QuickButtons_ConfigUI QuickButtons_ConfigUI 0 0 439 351 unnamed 0 Button Name true true Button Action true true buttonListView true true true false true layout3 unnamed actionInput false 7 0 0 0 nameInput false 7 0 0 0 actionLabel false Button action: nameLabel false Button name: groupBox3 Available Placeholders unnamed placeholderHelpLabel 7 5 0 0 %o: Current nickname %c: Current channel %K: Server password %u: List of selected nicknames %s<term>%: term used to separate nicknames in %u %n: Send command directly to the server instead of your input line layout1 unnamed newButton New removeButton Remove spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 230 buttonListView nameInput actionInput newButton removeButton klistview.h klineedit.h klineedit.h