OTRPrefsUI OTRPrefsUI 0 0 480 358 Form1 unnamed twSettings settings &Settings unnamed groupBox1 Private Keys unnamed btGenFingerprint &Generate cbKeys 400 32767 textLabel2 Account: tlFingerprint 7 5 0 0 No Fingerprint bgPolicy Default Policy unnamed kcfg_rbOpportunistic &Opportunistic Encrypt messages automatically if the other side supports OTR kcfg_rbNever Ne&ver Never encrypt messages kcfg_rbManual &Manual false Encrypt messages if the other side requests an OTR connection kcfg_rbAlways false Al&ways false Always encrypt messages spacer2 Vertical Expanding 20 161 fingerprints K&nown Fingerprints unnamed User Status Verified Fingerprint Protocol tbFingerprints 1 5 true true false SingleRow FollowStyle btVerify true &Verify Fingerprint btForget false F&orget Fingerprint generateFingerprint() kactivelabel.h