/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexisimpleprintingengine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KexiSimplePrintingSettings::KexiSimplePrintingSettings() { pageLayout = KoPageLayout::standardLayout(); addPageNumbers = true; addDateAndTime = true; addTableBorders = false; pageTitleFont = kapp->font(); pageTitleFont.setPointSizeFloat( (double)TQFontInfo(pageTitleFont).pointSize()*1.5 ); pageTitleFont.setBold(true); } KexiSimplePrintingSettings::~KexiSimplePrintingSettings() { } KexiSimplePrintingSettings KexiSimplePrintingSettings::load() { KexiSimplePrintingSettings settings; //this will set defaults KConfig *config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup("Simple Printing"); if (config->hasKey("pageTitleFont")) settings.pageTitleFont = config->readFontEntry("pageTitleFont"); //! @todo system default? if (config->hasKey("pageFormat")) settings.pageLayout.format = KoPageFormat::formatFromString( config->readEntry("pageFormat" ) ); if (config->readEntry("pageOrientation", "portrait").lower()=="landscape") settings.pageLayout.orientation = PG_LANDSCAPE; else settings.pageLayout.orientation = PG_PORTRAIT; if (config->hasKey("pageWidth")) settings.pageLayout.ptWidth = config->readDoubleNumEntry("pageWidth"); if (config->hasKey("pageHeight")) settings.pageLayout.ptHeight = config->readDoubleNumEntry("pageHeight"); if (config->hasKey("pageLeftMargin")) settings.pageLayout.ptLeft = config->readDoubleNumEntry("pageLeftMargin"); if (config->hasKey("pageRightMargin")) settings.pageLayout.ptRight = config->readDoubleNumEntry("pageRightMargin"); if (config->hasKey("pageTopMargin")) settings.pageLayout.ptTop = config->readDoubleNumEntry("pageTopMargin"); if (config->hasKey("pageBottomMargin")) settings.pageLayout.ptBottom = config->readDoubleNumEntry("pageBottomMargin"); settings.addPageNumbers = config->readBoolEntry("addPageNumbersToPage", true); settings.addDateAndTime = config->readBoolEntry("addDateAndTimePage", true); settings.addTableBorders = config->readBoolEntry("addTableBorders", false); return settings; } void KexiSimplePrintingSettings::save() { KConfig *config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup("Simple Printing"); config->writeEntry( "pageTitleFont", pageTitleFont ); config->writeEntry( "pageFormat", KoPageFormat::formatString( pageLayout.format ) ); config->writeEntry("pageOrientation", pageLayout.orientation == PG_PORTRAIT ? "portrait" : "landscape"); config->writeEntry("pageWidth", pageLayout.ptWidth); config->writeEntry("pageHeight", pageLayout.ptHeight); config->writeEntry("pageLeftMargin", pageLayout.ptLeft); config->writeEntry("pageRightMargin", pageLayout.ptRight); config->writeEntry("pageTopMargin", pageLayout.ptTop); config->writeEntry("pageBottomMargin", pageLayout.ptBottom); config->writeEntry("addPageNumbersToPage", addPageNumbers); config->writeEntry("addDateAndTimePage", addDateAndTime); config->writeEntry("addTableBorders", addTableBorders); config->sync(); } //------------------------ KexiSimplePrintingEngine::KexiSimplePrintingEngine( const KexiSimplePrintingSettings& settings, TQObject* parent) : TQObject(parent, "KexiSimplePrintingEngine") , m_settings(&settings) , m_pdm(0) { m_cursor = 0; m_data = 0; m_visibleFieldsCount = 0; m_dataOffsets.setAutoDelete(true); clear(); } KexiSimplePrintingEngine::~KexiSimplePrintingEngine() { done(); } bool KexiSimplePrintingEngine::init(KexiDB::Connection& conn, KexiDB::TableOrQuerySchema& tableOrQuery, const TQString& titleText, TQString& errorMessage) { errorMessage = TQString(); done(); m_headerText = titleText; //tableOrQuery.captionOrName(); //open data source KexiDB::QuerySchema *query = 0; if (tableOrQuery.table()) query = tableOrQuery.table()->query(); //all rows else query = tableOrQuery.query(); if (!query) { errorMessage = i18n("Could not load data from table or query."); return false; } m_cursor = conn.executeQuery(*query); if (!m_cursor) { conn.debugError(); return false; } bool ok = !m_cursor->error(); if (ok) { m_data = new KexiTableViewData(m_cursor); //! @todo primitive: data should be loaded on demand m_data->preloadAllRows(); m_fieldsExpanded = query->fieldsExpanded( KexiDB::QuerySchema::WithInternalFields ); m_visibleFieldsCount = m_cursor->query()->fieldsExpanded().count(); //real fields count without internals } else { conn.debugError(); } m_eof = !ok || m_data->count() == 0; conn.deleteCursor(m_cursor); m_cursor = 0; return ok; } bool KexiSimplePrintingEngine::done() { bool result = true; if (m_cursor && (m_cursor->error() || !m_cursor->connection()->deleteCursor(m_cursor))) { m_cursor->debugError(); result = false; } m_cursor = 0; delete m_data; m_data = 0; m_pagesCount = 0; m_paintInitialized = false; m_fieldsExpanded.clear(); m_visibleFieldsCount = 0; return result; } void KexiSimplePrintingEngine::clear() { m_eof = false; m_pagesCount = 0; m_dataOffsets.clear(); m_dataOffsets.append(new uint(0)); m_paintInitialized = false; } void KexiSimplePrintingEngine::paintPage(int pageNumber, TQPainter& painter, bool paint) { uint offset = 0; if (pageNumber < (int)m_dataOffsets.count()) { offset = *m_dataOffsets.at(pageNumber); } double y = 0.0; const bool printing = painter.device()->devType() == TQInternal::Printer; m_SCALE = printing ? 1 : 20; double w, h; m_pdm = TQPaintDeviceMetrics( painter.device() ); if (dynamic_cast(painter.device())) { w = dynamic_cast(painter.device())->width() * m_SCALE; h = dynamic_cast(painter.device())->height() * m_SCALE; } else if (dynamic_cast(painter.device())) { w = dynamic_cast(painter.device())->width() * m_SCALE; h = dynamic_cast(painter.device())->height() * m_SCALE; } else {//KPrinter... w = m_pdm.widthMM(); h = m_pdm.heightMM(); } if (!m_paintInitialized) { m_paintInitialized = true; double widthMM = KoPageFormat::width( m_settings->pageLayout.format, m_settings->pageLayout.orientation); double heightMM = KoPageFormat::height( m_settings->pageLayout.format, m_settings->pageLayout.orientation); m_dpiY = m_pdm.logicalDpiY(); m_dpiX = m_pdm.logicalDpiX(); #ifdef TQ_WS_WIN //fix for 120dpi if (!printing) { m_dpiY = 96; m_dpiX = 96; // m_dpiY = 86; // m_dpiX = 86; } #endif double pdWidthMM = m_pdm.widthMM(); double pdHeightMM = m_pdm.heightMM(); // double screenF; // screenF = 1.0; m_leftMargin = POINT_TO_INCH(m_settings->pageLayout.ptLeft)*m_dpiX * (double)m_SCALE;//* screenF; m_rightMargin = POINT_TO_INCH(m_settings->pageLayout.ptRight)*m_dpiX * (double)m_SCALE;//* screenF; m_topMargin = POINT_TO_INCH(m_settings->pageLayout.ptTop)*m_dpiY * (double)m_SCALE;//* screenF; m_bottomMargin = POINT_TO_INCH(m_settings->pageLayout.ptBottom)*m_dpiY * (double)m_SCALE;//* screenF; m_fx = widthMM / (pdWidthMM);// * screenF); m_fy = heightMM / (pdHeightMM);// * screenF); //screen only // painter.fillRect(TQRect(0,0,w,h), TQBrush(white)); m_pageWidth = uint( m_fx*double(m_pdm.width()) * m_SCALE - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin ); m_pageHeight = uint( m_fy*double(m_pdm.height()) * m_SCALE - m_topMargin - m_bottomMargin ); m_headerFont = m_settings->pageTitleFont; if(!printing) { int pixelSize = int( POINT_TO_INCH((double)TQFontInfo(m_headerFont).pointSize())*m_dpiX ) * m_SCALE; m_headerFont.setPixelSize(pixelSize); } //! @todo add setting m_mainFont = kapp->font(); if(!printing) { int pixelSize = int( POINT_TO_INCH(m_mainFont.pointSizeFloat())*m_dpiX ) * m_SCALE; m_mainFont.setPixelSize(pixelSize); } painter.setFont(m_mainFont); m_dateTimeText = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime(), true, false); m_dateTimeWidth = painter.fontMetrics().width(m_dateTimeText+" "); m_mainLineSpacing = painter.fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); m_footerHeight = m_mainLineSpacing * 2; //2 lines painter.setFont(m_headerFont); m_headerTextRect = painter.fontMetrics().boundingRect( (int)m_leftMargin, (int)m_topMargin, m_pageWidth - m_dateTimeWidth, m_pageHeight, TQt::AlignAuto|TQt::WordBreak, m_headerText); m_headerTextRect.setRight(m_headerTextRect.right()+10); m_headerTextRect.setWidth( TQMIN(int(m_pageWidth - m_dateTimeWidth), m_headerTextRect.width())); //--compute max width of field names m_maxFieldNameWidth = 0; painter.setFont(m_mainFont); for (uint i=0; i < m_visibleFieldsCount; i++) { const int newW = painter.fontMetrics().width(m_fieldsExpanded[i]->captionOrAliasOrName()+":"); // kdDebug() << "row"<captionOrAliasOrName()<<" " // << newW <0) pageNumString = i18n("Page (number) of (total)", "Page %1 of %2") .tqarg(pageNumber+1).tqarg(m_pagesCount); else pageNumString = i18n("Page %1").tqarg(pageNumber+1); painter.drawText((int)m_leftMargin, (int)m_topMargin + m_pageHeight - m_mainLineSpacing, m_pageWidth, m_mainLineSpacing, TQt::AlignRight | TQt::AlignBottom, pageNumString); painter.drawLine((int)m_leftMargin, (int)m_topMargin + m_pageHeight - m_mainLineSpacing*3/2, (int)m_leftMargin + m_pageWidth, (int)m_topMargin + m_pageHeight - m_mainLineSpacing*3/2); } y = (double)m_topMargin + (double)m_headerTextRect.height() + double(m_mainLineSpacing)/2; if (!m_settings->addTableBorders) { //separator line if (paint) painter.drawLine((int)m_leftMargin, (int)y, (int)m_leftMargin + m_pageWidth-1, (int)y); y += (double)m_mainLineSpacing; } //--print records KexiDB::RowData row; KexiTableItem *item; // const uint count = m_fieldsExpanded.count(); // const uint count = m_cursor->query()->fieldsExpanded().count(); //real fields count without internals const uint rows = m_data->count(); const int cellMargin = m_settings->addTableBorders ? painter.fontMetrics().width("i") : 0; uint paintedRows = 0; for (;offset < rows; ++offset) { item = m_data->at(offset); //compute height of this record double newY = y; paintRecord(painter, item, cellMargin, newY, paintedRows, false, printing); // if ((int(m_topMargin + m_pageHeight-newY-m_footerHeight)) < 0 /*(1)*/ && paintedRows > 0/*(2)*/) { if (newY > (m_topMargin + m_pageHeight - m_mainLineSpacing*2 + m_mainLineSpacing) /*(1)*/ && paintedRows > 0/*(2)*/) { //(1) do not break records between pages //(2) but paint at least one record //! @todo break large records anyway... break; } /* if (int(count * m_mainLineSpacing) > int(m_topMargin + m_pageHeight-(int)y-m_footerHeight)) { //do not break records between pages break; }*/ // kdDebug() << " -------- " << y << " / " << m_pageHeight << endl; if (paint) paintRecord(painter, item, cellMargin, y, paintedRows, paint, printing); else y = newY; //speedup paintedRows++; } if (int(m_dataOffsets.count()-1)==pageNumber) {//this was next page m_dataOffsets.append(new uint(offset)); } m_eof = offset == rows; } void KexiSimplePrintingEngine::paintRecord(TQPainter& painter, KexiTableItem *item, int cellMargin, double &y, uint paintedRows, bool paint, bool printing) { if (paintedRows>0 && !m_settings->addTableBorders) {//separator if (paint) { painter.setPen(TQt::darkGray); painter.drawLine( int(m_leftMargin), int( y-(double)m_mainLineSpacing ), int(m_leftMargin)+m_pageWidth-1, int(y-(double)m_mainLineSpacing)); painter.setPen(TQt::black); } } for (uint i=0; icaptionOrAliasOrName() + (m_settings->addTableBorders ? "" : ":")); } TQString text; //! @todo optimize like in KexiCSVExport::exportData() //get real column and real index to get the visible value KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* ci; int indexForVisibleLookupValue = m_fieldsExpanded[i]->indexForVisibleLookupValue(); if (-1 != indexForVisibleLookupValue && indexForVisibleLookupValue < (int)item->count()/*sanity*/) ci = m_fieldsExpanded[ indexForVisibleLookupValue ]; else { ci = m_fieldsExpanded[ i ]; indexForVisibleLookupValue = i; } TQVariant v(item->at( indexForVisibleLookupValue )); KexiDB::Field::Type ftype = ci->field->type(); TQRect rect( (int)m_leftMargin + m_maxFieldNameWidth + cellMargin, (int)y, m_pageWidth - m_maxFieldNameWidth - cellMargin*2, m_pageHeight - (int)y); if (v.isNull() || !v.isValid()) { //nothing to do } //! todo inherit format else if (ftype==KexiDB::Field::DateTime) { TQDateTime dt(v.toDateTime()); if (dt.isValid()) text = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt); } //! todo inherit format else if (ftype==KexiDB::Field::Date) { TQDate date(v.toDate()); if (date.isValid()) text = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(date, true/*short*/); } //! todo inherit format else if (ftype==KexiDB::Field::Time) { TQTime time(v.toTime()); if (time.isValid()) text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(time); } //! todo currency, decimal... else if (ci->field->isFPNumericType()) text = KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(v.toDouble()); else if (ftype==KexiDB::Field::Boolean) text = v.toBool() ? i18n("Boolean Yes (true)","Yes") : i18n("Boolean No (false)", "No"); else if (ftype==KexiDB::Field::BLOB) { const TQByteArray ba( v.toByteArray() ); if (!ba.isEmpty()) { TQPixmap pixmap(ba); #define MAX_PIXMAP_HEIGHT (m_mainLineSpacing * 5) double pixmapHeight = MAX_PIXMAP_HEIGHT; double pixmapWidth = double(MAX_PIXMAP_HEIGHT) * pixmap.width() / (double)pixmap.height(); if (pixmapWidth > (double)rect.width()) { //too wide pixmapHeight = pixmapHeight * (double)rect.width() / pixmapWidth; pixmapWidth = rect.width(); } rect.setHeight( int( pixmapHeight + m_mainLineSpacing / 2 ) ); if (paint && !pixmap.isNull()) { if (printing) { painter.drawPixmap( TQRect(rect.x(), rect.y()+m_mainLineSpacing/4, int(pixmapWidth), int(pixmapHeight)), pixmap ); } else {// we're just previewing the pixmap, so let's resize it and cache // so redrawing will be faster painter.save(); painter.setWindow( // set 1:1 scale to avoid unnecessary image scaling TQRect(painter.window().topLeft(), painter.window().size() / (int)m_SCALE ) ); painter.drawImage( int(rect.x() / m_SCALE), int( (rect.y()+m_mainLineSpacing/4) / m_SCALE), pixmap.convertToImage().smoothScale( int(pixmapWidth / m_SCALE), int(pixmapHeight / m_SCALE), TQ_ScaleMin )); painter.restore(); // back to m_SCALE:1 scale } } } } else text = v.toString(); if (ftype!=KexiDB::Field::BLOB || v.isNull() || !v.isValid()) rect = TQRect( painter.fontMetrics().boundingRect( rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), TQt::AlignAuto|TQt::WordBreak, text) ); if (!text.isEmpty() && paint) { // kdDebug() << "print engine: painter.drawText: " // << rect.x() <<" "<< rect.y() <<" "<< m_pageWidth - m_maxFieldNameWidth - cellMargin*2 // <<" "<< m_topMargin + m_pageHeight - (int)y <<" "<addTableBorders) { if (paint) { painter.setPen(TQt::darkGray); painter.drawLine( (int)m_leftMargin, rect.top(), (int)m_leftMargin+m_pageWidth-1, rect.top()); painter.drawLine( (int)m_leftMargin, rect.top(), (int)m_leftMargin, rect.bottom()); painter.drawLine( (int)m_leftMargin+m_pageWidth-1, rect.top(), (int)m_leftMargin+m_pageWidth-1, rect.bottom()); painter.drawLine( (int)m_leftMargin+m_maxFieldNameWidth, rect.top(), (int)m_leftMargin+m_maxFieldNameWidth, rect.bottom()); painter.setPen(TQt::black); } } y += (double)rect.height(); } if (m_settings->addTableBorders) { if (paint) { painter.setPen(TQt::darkGray); painter.drawLine( (int)m_leftMargin, (int)y, (int)m_leftMargin+m_pageWidth-1, (int)y); painter.setPen(TQt::black); } } //record spacing y += double(m_mainLineSpacing)*3.0/2.0; // if (m_settings->addTableBorders) // y -= m_mainLineSpacing; //a bit less } void KexiSimplePrintingEngine::calculatePagesCount(TQPainter& painter) { if (m_eof || !m_data) { m_pagesCount = 0; return; } uint pageNumber = 0; for(;!m_eof; ++pageNumber) { paintPage(pageNumber, painter, false /* !paint */); } m_pagesCount = pageNumber; } void KexiSimplePrintingEngine::setTitleText(const TQString& titleText) { m_headerText = titleText; } #include "kexisimpleprintingengine.moc"