KPlato::MainProjectPanelBase Dag Andersen <> MainProjectPanelBase 0 0 550 335 ProjectPanelBase unnamed 0 tqlayout14 unnamed leaderfield The project leader. textLabel2 &Leader: AlignVCenter leaderfield The project leader. namefield The project name. textLabel1 N&ame: namefield The project name. spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 270 20 wbs 20 0 NoFrame Plain textLabel1_2 <p align="right"></p>ID: idfield The unique project identification chooseLeader &Choose... Choose a project leader from your address book. idfield The unique project identification textLabel1_3 WBS: schedulingGroup 1 Scheduling Here you define when the project shall start or end. If start time is defined, the project is scheduled forward from this time. When the project has been calculated, end time shows when the project is planned to end. If end time is defined, the project is scheduled backwards from this time. When the project has been calculated, start time shows when the project must start in order to finish in time. unnamed startDate Define when the project shall start. startTime endTime endDate Define when the project shall end. bEndDate End date: 1 Select this to schedule the project backward from end time. bStartDate Start date: 0 Select this to schedule the project forward from start time. textLabel5 &Project notes and summary: descriptionfield Various notes associated with the project or a project summary. Here you can enter any additional text you want to be stored with the project. This can for example be a short summary of the project or various notes. descriptionfield Various notes associated with the project or a project summary. Here you can enter any additional text you want to be stored with the project. This can for example be a short summary of the project or various notes. namefield leaderfield chooseLeader bStartDate startTime bEndDate endTime descriptionfield idfield klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kdatewidget.h kdatewidget.h ktextedit.h