::updateIndicesForVisibleValues()
+ m_indicesForVisibleValues.resize( m_data ? m_data->columnsCount() : 0 );
+ if (!m_data)
+ return;
+ for (uint i=0; i < m_data->columnsCount(); i++) {
+ KexiTableViewColumn* tvCol = m_data->column(i);
+ if (tvCol->columnInfo && tvCol->columnInfo->indexForVisibleLookupValue()!=-1)
+ // retrieve visible value from lookup field
+ m_indicesForVisibleValues[ i ] = tvCol->columnInfo->indexForVisibleLookupValue();
+ else
+ m_indicesForVisibleValues[ i ] = i;
+ }
+/*! Performs searching \a stringValue in \a where string.
+ \a matchAnyPartOfField, \a matchWholeField, \a wholeWordsOnly options are used to control how to search.
+ If \a matchWholeField is true, \a wholeWordsOnly is not checked.
+ \a firstCharacter is in/out parameter. If \a matchAnyPartOfField is true and \a matchWholeField is false,
+ \a firstCharacter >= 0, the search will be performed after skipping first \a firstCharacter characters.
+ If \a forward is false, we are searching backwart from \a firstCharacter position. \a firstCharacter == -1
+ means then the last character. \a firstCharacter == INT_MAX means "before first" place, so searching fails
+ immediately.
+ On success, true is returned and \a firstCharacter is set to position of the matched string. */
+static inline bool findInString(const QString& stringValue, int stringLength, const QString& where,
+ int& firstCharacter, bool matchAnyPartOfField, bool matchWholeField,
+ bool caseSensitive, bool wholeWordsOnly, bool forward)
+ if (where.isEmpty()) {
+ firstCharacter = -1;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (matchAnyPartOfField) {
+ if (forward) {
+ int pos = firstCharacter == -1 ? 0 : firstCharacter;
+ if (wholeWordsOnly) {
+ const int whereLength = where.length();
+ while (true) {
+ pos = where.find( stringValue, pos, caseSensitive );
+ if (pos == -1)
+ break;
+ if ((pos > 0 &&
+ ||((pos+stringLength-1) < (whereLength-1) &&
+ {
+ pos++; // invalid match because before or after the string there is non-white space
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }//while
+ firstCharacter = pos;
+ }
+ else {// !wholeWordsOnly
+ firstCharacter = where.find( stringValue, pos, caseSensitive );
+ }
+ return firstCharacter != -1;
+ }
+ else { // !matchAnyPartOfField
+ if (firstCharacter == INT_MAX) {
+ firstCharacter = -1; //next time we'll be looking at different cell
+ return false;
+ }
+ int pos = firstCharacter;
+ if (wholeWordsOnly) {
+ const int whereLength = where.length();
+ while (true) {
+ pos = where.findRev( stringValue, pos, caseSensitive );
+ if (pos == -1)
+ break;
+ if ((pos > 0 &&
+ ||((pos+stringLength-1) < (whereLength-1) &&
+ {
+ // invalid match because before or after the string there is non-white space
+ pos--;
+ if (pos < 0) // it can make pos < 0
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }//while
+ firstCharacter = pos;
+ }
+ else {// !wholeWordsOnly
+ firstCharacter = where.findRev( stringValue, pos, caseSensitive );
+ }
+ return firstCharacter != -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (matchWholeField) {
+ if (firstCharacter != -1 && firstCharacter != 0) { //we're not at 0-th char
+ firstCharacter = -1;
+ }
+ else if ( (caseSensitive ? where : where.lower()) == stringValue) {
+ firstCharacter = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {// matchStartOfField
+ if (firstCharacter != -1 && firstCharacter != 0) { //we're not at 0-th char
+ firstCharacter = -1;
+ }
+ else if (where.startsWith(stringValue, caseSensitive)) {
+ if (wholeWordsOnly) {
+ // If where.length() < stringValue.length(), true will be returned too - fine.
+ return ! stringValue.length() ).isLetterOrNumber();
+ }
+ firstCharacter = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+tristate KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::find(const QVariant& valueToFind,
+ const KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options& options, bool next)
+ if (!hasData())
+ return cancelled;
+ const QVariant prevSearchedValue( m_recentlySearchedValue );
+ m_recentlySearchedValue = valueToFind;
+ const KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::SearchDirection prevSearchDirection = m_recentSearchDirection;
+ m_recentSearchDirection = options.searchDirection;
+ if (valueToFind.isNull() || valueToFind.toString().isEmpty())
+ return cancelled;
+ const bool forward = (options.searchDirection == KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::SearchUp)
+ ? !next : next; //direction can be reversed
+ if ((!prevSearchedValue.isNull() && prevSearchedValue!=valueToFind)
+ || (prevSearchDirection!=options.searchDirection && options.searchDirection==KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::SearchAllRows))
+ {
+ // restart searching when value has been changed or new direction is SearchAllRows
+ m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.exists = false;
+ }
+ const bool startFrom1stRowAndCol = !m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.exists && next
+ && options.searchDirection == KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::SearchAllRows;
+ const bool startFromLastRowAndCol =
+ (!m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.exists && !next && options.searchDirection == KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::SearchAllRows)
+ ||(m_curRow >= rows() && !forward); //we're at "insert" row, and searching backwards: move to the last cell
+ if (!startFrom1stRowAndCol && !startFromLastRowAndCol && m_curRow >= rows()) {
+ //we're at "insert" row, and searching forward: no chances to find something
+ return false;
+ }
+ KexiTableViewData::Iterator it( (startFrom1stRowAndCol || startFromLastRowAndCol)
+ ? m_data->iterator() : *m_itemIterator /*start from the current cell*/ );
+ if (startFromLastRowAndCol)
+ it.toLast();
+ int firstCharacter;
+ if (m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.exists) {// start after the next/prev char position
+ if (forward)
+ firstCharacter = m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.lastCharacter + 1;
+ else {
+ firstCharacter = (m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.firstCharacter > 0) ?
+ (m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.firstCharacter - 1) : INT_MAX /* this means 'before first'*/;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ firstCharacter = -1; //forward ? -1 : INT_MAX;
+ }
+ const int columnsCount = m_data->columnsCount();
+ int row, col;
+ if (startFrom1stRowAndCol) {
+ row = 0;
+ col = 0;
+ }
+ else if (startFromLastRowAndCol) {
+ row = rows()-1;
+ col = columnsCount-1;
+ }
+ else {
+ row = m_curRow;
+ col = m_curCol;
+ }
+ //sache some flags for efficiency
+ const bool matchAnyPartOfField
+ = options.textMatching == KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::MatchAnyPartOfField;
+ const bool matchWholeField
+ = options.textMatching == KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::MatchWholeField;
+ const bool caseSensitive = options.caseSensitive;
+ const bool wholeWordsOnly = options.wholeWordsOnly;
+//unused const bool promptOnReplace = options.promptOnReplace;
+ int columnNumber = (options.columnNumber == KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::CurrentColumn)
+ ? m_curCol : options.columnNumber;
+ if (columnNumber>=0)
+ col = columnNumber;
+ const bool lookInAllColumns = columnNumber == KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::AllColumns;
+ int firstColumn; // real number of the first column, can be smaller than lastColumn if forward==true
+ int lastColumn; // real number of the last column
+ if (lookInAllColumns) {
+ firstColumn = forward ? 0 : columnsCount-1;
+ lastColumn = forward ? columnsCount-1 : 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ firstColumn = columnNumber;
+ lastColumn = columnNumber;
+ }
+ const QString stringValue( caseSensitive ? valueToFind.toString() : valueToFind.toString().lower() );
+ const int stringLength = stringValue.length();
+ // search
+ const int prevRow = m_curRow;
+ KexiTableItem *item;
+ while ( (item = it.current()) ) {
+ for (; forward ? col <= lastColumn : col >= lastColumn;
+ col = forward ? (col+1) : (col-1))
+ {
+ const QVariant cell( item->at( m_indicesForVisibleValues[ col ] ) );
+ if (findInString(stringValue, stringLength, cell.toString(), firstCharacter,
+ matchAnyPartOfField, matchWholeField, caseSensitive, wholeWordsOnly, forward))
+ {
+ //*m_itemIterator = it;
+ //m_currentItem = *it;
+ //m_curRow = row;
+ //m_curCol = col;
+ setCursorPosition(row, col, true/*forceSet*/);
+ if (prevRow != m_curRow)
+ updateRow(prevRow);
+ // remember the exact position for the found value
+ m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.exists = true;
+ m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.firstCharacter = firstCharacter;
+//! @todo for regexp lastCharacter should be computed
+ m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.lastCharacter = firstCharacter + stringLength - 1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }//for
+ if (forward) {
+ ++it;
+ ++row;
+ }
+ else {
+ --it;
+ --row;
+ }
+ col = firstColumn;
+ }//while
+ return false;
+tristate KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::findNextAndReplace(
+ const QVariant& valueToFind, const QVariant& replacement,
+ const KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options& options, bool replaceAll)
+ Q_UNUSED(replacement);
+ Q_UNUSED(options);
+ Q_UNUSED(replaceAll);
+ if (isReadOnly())
+ return cancelled;
+ if (valueToFind.isNull() || valueToFind.toString().isEmpty())
+ return cancelled;
+ //! @todo implement KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::findAndReplace()
+ return false;