/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KWVariable.h" #include "KWTextFrameSet.h" #include "KWTextDocument.h" #include "KWMailMergeDataBase.h" #include "KWDocument.h" #include "KWCommand.h" #include "KWViewMode.h" #include "KWPageManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include KWVariableSettings::KWVariableSettings() : KoVariableSettings() { m_footNoteCounter.setSuffix( TQString() ); m_endNoteCounter.setSuffix( TQString() ); // By default endnotes are numbered in lowercase roman numbers, in other WPs. m_endNoteCounter.setStyle( KoParagCounter::STYLE_ROM_NUM_L ); } void KWVariableSettings::changeFootNoteCounter( KoParagCounter _c ) { m_footNoteCounter = _c; } void KWVariableSettings::changeEndNoteCounter( KoParagCounter _c ) { m_endNoteCounter = _c; } void KWVariableSettings::saveNoteConfiguration( KoXmlWriter& writer ) const { writer.startElement( "text:notes-configuration" ); writer.addAttribute( "text:note-class", "footnote" ); // let the counter save: num-prefix num-suffix num-format start-value m_footNoteCounter.saveOasisListLevel( writer, false ); writer.addAttribute( "text:footnotes-position", "page" ); // tell OO what we do writer.addAttribute( "text:start-numbering-at", "document" ); // tell OO what we do writer.endElement(); writer.startElement( "text:notes-configuration" ); writer.addAttribute( "text:note-class", "endnote" ); // let the counter save: num-prefix num-suffix num-format start-value m_endNoteCounter.saveOasisListLevel( writer, false ); writer.addAttribute( "text:start-numbering-at", "document" ); // tell OO what we do writer.endElement(); } void KWVariableSettings::loadNoteConfiguration( const TQDomElement& parent ) { TQDomElement e; forEachElement( e, parent ) { if ( e.localName() == "notes-configuration" && e.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::text ) { const TQString noteClass = e.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::text, "note-class", TQString() ); if ( noteClass == "footnote" ) { m_footNoteCounter.loadOasisListStyle( e, TQDomElement(), TQDomElement(), -1, true, false, 1, false ); m_footNoteCounter.setNumbering( KoParagCounter::NUM_FOOTNOTE ); m_footNoteCounter.setRestartCounter( false ); } else if ( noteClass == "endnote" ) { m_endNoteCounter.loadOasisListStyle( e, TQDomElement(), TQDomElement(), -1, true, false, 1, false ); m_endNoteCounter.setNumbering( KoParagCounter::NUM_FOOTNOTE ); m_endNoteCounter.setRestartCounter( false ); } } } } void KWVariableSettings::save( TQDomElement &parentElem ) { KoVariableSettings::save( parentElem ); TQDomDocument doc = parentElem.ownerDocument(); TQDomElement footNoteSettingElem = doc.createElement( "FOOTNOTESETTING" ); parentElem.appendChild( footNoteSettingElem ); m_footNoteCounter.save( footNoteSettingElem ); TQDomElement endNoteSettingElem = doc.createElement( "ENDNOTESETTING" ); parentElem.appendChild( endNoteSettingElem ); m_endNoteCounter.save( endNoteSettingElem ); } void KWVariableSettings::load( TQDomElement &elem ) { KoVariableSettings::load( elem ); TQDomElement footNoteSettings = elem.namedItem( "FOOTNOTESETTING" ).toElement(); if ( !footNoteSettings.isNull() ) m_footNoteCounter.load( footNoteSettings ); TQDomElement endNoteSettings = elem.namedItem( "ENDNOTESETTING" ).toElement(); if ( !endNoteSettings.isNull() ) m_endNoteCounter.load( endNoteSettings ); } KWVariableCollection::KWVariableCollection(KWVariableSettings *_setting, KoVariableFormatCollection* coll) : KoVariableCollection(_setting, coll) { } KoVariable* KWVariableCollection::loadOasisField( KoTextDocument* textdoc, const TQDomElement& tag, KoOasisContext& context ) { const TQString localName( tag.localName() ); const bool isTextNS = tag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::text; if ( isTextNS ) { //kdDebug()<<" localName :"<(doc); KoVariable * var = 0L; switch(type) { case VT_PGNUM: if ( !varFormat ) varFormat = (subtype == KoPageVariable::VST_CURRENT_SECTION) ? coll->format("STRING") : coll->format("NUMBER"); var = new KWPgNumVariable( textdoc, subtype, varFormat, this, m_doc ); break; case VT_MAILMERGE: var = new KWMailMergeVariable( textdoc, TQString(), coll->format("STRING"), this, m_doc ); break; case VT_FOOTNOTE: if ( !loadFootNote ) return 0L; if ( !varFormat ) varFormat = coll->format("STRING"); var = new KWFootNoteVariable( textdoc, varFormat, this, m_doc ); break; case VT_STATISTIC: if ( !varFormat ) varFormat = coll->format("NUMBER"); var = new KWStatisticVariable( textdoc, subtype, varFormat, this, m_doc ); break; default: return KoVariableCollection::createVariable( type, subtype, coll, varFormat, textdoc, doc, _correct, _forceDefaultFormat ); } return var; } /******************************************************************/ /* Class: KWPgNumVariable */ /******************************************************************/ KWPgNumVariable::KWPgNumVariable( KoTextDocument *textdoc, int subtype, KoVariableFormat *varFormat ,KoVariableCollection *_varColl, KWDocument *doc ) : KoPageVariable( textdoc, subtype, varFormat ,_varColl ), m_doc(doc) { } void KWPgNumVariable::recalc() { if ( !m_doc->layoutViewMode()->hasPages() ) // ModeText { //necessary to resize it in this mode because in this mode //we don't call KWTextFrameSet::drawFrame() resize(); return; } if ( m_subtype == VST_PGNUM_TOTAL ) { m_varValue = TQVariant(m_doc->pageCount()+m_varColl->variableSetting()->startingPageNumber()-1); resize(); } // The other cases are handled by the more dynamic code in KWTextFrameSet::drawFrame() // But we don't want to keep a width of -1 ... if ( width == -1 ) width = 0; } TQString KWPgNumVariable::text(bool realValue) { if (m_varColl->variableSetting()->displayFieldCode()&& !realValue) return fieldCode(); // #### ??? What? else if ( m_subtype != VST_CURRENT_SECTION && !m_doc->layoutViewMode()->hasPages() && !realValue) return fieldCode(); else return m_varFormat->convert( m_varValue ); } /******************************************************************/ /* Class: KWMailMergeVariable */ /******************************************************************/ KWMailMergeVariable::KWMailMergeVariable( KoTextDocument *textdoc, const TQString &name, KoVariableFormat *varFormat,KoVariableCollection *_varColl, KWDocument *doc ) : KoMailMergeVariable( textdoc, name, varFormat,_varColl ), m_doc(doc) { } TQString KWMailMergeVariable::value() const { return m_doc->mailMergeDataBase()->getValue( m_varValue.toString() ); } TQString KWMailMergeVariable::text(bool realValue) { if (m_varColl->variableSetting()->displayFieldCode()&& !realValue) return fieldCode(); // ## should use a format maybe TQString v = value(); if ( m_doc->mailMergeDataBase()->isSampleRecord() ) return "<" + v + ">"; return v; } void KWMailMergeVariable::recalc() { resize(); } ///////////// KWFootNoteVariable::KWFootNoteVariable( KoTextDocument *textdoc, KoVariableFormat *varFormat, KoVariableCollection *varColl, KWDocument *doc ) : KoVariable( textdoc, varFormat, varColl ), m_doc(doc), m_frameset( 0L ), m_numberingType( Auto ), m_num( -1 ), m_numDisplay( -1 ) { m_varValue = TQVariant( TQString() ); } void KWFootNoteVariable::setNumberingType( Numbering _type ) { m_numberingType = _type; //delete m_varFormat; setVariableFormat(m_doc->variableFormatCollection()->format("STRING")); } void KWFootNoteVariable::loadOasis( const TQDomElement& footNoteTag, KoOasisContext& context ) { /*1 */ const TQString id = footNoteTag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::text, "id", TQString() ); if ( footNoteTag.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::text, "note-class" ) ) { const TQString str = footNoteTag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::text, "note-class", TQString() ); if ( str == "footnote" ) m_noteType = FootNote; else if ( str == "endnote" ) m_noteType = EndNote; else { kdWarning()<<" Unknown footnote type: '" << str << "'" << endl; m_noteType = FootNote; } } TQDomElement element; TQDomElement bodyElement; forEachElement( element, footNoteTag ) { if ( element.namespaceURI() != KoXmlNS::text ) continue; const TQString localName = element.localName(); if( localName == "note-citation" ) { if ( element.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::text, "label" ) ) m_numberingType = Manual; else m_numberingType = Auto; if ( m_numberingType == Auto ) { //kdDebug()<<" automatic \n"; m_numDisplay = element.text().toInt(); formatedNote(); } else { // kdDebug()<<" manual \n"; m_varValue = TQVariant( element.text() ); } } else if ( localName == "note-body" ) { bodyElement = element; } } Q_ASSERT( !bodyElement.isNull() ); Q_ASSERT( !m_frameset ); m_frameset = new KWFootNoteFrameSet( m_doc, id ); m_frameset->setFrameSetInfo( KWFrameSet::FI_FOOTNOTE ); m_frameset->setFootNoteVariable( this ); m_frameset->createInitialFrame( 0 ); m_doc->addFrameSet( m_frameset ); // Load the body of the footnote m_frameset->loadOasisContent( bodyElement, context ); } void KWFootNoteVariable::saveOasis( KoXmlWriter& writer, KoSavingContext& context ) const { if(! m_frameset) return; // see bug #126007 //1 //i //vv writer.startElement( "text:note" ); writer.addAttribute( "text:id",m_frameset->name() ); writer.addAttribute( "text:note-class", m_noteType == FootNote ? "footnote" : "endnote" ); writer.startElement( "text:note-citation" ); if ( m_numberingType == Auto ) writer.addTextNode( TQString( "%1" ).arg( m_numDisplay ) ); else { writer.addAttribute( "text:label", m_varValue.toString() ); writer.addTextNode(m_varValue.toString() ); } writer.endElement(); writer.startElement( "text:note-body" ); //save text from end/footnote m_frameset->saveOasisContent( writer, context ); writer.endElement(); writer.endElement(); } void KWFootNoteVariable::saveVariable( TQDomElement &parentElem ) { TQDomElement footnoteElem = parentElem.ownerDocument().createElement( "FOOTNOTE" ); parentElem.appendChild( footnoteElem ); //footnoteElem.setAttribute( "subtype", 0 ); if ( m_numberingType == Auto ) footnoteElem.setAttribute( "value", m_numDisplay ); else footnoteElem.setAttribute( "value", m_varValue.toString() ); footnoteElem.setAttribute( "notetype", m_noteType == FootNote ? "footnote" : "endnote" ); footnoteElem.setAttribute( "numberingtype", m_numberingType == Auto ? "auto" : "manual" ); Q_ASSERT( m_frameset ); if( m_frameset ) footnoteElem.setAttribute( "frameset", m_frameset->name() ); } void KWFootNoteVariable::load( TQDomElement &elem ) { KoVariable::load( elem ); TQDomElement footnoteElem = elem.namedItem( "FOOTNOTE" ).toElement(); if (!footnoteElem.isNull()) { //m_subtype = footnoteElem.attribute("subtype").toInt(); TQString str = footnoteElem.attribute("notetype").lower(); if ( str == "footnote" ) m_noteType = FootNote; else if ( str == "endnote" ) m_noteType = EndNote; else kdWarning() << "Unknown footnote type: '" << str << "'" << endl; str = footnoteElem.attribute("numberingtype").lower(); if ( str == "auto" ) m_numberingType = Auto; else if ( str == "manual") m_numberingType = Manual; else kdWarning() << "Unknown footnote numbering: '" << str << "'" << endl; if ( m_numberingType == Auto ) { m_numDisplay = footnoteElem.attribute("value").toInt(); formatedNote(); } else m_varValue = TQVariant(footnoteElem.attribute("value")); str = footnoteElem.attribute("frameset"); m_doc->addFootNoteRequest( str, this ); } } void KWFootNoteVariable::formatedNote() { if ( m_numberingType == Auto ) { m_varValue = TQVariant(applyStyle()); } } TQString KWFootNoteVariable::applyStyle() { KWVariableSettings* settings = static_cast(m_varColl->variableSetting()); KoParagCounter tmpCounter = (m_noteType == FootNote) ? settings->footNoteCounter() : settings->endNoteCounter(); TQString tmp; int val = m_numDisplay + tmpCounter.startNumber()-1; Q_ASSERT( val >= 0 ); if ( val < 0 ) // let's not go into makeRomanNumber with a negative number :} return i18n("ERROR"); switch ( tmpCounter.style() ) { case KoParagCounter::STYLE_NUM: tmp.setNum( val ); break; case KoParagCounter::STYLE_ALPHAB_L: tmp=KoParagCounter::makeAlphaLowerNumber( val ); break; case KoParagCounter::STYLE_ALPHAB_U: tmp=KoParagCounter::makeAlphaUpperNumber( val ); break; case KoParagCounter::STYLE_ROM_NUM_L: tmp = KoParagCounter::makeRomanNumber( val ).lower(); break; case KoParagCounter::STYLE_ROM_NUM_U: tmp = KoParagCounter::makeRomanNumber( val ).upper(); break; case KoParagCounter::STYLE_CUSTOMBULLET: //todo change font tmp = tmpCounter.customBulletCharacter(); break; default: tmp.setNum( val ); break; } tmp.prepend( tmpCounter.prefix() ); tmp.append( tmpCounter.suffix() ); return tmp; } TQString KWFootNoteVariable::text(bool realValue) { if (m_varColl->variableSetting()->displayFieldCode()&& !realValue) return fieldCode(); return m_varFormat->convert( m_varValue ); } void KWFootNoteVariable::setNumDisplay( int val ) { m_numDisplay = val; if ( val != -1 ) // -1 is used to 'invalidate so that renumberFootNotes recalcs' formatedNote(); } TQString KWFootNoteVariable::fieldCode() { return (noteType()==FootNote) ?i18n("Footnote"):i18n("Endnote"); } void KWFootNoteVariable::drawCustomItem( TQPainter* p, int x, int y, int wpix, int hpix, int ascentpix, int /*cx*/, int /*cy*/, int /*cw*/, int /*ch*/, const TQColorGroup& cg, bool selected, int _offset, bool drawingShadow ) { KoTextFormat * fmt = format(); KoTextZoomHandler * zh = textDocument()->paintingZoomHandler(); // Force drawing as "superscript" - hmm, the formatting will use too big font metrics though. TQFont font( fmt->screenFont( zh ) ); int pointSize = ( ( font.pointSize() * 2 ) / 3 ); font.setPointSize( pointSize ); int offset = _offset; if ( offset == 0 ) { int h = zh->layoutUnitToPixelY( /*_y HACK,*/ height ); offset = -( h - TQFontMetrics(font).height() ); } TQColor textColor( fmt->color() ); drawCustomItemHelper( p, x, y, wpix, hpix, ascentpix, cg, selected, offset, fmt, font, textColor, drawingShadow ); } void KWFootNoteVariable::finalize() { Q_ASSERT( m_frameset ); if (!m_frameset ) return; Q_ASSERT( !m_frameset->isDeleted() ); if ( m_frameset->isDeleted() ) return; //kdDebug(32001) << "KWFootNoteVariable::finalize" << endl; int pageNum = this->pageNum(); if ( pageNum == -1 ) return; KWFrame* footNoteFrame = m_frameset->frame( 0 ); int framePage = footNoteFrame->pageNumber(); if ( framePage != pageNum ) { //kdDebug(32001) << "Footnote var '" << text() << "' at page " << pageNum << ", footnote frame at page " << framePage << " -> abortFormatting() and recalcFrames()" << endl; KWTextFrameSet * fs = static_cast(textDocument())->textFrameSet(); fs->textObject()->abortFormatting(); // abortFormatting is a bool in kotextobject. So we need to return there before // starting text tqlayout again. m_doc->delayedRecalcFrames( TQMIN( pageNum, framePage ) ); m_doc->delayedRepaintAllViews(); } } void KWFootNoteVariable::resize() { if ( m_deleted ) return; KoTextFormat *fmt = format(); TQFont font( fmt->refFont() ); // LU font if ( fmt->vAlign() == KoTextFormat::AlignNormal ) // if it's still normal... { int pointSize = ( ( font.pointSize() * 2 ) / 3 ); // ...force superscript font.setPointSize( pointSize ); } TQFontMetrics fm( font ); TQString txt = text(); width = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < (int)txt.length() ; ++i ) width += fm.charWidth( txt, i ); // size at 100% // zoom to LU width = tqRound( KoTextZoomHandler::ptToLayoutUnitPt( width ) ); height = fmt->height(); m_ascent = fmt->ascent(); //kdDebug() << "KWFootNoteVariable::resize text=" << txt << " width=" << width << " height=" << height << endl; } void KWFootNoteVariable::setDeleted( bool del ) { kdDebug() << "KWFootNoteVariable::setDeleted " << del << endl; if ( del ) { Q_ASSERT( m_frameset ); if ( m_frameset ) { m_frameset->deleteAllFrames(); // Important, because we don't want to save it! m_frameset->setVisible( false ); } } else { Q_ASSERT( m_frameset ); if ( m_frameset ) { kdDebug() << "Making frameset " << m_frameset << " visible" << endl; m_frameset->setVisible( true ); if ( m_frameset->isDeleted() ) m_frameset->createInitialFrame( 0 ); // Page number shouldn't matter (see recalcFrames below). Q_ASSERT( m_frameset->isVisible() ); } } // hmm, maybe compress all the stuff below and do only once // (e.g. when deleting multiple footnotes)? // (but we can't really delay it with a sst, the formatMore after undo/redo // needs this to be done already, I think). Bah. // Re-number footnote variables KWTextFrameSet * textfs = static_cast(textDocument())->textFrameSet(); textfs->renumberFootNotes(); m_doc->recalcFrames(); if (!del) m_frameset->tqlayout(); // format its text, so that it resizes the frame KoVariable::setDeleted( del ); // Does this compress? Probably not. m_doc->delayedRepaintAllViews(); } int KWFootNoteVariable::pageNum() const { int page = m_doc->pageManager()->pageNumber(varY()); Q_ASSERT( page <= m_doc->lastPage() ); return page; } double KWFootNoteVariable::varY() const { // Find out the position of the footnote variable in document coordinates. int paragy = paragraph()->rect().y(); KWTextFrameSet * fs = static_cast(textDocument())->textFrameSet(); if ( !fs->hasFramesInPageArray() ) // we need it for internalToDocument { kdDebug(32001) << "KWFootNoteVariable::varY too early, no updateFrames yet" << endl; return 0; // this happens on loading - frame tqlayout is done before text tqlayout } // What we need is "has never been formatted". Not "has just been invalidated"... //if ( !paragraph()->isValid() ) //{ // kdDebug(32001) << "KWFootNoteVariable::varY called but paragraph " << paragraph()->paragId() << " not valid" << endl; // return 0; //} KoPoint dPoint; //kdDebug(32001) << "KWFootNoteVariable::pageNum position of variable (LU): " << TQPoint( x(), paragy + y() + height ) << endl; KWFrame* containingFrame = fs->internalToDocument( TQPoint( x(), paragy + y() + height ), dPoint ); if ( containingFrame ) { // Ok, the (bottom of the) footnote variable is at dPoint. double varY = dPoint.y(); //kdDebug(32001) << " found containingFrame " << containingFrame << " page:" << containingFrame->pageNumber() << " varY=" << varY << endl; //int pageNum = containingFrame->pageNumber(); // and at page pageNum return varY; } else { // This can happen if the page hasn't been created yet //kdDebug(32001) << "KWFootNoteVariable::pageNum internalToDocument returned 0L for " << x << ", " << y+paragy << endl; return 0; } } KWStatisticVariable::KWStatisticVariable( KoTextDocument *textdoc, int subtype, KoVariableFormat *varFormat,KoVariableCollection *_varColl, KWDocument *doc ) : KoStatisticVariable( textdoc, subtype, varFormat, _varColl ), m_doc(doc) { } void KWStatisticVariable::recalc() { int nb = 0; ulong charsWithSpace = 0L; ulong charsWithoutSpace = 0L; ulong words = 0L; ulong sentences = 0L; ulong lines = 0L; ulong syllables = 0L; bool frameInfo = ( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_WORD || m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_SENTENCE || m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_LINES || m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_CHARACTERE); TQPtrListIterator framesetIt( m_doc->framesetsIterator() ); //TODO change int to ulong for ( framesetIt.toFirst(); framesetIt.current(); ++framesetIt ) { KWFrameSet *frameSet = framesetIt.current(); if ( frameSet->isVisible() ) { if ( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_FRAME ) { ++nb; } else if( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_PICTURE && frameSet->type() == FT_PICTURE ) { ++nb; } else if( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_TABLE && frameSet->type() == FT_TABLE ) { ++nb; } else if( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_EMBEDDED && frameSet->type() == FT_PART ) { ++nb; } if ( frameInfo && (frameSet->frameSetInfo() == KWFrameSet::FI_FOOTNOTE || frameSet->frameSetInfo() == KWFrameSet::FI_BODY) && frameSet->isVisible() ) { frameSet->statistics( 0L, charsWithSpace, charsWithoutSpace, words, sentences, syllables, lines, false ); } } if ( frameInfo ) { if( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_WORD ) { nb = words; } else if( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_SENTENCE ) { nb = sentences; } else if( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_LINES ) { nb = lines; } else if ( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_CHARACTERE ) { nb = charsWithSpace; } else if ( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_NON_WHITESPACE_CHARACTERE ) { nb = charsWithoutSpace; } else if ( m_subtype == VST_STATISTIC_NB_SYLLABLE ) { nb = syllables; } else nb = 0; } } m_varValue = TQVariant(nb); resize(); if ( width == -1 ) width = 0; } TQString KWStatisticVariable::text(bool realValue) { if ( m_varColl->variableSetting()->displayFieldCode() && !realValue ) return fieldCode(); else return m_varFormat->convert( m_varValue ); }