/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001-2006 David Faure This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoTextView.h" #include "KoTextParag.h" #include "KoParagCounter.h" #include "KoTextObject.h" #include "KoTextViewIface.h" #include "KoStyleCollection.h" #include "KoBgSpellCheck.h" #include "KoVariable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KoTextView::KoTextViewPrivate { public: KoTextViewPrivate() { m_currentUnicodeNumber = 0; m_backSpeller = 0; } void appendDigit( int digit ) { m_currentUnicodeNumber = 10 * m_currentUnicodeNumber + digit; } int currentUnicodeNumber() const { return m_currentUnicodeNumber; } void clearCurrentUnicodeNumber() { m_currentUnicodeNumber = 0; } KoBgSpellCheck* m_backSpeller; private: int m_currentUnicodeNumber; // For the alt+123 feature }; KoTextView::KoTextView( KoTextObject *textobj ) { d = new KoTextViewPrivate; m_bReadWrite = true; m_textobj = textobj; dcop=0; connect( m_textobj, TQT_SIGNAL( hideCursor() ), this, TQT_SLOT( hideCursor() ) ); connect( m_textobj, TQT_SIGNAL( showCursor() ), this, TQT_SLOT( showCursor() ) ); connect( m_textobj, TQT_SIGNAL( setCursor( KoTextCursor * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( setCursor( KoTextCursor * ) ) ); connect( m_textobj, TQT_SIGNAL( updateUI(bool, bool) ), this, TQT_SLOT( updateUI(bool, bool) ) ); connect( m_textobj, TQT_SIGNAL( showCurrentFormat() ), this, TQT_SLOT( showCurrentFormat() ) ); connect( m_textobj, TQT_SIGNAL( ensureCursorVisible() ), this, TQT_SLOT( ensureCursorVisible() ) ); m_cursor = new KoTextCursor( m_textobj->textDocument() ); m_cursorVisible = false; showCursor(); blinkTimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( blinkTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( blinkCursor() ) ); if ( TQApplication::cursorFlashTime() > 0 ) blinkTimer->start( TQApplication::cursorFlashTime() / 2 ); dragStartTimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( dragStartTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( startDrag() ) ); m_textobj->formatMore( 2 ); blinkCursorVisible = FALSE; inDoubleClick = FALSE; mightStartDrag = FALSE; possibleTripleClick = FALSE; afterTripleClick = FALSE; m_currentFormat = 0; m_variablePosition =-1; m_overwriteMode = false; //updateUI( true, true ); } KoTextView::~KoTextView() { delete m_cursor; delete d; delete dcop; delete blinkTimer; delete dragStartTimer; } KoTextViewIface* KoTextView::dcopObject() { if ( !dcop ) dcop = new KoTextViewIface( this ); return dcop; } void KoTextView::terminate(bool removeselection) { textObject()->clearUndoRedoInfo(); if ( removeselection && textDocument()->removeSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); hideCursor(); } void KoTextView::deleteWordRight() { if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) { textObject()->removeSelectedText( m_cursor ); return; } textDocument()->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); do { m_cursor->gotoRight(); } while ( !m_cursor->atParagEnd() && !m_cursor->parag()->at( m_cursor->index() )->c.isSpace() ); textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); textObject()->removeSelectedText( m_cursor, KoTextDocument::Standard, i18n("Remove Word") ); } void KoTextView::deleteWordLeft() { if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) { textObject()->removeSelectedText( m_cursor ); return; } textDocument()->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); do { m_cursor->gotoLeft(); } while ( !m_cursor->atParagStart() && !m_cursor->parag()->at( m_cursor->index()-1 )->c.isSpace() ); textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); textObject()->removeSelectedText( m_cursor, KoTextDocument::Standard, i18n("Remove Word") ); } // Compare with TQTextEdit::keyPressEvent void KoTextView::handleKeyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent * e, TQWidget *widget, const TQPoint &pos) { textObject()->typingStarted(); /* bool selChanged = FALSE; for ( int i = 1; i < textDocument()->numSelections(); ++i ) selChanged = textDocument()->removeSelection( i ) || selChanged; if ( selChanged ) { // m_cursor->parag()->document()->nextDoubleBuffered = TRUE; ######## we need that only if we have nested items/documents textFrameSet()->selectionChangedNotify(); }*/ bool clearUndoRedoInfo = TRUE; if ( TDEShortcut( KKey( e ) ) == TDEStdAccel::deleteWordBack() ) { if ( m_cursor->parag()->string()->isRightToLeft() ) deleteWordRight(); else deleteWordLeft(); clearUndoRedoInfo = TRUE; } else if ( TDEShortcut( KKey( e ) ) == TDEStdAccel::deleteWordForward() ) { if ( m_cursor->parag()->string()->isRightToLeft() ) deleteWordLeft(); else deleteWordRight(); clearUndoRedoInfo = TRUE; } else switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Left: case Key_Right: { if (!doToolTipCompletion(m_cursor, m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index() - 1, e->key()) ) { // a bit hacky, but can't change this without introducing new enum values for move and keeping the // correct semantics and movement for BiDi and non BiDi text. CursorAction a; if ( m_cursor->parag()->string()->isRightToLeft() == (e->key() == Key_Right) ) a = e->state() & ControlButton ? MoveWordBackward : MoveBackward; else a = e->state() & ControlButton ? MoveWordForward : MoveForward; moveCursor( a, e->state() & ShiftButton ); } break; } case Key_Up: moveCursor( e->state() & ControlButton ? MoveParagUp : MoveUp, e->state() & ShiftButton ); break; case Key_Down: moveCursor( e->state() & ControlButton ? MoveParagDown : MoveDown, e->state() & ShiftButton ); break; case Key_Home: moveCursor( e->state() & ControlButton ? MoveHome : MoveLineStart, e->state() & ShiftButton ); break; case Key_End: if (!doToolTipCompletion(m_cursor, m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index() - 1, e->key()) ) moveCursor( e->state() & ControlButton ? MoveEnd : MoveLineEnd, e->state() & ShiftButton ); break; case Key_Prior: moveCursor( e->state() & ControlButton ? MovePgUp : MoveViewportUp, e->state() & ShiftButton ); break; case Key_Next: moveCursor( e->state() & ControlButton ? MovePgDown : MoveViewportDown, e->state() & ShiftButton ); break; case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: if (!doToolTipCompletion(m_cursor, m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index() - 1, e->key()) ) if ( (e->state() & (ShiftButton|ControlButton)) == 0 ) { if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) textObject()->removeSelectedText( m_cursor ); clearUndoRedoInfo = FALSE; textObject()->doKeyboardAction( m_cursor, m_currentFormat, KoTextObject::ActionReturn ); Q_ASSERT( m_cursor->parag()->prev() ); if ( m_cursor->parag()->prev() ) doAutoFormat( m_cursor, m_cursor->parag()->prev(), m_cursor->parag()->prev()->length() - 1, '\n' ); } clearUndoRedoInfo = true; break; case Key_Delete: if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) { textObject()->removeSelectedText( m_cursor ); break; } textObject()->doKeyboardAction( m_cursor, m_currentFormat, KoTextObject::ActionDelete ); clearUndoRedoInfo = FALSE; break; case Key_Backtab: if (e->state() & ShiftButton && m_cursor->parag() && m_cursor->atParagStart() && m_cursor->parag()->counter() && textDecreaseIndent()) break; break; case Key_Backspace: if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) { textObject()->removeSelectedText( m_cursor ); break; } textObject()->doKeyboardAction( m_cursor, m_currentFormat, KoTextObject::ActionBackspace ); clearUndoRedoInfo = FALSE; break; case Key_F16: // Copy key on Sun keyboards emit copy(); break; case Key_F18: // Paste key on Sun keyboards emit paste(); break; case Key_F20: // Cut key on Sun keyboards emit cut(); break; case Key_Direction_L: { if ( m_cursor->parag() && m_cursor->parag()->direction() != TQChar::DirL ) { KCommand* cmd = textObject()->setParagDirectionCommand( m_cursor, TQChar::DirL ); textObject()->emitNewCommand( cmd ); } break; } case Key_Direction_R: { if ( m_cursor->parag() && m_cursor->parag()->direction() != TQChar::DirR ) { KCommand* cmd = textObject()->setParagDirectionCommand( m_cursor, TQChar::DirR ); textObject()->emitNewCommand( cmd ); } break; } default: { //kdDebug(32500) << "KoTextView::keyPressEvent ascii=" << e->ascii() << " text=" << e->text()[0].unicode() << " state=" << e->state() << endl; if (e->key() == TQt::Key_Tab) { if (doToolTipCompletion(m_cursor, m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index() - 1, e->key()) ) break; if ( m_cursor->parag() && m_cursor->atParagStart() && m_cursor->parag()->counter() ) { textIncreaseIndent(); break; } } if ( e->key() == TQt::Key_Space ) { if (doToolTipCompletion(m_cursor, m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index() - 1, e->key()) ) break; } if ( e->text().length() && ( !e->ascii() || e->ascii() >= 32 ) || ( e->text() == "\t" && !( e->state() & ControlButton ) ) ) { clearUndoRedoInfo = FALSE; TQString text = e->text(); if ( d->m_backSpeller ) { d->m_backSpeller->setIntraWordEditing( m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index() ); } // Alt+123 feature if ( ( e->state() & AltButton ) && text[0].isDigit() ) { while ( text[0].isDigit() ) { d->appendDigit( text[0].digitValue() ); text.remove( 0, 1 ); } } if ( !text.isEmpty() ) { // Bidi support: need to reverse mirrored chars (e.g. parenthesis) KoTextParag *p = m_cursor->parag(); if ( p && p->string() && p->string()->isRightToLeft() ) { TQChar *c = (TQChar *)text.unicode(); int l = text.length(); while( l-- ) { if ( c->mirrored() ) *c = c->mirroredChar(); c++; } } if( !doIgnoreDoubleSpace( p, m_cursor->index()-1, text[ text.length() - 1 ] ) ) { // ###### BUG: with the event compression, typing "kde" and then " k", might not apply // autocorrection like it does for "kde" followed by " " followed by "k". We need to insert // one character at a time, or better, to tell doAutoFormat how many chars to consider... insertText( text ); // Don't use 'p' past this point. If we replaced a selection, p could have been deleted (#48999) doAutoFormat( m_cursor, m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index() - 1, text[ text.length() - 1 ] ); } showToolTipBox(m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index()-1, widget,pos); } else removeToolTipCompletion(); } // We should use TDEAccel instead, to make this configurable ! // Well, those are all alternate keys, for keys already configurable (KDE-wide) // and a kaccel makes it hard to else { if ( e->state() & ControlButton ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_F16: // Copy key on Sun keyboards copy(); break; case Key_A: moveCursor( MoveLineStart, e->state() & ShiftButton ); break; case Key_E: moveCursor( MoveLineEnd, e->state() & ShiftButton ); break; case Key_K: textObject()->doKeyboardAction( m_cursor, m_currentFormat, KoTextObject::ActionKill ); break; case Key_Insert: copy(); break; case Key_Space: insertNonbreakingSpace(); break; default: clearUndoRedoInfo = FALSE; break; } } else // e.g. just Key_Shift -> don't do anything (#129481) { clearUndoRedoInfo = FALSE; } } break; } } if ( clearUndoRedoInfo ) { textObject()->clearUndoRedoInfo(); if ( d->m_backSpeller ) d->m_backSpeller->setIntraWordEditing( 0, 0 ); } textObject()->typingDone(); } void KoTextView::setOverwriteMode( bool overwriteMode ) { m_overwriteMode = overwriteMode; } void KoTextView::insertText( const TQString &text ) { int insertFlags = KoTextObject::DefaultInsertFlags; if ( m_overwriteMode ) insertFlags |= KoTextObject::OverwriteMode; textObject()->insert( m_cursor, m_currentFormat, text, i18n("Insert Text"), KoTextDocument::Standard, insertFlags ); } void KoTextView::newParagraph() { textObject()->insert( m_cursor, m_currentFormat, "\n", i18n("Insert Text"), KoTextDocument::Standard, KoTextObject::CheckNewLine ); } void KoTextView::handleKeyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent * e ) { if ( e->key() == Key_Alt && d->currentUnicodeNumber() >= 32 ) { TQString text = TQChar( d->currentUnicodeNumber() ); d->clearCurrentUnicodeNumber(); insertText( text ); doAutoFormat( m_cursor, m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index() - 1, text[ text.length() - 1 ] ); } } void KoTextView::handleImStartEvent( TQIMEvent * ) { // nothing to do } void KoTextView::handleImComposeEvent( TQIMEvent * e ) { // remove old preedit if ( textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) textDocument()->removeSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ); if ( textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::InputMethodPreedit ) ) textDocument()->removeSelectedText( KoTextDocument::InputMethodPreedit, m_cursor ); // insert preedit int preeditStartIdx = m_cursor->index(); textDocument()->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::InputMethodPreedit, m_cursor ); textObject()->insert( m_cursor, m_currentFormat, e->text(), i18n("Insert Text"), KoTextDocument::Standard, KoTextObject::DoNotRepaint/* DO NOT REPAINT CURSOR! */ ); textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::InputMethodPreedit, m_cursor ); // selection int preeditSelStart = preeditStartIdx + e->cursorPos(); int preeditSelEnd = preeditSelStart + e->selectionLength(); m_cursor->setIndex( preeditSelStart ); textDocument()->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); m_cursor->setIndex( preeditSelEnd ); textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); // set cursor pos m_cursor->setIndex( preeditSelStart ); textObject()->emitUpdateUI( true ); textObject()->emitShowCursor(); textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); } void KoTextView::handleImEndEvent( TQIMEvent * e ) { // remove old preedit if ( textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) textDocument()->removeSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ); if ( textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::InputMethodPreedit ) ) textDocument()->removeSelectedText( KoTextDocument::InputMethodPreedit, m_cursor ); insertText( e->text() ); textObject()->emitUpdateUI( true ); textObject()->emitShowCursor(); textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); } void KoTextView::completion() { (void) doCompletion(m_cursor, m_cursor->parag(), m_cursor->index() - 1); } void KoTextView::moveCursor( CursorAction action, bool select ) { hideCursor(); bool cursorMoved = false; if ( select ) { if ( !textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) textDocument()->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); cursorMoved = moveCursor( action ); if ( textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ) ) { textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); } } else { bool redraw = textDocument()->removeSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ); cursorMoved = moveCursor( action ); if ( redraw ) { textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); } } if ( cursorMoved ) // e.g. not when pressing Ctrl/PgDown after the last parag { ensureCursorVisible(); // updateUI( true ); // done by moveCursor } showCursor(); } bool KoTextView::moveCursor( CursorAction action ) { bool cursorMoved = true; switch ( action ) { case MoveBackward: m_cursor->gotoPreviousLetter(); break; case MoveWordBackward: m_cursor->gotoPreviousWord(); break; case MoveForward: m_cursor->gotoNextLetter(); break; case MoveWordForward: m_cursor->gotoNextWord(); break; case MoveUp: m_cursor->gotoUp(); break; case MoveDown: m_cursor->gotoDown(); break; case MoveViewportUp: cursorMoved = pgUpKeyPressed(); break; case MoveViewportDown: cursorMoved = pgDownKeyPressed(); break; case MovePgUp: ctrlPgUpKeyPressed(); break; case MovePgDown: ctrlPgDownKeyPressed(); break; case MoveLineStart: m_cursor->gotoLineStart(); break; case MoveHome: m_cursor->gotoHome(); break; case MoveLineEnd: m_cursor->gotoLineEnd(); break; case MoveEnd: textObject()->ensureFormatted( textDocument()->lastParag() ); m_cursor->gotoEnd(); break; case MoveParagUp: { KoTextParag * parag = m_cursor->parag()->prev(); if ( m_cursor->index()==0 && parag ) { m_cursor->setParag( parag ); m_cursor->setIndex( 0 ); } else m_cursor->setIndex( 0 ); } break; case MoveParagDown: { KoTextParag * parag = m_cursor->parag()->next(); if ( parag ) { m_cursor->setParag( parag ); m_cursor->setIndex( 0 ); } } break; } updateUI( true ); return cursorMoved; } KoTextCursor KoTextView::selectWordUnderCursor( const KoTextCursor& cursor, int selectionId ) { KoTextCursor c1 = cursor; KoTextCursor c2 = cursor; if ( cursor.index() > 0 && !cursor.parag()->at( cursor.index()-1 )->c.isSpace() ) c1.gotoWordLeft(); if ( !cursor.parag()->at( cursor.index() )->c.isSpace() && !cursor.atParagEnd() ) c2.gotoWordRight(); // The above is almost correct, but gotoWordRight also skips the spaces/punctuations // until the next word. So the 'word under cursor' contained e.g. that trailing space. // To be on the safe side, we skip spaces/punctuations on both sides: KoTextString *s = cursor.parag()->string(); bool beginFound = false; for ( int i = c1.index(); i< c2.index(); i++) { const TQChar ch = s->at(i).c; // This list comes from KoTextCursor::gotoPreviousWord. // Can't use TQChar::isPunct since "'" and "-" are not word separators const bool isWordDelimiter = ch.isSpace() || ch.category() == TQChar::Punctuation_Open // e.g. '(' || ch.category() == TQChar::Punctuation_Close // e.g. ')' || ch.category() == TQChar::Punctuation_Other // see http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/Po/list.htm ; if( !beginFound && !isWordDelimiter ) { c1.setIndex(i); beginFound = true; } else if ( beginFound && isWordDelimiter ) { c2.setIndex(i); break; } } textDocument()->setSelectionStart( selectionId, &c1 ); textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( selectionId, &c2 ); return c2; } KoTextCursor KoTextView::selectParagUnderCursor( const KoTextCursor& cursor, int selectionId, bool copyAndNotify ) { KoTextCursor c1 = cursor; KoTextCursor c2 = cursor; c1.setIndex(0); c2.setIndex(c1.parag()->string()->length() - 1); textDocument()->setSelectionStart( selectionId, &c1 ); textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( selectionId, &c2 ); if ( copyAndNotify ) { textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); // Copy the selection. TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( true ); emit copy(); TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( false ); } return c2; } void KoTextView::extendParagraphSelection( const TQPoint& iPoint ) { hideCursor(); KoTextCursor oldCursor = *m_cursor; placeCursor( iPoint ); bool redraw = FALSE; if ( textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) { redraw = textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); if ( textDocument()->isSelectionSwapped( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) m_cursor->setIndex( 0 ); else m_cursor->setIndex( m_cursor->parag()->string()->length() - 1 ); textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); } //else // it may be that the initial click was out of the frame // textDocument()->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); if ( redraw ) textObject()->selectionChangedNotify( false ); showCursor(); } TQString KoTextView::wordUnderCursor( const KoTextCursor& cursor ) { selectWordUnderCursor( cursor, KoTextDocument::Temp ); TQString text = textObject()->selectedText( KoTextDocument::Temp ); bool hasCustomItems = textObject()->selectionHasCustomItems( KoTextDocument::Temp ); textDocument()->removeSelection( KoTextDocument::Temp ); if( !hasCustomItems ) return text; return TQString(); } bool KoTextView::handleMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e, const TQPoint &iPoint, bool canStartDrag, bool insertDirectCursor ) { bool addParag = false; mightStartDrag = FALSE; hideCursor(); if (possibleTripleClick) { handleMouseTripleClickEvent( e, iPoint ); return addParag; } KoTextCursor oldCursor = *m_cursor; addParag = placeCursor( iPoint, insertDirectCursor&& isReadWrite() ); ensureCursorVisible(); if ( e->button() != Qt::LeftButton ) { showCursor(); return addParag; } KoLinkVariable* lv = linkVariable(); if ( lv && openLink( lv ) ) { return addParag; } KoTextDocument * textdoc = textDocument(); if ( canStartDrag && textdoc->inSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard, iPoint ) ) { mightStartDrag = TRUE; m_textobj->emitShowCursor(); dragStartTimer->start( TQApplication::startDragTime(), TRUE ); dragStartPos = e->pos(); return addParag; } bool redraw = FALSE; if ( textdoc->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) { if ( !( e->state() & ShiftButton ) ) { redraw = textdoc->removeSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ); textdoc->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); } else { redraw = textdoc->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ) || redraw; } } else { if ( !( e->state() & ShiftButton ) ) { textdoc->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); } else { textdoc->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Standard, &oldCursor ); redraw = textdoc->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ) || redraw; } } //kdDebug(32500) << "KoTextView::mousePressEvent redraw=" << redraw << endl; if ( !redraw ) { showCursor(); } else { textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); } return addParag; } void KoTextView::handleMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent*, const TQPoint& iPoint ) { hideCursor(); KoTextCursor oldCursor = *m_cursor; placeCursor( iPoint ); // Double click + mouse still down + moving the mouse selects full words. if ( inDoubleClick ) { KoTextCursor cl = *m_cursor; cl.gotoWordLeft(); KoTextCursor cr = *m_cursor; cr.gotoWordRight(); int diff = TQABS( oldCursor.parag()->at( oldCursor.index() )->x - iPoint.x() ); int ldiff = TQABS( cl.parag()->at( cl.index() )->x - iPoint.x() ); int rdiff = TQABS( cr.parag()->at( cr.index() )->x - iPoint.x() ); if ( m_cursor->parag()->lineStartOfChar( m_cursor->index() ) != oldCursor.parag()->lineStartOfChar( oldCursor.index() ) ) diff = 0xFFFFFF; if ( rdiff < diff && rdiff < ldiff ) *m_cursor = cr; else if ( ldiff < diff && ldiff < rdiff ) *m_cursor = cl; else *m_cursor = oldCursor; } bool redraw = FALSE; if ( textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) redraw = textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ) || redraw; else // it may be that the initial click was out of the frame textDocument()->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Standard, m_cursor ); if ( redraw ) textObject()->selectionChangedNotify( false ); showCursor(); } void KoTextView::handleMouseReleaseEvent() { if ( dragStartTimer->isActive() ) dragStartTimer->stop(); if ( mightStartDrag ) { textObject()->selectAll( FALSE ); mightStartDrag = false; } else { if ( textDocument()->selectionStartCursor( KoTextDocument::Standard ) == textDocument()->selectionEndCursor( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) { textDocument()->removeSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ); } textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); // Copy the selection. TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( true ); emit copy(); TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( false ); } inDoubleClick = FALSE; m_textobj->emitShowCursor(); } void KoTextView::handleMouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent*ev, const TQPoint& i ) { //after a triple click it's not a double click but a simple click //but as triple click didn't exist it's necessary to do it. if(afterTripleClick) { handleMousePressEvent( ev, i ); return; } inDoubleClick = TRUE; *m_cursor = selectWordUnderCursor( *m_cursor ); textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); // Copy the selection. TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( true ); emit copy(); TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( false ); possibleTripleClick=true; TQTimer::singleShot(TQApplication::doubleClickInterval(),this,TQT_SLOT(tripleClickTimeout())); } void KoTextView::tripleClickTimeout() { possibleTripleClick=false; } void KoTextView::handleMouseTripleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent*ev, const TQPoint& /* Currently unused */ ) { if ( ev->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { showCursor(); return; } afterTripleClick= true; inDoubleClick = FALSE; *m_cursor = selectParagUnderCursor( *m_cursor ); TQTimer::singleShot(TQApplication::doubleClickInterval(),this,TQT_SLOT(afterTripleClickTimeout())); } void KoTextView::afterTripleClickTimeout() { afterTripleClick=false; } bool KoTextView::maybeStartDrag( TQMouseEvent* e ) { if ( mightStartDrag ) { dragStartTimer->stop(); if ( ( e->pos() - dragStartPos ).manhattanLength() > TQApplication::startDragDistance() ) startDrag(); return true; } return false; } bool KoTextView::insertParagraph(const TQPoint &pos) { KoTextParag *last = textDocument()->lastParag(); KoTextFormat *f = 0; KoParagStyle *style = last->style(); KoParagCounter *counter = last->counter(); int diff = (pos.y()- textDocument()->height()); f = last->at( last->length()-1 )->format(); int height =f->height(); int nbParag = (diff / height); TQFontMetrics fm = f->refFontMetrics(); for (int i = 0; i < nbParag ;i++) { KoTextParag *s=textDocument()->createParag( textDocument(), last ); s->setFormat( 0, 1, f, TRUE ); if ( style ) s->setStyle( style ); s->setCounter( counter ); last = s; } bool createParag = (nbParag > 0 ); if ( createParag ) { if ( pos.x() + f->width(' ') >= textDocument()->width()) { //FIXME me bidi. //change parag alignment => right alignment last->setAlignment( TQt::AlignRight ); } else { int nbSpace = pos.x()/f->width(' '); TQString tmp; for (int i = 0; i< nbSpace; i++) { tmp+=' '; } last->insert( 0, tmp ); } } return createParag; } bool KoTextView::placeCursor( const TQPoint &pos, bool insertDirectCursor ) { bool addParag = false; if ( insertDirectCursor && (pos.y()>textDocument()->height()) ) addParag = insertParagraph(pos); KoTextParag *s = 0L; if ( addParag ) s = textDocument()->lastParag(); else s = textDocument()->firstParag(); m_cursor->place( pos, s, false, &m_variablePosition ); if ( m_variablePosition != -1 ) kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " m_variablePosition set to " << m_variablePosition << endl; updateUI( true ); return addParag; } void KoTextView::blinkCursor() { //kdDebug(32500) << "KoTextView::blinkCursor m_cursorVisible=" << m_cursorVisible // << " blinkCursorVisible=" << blinkCursorVisible << endl; if ( !m_cursorVisible ) return; bool cv = m_cursorVisible; blinkCursorVisible = !blinkCursorVisible; drawCursor( blinkCursorVisible ); m_cursorVisible = cv; } void KoTextView::drawCursor( bool visible ) { m_cursorVisible = visible; // The rest is up to the app ;) } void KoTextView::focusInEvent() { if ( TQApplication::cursorFlashTime() > 0 ) blinkTimer->start( TQApplication::cursorFlashTime() / 2 ); showCursor(); } void KoTextView::focusOutEvent() { blinkTimer->stop(); hideCursor(); } /*void KoTextView::setFormat( KoTextFormat * newFormat, int flags, bool zoomFont) { textObject()->setFormat( m_cursor, m_currentFormat, newFormat, flags, zoomFont ); }*/ KCommand* KoTextView::setFormatCommand( const KoTextFormat * newFormat, int flags, bool zoomFont) { return textObject()->setFormatCommand( m_cursor, &m_currentFormat, newFormat, flags, zoomFont ); } void KoTextView::dragStarted() { mightStartDrag = FALSE; inDoubleClick = FALSE; } void KoTextView::applyStyle( const KoParagStyle * style ) { if ( style ) { textObject()->applyStyle( m_cursor, style ); showCurrentFormat(); } } void KoTextView::updateUI( bool updateFormat, bool /*force*/ ) { // Update UI - only for those items which have changed if ( updateFormat ) { int i = cursor()->index(); if ( i > 0 ) --i; #ifdef DEBUG_FORMATS if ( currentFormat() ) kdDebug(32500) << "KoTextView::updateUI old currentFormat=" << currentFormat() << " " << currentFormat()->key() << " parag format=" << cursor()->parag()->at( i )->format()->key() << endl; else kdDebug(32500) << "KoTextView::updateUI old currentFormat=0" << endl; #endif if ( !currentFormat() || currentFormat()->key() != cursor()->parag()->at( i )->format()->key() ) { if ( currentFormat() ) currentFormat()->removeRef(); #ifdef DEBUG_FORMATS kdDebug(32500) << "Setting currentFormat from format " << cursor()->parag()->at( i )->format() << " ( character " << i << " in paragraph " << cursor()->parag()->paragId() << " )" << endl; #endif setCurrentFormat( textDocument()->formatCollection()->format( cursor()->parag()->at( i )->format() ) ); if ( currentFormat()->isMisspelled() ) { KoTextFormat fNoMisspelled( *currentFormat() ); fNoMisspelled.setMisspelled( false ); currentFormat()->removeRef(); setCurrentFormat( textDocument()->formatCollection()->format( &fNoMisspelled ) ); } showCurrentFormat(); } } } void KoTextView::showCurrentFormat() { //kdDebug(32500) << "KoTextView::showCurrentFormat currentFormat=" << currentFormat() << " " << currentFormat()->key() << endl; KoTextFormat format = *currentFormat(); //format.setPointSize( textObject()->docFontSize( currentFormat() ) ); // "unzoom" the font size showFormat( &format ); } KCommand * KoTextView::setCounterCommand( const KoParagCounter & counter ) { return textObject()->setCounterCommand( m_cursor, counter ); } KCommand * KoTextView::setAlignCommand( int align ) { return textObject()->setAlignCommand( m_cursor, align ); } KCommand * KoTextView::setLineSpacingCommand( double spacing, KoParagLayout::SpacingType _type) { return textObject()->setLineSpacingCommand( m_cursor, spacing, _type); } KCommand * KoTextView::setBordersCommand( const KoBorder& leftBorder, const KoBorder& rightBorder, const KoBorder& bottomBorder, const KoBorder& topBorder ) { return textObject()->setBordersCommand( m_cursor, leftBorder, rightBorder, bottomBorder, topBorder ); } KCommand * KoTextView::setJoinBordersCommand( bool join ) { return textObject()->setJoinBordersCommand( m_cursor, join ); } KCommand * KoTextView::setMarginCommand( TQStyleSheetItem::Margin m, double margin ) { return textObject()->setMarginCommand( m_cursor, m, margin ); } KCommand * KoTextView::setTabListCommand( const KoTabulatorList & tabList ) { return textObject()->setTabListCommand( m_cursor, tabList ); } KCommand * KoTextView::setBackgroundColorCommand( const TQColor & color ) { return textObject()->setBackgroundColorCommand( m_cursor, color ); } KoTextDocument * KoTextView::textDocument() const { return textObject()->textDocument(); } KoVariable *KoTextView::variable() { if ( m_variablePosition < 0 ) return 0; // Can't use m_cursor here, it could be before or after the variable, depending on which half of it was clicked return textObject()->variableAtPosition( m_cursor->parag(), m_variablePosition ); } KoLinkVariable * KoTextView::linkVariable() { return dynamic_cast(variable()); } TQPtrList KoTextView::dataToolActionList(TDEInstance * instance, const TQString& word, bool & _singleWord ) { m_singleWord = false; m_wordUnderCursor = TQString(); TQString text; if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) { text = textObject()->selectedText(); if ( text.find(' ') == -1 && text.find('\t') == -1 && text.find(KoTextObject::customItemChar()) == -1 ) { m_singleWord = true; } else { m_singleWord = false; //laurent : don't try to search thesaurus when we have a customItemChar. if( text.find(KoTextObject::customItemChar())!=-1) text = TQString(); } } else // No selection -> use word under cursor { if ( !word.isEmpty() ) { m_singleWord = true; m_wordUnderCursor = word; text = word; } } if ( text.isEmpty() || textObject()->protectContent()) // Nothing to apply a tool to return TQPtrList(); // Any tool that works on plain text is relevant TQValueList tools; tools +=KDataToolInfo::query( TQSTRING_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "text/plain", instance ); // Add tools that work on a single word if that is the case if ( m_singleWord ) { _singleWord = true; tools += KDataToolInfo::query( TQSTRING_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "application/x-singleword", instance ); } // Maybe one day we'll have tools that use libkotext (or qt3's qrt), to act on formatted text tools += KDataToolInfo::query( "KoTextString", "application/x-qrichtext", instance ); return KDataToolAction::dataToolActionList( tools, this, TQT_SLOT( slotToolActivated( const KDataToolInfo &, const TQString & ) ) ); } TQString KoTextView::currentWordOrSelection() const { if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) return textObject()->selectedText(); else return m_wordUnderCursor; } void KoTextView::slotToolActivated( const KDataToolInfo & info, const TQString & command ) { KDataTool* tool = info.createTool( ); if ( !tool ) { kdWarning() << "Could not create Tool !" << endl; return; } kdDebug(32500) << "KWTextFrameSetEdit::slotToolActivated command=" << command << " dataType=" << info.dataType() << endl; TQString text; if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) text = textObject()->selectedText(); else text = m_wordUnderCursor; // Preferred type is richtext TQString mimetype = "application/x-qrichtext"; TQString datatype = "KoTextString"; // If unsupported, try text/plain if ( !info.mimeTypes().contains( mimetype ) ) { mimetype = "text/plain"; datatype = TQSTRING_OBJECT_NAME_STRING; } // If unsupported (and if we have a single word indeed), try application/x-singleword if ( !info.mimeTypes().contains( mimetype ) && m_singleWord ) mimetype = "application/x-singleword"; kdDebug(32500) << "Running tool with datatype=" << datatype << " mimetype=" << mimetype << endl; TQString origText = text; if ( tool->run( command, &text, datatype, mimetype) ) { kdDebug(32500) << "Tool ran. Text is now " << text << endl; if ( origText != text ) { if ( !textObject()->hasSelection() ) { // Warning: ok for now, but wrong cursor if RMB doesn't place cursor anymore selectWordUnderCursor( *m_cursor ); } // replace selection with 'text' textObject()->emitNewCommand( textObject()->replaceSelectionCommand( cursor(), text, i18n("Replace Word") )); } } delete tool; } bool KoTextView::openLink( KoLinkVariable* variable ) { kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << variable->url() << endl; KURL url( variable->url() ); if( url.isValid() ) { (void) new KRun( url ); return true; } else { KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n("%1 is not a valid link.").arg( variable->url() ) ); return false; } } void KoTextView::insertSoftHyphen() { textObject()->insert( cursor(), currentFormat(), TQChar(0xad) /* see TQRichText */, i18n("Insert Soft Hyphen") ); } void KoTextView::insertLineBreak() { textObject()->insert( cursor(), currentFormat(), TQChar('\n'), i18n("Insert Line Break") ); } void KoTextView::insertNonbreakingSpace() { textObject()->insert( cursor(), currentFormat(), TQChar(0xa0) /* see TQRichText */, i18n("Insert Non-Breaking Space") ); } void KoTextView::insertNonbreakingHyphen() { textObject()->insert( cursor(), currentFormat(), TQChar(0x2013), i18n("Insert Non-Breaking Hyphen") ); } void KoTextView::insertSpecialChar(TQChar _c, const TQString& font) { KoTextFormat * newFormat = new KoTextFormat(*currentFormat()); newFormat->setFamily( font ); if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) { KoTextFormat * lastFormat = currentFormat(); KCommand *cmd = textObject()->setFormatCommand( cursor(), &lastFormat, newFormat, KoTextFormat::Family ); KMacroCommand* macroCmd = new KMacroCommand( i18n("Insert Special Char") ); macroCmd->addCommand( cmd ); macroCmd->addCommand( textObject()->replaceSelectionCommand( cursor(), _c, TQString()) ); textObject()->emitNewCommand( macroCmd ); } else { textObject()->insert( cursor(), newFormat, _c, i18n("Insert Special Char")); delete newFormat; } } const KoParagLayout * KoTextView::currentParagLayoutFormat() const { KoTextParag * parag = m_cursor->parag(); return &(parag->paragLayout()); } bool KoTextView::rtl() const { return m_cursor->parag()->string()->isRightToLeft(); } KCommand* KoTextView::setParagLayoutFormatCommand( KoParagLayout *newLayout, int flags, int marginIndex ) { return textObject()->setParagLayoutCommand( m_cursor, *newLayout, KoTextDocument::Standard, flags, marginIndex, true /*createUndoRedo*/ ); } // Heading1 -> Heading2 -> Heading3 -> normal -> 1 -> 1.1 -> 1.1.1 void KoTextView::increaseNumberingLevel( const KoStyleCollection* styleCollection ) { // TODO: do this for each paragraph in the selection KoParagStyle* style = 0; int level = 0; KoParagCounter* counter = m_cursor->parag()->counter(); if ( counter ) level = counter->depth() + 1; if ( m_cursor->parag()->style()->isOutline() ) { TQValueVector outlineStyles = styleCollection->outlineStyles(); while ( level < 10 && !style ) { style = outlineStyles[ level ]; ++level; } if ( !style ) // no lower-level heading exists, use standard style style = styleCollection->defaultStyle(); } else // non-outline, just a numbered list { // Try to find a style with this depth, to know if the user wants display-levels etc. style = styleCollection->numberedStyleForLevel( level ); if ( !style ) { // not found. Make the change though. KoParagCounter c; if (counter) { c = *counter; c.setDepth( level ); c.setDisplayLevels( c.displayLevels() + 1 ); } else { // Start a simple numbered list. c.setNumbering(KoParagCounter::NUM_LIST); c.setStyle(KoParagCounter::STYLE_NUM); } KCommand* command = textObject()->setCounterCommand( m_cursor, c ); textObject()->emitNewCommand( command ); } } if ( style ) // can't be 0 textObject()->applyStyle( m_cursor, style ); } // 1.1.1 -> 1.1 -> 1 -> normal -> Heading3 -> Heading2 -> Heading1 void KoTextView::decreaseNumberingLevel( const KoStyleCollection* styleCollection ) { // TODO: do this for each paragraph in the selection KoParagCounter* counter = m_cursor->parag()->counter(); int level = 9; if ( counter ) level = counter->depth() - 1; KoParagStyle* style = 0; if ( m_cursor->parag()->style()->isOutline() || !counter ) // heading or normal { if ( level == -1 ) // nothing higher than Heading1 return; TQValueVector outlineStyles = styleCollection->outlineStyles(); while ( level >= 0 && !style ) { style = outlineStyles[ level ]; --level; } } else // non-outline, numbered list { if ( level == -1 ) style = styleCollection->defaultStyle(); else { style = styleCollection->numberedStyleForLevel( level ); if ( !style ) { // not found. Make the change though. KoParagCounter c( *counter ); c.setDepth( level ); if ( c.displayLevels() > 1 ) { c.setDisplayLevels( c.displayLevels() - 1 ); } KCommand* command = textObject()->setCounterCommand( m_cursor, c ); textObject()->emitNewCommand( command ); } } } if ( style ) textObject()->applyStyle( m_cursor, style ); } KCommand *KoTextView::setChangeCaseOfTextCommand(KoChangeCaseDia::TypeOfCase _type) { TQString text; if ( textObject()->hasSelection() ) text = textObject()->selectedText(); if(!text.isEmpty()) return textObject()->changeCaseOfText(cursor(), _type); else return 0L; } KCommand *KoTextView::prepareDropMove( KoTextCursor dropCursor ) { Q_ASSERT( textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ); // Dropping into the selection itself ? KoTextCursor startSel = textDocument()->selectionStartCursor( KoTextDocument::Standard ); KoTextCursor endSel = textDocument()->selectionEndCursor( KoTextDocument::Standard ); bool inSelection = false; if ( startSel.parag() == endSel.parag() ) inSelection = dropCursor.parag() == startSel.parag() && dropCursor.index() >= startSel.index() && dropCursor.index() <= endSel.index(); else { // Looking at first line first: inSelection = dropCursor.parag() == startSel.parag() && dropCursor.index() >= startSel.index(); if ( !inSelection ) { // Look at all other paragraphs except last one KoTextParag *p = startSel.parag()->next(); while ( !inSelection && p && p != endSel.parag() ) { inSelection = ( p == dropCursor.parag() ); p = p->next(); } // Look at last paragraph if ( !inSelection ) inSelection = dropCursor.parag() == endSel.parag() && dropCursor.index() <= endSel.index(); } } if ( inSelection || m_textobj->protectContent() ) { textDocument()->removeSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ); textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); hideCursor(); *cursor() = dropCursor; showCursor(); ensureCursorVisible(); return 0L; } if ( textObject()->protectContent() ) { textDocument()->removeSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ); textObject()->selectionChangedNotify(); } // Tricky. We don't want to do the placeCursor after removing the selection // (the user pointed at some text with the old selection in place). // However, something got deleted in our parag, dropCursor's index needs adjustment. if ( endSel.parag() == dropCursor.parag() ) { // Does the selection starts before (other parag or same parag) ? if ( startSel.parag() != dropCursor.parag() || startSel.index() < dropCursor.index() ) { // If other -> endSel.parag() will get deleted. The final position is in startSel.parag(), // where the selection started + how much after the end we are. Make a drawing :) // If same -> simply move back by how many chars we've deleted. Funny thing is, it's the same formula. int dropIndex = dropCursor.index(); dropCursor.setParag( startSel.parag() ); // If dropCursor - endSel < 0, selection ends after, we're dropping into selection (no-op) dropCursor.setIndex( dropIndex - TQMIN( endSel.index(), dropIndex ) + startSel.index() ); } kdDebug(32500) << "dropCursor: parag=" << dropCursor.parag()->paragId() << " index=" << dropCursor.index() << endl; } KCommand* cmd = textObject()->removeSelectedTextCommand( cursor(), KoTextDocument::Standard ); hideCursor(); *cursor() = dropCursor; showCursor(); return cmd; } void KoTextView::copyTextOfComment() { KoNoteVariable *var = dynamic_cast( variable() ); if( var ) { KURL::List lst; lst.append( var->note() ); TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode(true); TQApplication::clipboard()->setData( new KURLDrag(lst, 0, 0) ); TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode(false); TQApplication::clipboard()->setData( new KURLDrag(lst, 0, 0) ); } } void KoTextView::removeComment() { KoNoteVariable *var = dynamic_cast( variable() ); if( var ) { m_cursor->setIndex( m_variablePosition ); textDocument()->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Temp, m_cursor ); m_cursor->setIndex( m_variablePosition + 1 ); textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Temp, m_cursor ); textObject()->removeSelectedText( m_cursor, KoTextDocument::Temp, i18n("Remove Comment") ); } } KoParagStyle * KoTextView::createStyleFromSelection(const TQString & name) { KoTextCursor cursor = *m_cursor; if ( textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) cursor = textDocument()->selectionStartCursor( KoTextDocument::Standard ); KoParagStyle * style = new KoParagStyle (name); KoParagLayout layout(cursor.parag()->paragLayout()); layout.style = style; style->setFollowingStyle( style ); style->format() = *(cursor.parag()->at(cursor.index())->format()); style->paragLayout() = layout; // Select this new style - hmm only the parag layout, we don't want to erase any text-formatting cursor.parag()->setParagLayout( style->paragLayout() ); return style; } void KoTextView::updateStyleFromSelection( KoParagStyle* style ) { KoTextCursor cursor = *m_cursor; if ( textDocument()->hasSelection( KoTextDocument::Standard ) ) cursor = textDocument()->selectionStartCursor( KoTextDocument::Standard ); style->paragLayout() = cursor.parag()->paragLayout(); style->paragLayout().style = style; style->format() = *(cursor.parag()->at(cursor.index())->format()); } void KoTextView::addBookmarks(const TQString &url) { TQString filename = locateLocal( "data", TQString::fromLatin1("konqueror/bookmarks.xml") ); KBookmarkManager *bookManager = KBookmarkManager::managerForFile( filename,false ); KBookmarkGroup group = bookManager->root(); group.addBookmark( bookManager, url, KURL( url)); bookManager->save(); // delete bookManager; } void KoTextView::copyLink() { KoLinkVariable * var=linkVariable(); if(var) { KURL::List lst; lst.append( var->url() ); TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode(true); TQApplication::clipboard()->setData( new KURLDrag(lst, 0, 0) ); TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode(false); TQApplication::clipboard()->setData( new KURLDrag(lst, 0, 0) ); } } void KoTextView::removeLink() { KoLinkVariable * var=linkVariable(); if(var) { KoTextCursor c1 = *m_cursor; KoTextCursor c2 = *m_cursor; c1.setIndex(var->index()); c2.setIndex(var->index()+1); textDocument()->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Temp, &c1 ); textDocument()->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Temp, &c2 ); KCommand *cmd=textObject()->replaceSelectionCommand( &c1, var->value(), i18n("Remove Link"), KoTextDocument::Temp ); if ( cmd ) textObject()->emitNewCommand( cmd ); } } void KoTextView::setBackSpeller( KoBgSpellCheck* backSpeller ) { d->m_backSpeller = backSpeller; } #include "KoTextView.moc" class KoBgSpellCheck;