/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2006 Fredrik Edemar This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KSPREAD_OBJECT_H #define KSPREAD_OBJECT_H #include "kspread_sheet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KoChart { class Part; } namespace KSpread { class Doc; class EmbeddedKOfficeObject; class EmbeddedObject; class View; class ChartBinding; enum ObjType { OBJECT_GENERAL, OBJECT_KOFFICE_PART, OBJECT_CHART, OBJECT_PICTURE }; enum SelectionMode { SM_NONE = 0, SM_MOVERESIZE = 1, SM_ROTATE = 2, SM_PROTECT = 3 }; enum PictureMirrorType { PM_NORMAL = 0, PM_HORIZONTAL = 1, PM_VERTICAL = 2, PM_HORIZONTALANDVERTICAL = 3 }; enum ImageEffect { IE_NONE = -1, IE_CHANNEL_INTENSITY = 0, IE_FADE = 1, IE_FLATTEN = 2, IE_INTENSITY = 3, IE_DESATURATE = 4, IE_CONTRAST = 5, IE_NORMALIZE = 6, IE_EQUALIZE = 7, IE_THRESHOLD = 8, IE_SOLARIZE = 9, IE_EMBOSS = 10, IE_DESPECKLE = 11, IE_CHARCOAL = 12, IE_NOISE = 13, IE_BLUR = 14, IE_EDGE = 15, IE_IMPLODE = 16, IE_OIL_PAINT = 17, IE_SHARPEN = 18, IE_SPREAD = 19, IE_SHADE = 20, IE_SWIRL = 21, IE_WAVE = 22 }; enum AlignType { AT_PAGE, AT_CELL }; /** * Contains basic information for every object. */ class EmbeddedObject { public: EmbeddedObject( Sheet *_sheet, const KoRect& _tqgeometry ); virtual ~EmbeddedObject(); virtual ObjType getType() const { return OBJECT_GENERAL; } virtual TQString getTypeString() const { return TQString(); } KoRect tqgeometry(); void setGeometry( const KoRect &rect ); virtual void moveBy( const KoPoint &_point ); virtual void moveBy( double _dx, double _dy ); virtual void resizeBy( const KoSize & _size ); virtual void resizeBy( double _dx, double _dy ); Sheet* sheet() const { return m_sheet; } void setSelected(bool s) { m_selected = s; } bool isSelected() const { return m_selected; } void setObjectName( const TQString &_objectName ) { m_objectName = _objectName; } TQString getObjectName() const { return m_objectName; } virtual void setProtect( bool b ) { m_protect = b; } bool isProtect() const { return m_protect; } virtual void setKeepRatio( bool b ) { m_keepRatio = b; } bool isKeepRatio() const { return m_keepRatio; } virtual void rotate( float _angle ) { angle = _angle; } virtual float getAngle() const { return angle; } struct KSpreadOasisSaveContext { KSpreadOasisSaveContext( KoXmlWriter &_xmlWriter, KoGenStyles &_context, int &_indexObj, int &_partIndexObj ) : xmlWriter( _xmlWriter ) , context( _context ) , indexObj( _indexObj ) , partIndexObj( _partIndexObj ) {}; KoXmlWriter &xmlWriter; KoGenStyles &context; int &indexObj; int &partIndexObj; }; virtual bool load( const TQDomElement& element ); virtual void loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisLoadingContext & context ); virtual TQDomElement save( TQDomDocument& doc ); virtual bool saveOasisObject( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &sc ) const; virtual void draw( TQPainter *_painter ); /** * Renders the embedded object to a pixmap and returns the result. * This is a convenience function which calculates the necessary x and y zoom factors to render * the pixmap at the given size and calls toPixmap(double,double) * * @param size Specifies the desired size of the returned pixmap. */ TQPixmap toPixmap( TQSize size ); /** * Renders the embedded object to a pixmap at 100% scale. Equivalent to calling toPixmap( 1.0, 1.0 ) */ TQPixmap toPixmap(); /** * Renders the embedded object to a pixmap at the specified x and y scale and returns the result. */ virtual TQPixmap toPixmap( double xZoom , double yZoom ); void paintSelection( TQPainter *_painter, SelectionMode selectionMode ); virtual TQCursor getCursor( const TQPoint &_point, ModifyType &_modType, TQRect &tqgeometry ) const; virtual void removeFromObjList() { inObjList = false; } virtual void addToObjList() { inObjList = true; } virtual void incCmdRef() { cmds++; } virtual void decCmdRef() { cmds--; doDelete(); } //TEMP: virtual TQBrush getBrush() const { return m_brush.getBrush(); } protected: /** * Get the element name for saving the object */ virtual const char * getOasisElementName() const = 0; virtual void saveOasisPosObject( KoXmlWriter &xmlWriter, int indexObj ) const; virtual bool saveOasisObjectAttributes( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &sc ) const; virtual void doDelete(); /** * Calculates the X and Y zoom factors required to render the embedded object at the given size * * @param desiredSize The desired size for the embedded object to be drawn at * @param xZoom This will be set to the required X zoom factor * @param yZoom This will be set to the required Y zoom factor */ void calculateRequiredZoom( TQSize desiredSize , double& xZoom, double& yZoom ); KoRect m_tqgeometry; Sheet *m_sheet; Canvas *m_canvas; TQString m_objectName; bool m_selected:1; bool m_protect:1; bool m_keepRatio:1; bool inObjList:1; int cmds; float angle; KoPen pen; KoBrush m_brush; }; /** * Holds an embedded koffice object. */ class EmbeddedKOfficeObject : public EmbeddedObject { public: EmbeddedKOfficeObject( Doc *tqparent, Sheet *_sheet, KoDocument* doc, const KoRect& tqgeometry ); EmbeddedKOfficeObject( Doc *tqparent, Sheet *_sheet ); virtual ~EmbeddedKOfficeObject(); virtual ObjType getType() const { return OBJECT_KOFFICE_PART; } virtual TQString getTypeString() const { return i18n("Embedded Object"); } Doc* tqparent(); KoDocumentChild *embeddedObject(); bool load( const TQDomElement& element ); virtual void loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisLoadingContext & context ); TQDomElement save( TQDomDocument& doc ); virtual void draw( TQPainter *_painter ); /** * See EmbeddedObject::toPixmap(double,double) */ virtual TQPixmap toPixmap(double xZoom , double yZoom); void activate( View *_view, Canvas *_canvas ); void deactivate(); protected: void updateChildGeometry(); virtual const char * getOasisElementName() const; virtual bool saveOasisObjectAttributes( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &sc ) const; KoDocumentChild *m_embeddedObject; Doc *m_parent; }; /** * Holds an embedded chart object. */ class EmbeddedChart : public EmbeddedKOfficeObject { public: EmbeddedChart( Doc *_spread, Sheet *_sheet, KoDocument* doc, const KoRect& _rect ); EmbeddedChart( Doc *_spread, Sheet *_sheet ); virtual ~EmbeddedChart(); virtual ObjType getType() const { return OBJECT_CHART; } virtual TQString getTypeString() const { return i18n("Chart"); } void setDataArea( const TQRect& _data ); void update(); bool load( const TQDomElement& element ); virtual void loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisLoadingContext & context ); TQDomElement save( TQDomDocument& doc ); virtual void draw( TQPainter *_painter ); /** * @reimp */ bool loadDocument( KoStore* _store ); KoChart::Part* chart(); protected: virtual const char * getOasisElementName() const; virtual bool saveOasisObjectAttributes( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &sc ) const; private: ChartBinding *m_pBinding; }; /** * Holds a picture object. */ class EmbeddedPictureObject : public EmbeddedObject { public: EmbeddedPictureObject(Sheet *_sheet, const KoRect& _tqgeometry, KoPictureCollection *_imageCollection ); EmbeddedPictureObject(Sheet *_sheet, const KoRect& _tqgeometry, KoPictureCollection *_imageCollection, const KoPictureKey & key ); EmbeddedPictureObject( Sheet *_sheet, KoPictureCollection *_imageCollection ); virtual ~EmbeddedPictureObject(); EmbeddedPictureObject &operator=( const EmbeddedPictureObject & ); virtual ObjType getType() const { return OBJECT_PICTURE; } virtual TQString getTypeString() const { return i18n("Picture"); } bool load( const TQDomElement& element ); virtual void loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisLoadingContext & context ); TQDomElement save( TQDomDocument& doc ); virtual void draw( TQPainter *_painter ); /** * See EmbeddedObject::toPixmap(double,double) */ virtual TQPixmap toPixmap(double xZoom , double yZoom); /** * Only used as a default value in the filedialog, in changePicture * \warning Do not use for anything else */ TQString getFileName() const { return image.getKey().filename(); } KoPictureKey getKey() const { return image.getKey(); } TQSize originalSize() const { return image.getOriginalSize(); } void setPicture( const KoPictureKey & key ); void reload( void ); //virtual TQDomDocumentFragment save( TQDomDocument& doc, double offset ); //virtual double load(const TQDomElement &element); //virtual void loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisLoadingContext & context, KPRLoadingInfo *info); // virtual void draw( TQPainter *_painter, KoZoomHandler*_zoomHandler, // int /* page */, SelectionMode selectionMode, bool drawContour = FALSE ); TQPixmap getOriginalPixmap(); PictureMirrorType getPictureMirrorType() const { return mirrorType; } int getPictureDepth() const { return depth; } bool getPictureSwapRGB() const { return swapRGB; } bool getPictureGrayscal() const { return grayscal; } int getPictureBright() const { return bright; } ImageEffect getImageEffect() const {return m_effect;} TQVariant getIEParam1() const {return m_ie_par1;} TQVariant getIEParam2() const {return m_ie_par2;} TQVariant getIEParam3() const {return m_ie_par3;} void setImageEffect(ImageEffect eff) { m_effect = eff; } void setIEParams(TQVariant p1, TQVariant p2, TQVariant p3) { m_ie_par1=p1; m_ie_par2=p2; m_ie_par3=p3; } void setPictureMirrorType(const PictureMirrorType &_mirrorType) { mirrorType = _mirrorType; } void setPictureDepth(int _depth) { depth = _depth; } void setPictureSwapRGB(bool _swapRGB) { swapRGB = _swapRGB; } void setPictureGrayscal(bool _grayscal) { grayscal = _grayscal; } void setPictureBright(int _bright) { bright = _bright; } KoPicture picture() const { return image;} void loadPicture( const TQString & fileName ); virtual void flip(bool horizontal ); protected: virtual const char * getOasisElementName() const; virtual bool saveOasisObjectAttributes( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &sc ) const; TQPixmap changePictureSettings( TQPixmap _tmpPixmap ); virtual void saveOasisPictureElement( KoGenStyle &styleobjectauto ) const; void loadOasisPictureEffect(KoOasisLoadingContext & context ); virtual void fillStyle( KoGenStyle& styleObjectAuto, KoGenStyles& mainStyles ) const; /** * @internal * Draws the shadow */ void drawShadow( TQPainter* _painter, KoZoomHandler* _zoomHandler); TQPixmap generatePixmap(KoZoomHandler*_zoomHandler); TQString convertValueToPercent( int val ) const; KoPictureCollection *imageCollection; KoPicture image; PictureMirrorType mirrorType, m_cachedMirrorType; int depth, m_cachedDepth; bool swapRGB, m_cachedSwapRGB; bool grayscal, m_cachedGrayscal; int bright, m_cachedBright; //image effect and its params ImageEffect m_effect, m_cachedEffect; TQVariant m_ie_par1, m_cachedPar1; TQVariant m_ie_par2, m_cachedPar2; TQVariant m_ie_par3, m_cachedPar3; TQPixmap m_cachedPixmap; TQRect m_cachedRect; }; } // namespace KSpread #endif // KSPREAD_OBJECT_H