/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __kspread_undo_h__ #define __kspread_undo_h__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kspread_doc.h" #include "region.h" namespace KSpread { class ColumnFormat; class Doc; class Format; class Region; class RowFormat; class Sheet; class Undo; class UndoResizeColRow; struct rowSize { int rowNumber; double rowHeight; }; struct columnSize { int columnNumber; double columnWidth; }; struct textOfCell { int row; int col; TQString text; }; struct tqlayoutTextCell { int row; int col; Format * l; TQString text; }; struct tqlayoutCell { int row; int col; Format *l; }; struct tqlayoutColumn { int col; ColumnFormat *l; }; struct tqlayoutRow { int row; RowFormat *l; }; struct styleCell { int row; int col; TQString action; }; class FormulaOfCell { public: FormulaOfCell(): m_sheetName(0) {} FormulaOfCell( TQString & sheetName, int col, int row, TQString & formula ) : m_sheetName( sheetName ), m_col( col ), m_row( row ), m_formula( formula ) {} TQString sheetName() const { return m_sheetName; } TQString formula() const { return m_formula; } int col() const { return m_col; } int row() const { return m_row; } private: TQString m_sheetName; int m_col; int m_row; TQString m_formula; }; /** * Abstract base class. Every undo/redo action must * derive from this class. */ class UndoAction { public: UndoAction( Doc *_doc ) { m_pDoc = _doc; m_pDoc->setModified(true); } virtual ~UndoAction() { } virtual void undo() = 0; virtual void redo() = 0; Doc* doc()const { return m_pDoc; } TQString getName()const {return name ;} protected: Doc *m_pDoc; TQString name; }; class MacroUndoAction : public UndoAction { public: MacroUndoAction( Doc * _doc, const TQString & _name ); virtual ~MacroUndoAction(); void addCommand(UndoAction *command); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQPtrList m_commands; }; class UndoInsertRemoveAction : public UndoAction { public: UndoInsertRemoveAction( Doc *_doc ); virtual ~UndoInsertRemoveAction(); void saveFormulaReference( Sheet *_sheet, int col, int row, TQString & formula ); protected: void undoFormulaReference(); TQValueList m_lstFormulaCells; }; class UndoRemoveColumn : public UndoInsertRemoveAction { public: UndoRemoveColumn( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _column,int _nbCol=0 ); virtual ~UndoRemoveColumn(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; TQCString m_data; int m_iColumn; int m_iNbCol; TQRect m_printRange; TQPair m_printRepeatColumns; }; class UndoInsertColumn : public UndoInsertRemoveAction { public: UndoInsertColumn( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _column,int _nbCol=0 ); virtual ~UndoInsertColumn(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; int m_iColumn; int m_iNbCol; }; class UndoRemoveRow : public UndoInsertRemoveAction { public: UndoRemoveRow( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _row,int _nbRow=0 ); virtual ~UndoRemoveRow(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; TQCString m_data; int m_iRow; int m_iNbRow; TQRect m_printRange; TQPair m_printRepeatRows; }; class UndoInsertRow : public UndoInsertRemoveAction { public: UndoInsertRow( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _row,int _nbRow=0 ); virtual ~UndoInsertRow(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; int m_iRow; int m_iNbRow; }; class UndoHideColumn : public UndoAction { public: UndoHideColumn( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _column,int _nbCol=0, TQValueListlistCol=TQValueList() ); virtual ~UndoHideColumn(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); void createList( TQValueList&list,Sheet *_tab ); protected: TQString m_sheetName; int m_iColumn; int m_iNbCol; TQValueList listCol; }; class UndoHideRow : public UndoAction { public: UndoHideRow( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _column,int _nbCol=0, TQValueList_listRow=TQValueList() ); virtual ~UndoHideRow(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createList( TQValueList&list,Sheet *_tab ); TQString m_sheetName; int m_iRow; int m_iNbRow; TQValueList listRow; }; class UndoShowColumn : public UndoAction { public: UndoShowColumn( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _column,int _nbCol=0, TQValueList_list=TQValueList() ); virtual ~UndoShowColumn(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createList( TQValueList&list,Sheet *_tab ); TQString m_sheetName; int m_iColumn; int m_iNbCol; TQValueList listCol; }; class UndoShowRow : public UndoAction { public: UndoShowRow( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _column,int _nbCol=0, TQValueListlist=TQValueList() ); virtual ~UndoShowRow(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createList( TQValueList&list,Sheet *_tab ); TQString m_sheetName; int m_iRow; int m_iNbRow; TQValueList listRow; }; class UndoPaperLayout : public UndoAction { public: UndoPaperLayout( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet ); virtual ~UndoPaperLayout(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; KoPageLayout m_pl; KoPageLayout m_plRedo; KoHeadFoot m_hf; KoHeadFoot m_hfRedo; KoUnit::Unit m_unit; KoUnit::Unit m_unitRedo; bool m_printGrid; bool m_printGridRedo; bool m_printCommentIndicator; bool m_printCommentIndicatorRedo; bool m_printFormulaIndicator; bool m_printFormulaIndicatorRedo; TQRect m_printRange; TQRect m_printRangeRedo; TQPair m_printRepeatColumns; TQPair m_printRepeatColumnsRedo; TQPair m_printRepeatRows; TQPair m_printRepeatRowsRedo; double m_dZoom; double m_dZoomRedo; int m_iPageLimitX; int m_iPageLimitXRedo; int m_iPageLimitY; int m_iPageLimitYRedo; }; class UndoSetText : public UndoAction { public: UndoSetText( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const TQString& _text, int _column, int _row, FormatType _formatType ); virtual ~UndoSetText(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; int m_iRow; int m_iColumn; TQString m_strText; TQString m_strRedoText; FormatType m_eFormatType; FormatType m_eFormatTypeRedo; }; class UndoCellFormat : public UndoAction { public: UndoCellFormat( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const Region &_selection, const TQString &_title ); virtual ~UndoCellFormat(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void copyFormat( TQValueList &list,TQValueList &listCol,TQValueList &listRow, Sheet* sheet ); Region m_region; TQValueList m_lstFormats; TQValueList m_lstRedoFormats; TQValueList m_lstColFormats; TQValueList m_lstRedoColFormats; TQValueList m_lstRowFormats; TQValueList m_lstRedoRowFormats; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoChangeAngle : public UndoAction { public: UndoChangeAngle( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const Region &_selection ); virtual ~UndoChangeAngle(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: UndoCellFormat* m_layoutUndo; UndoResizeColRow* m_resizeUndo; }; class UndoDelete : public UndoAction { public: UndoDelete(Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const Region& region); virtual ~UndoDelete(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createListCell( TQCString &listCell,TQValueList &listCol,TQValueList &listRow, Sheet* sheet ); Region m_region; TQCString m_data; TQCString m_dataRedo; TQValueList m_lstColumn; TQValueList m_lstRedoColumn; TQValueList m_lstRow; TQValueList m_lstRedoRow; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoDragDrop : public UndoAction { public: UndoDragDrop( Doc * _doc, Sheet * _sheet, const Region& _source, const Region& _target ); virtual ~UndoDragDrop(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: Region m_selectionSource; Region m_selectionTarget; TQCString m_dataSource; TQCString m_dataTarget; TQCString m_dataRedoSource; TQCString m_dataRedoTarget; TQString m_sheetName; void saveCellRect( TQCString & cells, Sheet * sheet, const Region& region ); }; class UndoResizeColRow : public UndoAction { public: UndoResizeColRow( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const Region &_selection ); virtual ~UndoResizeColRow(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createList( TQValueList &listCol,TQValueList &listRow, Sheet* sheet ); Region m_region; TQValueList m_lstColumn; TQValueList m_lstRedoColumn; TQValueList m_lstRow; TQValueList m_lstRedoRow; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoChangeAreaTextCell : public UndoAction { public: UndoChangeAreaTextCell( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const Region &_selection ); virtual ~UndoChangeAreaTextCell(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createList( TQMap &list, Sheet* sheet ); Region m_region; TQMap m_lstTextCell; TQMap m_lstRedoTextCell; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoSort : public UndoAction { public: UndoSort( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const TQRect &_selection); virtual ~UndoSort(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void copyAll( TQValueList & list, TQValueList & listCol, TQValueList & listRow, Sheet * sheet ); TQRect m_rctRect; TQValueList m_lstFormats; TQValueList m_lstRedoFormats; TQValueList m_lstColFormats; TQValueList m_lstRedoColFormats; TQValueList m_lstRowFormats; TQValueList m_lstRedoRowFormats; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoMergedCell : public UndoAction { public: UndoMergedCell( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _column, int _row, int _extraX,int _extraY); virtual ~UndoMergedCell(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: int m_iRow; int m_iCol; int m_iExtraX; int m_iExtraY; int m_iExtraRedoX; int m_iExtraRedoY; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoAutofill : public UndoAction { public: UndoAutofill( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const TQRect &_rect ); virtual ~UndoAutofill(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createListCell( TQCString &list, Sheet* sheet ); TQRect m_selection; TQCString m_data; TQCString m_dataRedo; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoInsertCellCol : public UndoInsertRemoveAction { public: UndoInsertCellCol( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const TQRect &_rect ); virtual ~UndoInsertCellCol(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; TQRect m_rect; }; class UndoInsertCellRow : public UndoInsertRemoveAction { public: UndoInsertCellRow( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet,const TQRect &_rect ); virtual ~UndoInsertCellRow(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; TQRect m_rect; }; class UndoRemoveCellCol : public UndoInsertRemoveAction { public: UndoRemoveCellCol( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const TQRect &_rect ); virtual ~UndoRemoveCellCol(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; TQRect m_rect; TQCString m_data; }; class UndoRemoveCellRow : public UndoInsertRemoveAction { public: UndoRemoveCellRow( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const TQRect &_rect ); virtual ~UndoRemoveCellRow(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: TQString m_sheetName; TQRect m_rect; TQCString m_data; }; class UndoConditional : public UndoAction { public: UndoConditional( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const Region & _selection ); virtual ~UndoConditional(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createListCell( TQCString &list, Sheet* sheet ); Region m_region; TQCString m_data; TQCString m_dataRedo; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoCellPaste : public UndoAction { public: UndoCellPaste(Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, int _xshift, int _yshift, const Region& _selection, bool insert, int insertTo = 0); virtual ~UndoCellPaste(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createListCell( TQCString &listCell,TQValueList &listCol,TQValueList &listRow, Sheet* sheet ); Region m_region; TQCString m_data; TQCString m_dataRedo; TQValueList m_lstColumn; TQValueList m_lstRedoColumn; TQValueList m_lstRow; TQValueList m_lstRedoRow; int xshift; int yshift; bool b_insert; int m_iInsertTo; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoStyleCell : public UndoAction { public: UndoStyleCell( Doc *_doc, Sheet *_sheet, const TQRect &_rect ); virtual ~UndoStyleCell(); virtual void undo(); virtual void redo(); protected: void createListCell( TQValueList &listCell, Sheet* sheet ); TQRect m_selection; TQValueList m_lstStyleCell; TQValueList m_lstRedoStyleCell; TQString m_sheetName; }; class UndoInsertData : public UndoChangeAreaTextCell { public: UndoInsertData( Doc * _doc, Sheet * _sheet, TQRect & _selection ); }; class Undo { public: Undo( Doc *_doc ); ~Undo(); void undo(); void redo(); void clear(); void lock(); void unlock(); bool isLocked() const ; bool hasUndoActions()const { return !m_stckUndo.isEmpty(); } bool hasRedoActions()const { return !m_stckRedo.isEmpty(); } void appendUndo( UndoAction *_action ); TQString getUndoName(); TQString getRedoName(); protected: TQPtrStack m_stckUndo; TQPtrStack m_stckRedo; Doc *m_pDoc; }; } // namespace KSpread #endif