2.4. Differences between Kexi and other applications

2.4.1. Terminology used in Kexi and in other database applications

English terms are bracketed.

Kexi MS Access dBase i FoxPro Paradox
Database (Database) Database Catalog (Catalog) Directory of Related files (Directory of Related files)
Table (Table) Table Database file
(Database file)
Datasheet (Datasheet) Datasheet BROWSE Command View Command
Table design (Table design) Table design MODIFY STRUCTURE Command Modify Restructure Command
Primary key
(Primary key)
Primary key Unique Index Key field
Index (Index) Index Index Tools QuerySpeed
Validation rule Validation rule PICTURE/VALID Clause ValChecks
Query (Query) Query Query, TQBE, View Query
Form (Form) Form Screen Forms
Subform (Subform) Subform Multiple File Screen Multiple-record selection
"Open a form" Command
(Open a form
Open a form Command SET FORMAT TO, EDIT Command Image PickForm
Find command
(Find command)
Find command LOCATE AND SEEK Command Zoom
List box, combo box List box, combo box Pick list Lookup
Macro (Macro) Macro - -
Script (Script) Script Program file Script

As you can see from the table above the terminology used in Kexi is close to the one used in MS Access application.

2.4.2. Basic data types used in Kexi and in other database applications

Kexi MS Access dBase i FoxPro Paradox
Text (Text) Text Character Alphanumeric
Long text (Long text) Memo Memo Memo
Date, Time (Date, Time) Date, Time Date DateTime
Object (Object) OLE Object (OLE Object) General OLE, Graphical, Binary
Yes/No (Yes/No) Yes/No Logical Logical
Integer number (Integer number) Number (Integer) Numeric Integer
Big Integer number (Big integer number) Liczba całkowita długa (Long integer) Numeric Long Integer
Floating-point number:
Single/Double precision
(Floating-point number)
Single/Double precision number
(Single/Double precision number)
Float Number