Types Namespace Reference


struct  DownloadActionParams_Type
struct  FilterCriteria_Type


typedef QValueList< int > MailNumberList_Type
typedef QMap< QString, bool > AccountTaskMap_Type
typedef QMap< int, DownloadActionParams_TypeMailToDownloadMap_Type
typedef list< FilterCriteria_TypeFilterCriteriaList_Type


enum  State_Type {
  idle, deleting, configure, executing,
  showing, refreshing
enum  AccountState_Type { AccountIdle, AccountDeleting, AccountDownloading, AccountRefreshing }
enum  FilterAction_Type {
  FActPass, FActDelete, FActMark, FActMove,
  FActSpamcheck, FActIgnore, FActNone

Detailed Description

All special types for KShowMail.

Typedef Documentation

typedef QMap<QString, bool> Types::AccountTaskMap_Type

Map to notice which accounts need to get an order to do a task. The Key is the account name and the data a boolean. TRUE means the task was ordered, FALSE the task was ended.

typedef list<FilterCriteria_Type> Types::FilterCriteriaList_Type

List of filter criterias.

typedef QValueList<int> Types::MailNumberList_Type

List of mail numbers. It is a QValueList of integers.

typedef QMap<int, DownloadActionParams_Type> Types::MailToDownloadMap_Type

This map is used by ConfigElem and ShowRecord to hold a list of mail numbers which shall be downloaded for some filter actions; at time for moving and spam check

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum Types::AccountState_Type

State of an account.

AccountIdle  it's doing nothing
AccountDeleting  a deletion is running
AccountDownloading  the account is downloading mail bodies
AccountRefreshing  the account is refreshing its mail list

enum Types::FilterAction_Type

Actions returned by filters.

FActPass  Mail has passed the filter check. It can showed in the list.
FActDelete  Undesirable mail. Delete it.
FActMark  Probably undesirable mail. Mark it in the mail list.
FActMove  Move the mail to a certain mail box. The name of the box will returned by a further parameter.
FActSpamcheck  This mail shall be forwared to a spam filter, which checks the whole mail including body.
FActIgnore  This mail shall not be shown.
FActNone  The mail doesn't match up with the filter. Perform the next one.

enum Types::State_Type

State of the application during running time.

idle  it's doing nothing
deleting  it's deleting a message on the server
configure  the user is configuring the application or the mail or just the header of the mail is being shown
executing  a command on the command list is being executed
showing  it's downloading and showing a mail
refreshing  it's refreshing the mail lists

Generated on Tue Apr 1 21:59:50 2008 for kshowmail.kdevelop by  doxygen 1.5.0