Anne-Marie Mahfouf
Jarosław Staniek
Command Reference The <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;N File New... Create a new project. Currently opened project is not affected. &Ctrl;O File Open... Open an existing project. Currently opened project is not affected. File Download Example Databases... Open the TDENewStuff dialog which allows you to download example databases via the Internet. This is currently not available for MS Windows. &Ctrl;S File Save Saves object changes from the active window. File Import Data Table... Imports table data from a file in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. File Export Table or Query as Data Table... Export data from the active table or query data to a file in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. &Ctrl;P File Print... Print data from the active (opened) table or query. Note for TDE: Make sure the proper print system is selected in the Print system currently used: section. This option can be seen after clicking on the Options>> button. File Print Preview... Show print preview for the active (opened) table or query. File Page Setup... Set Font... for the Page title:, Change... Page Size & Margins and Add table borders. &Ctrl;W File Close Project Close the currently opened project but leave &kexi; running. &Ctrl;Q File Quit Quit &kexi;. The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;Z Edit Undo Undoes an action. You can revert to the state that existed before your last change. &Ctrl; &Shift; Z Edit Redo Undoes an undo. Reverse the action of Undo. This will restore the change you originally made. &Ctrl;X Edit Cut Remove currently selected text and put it on the clipboard. This command is unavailable if there is no text currently selected. If this action is used in the Form Designer, currently selected widget or group of widgets are removed and put on the clipboard. &Ctrl;C Edit Copy Copy currently selected text onto the clipboard. This command is unavailable if there is no text currently selected. If this action is used in the Form Designer, currently selected widget or group of widgets are copied onto the clipboard. &Ctrl;V Edit Paste Copy of the clipboard contents at the insertion point. This command is unavailable if the clipboard is empty. If this action is used in the Form Designer and the clipboard contains copied widgets, they will be inserted onto the form. Edit Copy Special Table or Query As Data Table... Copy selected table or query data to clipboard. Edit Paste Special As Data Table... Paste clipboard data to a new table within the current project. &Ctrl;A Edit Select All Select all characters in the edited text box or all widgets in the Form Designer. Edit Delete Delete the currently selected object. &Ctrl;Delete Edit Delete Row Delete currently selected row from a table. The <guimenu>View</guimenu> Menu F6 View Data View Switch to Data View. F7 View Design View Switch to Design View. F8 View Text View Switch to Text View. Currently, only available for database queries and means switching to the SQL View of the Query Designer. &Alt;1 View Project Navigator Go to Project Navigator pane. &Alt;2 View Main Area Go to the main area. &Alt;3 View Property Editor Go to the Property Editor pane. View Show/Hide Properties Display or hide the Property Editor pane. View Show/Hide Project Navigator Display or hide the Project Navigator pane. The <guimenu>Insert</guimenu> Menu Insert Table... Inserts a new, empty table design without saving it. The Table Designer window will appear. Insert Query... Inserts a new, empty query design without saving it. The Query Designer window will appear. Insert Form... Inserts a new, empty form design without saving it. The Form Designer window will appear. Insert Script... Inserts a new, empty script design without saving it. The Script Editor window will appear. The command is available only if scripting is enabled in &kexi;. The <guimenu>Format</guimenu> Menu Format Font... Change font for selected object. Can be used in the Form Designer to set widget's font. Format Snap to Grid If this is enabled, when moving widgets on the form surface the top left corner of the widget will snap or move to the nearest grid point. This does reduce your freedom to freely position widgets on the form surface, however it also helps to line up widgets precisely. Format Layout Widgets Creates a new layout for widgets. Widgets can be layed out Horizontally, Vertically, In Grid, Horizontally in Splitter, Vertically in Splitter. Format Break Layout Breaks the currently selected layout. Format Align Widgets Position Align the currently selected widgets' position: To Left, To Right, To Top, To Bottom, To Grid. Format Align Widgets Size Align the currently selected widgets' size: To Fit, To Grid, To Shortest, To Tallest, To Narrowest, To Widest. Format Bring Widget to Front Bring the currently selected widgets to front. Format Send Widget to Back Send the currently selected widgets to back. The <guimenu>Data</guimenu> Menu &Shift;Return Data Save Row Save currently selected table row's data. Data Cancel Row Changes Cancel changes made to currently selected table row. Data Sort Ascending Sorts data in ascending order (from A to Z and from 0 to 9). Data from selected column is used for sorting. Data Sort Descending Sorts data in descending (from Z to A and from 9 to 0). Data from selected column is used for sorting. The <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> Menu Tools Import Database... Opens the Data Base Importing Wizard to import an existing database into a &kexi; database. Tools Execute Script File... Displays the file dialog to open an existing script file. Tools Scripts Manager... Displays &kexi;'s Scripts Manager dialog to execute, load, unload, install, unistall or download scripts. Tools Scripts Executes an already loaded script. The <guimenu>Window</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;W Window Close Close the active window. Window Close All Close all opened windows. Window MDI Mode Childframe Mode Switch to Childframe user interface mode. Window MDI Mode IDEAl Mode Switch to IDEAl user interface mode. &Alt;Right Window Next Window Switch to the next window. &Alt;Left Window Previous Window Switch to the previous window. The last items in this menu show the currently opened window names. The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu Settings Toolbars Show or hide one of the toolbars. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Configure the keyboard shortcuts used by &kexi;. See the section on configuring shortcuts for more details. The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu &;