Anne-MarieMahfoufannma@kde.orgCommand ReferenceThe File Menu&Ctrl;NFileNewCreate a new document.&Ctrl;OFileOpen...Open an existing document.FileOpen RecentOpen an existing document by selecting it
from a combo box of recently used files.&Ctrl;SFileSaveSave the document.FileSave As...Save the document with a new name or format.FileReloadReloads the document.FileImport...Import other documents.FileExport...Save a document to any supported format.
The document does not become the exported file.
FileMail...Send the file as an email attachment.&Ctrl;PFilePrint...Print the document.FilePrint Preview...View the document as it will be printed.FileDocument InformationView or enter information about the document and
author.&Ctrl;WFileCloseClose the current document but leave &kplato; running.
&Ctrl;QFileQuitQuit &kplato;.The Edit Menu&Ctrl;ZEditUndoUndo the last action.&Ctrl;&Shift;ZEditRedoRedo the last undone action.EditDelete TaskDelete the currently highlighted task.
EditIndent TaskIndent the currently highlighted task.
EditUnindent TaskUnindent the currently highlighted task.
EditMove UpMove up the currently highlighted task.
EditMove DownMove down the currently highlighted task.
The View MenuViewExpected - ViewOptimistic - ViewPessimistic -ViewGanttView GanttViewResourcesToggle on and off the resources names in the
Gantt view.
ViewTask NameToggle on and off the tasks names in the
Gantt view.
ViewTask LinksToggle on and off the task links in the
Gantt view.
ViewProgressToggle on and off the progress in the
Gantt view.
ViewFloat - ViewCritical PathHighlight the critical path in red.
ViewCritical TasksHighlight the critical tasks in red.
ViewResourcesView the resources instead of the Gantt or
the accounts.
ViewAccountsView the accounts instead of the Gantt or
the resources.
The Insert MenuInsertTask...Display the task settings dialog which allows
to define a new task after the current highlighted task.
InsertSub-Task...Display the task settings dialog which allows
to define and insert a new sub-task of the current highlighted task.
InsertMilestone...Display the task settings dialog which allows
to define and insert a new sub-task of the current highlighted task.
The Project MenuProjectEdit Main Project...Display the project settings dialog.
ProjectEdit Standard Worktime...Display the standard worktime dialog.
ProjectEdit Calendar...Display the calendar settings dialog.
ProjectEdit Accounts...Display the accounts settings dialog.
ProjectEdit Resources...Display the resources dialog where you can add
new resources groups and new resources names and properties.
ProjectCalculateCalculate Expected, Optimistic and Pessimistic.
The Tools MenuToolsGenerate WBS Code - ToolsDefine WBS Pattern... - The Settings MenuSettingsToolbarsShow or hide the toolbars: File, Report,
View and Project.SettingsConfigure Shortcuts...Configure the keyboard shortcuts used by &kplato;.
SettingsConfigure Toolbars...Configure the items you want to put in
the toolbars.
SettingsConfigure &kplato;...Display the &kplato; settings dialog.
The Help Menu