path: root/kexi/core/kexipart.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/core/kexipart.h')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/core/kexipart.h b/kexi/core/kexipart.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch <>
+ Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#ifndef KEXIPART_H
+#define KEXIPART_H
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <kexiutils/tristate.h>
+#include "kexi.h"
+#include "keximainwindow.h"
+class KActionCollection;
+class KexiDialogBase;
+class KexiDialogTempData;
+class KexiViewBase;
+class KexiMainWindowImpl;
+class KAction;
+class KShortcut;
+class KTabWidget;
+namespace KexiPart
+ class Info;
+ class Item;
+ class GUIClient;
+ class PartPrivate;
+ class StaticInfo;
+/*! Official (registered) type IDs for objects like table, query, form... */
+enum ObjectTypes {
+ TableObjectType = KexiDB::TableObjectType, //!< 1, like in KexiDB::ObjectTypes
+ QueryObjectType = KexiDB::QueryObjectType, //!< 2, like in KexiDB::ObjectTypes
+ FormObjectType = 3,
+ ReportObjectType = 4,
+ ScriptObjectType = 5,
+ WebObjectType = 6,
+ MacroObjectType = 7,
+ LastObjectType = 7, //ALWAYS UPDATE THIS
+ UserObjectType = 100 //!< external types
+ * The main class for kexi frontend parts like tables, queries, forms and reports
+ */
+class KEXICORE_EXPORT Part : public QObject
+ public:
+ /*! Constructor. */
+ Part(QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList &);
+ /*! Destructor. */
+ virtual ~Part();
+//! @todo make it protected, outside world should use KexiProject
+ /*! Try to execute the part. Implementations of this \a Part
+ are able to overwrite this method to offer execution.
+ \param item The \a KexiPart::Item that should be executed.
+ \param sender The sender QObject which likes to execute this \a Part or
+ NULL if there is no sender. The KFormDesigner uses this to pass
+ the actual widget (e.g. the button that was pressed).
+ \return true if execution was successfully else false.
+ */
+ virtual bool execute(KexiPart::Item* item, QObject* sender = 0) {
+ Q_UNUSED(item);
+ Q_UNUSED(sender);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*! \return supported modes for dialogs created by this part, i.e. a combination
+ of Kexi::ViewMode enum elements.
+ Set this member in your KexiPart subclass' ctor, if you need to override the default value
+ that equals Kexi::DataViewMode | Kexi::DesignViewMode,
+ or Kexi::DesignViewMode in case of Kexi::PartStaticPart object.
+ This information is used to set supported view modes for every
+ KexiDialogBase-derived object created by this KexiPart. */
+ inline int supportedViewModes() const { return m_supportedViewModes; }
+ /*! \return supported modes for dialogs created by this part in "user mode", i.e. a combination
+ of Kexi::ViewMode enum elements.
+ Set this member in your KexiPart subclass' ctor, if you need to override the default value
+ that equals Kexi::DataViewMode. or 0 in case of Kexi::PartStaticPart object.
+ This information is used to set supported view modes for every
+ KexiDialogBase-derived object created by this KexiPart. */
+ inline int supportedUserViewModes() const { return m_supportedUserViewModes; }
+//! @todo make it protected, outside world should use KexiProject
+ /*! "Opens" an instance that the part provides, pointed by \a item in a mode \a viewMode.
+ \a viewMode is one of Kexi::ViewMode enum.
+ \a staticObjectArgs can be passed for static Kexi Parts. */
+ KexiDialogBase* openInstance(KexiMainWindow *win, KexiPart::Item &item,
+ int viewMode = Kexi::DataViewMode, QMap<QString,QString>* staticObjectArgs = 0);
+//! @todo make it protected, outside world should use KexiProject
+ /*! Removes any stored data pointed by \a item (example: table is dropped for table part).
+ From now this data is inaccesible, and \a item disappear.
+ You do not need to remove \a item, or remove object's schema stored in the database,
+ beacuse this will be done automatically by KexiProject after successful
+ call of this method. All object's data blocks are also automatically removed from database
+ (from "kexi__objectdata" table).
+ For this, a database connection associated with kexi project owned by \a win can be used.
+ Database transaction is started by KexiProject before calling this method,
+ and it will be rolled back if you return false here.
+ You shouldn't use by hand transactions here.
+ Default implementation just removes object from kexi__* system structures
+ at the database backend using KexiDB::Connection::removeObject(). */
+ virtual bool remove(KexiMainWindow *win, KexiPart::Item & item);
+ /*! Renames stored data pointed by \a item to \a newName
+ (example: table name is altered in the database).
+ For this, a database connection associated with kexi project owned by \a win can be used.
+ You do not need to change \a item, and change object's schema stored in the database,
+ beacuse this is automatically handled by KexiProject.
+ Database transaction is started by KexiProject before calling this method,
+ and it will be rolled back if you return false here.
+ You shouldn't use by hand transactions here.
+ Default implementation does nothing and returns true. */
+ virtual tristate rename(KexiMainWindow *win, KexiPart::Item &item, const QString& newName);
+ /*! Creates and returns a new temporary data for a dialog \a dialog.
+ This method is called on openInstance() once per dialog.
+ Reimplement this to return KexiDialogTempData subclass instance.
+ Default implemention just returns empty KexiDialogTempData object. */
+ virtual KexiDialogTempData* createTempData(KexiDialogBase* dialog);
+ /*! Creates a new view for mode \a viewMode, \a item and \a parent. The view will be
+ used inside \a dialog. */
+ virtual KexiViewBase* createView(QWidget *parent, KexiDialogBase* dialog,
+ KexiPart::Item &item, int viewMode = Kexi::DataViewMode, QMap<QString,QString>* staticObjectArgs = 0) = 0;
+ /*! i18n'd instance name usable for displaying in gui as object's name.
+ The name is valid identifier - contains latin1 lowercase characters only.
+ @todo move this to Info class when the name could be moved as localized property
+ to service's .desktop file. */
+ QCString instanceName() const;
+ /*! i18n'd instance name usable for displaying in gui as object's caption.
+ @todo move this to Info class when the name could be moved as localized property
+ to service's .desktop file. */
+ QString instanceCaption() const;
+ inline Info *info() const { return m_info; }
+ /*! \return part's GUI Client, so you can
+ create part-wide actions using this client. */
+ inline GUIClient *guiClient() const { return m_guiClient; }
+ /*! \return part's GUI Client, so you can
+ create instance-wide actions using this client. */
+ inline GUIClient *instanceGuiClient(int mode = 0) const
+ { return m_instanceGuiClients[mode]; }
+#if 0
+ /**
+ * @returns the datasource object of this part
+ * reeimplement it to make a part work as dataprovider ;)
+ */
+ virtual DataSource *dataSource() { return 0; }
+ /*! \return action collection for mode \a viewMode. */
+ KActionCollection* actionCollectionForMode(int viewMode) const;
+ const Kexi::ObjectStatus& lastOperationStatus() const { return m_status; }
+ /*! \return i18n'd message translated from \a englishMessage.
+ This method is useful for messages like:
+ "<p>Table \"%1\" has been modified.</p>",
+ -- such messages can be accurately translated,
+ while this could not: "<p>%1 \"%2\" has been modified.</p>".
+ See implementation of this method in KexiTablePart to see
+ what strings are needed for translation.
+ Default implementation returns generic \a englishMessage.
+ In special cases, \a englishMessage can start with ":",
+ to indicate that empty string will be generated if
+ a part does not offer a message for such \a englishMessage.
+ This is used e.g. in KexiMainWindowImpl::closeDialog().
+ */
+ virtual QString i18nMessage(const QCString& englishMessage,
+ KexiDialogBase* dlg) const;
+ signals:
+ void newObjectRequest( KexiPart::Info *info );
+ protected slots:
+ void slotCreate();
+ protected:
+ //! Used by StaticPart
+ Part(QObject* parent, StaticInfo *info);
+// virtual KexiDialogBase* createInstance(KexiMainWindow *win, const KexiPart::Item &item, int viewMode = Kexi::DataViewMode) = 0;
+ //! Creates GUICLients for this part, attached to \a win
+ //! This method is called from KexiMainWindow
+ void createGUIClients(KexiMainWindow *win);
+#if 0
+ /*! For reimplementation. Create here all part actions (KAction or similar).
+ "Part action" is an action that is bound to given part, not for dialogs
+ created with this part, eg. "Open external project" action for Form part.
+ Default implementation does nothing.
+ */
+ virtual void initPartActions( KActionCollection * ) {};
+ /*! For reimplementation. You should here create all instance actions (KAction or similar)
+ for \a mode (this method called for every value given by Kexi::ViewMode enum,
+ and in special cases, in the future - for user-defined part-specific modes).
+ Actions should be bound to action collection \a col.
+ "Instance action" is an action that is bound to given dialog instance (created with a part),
+ for specific view. \a mo; eg. "Filter data" action for DataViewMode of Table part.
+ By creating actions here, you can ensure that after switching to other view mode (eg. from
+ Design view to Data view), appropriate actions will be switched/hidden.
+ \a mode equal Kexi::AllViewModes means that given actions will be available for
+ all supported views.
+ Default implementation does nothing.
+ */
+ virtual void initInstanceActions( int mode, KActionCollection *col ) {};
+ virtual void initPartActions();
+ virtual void initInstanceActions();
+ virtual KexiDB::SchemaData* loadSchemaData(KexiDialogBase *dlg,
+ const KexiDB::SchemaData& sdata, int viewMode);
+ bool loadDataBlock( KexiDialogBase *dlg, QString &dataString, const QString& dataID = QString::null);
+ /*! Creates shared action for action collection declared
+ for 'instance actions' of this part.
+ See KexiSharedActionHost::createSharedAction() for details.
+ Pass desired KAction subclass with \a subclassName (e.g. "KToggleAction") to have
+ that subclass allocated instead just KAction (what is the default). */
+ KAction* createSharedAction(int mode, const QString &text,
+ const QString &pix_name, const KShortcut &cut, const char *name,
+ const char *subclassName = 0);
+ /*! Convenience version of above method - creates shared toggle action. */
+ KAction* createSharedToggleAction(int mode, const QString &text,
+ const QString &pix_name, const KShortcut &cut, const char *name);
+ /*! Creates shared action for action collection declared
+ for 'part actions' of this part.
+ See KexiSharedActionHost::createSharedAction() for details.
+ Pass desired KAction subclass with \a subclassName (e.g. "KToggleAction") to have
+ that subclass allocated instead just KAction (what is the default). */
+ KAction* createSharedPartAction(const QString &text,
+ const QString &pix_name, const KShortcut &cut, const char *name,
+ const char *subclassName = 0);
+ /*! Convenience version of above method - creates shared toggle action
+ for 'part actions' of this part. */
+ KAction* createSharedPartToggleAction(const QString &text,
+ const QString &pix_name, const KShortcut &cut, const char *name);
+ void setActionAvailable(const char *action_name, bool avail);
+ inline void setInfo(Info *info) { m_info = info; }
+ /*! This method can be reimplemented to setup additional tabs
+ in the property editor panel. Default implementation does nothing.
+ This method is called whenever current dialog (KexiDialogBase) is switched and
+ type (mime type) of its contents differs from previous one.
+ For example, if a user switched from Table Designer to Form Designer,
+ additional tab containing Form Designer's object tree should be shown. */
+ virtual void setupCustomPropertyPanelTabs(KTabWidget *tab, KexiMainWindow* mainWin);
+ //! Set of i18n'd action names for, initialised on KexiPart::Part subclass ctor
+ //! The names are useful because the same action can have other name for each part
+ //! E.g. "New table" vs "New query" can have different forms for some languages...
+ QMap<QString,QString> m_names;
+ /*! Supported modes for dialogs created by this part.
+ @see supportedViewModes() */
+ int m_supportedViewModes;
+ /*! Supported modes for dialogs created by this part in "user mode".
+ The default is Kexi::DataViewMode. It is altered in classes like KexiSimplePrintingPart.
+ @see supportedUserViewModes() */
+ int m_supportedUserViewModes;
+ Info *m_info;
+ GUIClient *m_guiClient;
+ QIntDict<GUIClient> m_instanceGuiClients;
+ KexiMainWindow* m_mainWin;
+ Kexi::ObjectStatus m_status;
+ /*! If you're implementing a new part, set this to value >0 in your ctor
+ if you have well known (ie registered ID) for your part.
+ So far, table, query, form, report and script part have defined their IDs
+ (see KexiPart::ObjectTypes). */
+ int m_registeredPartID;
+ /*! True if newwly created, unsaved objects are dirty. False by default.
+ You can change it in your subclass' constructor. */
+ bool m_newObjectsAreDirty : 1;
+ PartPrivate *d;
+ friend class Manager;
+ friend class ::KexiMainWindow;
+ friend class ::KexiMainWindowImpl;
+ friend class GUIClient;