/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine */ /**************************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the KDChart library. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with ** the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se/?page=products for ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se if any conditions of this ** licensing are not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include /** \class KDChartTableDataBase KDChartTableBase.h \brief Encapsulates all data values that are to be used in a chart. \note To create your data table you would not use a \c KDChartTableDataBase but instantiate the class \c KDChartTableData. The \c KDChartTableData class is an auxiliary class: depending on your TQt version it will be mapped onto a \c KDChartVectorTableData or onto a \c KDChartListTableData both of which are derived from \c KDChartTableDataBase and implement all of its functions. Thus you would create a table of 3 datasets with 25 cells each like this: \verbatim KDChartTableData myData( 3, 25 ); \endverbatim Data values may be specified via \c setCell(). Cell specific properties may be specified via \c setCellProp(). You may adjust or modify your table like this: \li Entering the data can be done either manually using \c setCell() or by passing a TQTable to the \c importFromTQTable() function. \li Performance of KD Chart can be increased by specifying the number of rows and or the number of columns actually used: \c setUsedRows() and/or \c setUsedCols() prevents KD Chart from iterating over thousands of empty rows/cols that might follow your data cells in case your table is much bigger than needed. \li In case you want to increase your table's size without using the data stored in it please call the \c expand() function with the new total number of rows and cells. \li Accessing one data cell is possible via \c cellCoord() and via \c cellProp(), e.g. you might assign a special property set ID to all cells with a future absicssa axis value: \verbatim const TQDateTime currentTime( TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime() ); for( int iCell = 0; iCell < usedValues; ++iCell ){ KDChartData& cell = myData.cell( 0, iCell ); // assign special property set ID if X value is in the future if( cell.isDateTime( 2 ) && cell.dateTimeValue( 2 ) > currentTime ) cell.setPropertySet( idProp_FutureValues ); } \endverbatim \note All of the other functions provided by KDChartTableDataBase are either used internally by KD Chart or they are const methods returning some usefull figures like the sum of all values in a row... */ void KDChartTableDataBase::setUsedRows( uint _rows ) { _usedRows = _rows; _useUsedRows = true; } uint KDChartTableDataBase::usedRows() const { return _useUsedRows ? _usedRows : rows(); } void KDChartTableDataBase::setUsedCols( uint _cols ) { _usedCols = _cols; _useUsedCols = true; } uint KDChartTableDataBase::usedCols() const { return _useUsedCols ? _usedCols : cols(); } bool KDChartTableDataBase::cellsHaveSeveralCoordinates( TQVariant::Type* type2Ref ) const { return cellsHaveSeveralCoordinates( 0, UINT_MAX, type2Ref ); } bool KDChartTableDataBase::cellsHaveSeveralCoordinates( uint row1, uint row2, TQVariant::Type* type2Ref ) const { // return true if all wanted datasets have at least two coordinates // stored in all of their cells - BUT only if these coordinates are // of equal type for each of the cells // note: We skip cells that are empty, this means having // set neither coordinate #1 nor coordinate #2. bool severalCoordinates = row1 < usedRows(); if( severalCoordinates ) { severalCoordinates = false; TQVariant::Type testType = TQVariant::Invalid; const uint r2 = (UINT_MAX == row2) ? usedRows() : TQMIN( row2+1, usedRows() ); TQVariant value1; TQVariant value2; for ( uint row = row1; row < r2; ++row ){ for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); ++col ){ if( cellCoords( row, col, value1, value2 ) ){ if( TQVariant::Invalid != value2.type() ){ if( (TQVariant::Invalid != testType) && (value2.type() != testType) ){ severalCoordinates = false; break; }else{ testType = value2.type(); if( NULL != type2Ref ) *type2Ref = testType; severalCoordinates = true; } }else if( TQVariant::Invalid != value1.type() ){ severalCoordinates = false; break; } } } } } return severalCoordinates; } TQVariant::Type KDChartTableDataBase::cellsValueType( uint row1, uint row2, int coordinate ) const { TQVariant::Type res = TQVariant::Invalid; const uint r2 = (UINT_MAX == row2) ? usedRows() : TQMIN( row2+1, usedRows() ); TQVariant value; for ( uint row = row1; row < r2; ++row ) for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); ++col ) if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) ) if( TQVariant::Invalid != value.type() ) res = value.type(); return res; } TQVariant::Type KDChartTableDataBase::cellsValueType( int coordinate ) const { return cellsValueType( 0, UINT_MAX, coordinate ); } double KDChartTableDataBase::maxValue( int coordinate ) const { double maxValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ){ if ( bStart ) { maxValue = dVal; bStart = false; } else maxValue = TQMAX( maxValue, dVal ); } } } } return maxValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::minValue( int coordinate, bool bOnlyGTZero ) const { double minValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( !bOnlyGTZero || 0.0 < dVal ){ if ( bStart ) { minValue = dVal; bStart = false; }else{ minValue = TQMIN( minValue, dVal ); } } } } } return minValue; } TQDateTime KDChartTableDataBase::maxDtValue( int coordinate ) const { TQDateTime maxValue = TQDateTime( TQDate(1970,1,1) ); bool bStart = true; TQVariant value; TQDateTime dtVal; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::DateTime == value.type() ) { dtVal = value.toDateTime(); if ( bStart ) { maxValue = dtVal; bStart = false; } else maxValue = TQMAX(maxValue, dtVal); } } } return maxValue; } TQDateTime KDChartTableDataBase::minDtValue( int coordinate ) const { TQDateTime minValue = TQDateTime( TQDate(1970,1,1) ); bool bStart = true; TQVariant value; TQDateTime dtVal; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::DateTime == value.type() ) { dtVal = value.toDateTime(); if ( bStart ) { minValue = dtVal; bStart = false; } else minValue = TQMIN(minValue, dtVal); } } } return minValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::maxColSum( int coordinate ) const { double maxValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { double colValue = colSum( col, coordinate ); if ( bStart ) { maxValue = colValue; bStart = false; } else maxValue = TQMAX( maxValue, colValue ); } return maxValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::minColSum( int coordinate ) const { double minValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { double colValue = colSum( col, coordinate ); if ( bStart ) { minValue = colValue; bStart = false; } else minValue = TQMIN( minValue, colValue ); } return minValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::maxColSum( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate ) const { double maxValue = 0; bool bStart = true; if ( 0 < usedRows() ) { uint a = row; uint z = row2; if ( usedRows() <= a ) a = usedRows() - 1; if ( usedRows() <= z ) z = usedRows() - 1; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { double valueValue = 0.0; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint row = a; row <= z; row++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ) valueValue += dVal; } } if ( bStart ) { maxValue = valueValue; bStart = false; } else maxValue = TQMAX( maxValue, valueValue ); } } return maxValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::minColSum( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate ) const { double minValue = 0; bool bStart = true; if ( 0 < usedRows() ) { uint a = row; uint z = row2; if ( usedRows() <= a ) a = usedRows() - 1; if ( usedRows() <= z ) z = usedRows() - 1; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { double valueValue = 0.0; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint row = a; row <= z; row++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ) valueValue += dVal; } } if ( bStart ) { minValue = valueValue; bStart = false; } else minValue = TQMIN( minValue, valueValue ); } } return minValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::colSum( uint col, int coordinate ) const { double sum = 0.0; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ) sum += dVal; } } return sum; } double KDChartTableDataBase::colAbsSum( uint col, int coordinate ) const { double sum = 0.0; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ) sum += fabs( dVal ); } } return sum; } double KDChartTableDataBase::maxRowSum( int coordinate ) const { double maxValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { double rowValue = rowSum( row, coordinate ); if ( bStart ) { maxValue = rowValue; bStart = false; } else maxValue = TQMAX( maxValue, rowValue ); } return maxValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::minRowSum( int coordinate ) const { double minValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { double rowValue = rowSum( row, coordinate ); if ( bStart ) { minValue = rowValue; bStart = false; } else minValue = TQMIN( minValue, rowValue ); } return minValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::rowSum( uint row, int coordinate ) const { double sum = 0.0; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ) sum += dVal; } } return sum; } double KDChartTableDataBase::rowAbsSum( uint row, int coordinate ) const { double sum = 0.0; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ) sum += fabs( dVal ); } } return sum; } double KDChartTableDataBase::maxInColumn( uint col, int coordinate ) const { double maxValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ){ if ( bStart ) { maxValue = dVal; bStart = false; } else maxValue = TQMAX( maxValue, dVal ); } } } return maxValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::minInColumn( uint col, int coordinate ) const { double minValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ){ if ( bStart ) { minValue = dVal; bStart = false; } else minValue = TQMIN( minValue, dVal ); } } } return minValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::maxInRow( uint row, int coordinate ) const { double maxValue = DBL_MIN; bool bStart = true; TQVariant value; double dVal; if ( UINT_MAX > row ) { for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ){ if ( bStart ) { maxValue = dVal; bStart = false; } else maxValue = TQMAX( maxValue, dVal ); } } } } return maxValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::minInRow( uint row, int coordinate ) const { double minValue = DBL_MAX; bool bStart = true; TQVariant value; double dVal; if ( UINT_MAX > row ) { for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); col++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ){ if ( bStart ) { minValue = dVal; bStart = false; } else minValue = TQMIN( minValue, dVal ); } } } } return minValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::maxInRows( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate ) const { double maxValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; if ( 0 < usedRows() ) { uint a = row; uint z = row2; // qDebug("KDChartTableDataBase::maxInRows() (1) a: %u z: %u", a, z); if ( usedRows() <= a ) a = usedRows() - 1; if ( usedRows() <= z ) z = usedRows() - 1; // qDebug("KDChartTableDataBase::maxInRows() (2) a: %u z: %u", a, z); for ( uint row = a; row <= z; ++row ) { TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); ++col ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ){ if ( bStart ) { maxValue = dVal; bStart = false; } else maxValue = TQMAX( maxValue, dVal ); } } } } } return maxValue; } double KDChartTableDataBase::minInRows( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate, bool bOnlyGTZero ) const { double minValue = 0.0; bool bStart = true; if ( 0 < usedRows() ) { uint a = row; uint z = row2; // qDebug("KDChartTableDataBase::minInRows() (1) a: %u z: %u", a, z); if ( usedRows() <= a ) a = usedRows() - 1; if ( usedRows() <= z ) z = usedRows() - 1; //qDebug("KDChartTableDataBase::minInRows() (2) a: %u z: %u", a, z); for ( uint row = a; row <= z; ++row ) { TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); ++col ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) ){ if( !bOnlyGTZero || 0.0 < dVal ){ if ( bStart ) { minValue = dVal; bStart = false; }else{ minValue = TQMIN( minValue, dVal ); } } } } } } } return minValue; } TQDateTime KDChartTableDataBase::maxDtInRows( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate ) const { TQDateTime maxValue = TQDateTime( TQDate(1970,1,1) ); bool bStart = true; if ( 0 < usedRows() ) { uint a = row; uint z = row2; if ( usedRows() <= a ) a = usedRows() - 1; if ( usedRows() <= z ) z = usedRows() - 1; for ( uint row = a; row <= z; ++row ) { TQVariant value; TQDateTime dtVal; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); ++col ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::DateTime == value.type() ) { dtVal = value.toDateTime(); if ( bStart ) { maxValue = dtVal; bStart = false; } else maxValue = TQMAX( maxValue, dtVal ); } } } } return maxValue; } TQDateTime KDChartTableDataBase::minDtInRows( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate ) const { TQDateTime minValue = TQDateTime( TQDate(1970,1,1) ); bool bStart = true; if ( 0 < usedRows() ) { uint a = row; uint z = row2; if ( usedRows() <= a ) a = usedRows() - 1; if ( usedRows() <= z ) z = usedRows() - 1; for ( uint row = a; row <= z; ++row ) { TQVariant value; TQDateTime dtVal; for ( uint col = 0; col < usedCols(); ++col ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::DateTime == value.type() ) { dtVal = value.toDateTime(); if ( bStart ) { minValue = dtVal; bStart = false; } else minValue = TQMIN( minValue, dtVal ); } } } } return minValue; } uint KDChartTableDataBase::lastPositiveCellInColumn( uint col, int coordinate ) const { uint ret = UINT_MAX; TQVariant value; double dVal; for ( uint row = 0; row < usedRows(); row++ ) { if( cellCoord( row, col, value, coordinate ) && TQVariant::Double == value.type() ) { dVal = value.toDouble(); if( isNormalDouble( dVal ) && 0 < dVal ) ret = row; } } return ret; } void KDChartTableDataBase::importFromTQTable( TQTable* table ) { if( table->numRows() > (int)rows() || table->numCols() > (int)cols() ) expand( table->numRows(), table->numCols() ); setUsedRows( table->numRows() ); setUsedCols( table->numCols() ); for( int row = 0; row < table->numRows(); row++ ) for( int col = 0; col < table->numCols(); col++ ) { TQString cellContents = table->text( row, col ); if( !cellContents.isEmpty() ) { // First try to parse a double bool ok = false; double value = cellContents.toDouble( &ok ); if( ok ) { // there was a double setCell( row, col, value ); } else { // no double, but at least a string setCell( row, col, cellContents ); } } // don't do anything if no contents } setSorted( false ); } void KDChartTableDataBase::setSorted(bool sorted) { _sorted = sorted; } bool KDChartTableDataBase::sorted() const { return _sorted; } #include "KDChartTableBase.moc"